My Chinese Wife is a Doctor, How Did we Meet?

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This is a story for the ages.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome to another video well this is a little bit of a special video going to discuss how we met each other now I actually I have to tell you all of you guys I like to do things in a very good of natural way with my videos I like the wing thing I didn't tell her we're going to make this video so I am putting it on the spot I can see I mean babe well anyway so please forgive any mistakes or anything like that but you're just going to pull this wing so quite a few people of Arts how we met each other and I think it's just fair to be straightforward and telling the story so do you want to start or should I start maybe you want a good name you okay well as you know she's the doctor what kind of doctor with me again there are particular yep right and I've always had this rule about you know my career here in China and whenever I've seen keeping students or training doctors or whatever I've always had a rule that you never mix business and pleasure together I've never dated a student before it's not the kind of thing I do but there was something very special about her well maybe you can tell us about your little group of doctors where were you going we were going to Australia for soft time training about three months that's what yeah so I took this clause and there were little difference from most of the doctors that I trained before see the majority of the doctors who get these opportunities to go they're usually they are usually in their fifties you know late forties early fifties and these are the people that end up going overseas through connections and things like that but this was a new group of fairly young doctors everyone in her class was fairly young as they write is enough there are thirty you know well not everybody yeah I'd say yeah just has a younger than the most of the people that I saw and I thought she was very different and very special because of all the people I trained in the past keeping the most open to adventure and excitement I mean when you when you finally did go to Australia of course you know we finished the course and this normal thing I trained them they learn he went and when the performance right the counter stayed in touch and it turned out that she had done also prevention thinking while she was in afraid in writing like what are the cool things you get there thanks guys yes I got it certainly if you know Chinese people like I do that's not a very common thing for Chinese people to be right how many of your friends are like skydiving only only me and another friend that that foster to chai and what did you think that's also yeah very nice experiencing I would like to try again yes dude I mean so joy struck me as being different more adventurous more positive more happy and though I always had an interest in her just as a an interesting person and then she came back after you know the whole thing in Australia and we got together so she could show me some of the photos taken over there right then what happened next we talked about bike yeah it's sort of talking about motorcycles and you wanted to come up and try ride the CB that I have yeah and then do you think of that after power from home yes too fast well lots of fun right so I took it for a couple of rides on the TV and then you want to learn how to how to ride hmm and how does that go was it easy not that easy at the beginning yeah but not too typical also just difficult to dream Wow yeah well you know anyone who knows learning to ride a motorcycle nothing easiest thing in the world a real motorcycle what gears with what the clutch you know you have to learn how to control everything over the center not that easy and you did a very good job I think though you did learn fairly quickly how to ride and we used to meet up once a week and I teach her how to ride her and things kind of went from there right and not me you I always sing in my teacher oh really so you didn't have any interest at all oh yeah my pink hair oh really yes I don't believe you to watch why did you want to come learn how to ride a motorcycle good yeah good creature oh really don't put her mom anyway well now he's a good man I mean yeah because he we have a wrist special situation because at that time he's mad no he's my no you're married well with me at the end of my marriage I was but pretty much going through the bullet at the time yeah and I still have for Fred at that moment so like I just was expecting and of course I think he's a good man but you know just someone I think maybe impossible today tour together so just to spam and yeah I'm thinking through the teacher always patient for me yeah I mean it was a bit of an interesting situation that we were in because I also respected you and nothing ever happened in this yeah yeah nothing happen really when you win we never touch each other and never have had you know any partner for these really vicious well you know as things went on the circumstances changed you know I jumped I got divorced over time and you know I was going through that whole thing with your girl I got the boat you broke up with your boyfriend and then then something could happen after that right yeah but a surprise when you tell me you love me we communicate your surprise me good yeah well I guess I'm we're not very good at being obvious when it comes to that kind of thing if you were happy about that right [Laughter] yeah I mean not to get too personal or anything like that but we really you know we're very grateful that we found each other because I think he's the most amazing girl I've ever met and you know cultural and racial barriers aside I honestly do you know in life from my experience anyway you you always learned from the sticks right you keep making mistakes until you finally you know learn your lesson then you learn that this is the correct way to do things and in this situation for me anyway I went through a lot of bad relationships in my life I kept making the wrong specific choosing the wrong kind of you know people and I finally found the right person and I couldn't be happier you know I actually reached the point of my life to be honest where I thought that's it there just isn't a person out there who's really the top of person for me I just always thought that I just have to put up with and deal with you know second bed until I met her how about you when I first time meeting I just feeling like I was a greyman which is not married and and then he well I am married no yeah me yeah so he's my dream man please I choose my dream go so you know it's it's rare in life when you find somebody that you just know is the right person and that's why I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by I've never been happier in the world I absolutely love her I think he's the bee's knees and we've been together for a long time now the same way and yes we're married and that's the way it is I have no desire to chase off there any other women you want to me he is approved yes yeah this is a pretty logical is it cool of course having a cross-cultural relationships is not the easiest thing in the world there are a lot of barriers that both sides have to overcome obviously you have to deal with the Chinese traditions which will definitely not be in line with your Western traditions there are some things that we just can't accept what we just don't want to accept in our Western position but then goes for you know Chinese people accepting foreigners so maybe I mean I could talk about this forever but I want if you guys get that from me all the time I'd like her to thank you guys some of the difficulties of dating a foreigner from a Chinese perspective so I mean yeah the beginning is really not easy to be with foreigner because not enough for my personal friend my parent you know people around me were saying like why you would want to stay with foreigner because we know future because they won't live here forever right so what happens if they just you know break up and and I don't know do something better and then run away yeah something like that and yeah and they always have a lot of question about the relationship between young me and we've been like how you meet each other and how you organized alive something a lot of question that's why at the beginning I hi I hide to some of my friend like I didn't tell them my boyfriend is a foreigner yeah but now we're get married so yeah everyone know so they also accept it and which we're happy yeah this is great yeah and that's something I need to tell all my Western fellow Western men out there if you do get into a relationship with a Chinese girl don't be surprised if they keep it a secret and don't don't be too insulted I know for me it kind of feels insulting that you get together with someone and they don't want to tell anyone but I think it's quite common in Chinese culture they want to make sure that it's a sure thing before they let anyone know because it is a huge thing and there are a lot of barriers to overcome especially in the traditional thinking of the family and friends so don't be surprised if they try to keep your relationships under wraps for a while just please event that you're the right guy and they'll get over again right yeah awesome so anything you'd like to take everybody before we finish our video they are done cool yeah you can write and be prepared to see you in a lot more videos in the future the wonder she hasn't gone anywhere I know a lot of people have been wondering where so welcome to another video I've been covering a few serious topics recently that I didn't really want to put a face on to you so that's the main reason but any kind of light-hearted stuff in future you don't still be on my team so hope you guys will like it okay guys we're bored you know to see me don't worry guys I don't think anybody [Music] you [Music]
Channel: serpentza
Views: 1,119,310
Rating: 4.7381692 out of 5
Keywords: dr., serpentza, china, winston sterzel, chinese wife, chinese girl, asian, wife, marriage, girlfriend, asian girls, things asian girls like, chinese, living in china, multicultural, interracial marriage, mixed marriage, interracial, cross cultural marriage, relationships, wedding, wedding traditions, chinese wedding, cross-cultural, cross-cultural communication (field of study), cultural, culture, cross, falling in love, getting married to a chinese, getting married in China, marriage in China
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
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