a single word changed my life forever

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hi I'm Celina and four years ago things were a lot different for me I had no friends I did horrible at school and on top of it all I used to sit at a table alone every day at lunchtime no one bothered to even talk to me often I had lunch in the school's bathrooms because all the tables were full and no one invited me to sit with them that went on for two years by the time I was 17 I was at home alone with no friends and I weighed almost 200 pounds my classmates hated me my teachers hated me I hated myself my life was hell I didn't want anyone to know about my problems so I pretended everything was okay in front of my mom but one day I noticed that my secret notebook was gone I looked for it everywhere until I found it with my mom she had noticed it was under my pillow and she read everything every single bad thing I was going through my mom was in tears after that mom decided to send me to therapy the therapist thought the best option for me was to move to the city and be homeschooled it was the fresh start I need it and while it made me feel better about myself my life was as boring as it could possibly be no happy birthday no prom no boyfriend to share it with since I didn't have to do much other than studying I finished school before I was 18 my teacher then suggested that I follow a science career he thought I was very smart that was the first step to changing my whole life the fact that a teacher believed in me for the first time in years reminded me I was not stupid I became more motivated and I decided to change my life I started going to the gym and losing weight I studied for my LSAT and got the highest score possible on my 18th birthday I received a letter from the University I was accepted I finished college by my early 20s and got a job immediately as a structural engineering assistant at a major company I was doing really well at my first job and soon enough I was given my first independent project I couldn't believe how much I'd changed since high school I wasn't the loser kid anymore I was somebody but then my world flipped upside down when I found out where my first project was going to be my old school my nightmare school the school wanted to make some structural changes to the building and they'd hired my company for it I tried to pass the job to another person but no one would take it I was at the edge of a panic attack the day finally came and I took a deep breath as I stood still like a statue and from the main building it was the very first day of school and the parking lot was packed my nightmare was all over my memory again I won't lie I felt insecure I forced myself inside the building passing through the students like an aisle to hell but then the weirdest thing happened a hot tall built guy probably a senior past next to me and said hi beautiful smiling I froze did he just call me beautiful I smiled back and he stopped walking and came back towards me Oh breathe Salina breathe are you new I haven't seen you around he said yes it sounded like a question I coughed yes I said more convincingly now he scanned my entire body and winked at me nice see you around he said then a girl passed next to me and complimented my clothes was I dreaming it had to be a dream I continued to the main office to introduce myself to the headmaster so I could begin my work but when I was about to enter a group of beautiful girls probably the popular ones in high school stopped me and asked me what classes I had I don't know I said still a bit frightened I was going to find out now let us help you once said and they all got inside the office with me what would I say I was obviously not on the students list the secretary said it was normal that sometimes the files came in late one of the girls said she was a senior and asked me if I was a senior I don't know why I said yes everything happened so fast I had no time to explain anything I had to act surprised as they showed me around even though I knew every corner of that school they were laughing chatting and introducing me to everyone I didn't know how it happened but by lunchtime everyone was saying hi to me as if we were old friends when we got inside the cafeteria I panicked again I wasn't sure what to eat but then again through the past three years I got used to eating healthy food so I grabbed a fruit juice and continued they started laughing and I thought oh no they're laughing at me but then one of the girls said she was so jealous of me by only eating one fruit and asked me how I could do that I told them that my secret was to eat less more times a day then we walked towards the table talking about diets and such I hesitated before sitting with them but they quickly opened a space for me it was a dream it really was a dream for the first time in my life I was popular the hot guy that spoke to me earlier whose name was Ashton came to our table and sat next to me God he was handsome and he smelled really nice - what are you doing Selina you're going to jail for this but as if my dream wasn't spectacular enough he said his 18th birthday was next week and asked me personally if I would go to his party I froze again I looked at the other girls they were smiling chilling I guess they were obviously invited and I was the only one that hadn't confirmed yet yeah sure I said as casually as possible but then I remembered I had to be back in the city next week dang well since I was already lying what would another small I do I would tell my boss I needed more time and stay at my grandma's who was still living there I talked to my boss and lied to him and then I talked to my sister and lied to her too saying that I was working at our old school and they told me they needed a copy of her ID for archive reasons I don't know how she believed me but she sent me a copy by mail and on the very next day I was at school again now not as Selena but Sarah the popular girls asked me about it and I said it was a family thing that they call me Selena as a loving nickname man I was making up lies faster than I could manage that first week passed like a wind I was with the popular girls everyday hanging out in school and after we went shopping together and now that I had money and an amazing body I bought myself a really nice dress for the party I went to the party feeling really good about myself hello birthday boy I told Ashton when I saw him he scanned me again and smiled I hope you were my present he said I was in heaven I went to the dance and I honestly don't remember much after that only that I was in a dream I hoped would never end his kisses ah they were another universe it was the best night of my life the next day at school I was in the bathroom when I heard some girls coming in I thought I heard my name so I stayed inside and listened that dress one of the girls yelled I must a Selena where she got it from ASAP I smiled thinking that they liked my sense of fashion but then all of them started laughing were they being sarcastic Oh Ashton kiss me my birthday boy mm-wha one of them continued as they all laughed I couldn't believe this I thought the popular girls liked me tears started running down my cheeks I couldn't believe that everything was fake I was so involved with this high school life that I had completely forgotten to call my boss with work progress I wasn't answering his calls or messages either so before I knew it I saw him standing at the school's hallway talking to students as soon as I stepped out of the washrooms I don't think I have to tell you what happened next I saw my classmates standing next to him they pointed at me I could tell they were mad right away they already knew everything they found out I was lying I don't really remember much after that everything escalated quickly in no time I had no more friends and no more job my boss fired me instantly and left my classmates walked away without even letting me explain I even saw Ashton standing there he stared at me for a moment longer than denied in silence and went back inside I sat on a bench outside and stood there for a long time like a ghost as all the students got inside for class I saw myself alone again I didn't really care about all the fake friends I had around the school but Ashton he was different and I had genuine feelings for him he refused to hear me out though I tried to call him or contact him in any way but he shut me down every time there was nothing else for me to do in that town so I collected my stuff and went back to the city I felt like a loser again I had no job nothing to do and I stayed home eating away my feelings but after a while I got an email from my boss inviting me to a meeting he was hoping we could sort things out so I went and I explained everything to him he was shocked with my story he even said he was sorry for being so tough with me I got my job back but I was not really happy I was still thinking about Ashton I thought that I would never see him again but again I thought wrong I was walking outside my house and I saw him standing there I couldn't believe it was him I walked up to him and he stood in front of me for a long moment in silence I couldn't find any words in my mind to speak either so we just stared at each other and then he broke the silence and said I know you lied and I hate you for it but I can't help it because I'm in love with you I can't stop thinking about you Selena all the air I was keeping in my lungs went out through my mouth and all I could do was smile I have in love with you too I told him Ashton got closer and kissed me I was on cloud nine
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 4,012,273
Rating: 4.8341832 out of 5
Id: Sm6COt3Ce34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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