My Dad Didn't Believe In Fun - Comedian Kojo Anim - Chocolate Sundaes Standup Comedy

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I like traveling it's been good to be here, man. African daddies are quite strict. My dad didn't believe that children should play. (audience laughs) He didn't believe in children having fun. My dad had a sensor. If he heard kids having fun he would lose it. (audience laughs) He'd be at home, we'd be outside in neighborhood playing. He'd be "(imitates beeping)" (audience laughs) "Who de f*ck is having fun?" (audience laughs) "Who is having fun here?" I had a friend called Micheal Murphy. Micheal Murphy would come outside my house every Saturday morning at 8:00 AM, he's a white kid, same age as me. He'd be outside the house "Hi Mr. Anim, can Kojo come and play?" Guys, I was standing next to my dad inside the house and my dad was like "go downstairs and tell him you are not here." (audience laughs) "Tell him you are not here." (audience laughs) Micheal was the only person that wasn't afraid of my dad, right? Guys, you ever been called inside by your parents, and you get so angry that you start talking sh*t to yourself? You know, you start getting worked up, right? Under your breath. My dad called me. "Kojo! Come here" and I was like, "f*ck, man. Tired of this sh*t! (audience laughs) Why's he keep f*cking with me?" (audience laughs) I was wishing all kind of sh*t on my dad, "Jesus, take him today! (audience laughs) Enough of this sh*t!" I was specific! "Break his left knee!" (audience laughs) "And his right toe!" (audience laughs) Micheal was the only person not afraid of my dad. He had enough as well. He was like, "hey Kojo man, enough is enough. Enough is enough. Your dad is doing this all the time. Kojo, you are a big man. You are eleven. (audience laughs) You've got rights." (audience laughs) Now there was a little part of me that believed in Micheal's spirit. (audience laughs) But I remember he don't live in my house. (audience laughs) So I turned to my dad and said "Dad, what's up? "Go to de store, and buy me a drink." Guys, this is all I said: "Dad! Can you get it yourself?" (audience gasps) That's exactly what I heard. Ladies and gentlemen it was 1:00 PM, but it got dark real quick. (audience laughs) The pigeons weren't even flying anymore, they came down towards me (imitates pigeon cooing) (audience laughs) (imitates pigeon cooing urgently) (audience laughs) "Don't say that, bro!" (audience laughs) Now there's three stages, right to when you disrespect an African parent. The first thing they do, is they lose their mind. They can't believe you. (audience murmuring) How crazy you must be. My dad heard my bullsh*t ad he was like. "(maniacal laughter) Okay, so you want to die." (audience laughs) The next thing he does, right, is he has to break down the disrespect. "So let me get dis straight. I am de fada. The fada, F-A-D-A." (audience laughs) "De fada." (audience laughs) "De fada asked the son to go to the store and buy me a drink. The son replied to the fada who created him 'I said I should get it myself' Jesus, can you believe it?" (audience laughs) Guys, that is all I remember. I woke up in hospital f*cked up. (audience laughs) I used to be light-skinned. This is a bruise. (audience laughs)
Channel: Chocolate Sundaes Comedy
Views: 61,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chocolate sundaes comedy show, comedy show, comedy, laughs, hollywood, stand up, stand up comedy, chocolate sundaes, chocolate sundaes comedy, laugh, haha, funny, best comedy show, best comedy, kojo anim stand up comedy, kojo anim comedian, kojo anim britains got talent, kojo anim comedy, african culture, british comedians, laugh factory, laugh factory blaq ron, laugh factory stand up comedy, laugh factory chocolate sundaes, laugh factory gay date
Id: o8BmaghD3k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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