The WORST Chore in RV Life! (Everyone Hates it!)

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this is surprising to me because when are we leaving let's talk about comments don't judge our dirty Roomba I put it in upside down I guess we got this you feeling it [Music] [Music] we've gone through about 40 Flags here at the National Cemetery fortam Houston we have specific guidance as to where the flag should be center of the headstone 12 in out and then when you're done you read The Headstone tell them thank you we've seen all kinds uh of veterans here family members see there's quite a few people behind me and in front of me doing the same thing we've got big businesses HB USAA we've got the scouts pretty neat to see this in action if you haven't done this you should seek out a cemetery the two biggest times of the year are Memorial Day and then Christmas they do wreaths during Christmas time every word you said for you walk down that road [Music] know this has been such a really cool rewarding experience what a nice way to say thank you to all these service men men and women who gave their lives for us and their families there's a ton of family members that are out here as well so it's refreshing to see the number of people out here volunteering to do this and there's a number of people on our someday crew and on our Facebook page Community who are doing cemeteries within their local areas so check it out if there something you'd like to volunteer for in the future the next big event coming up is in December when ree are laid on all the headstones so we are doing one where we're going to be in December we have a ton of people who have already signed up for re Across America so look it up and see if there's going to be something in your area it is 10:00 and all the flags are in play so we started at 9:00 this went really that I would say there's a couple thousand people here and there's a couple hundred in each section and the bundles are 25 each I think so we we did what six bundles I want to say yeah so we're trying to find more Flags to help fill in the gaps where we can but all the bins are empty so the two sections that we were in had 2500 headstones each and we out of flight yeah so that's pretty amazing I love it I love it everyone out here it's just amazing to see people ask us all the time about recommendations for RV mattresses and until recently we had nothing to share because our mattress was not that great out of my head yeah I'm and I do it cuz [Music] I yeah do it [Music] I I go again I'm losing all control I break my neck theer th I'm buting myin if I'm [Music] it's we got it oh we didn't catch it you okay I might have I'm sure you hit it pretty hard she hit her head for once Stacy hit her head on something in here ah that was a Humdinger wait I forgot about the cabinets you're not that short but you can stand up there okay you're good hold on how many figures I got all right I'm glad we didn't like you feeling on it just a little bit only on this side don't break our bed now here's the key lay down and then get out of bed like you're trying to get out let me roll over let me flop you feeling it roll back overoll back it's really stinky test this we ar recording this [Music] oh yeah do it cuz I [Music] can that was my second workout of the day the first workout was bands this one was the bed and I am sweating I think more now than with the bands which either means it was hard to put the mattress on or I was too wimpy with my first workout I'm not really sure probably the first one we're lucky enough to meet the folks from RV mattress while we were shooting RV unplugged and they told us how easy it was to order one of their mattresses once I checked the reviews and saw their reviews were fantastic I talked to my friends Ben and charity over at grateful glamper and they had nothing but good things to say about the mattresses they already had we said we need to go for it and order a new mattress they offer specific RV sizing to fit our RV perfectly they shipped it right to our Campground straight from their Arizona Factory and we ordered it right after I had left shoulder surgery so I couldn't use both arms to get it into the RV luckily for me I was strong enough that I could only use I only needed my one right hand or right arm to get it in the RV calm down Phil even though Phil's trying to brag about his muscal honestly the way the mattress is packaged and in the box and vacuum sealed it makes it really simple to get in the RV I probably couldn't have carried it by myself but I could have definitely went into to end and like rolled it up and got it into the RV by myself if it was completely o I had no idea how they could stick an RV king mattress into a box and ship it to us yeah it was it was packaged great all right let me show you the mattress we chose we chose the RV King signature hybrid did I get that right Phil yes you did okay I've been saying it wrong oh and a cool mattress pad to go with it this is so silky and here we go this is our new mattress that I love and the reason I love it is cuz our last mattress gave me back pain when I was rolling over and by the time I got up in the morning my back was killing me and I'm sure it's because I had the wrong firmness this is a medium firmness which I have discovered is perfect for me my back has not hurt once since we got this mattress we've only been sleeping on it for about 2 weeks but keep watching watching cuz we're going to continue to give you updates to let you know how the mattress is doing but I'm telling you as of right now this has changed everything for me you know you got to make that bed back right oh no I'm not making it Phil's the bed maker so you know what let's just I'm in heaven it's it nap time thanks again to RV mattress for sponsoring this video and for giving me the best night sleep in years all right so now let's do the small print real quick so RV mattress gives you 120-day sleep trial it also has a 10year warranty and has free shipping so you can get all RV mattress sizes as well as sizes for your house you you said that wrong it's supposed to be I 12 trial shipping you know you got to talk real fast that way they don't get all the small stuff oh well you know we got so many questions a couple of weeks ago about our new grill I'm going to try and catch Phil while he's cleaning it to see if we can't answer some are you done yet yeah oh man he's already finished I was hoping we could answer a few questions about the grill let me flip the camera around I'll answer it for you it's easy to clean okay so it is super simple to clean it has been one of the easiest grills to clean since we've been on the road I think yeah it is I mean nothing sticks to this thing I mean literally I you can just rinse it off most times and for those occasional stubborn burn marks or sticky marks this little brush One swipe clean so I really love um everything about this Grill it folds up nice closes up nice I should say and come over here Stace let me show them this so Ann let's talk about the size because we got a lot of people concerned about the size of the grill yeah look oh the uh so you take out the this is the the pellet bucket it's a little dark let me come on this side of you yeah I just take this when I'm cleaning up I just take it the next day I don't do it the same day cuz it's still hot yeah and boom done now you're right you said something about the size and we've been getting a lot of comments about the size of it it looks massive it it look like really with Phil Santa behind it it looks huge but honestly it is smaller than the black stone that we had what size Blackstone do we have before so we had a 22in Blackstone that was longer this one is definitely not as long or as wide as the Blackstone it's a little taller but I can I can recoup the space this way yeah this way I had plenty of space cuz I would always stack stuff on top of the Blackstone in the storage bait so this one literally I'm just lifting it here when I can with my two good arms once he's able to yeah but the black stone was much wider and more awkward it was from under the basement and our Blackstone if you if you hadn't seen it we had a lid on our so it made it a little bit taller it looked much bigger believe it or not both of them are the same weight and what we really want to let you know is you can get a ninja smoker and Grill one size smaller than this one so if you want something smaller and still want to be able to smoke your your food and have the same options we have except for one it doesn't come with the Wi-Fi thermostat but doesn't come with these but you can get the smaller Grill and you can go online and order independent thermostats that connect to your cell phone so you can have the same thing only a very much I don't know how many inches but it is a lot smaller than this one yeah you don't have to have all the Gucci bells and whistles the Wi-Fi and the Bluetooth and all that like alth really like the it is nice but if you're sitting around a campsite and you're you know old school griller and you tend to the the grill you know every 5 minutes or whatever and you're Phil and you get distracted and you forget and you need to look at your phone so you don't burn stuff it's perfect win-win and there were a couple people concerned that it would take an hour or two or three or four to make a meal every time and that is not the case if you want it to be exclusively a smoker yes it takes a long time but you can put it on grill and the time frame is is is exactly the same time as any other Grill but it will add a bit of smoke to what you're cooking during that time exactly how I did the salsa right we have not been out here for 2 hours in this Texas heat cooking I can guarantee you that oh heck no and with although with our little cell phone I close it up and go inside anyway cheat she sends me out to turn go turn it go plug it in turn time to turn time to take it off go check it well to be honest I'm usually making sides or something in there so it's usually a winwin we've had problems with our kitchen sink draining recently and it's got an odor to it that's not pleasant at all so we think our hepo valve this little guy here is clogged so today I'm going to change it out there we go all right I have the hepo valve out and it is pretty clogged it's pretty nasty I mean there's a big hole I don't know why it's draining so slow unless it's further down in the drain pipe somewhere I'm going to flush this out here into a bin that's still down there and see if the water is Flowing from here and then once I get the the new valve on uh hopefully that does that does the trick um but man it's pretty nasty this is surprising to me because we really take good care in not putting grease down the drain we wipe if we have a a grease dish we wipe it out with a paper towel as much as we can so we know there's some going down but I guess over the years it accumulates we did change this out uh probably four years ago maybe so I guess we've done pretty good although I did realize that I did have I put it in upside down I guess so I had it to where you see here the ribs were up the ribs are supposed to be down on the bottom of it like so so yeah you live and learn I went ahead and pulled off the entire drain assembly underneath each drain on either side of the sink and as you can see pretty sludgy so we do have an outdoor kitchen with a big old sink out there so I think I'm going to take this outside and scrub it really good now let's run some water through it and see if we have any leaks okay water's going down it's not coming up on the other side oh I see a leak I just saw a drip not good again no plugs in and I have water sitting here okay I fixed the leak I put a little uh tape on the threads there on the end coming out from the Dual drain pipe uh that seemed to have done the trick but uh the water is still standing and I made a mess when I took that off I got impatient and I didn't wait for it to drain all the way I think I'm going to call Stacy she's out running errands right now um I'm going see if she can get a plunger maybe we can plunge this and get a little pressure maybe something is stuck in the hose and we can push it through I don't know if not if that doesn't work then I'm going to have to trace that line all the way to the gray tank as we prepare to finally get out of here from my shoulder rehab um I'm starting to put things back in the rig get it ready look at stuff that I need to uh check before we leave you know going over my spreadsheet and whatnot so I don't know exactly when we're leaving so let me go ask the boss when we're leaving when are we leaving uh about 15 days 15 okay all right so there you have it 15 days I said we're leaving or prepping to leave but I didn't know the exact date I can't wait yeah it's getting soon it is so what do we got left on the checklist for today um well I need to do the dishes and we need to start dinner so we're done with the checklist for now gotcha so I see you have one headphone in what are you listening to I'm listening to my book okay look I'm trying to get through my book we have um been we've had a book club now for over a year and I'm behind on my book so if you're interested in joining our book club we would love to have you as a matter of fact check this out uh oh hold on look I may have uh um I might be becoming an addict okay I've always been an addict I'd love to read but now I just have books as well as audible so if you want to join us if you're a book lover feel free you can go to the website or Google reads we're in both places you can get all the info yeah but what does that consist of do you all just get the same book and read it I mean how do you go over the book club what's the book club consist of pH Phil has no idea what a book club is so he's asking from someone who's cluess if you know what a book club is you'll you know so we'll put out every month we'll put out the book of the month we will review it together and discuss it on good reads and for people in the someday crew we actually do a zoom and discuss it via Zoom so if you want to discuss it via Zoom join the crew um if not then meet us over on Goodreads and that's why I'm not in the book club yeah because uh Phil won't even read of anything unless it's a picture book yeah no and it literally the minute I walk outside she's like she puts it in and she starts listening to it and normally when I walk in she'll turn it off so we can have a conversation and today uh sometimes yeah today I hey Stacy Stacy yeah is some in your ear so if you're interested I'm not jump over and check out the book club oh and we are hoping if we get enough people interested and enough uh people on Google reads and stuff like that we want to start planning events centered around our book club so obviously Phil won't be invited because he's not participating but you know join the book club let's read some books together and hopefully we'll be able to put some events together soon that's one event you won't see me at I'll help behind the scenes but I won't go okay I'm holding them to that yeah let's talk about the sink that kicked my butt a couple days ago and it's still kicking our butts yeah so I did get a hold of Stacy she did bring home a plunger and the plunger seemed to do the trick until it didn't or so we thought yeah so it's still there's still something in the line that we think because it drains really really slow well I mean some days it does really good and we forget about it and then the next day I feel like it's trickling out so um something still got to be going on in there slowing things down yeah so I'm going to I'm definitely going to plunge it again and and see if we can't get something pushed on through uh if that continues then I am definitely going to have to Chase trace the drain line and see if you know maybe there's I don't know we had this problem before with the same drain line make sure that we don't have another Kink or something I say it was a kink so who knows who knows with these RVs you know it's always something something happening yeah oh and and one other thing since we're just you know chatting today let's talk about comments are not comments subscribers we've got a ton of email and comments saying YouTube is unsubscribing people so I want everyone to look down underneath the video and see if they're subscribed if you are not subscribed please go ahead and hit the Subscribe button if you watched more than one of our videos we would love for you to join the community so hit that subscribe button and if you've been unsubscribed please resubscribe yeah it's it's so weird that people say hey I thought you guys were gone I just found again and we got a ton of those emails and it's happening not just to us it's across YouTube um in general so again tell your friends check your subscription status and make sure that your favorite RV channel name today is Sunday has been subscribed to or any of your favorite YouTube channels make sure you check and make sure you haven't been unsubscribed so those I don't know what's going on with the analytics but it really is one of the best ways to support us it by hitting that subscribe button it really does make a difference for us and for YouTube so if you're looking for a way to say thanks the Subscribe button really is the first way to do it there you have it thanks Public Service Announcement number three today and if you're on the TV just hit the QR code at the end ah I knew there was something say yes and that will help guide you um to subscribe to the channel a lot of good info today so you're going to want to watch this whole thing over and over and over and over you're so weird is this a shirt you were talking about yes we keep getting a ton of comments on it so we got to let the people know oh that it's ours yes oh it is ours yeah this is in our store I designed it so if you like it and you're interested of course we'll put a link to our store this one's ours too so we have quite a few I call these Adventure teas and there's quite a few of them over there there's all kind of stuff so I will put the link to the store of course down below or with the QR code that will be at the end the only other thing is we have one cabin left on our 2025 today is somay crew so if you're interested you better not wait cuz it's going to be gone in no time and we hope to see you on the high seas all right guys thanks for watching and hopefully one day we'll see you on on the road don't judge our dirty room behind us we're doing laundry La we're doing laundry
Channel: Today is Someday
Views: 21,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Worst chore in rv life, full time rving, rv living, full time rv living, full time rv life, full time travel, fulltime rv living, rv travel vlog, full time travel life, full time rvers, full time travel in retirement, rv living full time, today is someday
Id: lbrr07Yw_40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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