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[Music] so come on [Music] [Music] Missy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're nuts good morning it's a really windy day today uh it's blowing 20 knots and it's gusting about 35 so when you have the big blow and the gusting on top of each other it can get a little dangerous um these days are pretty tough for Peach um because she just we just can't be outside it's too dangerous the branch falls on her head I'll knock her right out so yeah so I try and entertain her as much as I can inside but she's taken off now she's she's long gone so I hope nothing falls on her head um but I may be getting ahead of myself some of you um may not know that Buttercup passed away at the end of last summer I'm going to try I don't talk about this at all so I'm going to try really hard not to cry um yeah so mostly you know she was an old girl she was you know almost 13 new founds generally live from 8 to 10 years so you know she was almost 13 so I had her for a really long time and yeah I was really lucky um but yeah so she passed away at the end of the summer and I was so sad I just lost my lost my Moto for a really long time so I I kind of sat in my sorrow for a while a long while and I decided I I figured I would never get another dog again I just had had enough of dogs dying but she's so funny anyway so I ended up joining a couple of Facebook groups of local uh dogs rescues I just looked and looked it was about probably two months I just kind of looked and felt so sad seeing all these dogs but then after a couple of months I thought there's so many dogs out there that that need our help they're just and I just thought this would be an amazing life for a dog and it was selfish of me not to help a dog experience this life so anyways Peach's post caught my attention she struggles with meeting people she's a bit Oh I thought that was an orca it's not she struggles a bit with meeting new people I should say so this place is perfect for her it's really just her and I for most of the time she's still getting to know the owners um when there's anybody on the property she's on a leash full-time she's not running around um which is fine it's it's not a bad thing because the freedom she gets here when it's just her and eyes is pretty incredible it's it's a dog's dream I think to live on an island like this and have the freedom that she does and she's unbelievable with her recall if I call her there's the OD time where I have to call her twice cuz she's into something she probably shouldn't be into um but when I call her it's like she just comes running like it's the best thing she can do in that moment in her entire life it just makes me laugh every time so that's one thing I'm really grateful for about her especially in this environment is that her recall is is pretty fabulous but anyway so that's Peach and she's yeah she's just been really loving it here you just want to run run run oh you got hair coming out of your butt oh look at that big chunk of hair man look that came out of your butt how do you feel about that oh look at all that hair this winter so far has been wind wind wind wind apparently the rest of British Columbia is covered in snow we haven't had any snow here I'm going to be honest I haven't done a whole heck of a lot outside in the last few weeks the wind has been so bad that it's just not safe to be outside hi you got your ball just love that ball she loves that ball it's like the best thing in the world to her we did have a couple of nice days I think about a week ago where I was able to break and clean up all the debris and branches that fell in the big winds and uh get them all burned [Music] up [Music] ready one 2 3 good job Binky [Music] [Music] girl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy [Music] my plan yesterday was it yesterday yesterday was to uh there's a bunch of wood over by the wood splitter that has to be done it's wood that came from the water and it's just been drying out it's a lot easier lighter to pick up once it dries out a bit so I left it to dry out and a couple of days ago yesterday anys whatever the last couple of days um I went to split it and the pole cord just snapped off in my hand I went up to the shop checked around unfortunately I just could not find any uh new pull cord or something to replace it with so anyways the owner going to bring some of that the next time he comes which I think is in about a week so yeah I'll be able to get get to the wood splitting then since Peach arrived my main priority here is really just to get to know her just go for walks with her build trust with her i' I've got her to hop onto the boat which is really good she's not afraid of the dock anymore so she goes up and down the dock without a problem when she first arrived here she she was a bit afraid of it this summer I really want to get back on my boat and take a couple of weeks and just cruise around this area because I've never this is the furthest I've been North on my boat I wasn't able to do that with buttercup she was just too old she just could not get back on that boat and I wasn't going to do that to her and honestly if Buttercup couldn't come with me I didn't want to go she was my partner in crime so we just did everything together so I just I didn't want to go sailing without her but yeah so my goal is to get Peach used to the boat and and then this summer hopefully hopefully she takes to the boat um and then this summer I'll introduce her to sailing we'll see see how she does I really hope she does okay but anyways that's that it's short I just wanted to come on and say hello and apologize for being gone for so long um I was just really sad who hi yeah but yeah so um thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Amanda Off-Grid
Views: 5,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #OffGrid #Sailing #BritishColumbia
Id: PYq7jVunXYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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