Living in the States compared to China - Live Stream

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welcome everybody to a sort of a net I would say not very normal video on my channel I am doing a livestream at home so please forgive me if there's anything wrong with the setup let me know if you can hear me if the picture is good is everything all right all good I need let's see everything good guys please let me know leave me a comment if you can hear me and see me and all that stuff okay I guess I guess that means you guys can see me and hear me that's fantastic I would like to introduce you to the newest member of my family over here can you lift her up for the camera oh she's a bit fussy she's just woken up say hi [Music] this is my daughter I wanted to introduce everybody to her I'm incredibly proud and happy and she's healthy and she's great everything's fantastic yeah anyway I got to talk about so I'm going to get started so she's going to be weighing in on this video as well but I'm going to start out by just explaining to you because I'm sure a lot of you have the question you know where is it that I live at the moment and what's the deal because there's a lot of mixed confusing things going on out there like do I still live in China do I live in the USA what's going on well it's very easy to explain Cemal can I about a year back decided that we would start a company okay we're going to start a TV media which is of course for a TV China and a TV podcasts and everything that we do together and we realized that it would be foolish for us to base ourselves out of China for various reasons I mean when we travel around and we film things it's it can be risky we had some very close calls in Inner Mongolia with both the police and the PLA and we have a SWAT team come and bust into our hotel room and you know search our stuff and you know it was it was a big thing there's a there's a proper story behind all of that if you've heard it before if not I'll be telling it with SI milk together sometime in the future more clearly but we realized at that point that us basing ourselves in China for what we do is not a very safe idea because if we have all of our footage there if we run our videos from there we can get raided and shut down at any point if they just don't like what we do so we went to different things so yeah there's something about this life so let me try and turn it down if it's possible give me a second it is blinding me here I was trying to set a better lighting let's see if that works hopefully that's better sorry about this weird lighting hmm anyway we decided that we'd set up our base in the US because at least we can be protected by rule of law there we won't have a situation where the the police will simply come and knock down our door and make us disappear if they don't like the videos we put on YouTube so how it works is I don't live in the u.s. full time I'm back and forth so I'm based here I've moved my wife to live here and of course every couple of months and flying out with Simo can we go to Taiwan or Vietnam or Hong Kong or you know we've got South Korea India all those places on the list and we're constantly flying around doing different things and trying out different you know projects for instance the car project thing worthless whips that we've just started so we're constantly back and forth so for people who are like are you in China or are you in America the question the answer to that question is both so we'll be in the US for like a month and then we'll be in Taiwan for a month and we'll be you know on the way back from Taiwan we'll be in Hong Kong you know and then we'll be in Vietnam or whatever so we're all over the place but the fact of the matter is I've decided we decided that having a proper solid base in the US would be the best thing so it's been almost a year now that we've been doing this and Sasha has been here for about a year too and she fell pregnant while she was here much to our surprise because we didn't didn't expect it to be honest yeah you know quite surprised yeah it was it was a big surprise because she had some surgery previously and we thought it wouldn't be possible for it for her to have a baby and so it was a massively pleasant surprise for the both of us so you know super excited about it and you know because of the previous surgery though there were some complications she did have to have a last-minute c-section which you know we didn't want that we wanted a natural birth but it was too dangerous and the doctors advised we needed to get the c-section immediately so that was an emergency c-section and it was a whole big thing it was quite a harrowing experience but both mom and baby are super healthy and I couldn't be happier I could use a lot more sleep though we both can so that's that's kind of the story of how our daughter came about you know definitely not planned and there be another she needs a little bit of attention anyway there's there's been a lot of questions like why why did we decide to have our child here rather than in China or South Africa well quite simply because this is where we're based at the moment you know it doesn't make sense to put a very pregnant woman on a plane and fly off way across the world to have a a baby in a country that you're not living in you know doesn't make any sense at all so I hope that answers the question for everyone why we chose to have a baby here there is no ulterior motive behind it it's just simply that's where we were so she's happy and healthy and I'm over the moon about it all so anyway I think we should go for the topic of this video and I am going to get set it away in later and that is the difference between living in the States compared to living in China so now that we both have a fair amount of experience having lived here for at least me on and off a few months here and there and and back again and I've got a list that just came to mind like a few minutes before this video to be honest the one thing hmm first thing that I miss about well first thing I like about the states is the friendliness and courtesy that people extend to each other here you know there's a very strange phenomenon here in America and that is that people tend to think that America is worse than it really is and Americans complain a lot about America's got so many problems and so much racism and discrimination and this and that you know because everybody likes to complain about things right the fact of the matter is from my own personal experience they need to all shut the hell up because that's actually not the case I mean I get why people are on about that kind of thing and it's just indicative of a society that's very open to solving problems so I understand where it comes from but having traveled across America the whole from west to east and back again in 2016 and now since I've been here I've been going around doing things with signal going to different steaks and things I must say that I have very seldom come across a situation where anyone's ever been rude to me in fact only once she was with me as a valet parking guy who wanted to have an argument with me because I think he was having a bad day that's it but otherwise it doesn't matter who you talk to doesn't matter their background doesn't matter if they're Mexican or black or Chinese or whatever it is people treat each other with courtesy and are very polite here and that's something you really really miss when you're in China you know the kind of thing that people hold the door open for you when you're walking into the gas station the cashier is being polite and asking you how your day is things like that is very basic stuff you know neighbors saying how are you and you walk past and just in general this level of politeness in society which you do not find in China so for me that's probably one of the biggest things that hit me first how about you what's something that you found very different about America it can be positive or negative whatever you like I yeah I imagined that you might who knows with you who say I hope you do my I imagine again sure for sure the first thing huge different things that people hear that much more less sure not as many people yeah yes everywhere is quiet sometimes even it feels too quiet yeah yeah but yeah this a big is different okay so the biggest difference is you know not that many people yeah do you think that's a good thing or a bad thing I think sometimes good sometimes bad because for the good PI's really enjoyed when I go to the supermarket or dry on the street that part I super enjoyed it yeah but the bad part is like I - then walk on the street at night I'm by myself right because no people walk on the street and there's no light yeah so feels like a quite dangerous even I know it's a say but still don't want to try to do it by myself that's right and actually we have an announcement to make Sasha today passed her driver's license so she now has a California driver's license isn't that great yeah I'm very proud of her she's been a very good student I've been teaching her how to drive and she passed the written test first time and she's just this morning posture behind the wheel test and you know while she's still recovering from childbirth so I'm incredibly proud of her really and even I have a Chinese driver license in China but I really never drive yes yeah that's that's quite quite common actually a lot of my Chinese friends would get their licenses they'd study they do dual the legit stuff and they get it they're like she did but then they don't have a car and they don't get a car so they kind of just I don't know allow their drivers license skill their driving skills to just disappear basically fantastic all right I wanted to talk about the next thing that really hit me about living in America compared to China and that is the lack of discrimination now this might sound a little weird especially to those hardcore Americans who keep complaining about how much discrimination is happening in America um because again I'm calling a bunch of BS on that I'm not calling BS on the fact that discrimination exists by the way of course it does but the fact that it's recognized and talked about is the good thing about America because in China it's not talked about but it's everywhere as a foreigner you were discriminated against every single day living in China when you get into a taxi if you're in a city like one job for instance you hop in the taxi the first thing they do is they try to cheat you they try to tell you an upfront price and don't put the meter down you know they will very often in shops give you a foreign price try to give you like an inflated price of 500 percent or more depending when you go to do anything in the government even open a bank account or anything it's a massive different process for foreigners than it is for local people and I found because of course we're both foreigners here in the USA I find that we are treated as if we're citizens in every way shape or form the way that people interact with us is not any different than they do with local people and that's something that again is incredibly heartwarming how can I say thanks see mom just gave you a congratulations thanks man I will get to some super chat soon but I just wanted to say it's incredibly heartwarming that for instance there are no barriers in my way when it comes to doing everyday things as long as I'm legal my visas legit all of this stuff is so much Ducks are in a row and paying tax everything's correct I have no barriers I can open a bank account I can get a credit card I can get a driver's license I could get a real ID I can do everything that a citizen can do except for vote although strangely enough I received a summons for jury duty during jury duty the other day and I was very confused by that and then I found out that because I'm not a citizen I couldn't go I was quite disappointed it really wants to go but I had to write back and send information to say I'm not a citizen I'm South African citizen so they you know excused me from jury duty which is such a pity I would have loved that that would've made a great video well I don't think you're allowed to talk about it anyway the lack of discrimination is fantastic if I want to buy a plane ticket if I want to buy a train ticket I don't need to go to a special queue opening a bank account like I said I could just walk in there I'm treated with the same courtesy as everybody else and so is she and even this morning when we went for the driver's license test you know the three people that were before her were all young Asian females strangely enough and it's just the way it is people are you know get along this know what's going on here Oh Chinese person must be treated differently so for me that was like a huge thing having lived for so long and always being on my guard because people are trying to rip me off or treat me differently and sometimes in a good way which can be very frustrating as well can you way too much attention if you're at a bar or at a restaurant and they want to come take photos with you and etc etc here you can just be be yourself be a normal person and get along with society and it's fantastic do you have any anything else what's your next thing for me maybe like sorry my brain didn't work too well that's one after the pregnancy and a baby brain yeah can you show them all I'll cute baby again some people are asking to see I think she's she half asleep still I'm actually glad you mentioned food because that is something I'm sure everybody's noticed I've put on a lot of weights I promise promise next year I'm gonna lose it this happens this happens to me a lot in my life I very quickly gained weight but I can also lose it very quickly will do that the food here is fantastic I'll tell you why it's not necessarily that American food is better than Chinese food it's the fact that you can access different kinds of food here in America and good different kinds of food you see in China Chinese food is fantastic okay Chinese food is one of the most diverse and interesting cuisines in the world and anyone who's lived in China or anyone who really is into the whole Asian thing will will know that you know you can go to different provinces and they've got different types of food and it's it's fantastic rich his all that but if you want to eat a different type of food in China let's say for instance you want fried Oh No Indian food or Italian food or Vietnamese food or you know any other kind of food you're out of luck because when you do find let's say a Mexican restaurant in China it's crap it's very crap and if it's even halfway decent it's incredibly expensive whereas here in America it doesn't matter what kind of food you go for and I'm talking about what kind of you know different cuisine from different countries Japanese Chinese whatever you pay kind of the same you know depending so you can get away with twenty thirty dollars or whatever at any restaurant and still have a decent meal whereas in China the the price difference between Chinese food and some kind of foreign food is astronomically different and of course the quality of foreign food is really bad in China from my own personal experience and they just don't do a good job because they don't really know what it is and in China they've actually got a day they call it cheats on which just means Western food you can go to a place that does sheets on and it's just random what they think Western food is so from a food perspective I'm so happy that I have access to different cuisines from different countries and it's all top-notch because the thing about America is usually the people that run those restaurants are from that country so if you go to an Indian restaurant is run by Indian people a Vietnamese restaurant is run by Vietnamese Chinese restaurant is run by Chinese so you get the authentic stuff so food was a massive thing for me how's your brain doing if you thought about a another thing when you mention food let's just want to say the difference and I mean I don't mean like the American food is not good just the taste you know it's different for me but I'm sure the food quality I mean for the safety part yeah definitely he is better just the flavor Sto I didn't realize I have a Chinese stambha we caught on go away you know I didn't really have that problem before because I thought I kind of like kind of like a different different kind of food yep when I stay here for long enough I do rely I do have a Chinese salad yeah yeah so meets the real Chinese but a lot because of flavor you know I used to have that more than 30 years old sure yeah yeah absolutely when you used to something it's difficult to adapt to something new and actually for a lot of foreigners going to China well depending on the type of cuisine it can be difficult to adjust I mean Cantonese food for instances takes a lot of adjustment okay let's see again part of the lack of discrimination is the lack of racism that I've noticed here in America like I've just said and it's not people might say are you live in California and it's all about that you know but it's not true across the entire country when I traveled I notice just how and it's it's tough I am making it's it's really difficult for me to make this video because it's such a sensitive topic but I'm making a video about how I experienced for the first time in my life in America society that actually doesn't have true racism if that makes sense it'll make sense in the video but what I'm trying to say is people make out as if there's a lot of racism here but it's actually not the case I can vouch for that coming from South Africa living living in South Africa for the most of my life up until 25 and then living in China for the rest of my life which though both of those countries are completely full of racism and discrimination and whatnot so I know what the real stuff is compared to the sort of fake stuff here that makes sense and I'll get to it I've said lack of berries oh yeah the next one that really gets me is charity this is something that I really believe it or not missed out on and here in America you see charity everywhere I mean it can be annoying but you always see little things setup little stalls where it's like help the hungry children or you've got the Salvation Army or whatever ringing their bells outside the the supermarkets and stuff and you know you shop at a supermarket and were you checking out there would you like to contribute towards st. Jude's the hospital for cancer for kids or would you like to buy a hunger bag for hungry children over the holiday season for five dollars or whatever and I think for a lot of people it's they either take it for granted or they find it annoying but not for someone who's lived for the last decade and more in China because charity is not something that you see in China it's not and it's just because of the situation with the economy in the situation with society how it's recently changed charities not very high on the minds of people there and if you've watched my video about Chinese society's worst problem where people tend to not help other people in need right in front of them you can understand why they wouldn't help people in need that they don't even know you know so for me to see charity is something that honestly just gave me gives me a happy feeling to be a human being you know it's it's it's a tough one to explain but that was a big thing honey how about you well about the charity maybe I would just want to add a little bit like this day of qward people still doing that but more happiness between the people you know like for example like maybe your one friend my one of my friend here opposed like wiecek moment saying oh this is my colleague my colleague or my classmates reality and the person I have a cancer there please help that kind of thing on the future so you can pay like what you want sure can be 10 RMB can be 100 and be like you can be wherever you want and that's because you know the true and you know the pre person can get the money so people would like to do but the fam you hate to do is the you know when your company or you know my hospital forced us to donate some money for some place and I guess sometimes they will have the money limit so you must you know pay how much or sometimes you just take the money for our celery account straight like that so you don't have tried to say no and at the end you never know that money you really go to the you know the person's hand or not see that's the thing we hate to do that honestly there have been so many scandals you know what was that call May May or whatever her name was for the red great cross no it's a long time ago but that kind of thing gets stuck in people's minds you know like the Red Cross in China there was a big scandal that somebody that was dating or no she said she worked for the Red Cross and she was posing with Maseratis and huge stacks of cash and expensive Aldi bags and stuff and all that money came from Red Cross donations you know and it was just kind of embezzled and and so on so people don't trust charities in China but like she said and this is something alert is about Chinese societies people care about their families very much and their close friends but if it's a stranger it's very tough to find someone that will care for a stranger in China this is from my own experience in what I've seen anyway so charity was another big thing when I came to the States that really changed me I'm gonna get onto the the obvious one here weather and lack of pollution I mean honestly when when you live in a place like Jen Jen Jen Jen has fairly good air quality compared to a lot of places in China and so you'll find you know foreigners when it's a blue sky they'll they'll take a picture like oh we live in such a great city see it's it's not bad China's air quality isn't that bad you know but that's stupid because it is bad and it's you know it's still got bad AQI if you look at the app compared to pretty much anywhere else in the world but what's even worse about it is it's really bad during the winters and stuff where it's gray skies and it's polluted and it's awful and you get depressed you start to feel depressed whereas so far the time that we've been spending here in the states I haven't experienced a single polluted day they've been overcast and rainy days yes but so far it's kind of been really good weather and that's something that changes your life significantly it has a mental effect on you you know absolutely I don't like to be stuck in polluted horrible you know gray skies not been Matt says yeah it's true that's what I said Shenzhen is really good compared to a lot of places okay so I've got another one here you know wrap this up fairly soon and start answering questions but this is kind of the next one that just hit me hobbies okay hobbies I was kind of blown away the first time I came to the States just to see how there is something for everyone okay alright to see that there's something for everyone and by that I mean it doesn't matter what your interests are there are clubs and groups and things to allow you to go and do your hobby I mean for instance if you go in the shopping mall or something you'll see they have game shops where people can sit and play you know D&D or some kind of nerdy board games or whatever they want to do but the thing is there is a situation there is like a facility for people to do this kind of thing if you want to go I don't know skydiving or paragliding or windsurfing or you know obviously you live on the coast surfing or if you want to do skateboarding or rollerblading or off-roading or ATV's stuff if you like to work on computers if you like vintage computers whatever anything you can think of there is some kind of a facility that allows you to pursue your passion and there'll be all these conventions you know like you'll get I don't know retro con for retro computer stuff you'll get SEMA for cars you know you'll get every freaking you can name it like outboard motors for boats you there'll be an outboard motor show that comes on you know once a year or something so whatever it is you're interested in you can find something whereas in China hobbies are not a priority and so you do not find an outlet for your hobbies let's put it that way and so me being a big car guy as I'm sure you know seemed okay myself for both big car guys the car culture here is fantastic I'm so happy to be able to buy a car that I like work on my own car in my own garage have access to parts and tools and and advice and and whatever else and just kind of get happy and greasy and do what I like to do because that's something I've missed out on in China for sure how about one more thing from you before we go to some questions anything what else do you notice that's different about living in America I just continue your topic then yeah how about a hobby I just feel like the people here they know how to have fun yeah you can see in China I feel like all my friend or colleague they're just to be see with walk and and then the the rest of the time they were just looking for some good food to eat your food yeah and then meeting friends that kind of thing it's quite rare to you know people will share their hobby and do something together only you said maybe I don't know is that the exercise you know like they like the one that I do the time that can be a hobbit yeah that could be a hobby as opposed to working out or doing it's like doing aerobics but like when we interviewed that guy it's not that common it's only sort of young younger women now say like middle-aged women are doing it a lot these days yeah like my age yeah because that meat this time spare time and the money as well yeah now of course there are a lot of positive things that I miss about living in China and well number one cost of living of course is a lot cheaper there yeah it's incredibly expensive to live here so um I know a lot of you people out there think that we're living the high life and everything but trust me we're just scraping by its kind of difficult things are very expensive here renters oh you know incredible health care having having to have a baby it's stupid expensive it's just I can't even tell you how freaking expensive it is you know but I'm pretty sure those of you who live in the states especially in California know you know what I mean I have a quick question to answer that I saw there is this the end of blogging in China no it's not if you weren't here for the beginning of the stream we're back and forth so although we're kind of based out of the USA we're only here for a couple of months at a time and then we're back in in Asia so be it you know so I Taiwan China Hong Kong Korea Japan whatever it is we've got a whole bunch of stuff lined up so every time we go out we do our blogs there and film a bunch of stuff so you'll be seeing a lot more in China stuff of course in the future anyway a couple of other things that are positive that I miss about living in China of course the convenience the fact that labor doesn't cost anything okay so if you get anything fixed or they say you have a bicycle and you need to repair the tire the tube is you know punctured you take it into a bicycle repair shop they'll fix it for you but they only charge you for the replacement tube which is very cheap and that's just because of the large population they can't afford to charge a lot for labor because then somebody else just do it cheaper so convenience deliveries that they'll deliver something in the middle of the night for you for like a dollar you know that kind of thing what else do you miss you like to say that the lever and the speed of the yeah and also the price yeah I know in America can do like one day or two days shipping but that's expensive well express it yeah it's a no way to compare about okay yeah I mean that they've got the the shipping stuff down very well in China you know if you can order something on Taobao which is like eBay or like Amazon basically and it can arrive the same day can actually if you order it in the morning it'll come there by early afternoon it's happened to me tons of times so that you know there are definite pluses anyway it's time to answer some questions here so I'm going to answer the Super chats okay bigger melet's thank you very much for that Jeremiah Johnson buy some more silver bullets on me you mean it's Coors Light yeah actually I really want to have a drink in fact I have I have to dig through my dregs you see I've got this tiny little bit of tequila left here I thought I'd drink it with you guys and just to give you a Cheers I mean there's no particular reason other than you know I'd like to give you a Cheers and I want to be celebrating sashes passing her driver's license but we'll wait a couple days I've got this funny little teacup looking thing I think if I do this I could like abide you Oh suppose of them lemon and salt Oh anyway Wow thank you very much Jeremiah Johnson that's a cheers to you mm-hmm merry Christmas from Philby thank you so much I'm so excited about this Christmas because it's going to be the first real Christmas here in the States that we're going to be able to celebrate as a family like a real family see we actually I have a daughter now and her parents are coming to visit for Christmas so that'll be interesting to have them over here that'll be their first Christmas too so there's gonna be a lot of eggnog and there's going to be turkey and there's going to be all that kind of stuff and of course because I missed the last minute I haven't bought any of this stuff yes I'm gonna do that tomorrow I don't see milk thanks hmm and one price for everyone in America yes resort dog you are correct Thank You MB is Frenchie thank you very much for the congratulations and a merry Christmas to you too Ennio riviera sees or Rivera says stay awesome you two stay awesome razmig guru cracklin coming from the Middle East and living in the USA can currently a hundred percent agree with what you said Winston yeah I think it's up to it's up to us foreigners like that come to America to tell it's I do believe that it's up to us to tell Americans what America is like because they don't understand what their own countries like because they like to speak I find this this happens a lot politics comes up a lot and Americans like to speak on behalf of other people all the time so they're like oh you know so difficult for these people of those people well guess what I'm an African and I'm here and I can tell you that it's a wonderful place to be it's obviously very difficult and it's expensive and the rules and to apply to be legit and paying taxes and to get the right visa and everything it took me and SEMA like over a year and a half to figure this out before I was able to come here it is difficult that it's tough but at the same time people here are fantastic and everybody is treated equally alright next mmm my phone says Merry Christmas Winston and Setia congratulations on the birth of your new child congratulations and all of your success you two absolutely deserve it all the best - Michael thank you so much thank you CW pure dark lit congratulations greetings thank you greetings from Finland well we're definitely going to be coming up to fill in to do an ATV thing at some point Benjamin piera a fever and a newborn is one hundred one hundred degrees etc etc yes don't you worry we've been checking we've got one of those temperature things yeah and 42 fara baby how's it going mate Kochi live enjoy another year's Christmas dude thank you so much and I'm looking forward to seeing you again hopefully in Oklahoma next time David him oh wait mr. one kiss thank you David Emma says congratulations to you in session and welcome to the u.s. diversity is one of our greatest assets in the u.s. I wish more people would travel and return with your attitude yes I absolutely agree you know it it is one of those things and you can't really blame people for it but when you are living in one society only you know you obviously start to think that everything around you is reality you know and you start to believe all the negativity all the nonsense and it's only when you travel that you get to see what the world is really like so you know the other day I was in an uber and the driver was a was a black American guy and he was going on about Trump and listen and he's really going on about politics and I kind of pulled him aside and I said listen man I'm a foreigner here right the politics here it's not something that I really have any sway over right he's like yeah but you know Africa this and then I was like do you actually understand that I'm more African than you are you were born here and you've grown up here you're American you're not African I'm African I can show you my passport we had a good laugh it actually was quite a good conversation at the end of it we we walked off being like good friends and we were able to just talk about life you know so once people cut through the [ __ ] you know that's when things can get good christopher ortega love you guys thank you and how do you say your name Roy Vasquez love your content it told me a lot about China and you don't need to see where is he always in English I tell you what because I've gotten so fat it's hard for me to wear all my suits and I'm trying my best I'm gonna lose this weight I got to get back in my suits and to be honest when I wear a suit here in America just the same as in China and South Africa people do treat me with more respect and it's not the reason why I wear a suit but it's something that I've noticed and I feel that if I can be presentable I'm showing respect to people that I interact with and I prefer it that way okay whoops let's see you have a beautiful little family glad y'all are here hope to see you in Oklahoma sometime soon me too you know people talk smack about Oklahoma I really liked it I yeah I really enjoyed it that's where you know my friend who came to stay here oh yeah he's from Oklahoma I had a great time in Oklahoma and I met such interesting people like the guy who's building that Chinese junk in his backyard espy seeker supercool okay what are we going toughts on andrew yang I actually don't know anything about Andrew yang see milkers talking about him the other day I know he's a something to do with politics in a noise Asian so sorry when I'm up to speed on all the politics stuff I might be able to have an opinion Merry Christmas cheers thank you so much deacon and malcolm thank you all right let's see Calvin Wayne we're you have a beautiful little family glad y'all are here hope to see y'all in Oklahoma sometime soon I just yeah I think you did that twice oh look well maybe I read that twice thanks me Eagle hunting beautiful family thank you and I was doing that weird thing where it's naps and I can't okay there we go Flexner Winston have you held your baby up in the line of park post yet yeah oh that one are you that's that's what simply supposed to make that noise say hi there we go and now everybody's got that song stuck in their head don't they right okay cool she has made from your neighbor in Nevada thank you very much rums razmik thank you very much and who's she Connie watch it Connie thank you very much Theresa when I just came back from Jen Jen thank you for all your help for videos and Merry Christmas it's an absolute pleasure you know again mmm I have been a bit negative net of late about you know talking about China but don't forget that I've got hundreds of positive videos too that's something people tend to forget I really do care about China very much and I think China's fascinating an interesting place my only problems are with societal ills and of course the current ruling party okay apocalypse of Survivor congrats love your channel as well as who knows awesome when when are you going to do another who knows I don't know maybe when my parents here have some more time yeah yeah yeah that's true you have to understand she's recovering you know our daughters less than a month old and it's a it's been quite a thing okay Grady Gillis no questions made just a donation for the nappy fund whatever's needed thank you and you know speaking of that we yeah we I mean yeah you go through nappies like crazy that's something no one tells you about really just how many you go through right we had it like a virtual baby show which my friend Dan beard set up for me online and a lot of people contributed to it I only ever shared it once in a video but I got to tell you guys that the generosity that you showed towards us has really helped us a lot no joke you have prepared us well to raise our daughter well you know myself Sasha and of course our daughter are very grateful to you in your generosity so thank you so much hmm okay I do want to get through all these super chats it's just doing also someone sincere okay there we go you guys are great Merry Christmas thank you very much Brandon James Jordan throw so how our biracial Chinese people treated in China that's a very good question and you would think that it would be negative but it's not it's actually very positive whenever you have a hornish rare that they they call the horns way which means mix the blood people absolutely adore mixed blood children in China they get treated very special people are always staring people always want to find out want to look at them they always say Oh we'll be pretty and smart or handsome and smart it's like the first thing that they'll say every single time bond on every single Chinese person will say that to you 100% yeah I guess so yeah there are a couple of happens that don't agree on you know Asian identity but yeah it is true most of the time you get the strengths from both both genetic pools and it's fantastic anyway um they are treated very well but at the same time they treated maybe a bit too well I've seen it to go bad where you have a mixed kid in a kindergarten or something and they get too much attention and they they gain a massive ego and it actually really damages their personality I've seen that personally happen so yeah let's move onto the next one Congrats on the baby guys also going away for the new car channel dude this new car channel is so exciting for see milky myself we've been secretly working on it for months that's it it's been tiring it's been expensive it's been daunting but we've really managed to pull something you're right yeah oh yeah she's kind of half she's uh half asleep over there she's actually a pretty good baby most of the time she likes to keep us awake though yeah it's weird she sleeps in the day keeps us up at night anyway let's continue okay about the car channel though the first episode is done anyone is a patron of mine or patron of C milks or a patron of worthless whips has already gained access to the first channel and as soon as the channel has reached the required amount of watch hours so if if you really want to help out you can go to worthless whips and just watch the playlist of uploads there which are just some Q&A is cut out of our live streams once it reached reaches are acquired watch time then we can actually release our first episode because you know we want to I argued with see milk I want to release it now but he talked some sense into me and he's like you know what we've spent so much time and money on making this that we have to at least have the channel monetized before we release it and you know what he's right if it wasn't for him I would just basically be living on charity you know yeah it's true hey green veggie machine enjoy my silly Canadian money thank you very much really appreciate it mate from Chris congratulation you too for a baby girl and sharing a story around China and how taking a step in the u.s. welcome and keep on making things awesome I will you know I'm not going to stop making videos with regards to China and adventure and everything else so don't you worry just stay tuned I know there's been a big push to try and shut me up and stop me from making videos but I never will don't worry about it my phone says try intermittent fasting works like a charm yeah I've actually done that before it does work very well so I promise you guys I'll lose weight soon I don't I don't like to be fed I think it's it's very uncomfortable let's put it that way okay so Dark Side of the Moon he just wants the letter presence be known I guess Dark Side of the Moon is since you're in California please come to the hammam meow New Year in Fresno California its largest meow gathering in the entire USA now that's a fantastic idea actually see milk and I went up to like a was it like a Little Saigon or something at some point we went to Little Saigon and it was awesome to see all the Vietnamese malls and restaurants and stuff so yeah we'll be there thank you very much bazinga bazinga and wild effects have you ever been four by four in China no but I have been offroad in fact I have video or two I used to do sort of off-road biking it was very difficult to do because there is no like I said there's there's just no hobby culture over there so we actually had to just go out there and find logging trails and do it ourselves and be chased away and all sorts of things crashing into you know those poachers nets that they put up to catch birds and stuff is kind of interesting okay dev random what made you choose California to live in and not other states and Merry Christmas you know this is a good question when I did my road trip in 2016 and now I've got this whole playlist on my channel it's called the Corvette Christmas when I bought that Corvette which I still own and I drove from you know west to east and back again I visited most of the states in America obviously not all of them but the majority I actually passed through and I ended up staying obviously at least a day in each one of these states and I loved it I found that every state had its own special flavor but the one that stuck out the most to me the one that gave me the biggest impression was California and now it's just because I just happened to be a perfect storm of meeting the right guy who's a subscriber of mine Gary we made a couple videos together he's Chinese American and he was such a such a gent and he was incredibly generous and he showed me around and I remember he took me for a breakfast burrito on the seaside where it was just stunning so we stopped off and we had a burrito and a coffee and they're just like surfer surfers walking past and you know people just enjoying their life and I got in that Corvette and I went all the way up and down the PCH during this trip that I did and just the the beauty of the coastline and the laid-back lifestyle and the palm trees and it's you know it's like the movies right you know it's what you see all the time in the movies and for me it was just stunning just the atmosphere and I just found myself really drawn to California of course if I'd known how expensive it was I probably we've chosen elsewhere to be honest but you know what I'm enjoying it while I'm here so yeah we'll see you see how long that lasts mm-hmm okay DLS two three five six thanks for helping me avoid scams while I was in China stay awesome that's you know honestly I'm very happy to hear that and that's because I make my videos for that purpose I had a bad experience once in China where I was scammed by a black taxi it's the only time I've been scammed in China and it almost made me hate China it took me a while to recover from that experience and I realized that I could spare other people this kind of experience because if you visit China and you don't get scammed and you don't get taken advantage of you'll have a fantastic time and you're a very a very positive image of China right but if you go in there and you get scammed immediately when you leave the airport or you leave the train station you're going to hate the place right imagine you go to Shanghai or Beijing for the first time and you go to the tourist areas and you get approached by people pretending to study English or whatever and they invite you to go have Chinese tea with them you know coffee or something you think this is awesome I'm learning about the culture and then they scam you out of like $3,000 or something you're gonna hate China you're gonna think China is a piece of [ __ ] and you know for intents and purposes if you are scammed by someone it is but if you can avoid the scams you will see the positive side of China and have a great time and that's why I made those videos so I'm glad it worked okay - Simran Fernandes barreras dude you're everywhere what a cool picture very happy for you to stay awesome thank you mate I really appreciate it it's the first picture we managed to take as a family together hmm talking about I didn't tell her she always gets upset if I put okay if you're in Taiwan early January we have the silliest election merge cute candidate plushies which might make for an amazing video that'd be awesome even if we're not there you gotta send us some he'll make a good video thank you very much that's comrade general okay kweilyn ciao wish your family only all the best thank you so much and Joseph Levin California is the most expensive state in the u.s. why did you choose California I think I've already answered that glad ticket you like the US always good to hear when a foreigner coming here and likes it you know if a foreigner comes to American doesn't like it there's probably something wrong with them you know of course at the same time people are allowed to dislike things and there plenty of things I dislike about America especially the you know things like the homeless zombies that you find downtown you know they really just it makes me kind of mad and there are tons of actual problems and I will complain about those things because you should complain about those things you shouldn't be like oh look at that homeless zombie isn't that nice that he's taking it you know smearing his [ __ ] on the sidewalk you don't do that you say look at that guy that sucks but it doesn't mean that you hate the place I think this is a big difference between America and China is that Americans can understand criticism like that if I say I don't like a homeless guy wiping his [ __ ] on the sidewalk I think all Americans are gonna agree with me they're not gonna say screw you get out of America if you don't like it you know but in China if you like a I don't like this X Y Z there all of a sudden oh if you don't like China get out of China you know it's just annoying just put it that way thank you the Duke of five-a love your videos welcome to the States and Merry Christmas thank you mate appreciate it and Jordan try so again what do you think your social credit scores are mine is negative a million right now okay we have a millipede ik left correct Merry Christmas many more children no more I kind of kind of told her one yeah we'll see who knows but no more yeah we'll see how it goes congratulations and welcome to the u.s. thank you and my cuter very glad to be able to say marry first American Christmas baby are is beautiful looking forward to a wonderful 2020 thank you mate and thank you for all your support you're a massive supporter of us and we recognize that Thank You Ellen barley says why did you choose a California okay again wait till they have your first diaper blower okay congratulations from the guy who bought you the stroller resisting entropy thank you so much mate yeah that's incredibly useful you have no idea and everyone who contributed to that that baby shower thing I didn't I didn't set that up a friend of mine set that up I I felt uncomfortable to ask people to to help out I'm so glad he did though because people were so generous and really set us on the right path Thank You Jay Etheridge California is the best Long Beach has the best good weather days in the world fact I mean yeah you cannot fault the weather in California it's fantastic Deacon's Sasha are you eventually going to get a certain certified to practice medicine in the USA so but maybe but maybe not as doctor it's quite really quite difficult and expensive yeah yeah so I'm going to try maybe to be in this practice here yeah nurse practitioner yeah well we'll see in the future it's kind of difficult because it all depends on visa situations and things so we'll well let you know Darren welcome to the USA please stay hope to hope to see you and some cars and coffee yes we're definitely gonna do there you know see milton i working working on all these projects i have a new car reveal coming soon because i've been told that i need a family car now that we have a daughter right so you know my corvette only has two seats so i i'm going to be trading it in for something with four seats but that's going to be a surprise you'll see okay congratulations and Merry Christmas I'm still disappointed that I wasn't able to visit with you the day and that day at your bike shop in China Omo yeah man that's too seriously and alex navaro what's the baby's name well you see I've got a little issue here I absolutely love my family and I love my daughter and I love my wife and I have told my patrons what the baby's name is but I don't really want it to be public knowledge because and no offense to you and I absolutely want to share everything with all of my audience but we have such terrible trolls trying to affect you know our lives and they go to extreme lengths extreme cowardly lengths and they've already attacked my parents and my cousins and you know random people that have my surname and they attacked her and they've tried to get her fired and arrested and stuff and and they would stop at nothing so they would try their best to interfere in my daughter's life as well I mean you've already got people out there trying to label my daughter as an anchor baby and things like that which is nonsense so you have to understand there's such a amount of hate and cowardly people out there that would try to harm my daughter that I prefer that our name is not known to the Internet and to be honest I'm going to be keeping her out of my videos as much as possible of course if you're part of the patron family you'll get updates there from time to time but just generally on my channel probably not going to see her again for a very long time and maybe when she's old enough to decide if she wants to be a part of this then I'll let her be a part of this but that's pretty much pretty much it guys it's been wonderful absolutely wonderful to finally reveal to all of you exactly what's going on in my life and of course to introduce you to my daughter who I'm over the moon about and I'm just so happy that I can finally start a family and you know provide a proper life for my daughter and my wife and thank you for all of you guys have been along for the journey and we got a long way to go still this journeys only just started so uh stick around there's a lot coming especially in the new year so I want to tell each and every one of you out there to enjoy the holidays have a Merry Christmas Happy Holidays and all that and of course as always stay awesome stay awesome guys I'll catch you next week
Channel: serpentza
Views: 496,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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