My Crystal Set Up v4 - PvP & PvE Beginner to End Game | Black Desert

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all right what is going on everyone and welcome  back to more Black Desert my name is John and   today I wanted to do another update video on  my crystals and how I set everything up and the   reason why is because we actually did change  a few things and I wanted to talk about this   from a beginner perspective as well so things you  should get and things I would recommend for both   beginners to mid-tier players and end game so  things I would recommend transitioning into as   you get more silver and ultimately I get that when  you're a beginner you're probably like I'm just   going to use whatever crystals I get and then when  you get to the end game it's like should I spend 5   billion on this Crystal or not or if I disconnect  which Crystal am I losing today so anyway wanted   to go over this this is probably like version four  which is I guess what do we have today so we have   10 presets um these are for PVE mostly and I guess  this one is more I guess like it could be for   bosses but it depends if I'm doing open world or  not uh these bottom three are PVP and then this is   a PVE defense and resistances I guess is more for  like very specific grind spots life skills and XP   so I guess the most important thing and the one  that most people are going to be wondering about   is the PPE part because uh that's what most people  do in this game now especially that we have Marty   realm stuff so anyway with that said uh this is  PVE this is my general go-to when I'm grinding   in most spots and uh yeah so we have two glorious  awkward ones so these are pretty important if you   are looking into grinding because these are just  extra AP against Monsters the one you really want   um I remember back in the day I never really  used to use Mac a lots because they weren't   good but once they came out with the ultimate  versions which are these uh these actually   became pretty decent so for maculas the ultimate  ones in particular I don't think it's worth using   the uh Han ones or whatever the lower tier ones  so yeah if you can get ultimates that's good uh   chances are you're probably gonna have to make  it yourself or do the land of the Morning Light   because they there are orders on it so let's  keep that in mind um rebellious crystals which   are pretty expensive and like these are one of  these crystals that I really would like to not   lose if I uh got clapped or disconnected  in this game and then of course the gear   insteer we'll talk about replacements for  the five Bill crystals later and corrupteds   which are very cheap these days remember  they used to be a lot not So Much Anymore   um then we have two glorious Lucas uh mostly for  the attack and cast speed and accuracy but the   extra damage to humans if I'm doing like human  damage PVE which is not so often but it's mostly   for the attack and cast speed and then uh brutal  decimation which is the land of the Morning Light   crystals because it gives more damage to monsters  and back attack damage which is really nice so I I   think here's what I would do if I were a beginner  and I wish I could show you different ones   um and you didn't have the two a Lucas were here  like the extra attack and cast speed is nice but   as a beginner or a mid-tier player you don't  really need it as much um you can definitely   replace it with more health or something or  just lower tier uh crystals or like resistances   depending on what you need um but you could  also just really just replace it with anything um so you don't really need these and I also  get that people don't have the garmoth's heart   in your uh I think it's offhand offhand and maybe  Awakening so like I don't think Awakening matters   let me let me double check that real quick so  Awakening gains Crystal slots and then this one is   oh it's just a fiery okay so it is just  the Awakening one it's been a while so   yeah if you don't have the two extra slots  that's fine you can also use to karanda's   heart for one of them and these are just a  bonus if you don't have them just replace it   with uh this Red Fang crystals which are thing  like these things which is just gives critical   hit and more AP so I think these are very good  budget option for just people who are looking   to stack monster or just AP which is one to one  dim monster damage so that's just a bonus five   all right so if you don't have gear and  steer which is a very end game Crystal   once again get another dark Red Fang or  you can add more accuracy if you need it   um we're going into the PBX and this is more for  like when I'm not in my Marnie realm and let's   say I'm grinding a spot where I'm like mostly  PVE eating but someone's like hey duel for spot   or something which ever since the Marnie realm  change where you can get it like every other hour   I really haven't had that issue so this is what  I used before and I guess if you're grinding in   a spot that doesn't have it uh you might want to  have some sort of extra crystals for that so this   build is more for PVE but being able to hold  your spot in like a PVP situation so basically   grinding and I guess damage to humans is the PVP  part of it which is really nice we got the two new   Visionary L Car crystals which is best in slot  but there are uh other Alternatives which are   like the regular L cars the difference is you're  just losing eight accuracy per Crystal which is   pretty a lot but once again like what can you get  it's more intermediate to end game crystals and   of course you're going to use gin special evasions  uh ideally you want the Gins because they give the   extra Health but if you can't and you only  have the basic ones for the special attack   evasion 10 that's really worth it and of course  the reason why we use vipers and the L cars are   for the accuracy because accuracy is important  for PVP and we'll talk about that more when we   go into the full on that uh PVP crystals so this  is a big mix of both we also have the RBF power   um if you don't have the what could you replace  it with you could probably get yourself more uh   defensive stats or you could even put more  Monster damage you could either also put in   like other crystals that are viable if you wanted  to or resistances it's a flex plot you just put   in whatever you want but this is the PVE with a  mix of being able to hold your own spot in PvP   so this one is PB e accuracy and I'll be honest  I don't really use this one too often to places   you would use it are like the very high-end  spots like Crypt of resting thoughts where   you really do need a lot there um the tongue grad  runes which is the 320 AP Zone I think you need   around like 920 accuracy to be like no misses  or very few misses here so this is mostly the   standard PBE setup but then what we have is back  attack damage a little bit of accuracy in AP the   reason why we use this one instead of the standard  uh corrupteds is mostly because you get the little   bit of extra accuracy on the side here as well as  you don't lose um like extra damage reduction so   basically you're slightly tankier does it matter  not really but you get more accuracy on the side   with this one and chances are most people can do  back attacks just fine without too much issue so   that's why we use it but it's the damage that  much better a little bit but I mean you have   to be back attacks which is just creating and  then of course we have the accuracy over here so   20 40 and then another 20 over here so 60 extra  accuracy that the standard PVE one doesn't have   and yeah that's about it those are same  without the extra damage loss and more accuracy   this one is the EXP one um very straightforward  uh every time you do a season you get more of   these resplendent Kydex crystals and you just  put all of them in there because it gives you   a solid chunk of XP it's pretty nice  especially if you're doing overnight   training on a dummy it just adds up over time  is it a lot more not really but it adds up   life skills is still a work in progress because  I've been swapping things in and out but mostly   picked a life skill that you like doing I made  a video of this about a few days ago which I'll   leave a link in the description to Lifestyle  crystals which one is better is exp better   versus Mastery so if you want to watch that in  a very in-depth detail of uh what I would do   um just check that one out I'll leave a link  in the description so let's talk about the PVP   section now so these three tabs um this is PVP  damage which is full glass Cannon um the reason   why we use that is like extra damage to humans  more extra damage to humans and more extra damage   and then you still have to get a bit of accuracy  and this is more of an end game build so uh when   you're doing any sort of PVP ink you always want  to have special evasion crystals just feels better   and then you have to have some accuracy and PVP  damage and then this is these bottom crystals   are basically straight glass Cannon damage along  with the corrupteds so yeah yeah do I see people   using this often no I see people using it more  in RBF than capped Wars so just keep that in mind   um it's cool I guess uh PVP defense now this one  is more of a defensive play style I don't really   use it so much on my Dark Knight as a wood other  classes and it feels a lot better for non-dark   nights to be honest so the goal of this one is  to be as more or less uh defensive as possible   while still being able to do damage so we have  four uh whom crystals and the hanums are still   pretty good which is something I'd still  recommend even if you don't have ultimates   um special evasion you're gonna see this in all  the PVP sets You're Gonna Want Some accuracy as   well so being able to actually hit your targets  really good and here's where the defensive part   comes in aside from the four hooms we have uh two  frozen bitterness crystals over here which adds a   20 Dr more Evasion for it goes I guess both ways  if you're evasion or Dr and I guess monster damage   reduction which is irrelevant um we have a crystal  over here for resistances this one you could Flex   it out with whatever sort of resistances you want  or if you just feel like you want more damage cool   and then this one is pretty important the  five Bill Crystal the purple one because it   just gives a lot of uh stats that give you the  ability to be tankier so I think this is fun um   it definitely works better if you like build  more defensively in general like your gear is   all DP Dr or evasion so this would definitely  be a lot better but it's one of those things   that you just feel like oh I'm getting clapped a  lot then I should I want to just be tankier cool   so this is the PVP accuracy setup that I have now  this is what I consider like more or less standard   uh stuff you'll see people using in wars and RBF  and everything open world so what's different is   here is we're building a little bit of accuracy  with more like resistances and also it's kind   of like a mixed bag of accuracy uh health and  like survivability along with resistances so   um this red Crystal over here it gives the most  offensive but it kind of has some weird stats   at a point where if you feel like you need um  anything else you could just swap it out but   I think this one is a good mix of a little bit  of everything so this is overall balanced and   I think overall that this one is the one  you'll see more people using in general and   it's not like full highest damage but it does  have like a little bit more survivability in   everything and resistances as well with more  accuracy so I guess that's that but I guess   this could be also called resistances  so this is the PVE defense I personally   don't really use this as often if I'm grinding a  lower end spot or things I know I can just survive   pretty often but when I try new spots like for  example when I started the tongrad ruins or the   city of the dead spots that came out which is  like 310 320 AP uh I just wanted to make sure   I wouldn't get like one-shotted so this is what  I had um a mix of damage but defensive I know   it looks a little bit different than this one um  this one has more accuracy and PVP survivability   this one has more damage but still being slightly  tankier and here is the resistances build this one   it's kind of like the PVE difference is  it has resistance crystals it's I mean   like there's no accuracy like this one and  this one is more damaged but this one has uh   resistance is a mix you can have two adamantines  two Giants do whatever but the places I use this   one is probably like ash Forest you know how like  when the vulcross goes down and then spins and if   your class is not WUSA or zerker or classic  doesn't have um permanent iframes chances are   you're gonna get cc'd and especially if it's  nighttime it gets kind of bad so being able   to resist while still being able to do damage is  pretty nice so one thing I wanted to talk to you   guys about and build for as a new player and  I guess like intermediate level who like let's   say your crystals aren't worth 20 billion silver  or wondering how do I do a lot of this all right   so beginner crystals if you are an absolute  beginner I would go for a black magic Crystal   precisions because they're about like six million  silver and this uh L cars and Visionary L cars   these are all basically the same in terms of  they ignore all resistances ten percent the   difference is the amount of accuracy they  give I think nowadays being able to get an   L Car Crystal is very cheap and inexpensive like  60 mil versus six so you would be transitioning   out of precisions very quickly um because L cars  are very good and I guess it depends what you're   doing if your main goal is PVE you probably  don't need L cars but if you want to do any   PVP in the future you're gonna look into L cars  because accuracy is important believe it or not um rebellious Spirit crystals uh yeah these  are two billion each or very close to it   as a new player I can't recommend  it because it's just so expensive   um what I would recommend in place of that  is probably a voltara crystal or equivalent   um I know you can use an awakened Spirits  Crystal and voltara to combine it into   rebellious but having one or the other is like  literally less silver billions less and so   you you could also have those dark Red Fang valors  that we talked about earlier and I think those are   good because those just give straight up AP which  is one to one with monster AP but you just don't   get the extra uh like extra bonus damage and  no extra survivability on the side so you're   just getting damaged but no survivability  which I think is okay for intermediate level   because you're probably not grinding anything too  crazy that has crazy mechanics um we talked about   corrupted crystals versus mysterious darkness and  if you look at the difference it's critical damage   versus back attack but these back attack ones  give accuracy well as this one reduces your Dr   which makes you take more damage and um I would  say overall corrupteds are generally better   but if you find yourself in the point where  you just need the accuracy and don't want to   take extra damage but you can do back attacks a  lot then I think mysterious Darkness are better   but I would say corrupteds are generally um  overall better for most places than most people   um let's see critical hit damage yeah these  are pretty good but these are also like very   beginner versions critical hit versus corrupt is  I think I would still go corrupted for most people   So Glorious Lucas and akarads um these are  definitely end game crystals because they're   not very cheap but they also they don't give  enough stats to the point where a beginner to   intermediate level player would use it um so  that's why I think it's an end game Crystal   and then special of Asian crystals so  here's the basic one for beginner players   basically what you want is special attack  abation rate plus 10 that's pretty standard   for all classes if you can get a gin one it's  the same thing but with an extra 100 HP and if   you were to compare that to a lot of other things  100 HP on accessories or gear is worth billions   whereas one of these crystals is probably like  700 million so I think it is worth it um but as   an entry level just get the special attack evasion  before the HP and you can get the Jinn or not the   Gin like the one or Bond ones if you're on a  budget but at least have these as a Baseline   uh adamantines and Giants these are resistance  crystals um yes I also do agree that resistances   are kind of a meme to an extent so use it if you  think you need it and if you don't need it you   don't need it so one of those things it's one of  those you feel like you need it so Viper crystals   pretty standard um these are more for PVP and  so accuracy at or PVP is very important um it is   worth a lot if you compare it to accessories like  let's say a tet Dawn earring is like 30 something   accuracy 20 accuracy is a lot so if  you just look at the prices of various   other things you realize that getting  the crystal version is a lot cheaper   so RBF crystals Viper powers harpias and all that  stuff um harpias are the budget versions for PVP   and because you if you look at the Crystal  group it says rbf2 whereas this one says rbf1 um   this one gives a mix of survivability plus damage  this one gives more damage so I think these are   a good entry level whereas these two are like Max  damage you know how to play your class in your kid   uh these are life skills so you're we're talking  about the ultimate hums and Mac Lots here   obviously these can be used in both PVP and  PVE I think it's a little bit better in uh   PVE situations it also gives combat XP which  is nice so that's good and then these are all   just defensive and XP crystals so let me just  do something else before we wrap up over here   all right so let's say you put four of  these we talked about all the crystals   I would recommend trying to get ultimate hooms but  if you can't but like our red Battlefield crystals   or uh dark Red Fang crystals here because those  are like 200 melon these are one billion each   if you don't have the garments heart and your  Awakening weapon don't worry about these then   as these are just bonuses on the side things you  do want as an entry level are at least corrupteds   um could also get some power crystals as well I  would try to recommend getting brutal decimations   but it is expensive so either way what I would  just recommend is like I told you what all of   these are and you could just there's a lot that  we talk about that are cheap and all the way to   end game so hopefully that helped you and yeah  those are basically all my crystals if you have   any questions on what you have or you just don't  know where to start um feel free to ask leave it   in the comments join the Discord and all that  good stuff and I'm happy to point you in the   right direction but these are keep in mind just  what I use and this works for me but yeah for   the most part just as a tldr this is like the  setup you'll see most people running because   um being able to hit people with accuracy  is probably one of the most important things   um depending on who you're fighting if  you just want to go full glass Cannon   this is what you'll see um defensive builds  I've seen a little bit different varieties   of HP stacking and all that stuff  but I think this is a good mix of   tankiness plus being able to actually still like  do a little bit of damage and then everything else   is personal preference so once again here's the  Baseline PVE one that I use and yeah so that's   all I wanted to talk about thanks so much for  watching I know this is a long video but hopefully   if you stuck around till the end uh you learn  something out of it and if you're wondering how   to do something uh join the Discord I'm happy to  help you guys and point you in the right direction   so yeah that's all I'll see you guys tomorrow  see you with another cool video later peace
Channel: Jonlaw98
Views: 9,674
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Keywords: Black Desert Online, Black Desert, BDO, Review, Jonlaw98, Jonlaw, Jonlaw Guide, Black Desert Review, Jonlaw Black Desert, Black Desert Gameplay, bdo guide, black desert guide, bdo jonlaw, BDO Beginner Guide, jon, law, john, new player guide bdo, how to make silver, bdo elixir rotation, jonlaw guide, bdo best crystals, black desert online crystal set up, bdo pvp crystals, bdo pve crystals, bdo lifeskill crystals, bdo ultimate crystals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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