How I Elevate my Garden on Thrifted finds.

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good morning everybody I'm going to start with this area here from my thrifted finds I'm going to take this down and I'm going to try it uh the mirror that I got this one Value Village no it wasn't by Village from the talise store uh make it look a little better I caught a couple of these sconces too I might paint them and I'm not sure yet so I'm going to hang them and see if I like it and if I don't I'm going to paint it let's see I thrifted this one too I'm going to paint that out black I don't think I'm painting that because if I don't love how it looks I'm going to give it to Rose because she's got one similar different shape but similar it might be my little silver cream and sugar picked up a little plant to put in the B one and I got a can of spray paint here just going down to get my drill and we'll start putting this all together I also picked up two little duckies I'll probably spray them out as well I also picked this up at the thrift store for a dollar at the mission store for a dollar so we'll see if I can make that work somewhere let's see what we can do got the spray paint already it looks like it's already been used once and that's already concerning me this happens so often with Home Depot I picked up a new can of spray paint but it looks like it's already been used this is the third can yeah it's it's spraying funny another one I can't win with this I just can't win with this this is the second ten this week it doesn't work it looks like it already been used too but that's going back for sure that's two brand new tins that don't work and they're full both of them are going back 14.99 each no I'm going to plant up my bumblebee I love this plant take this down a few hands oh it's coming it's coming on the bottom here too see what the sconces look like now and they might be getting a paint job I would really like to fill all this in with some boards so I'd need nine of them and then paint that whole thing out would be beautiful let's see not sure I'm loving it these might look better black just leave them in when the vines grow up but they'll kind of disappear trying to look from this angle too hmm or maybe I should put them down lower maybe that's it or would it look better with the Paris picture that could be it all together that could be the solution well I think I like that better I planted a Vine in there from my house that's overtaking anyways but I'd like to have more Vines if I had it covered in Vines in time I think that could look okay yeah I think that's better than the mirror there I just set that there for now just to see I'm not sure if I'm loving it I see there's a nice big weed behind there of course still deciding hmm painted the little yellow one out gold have no gold spray paint left just so you know and I need to paint a little bit more I bet it'll come in time um and I left the other ducky alone because I don't have any paint but I kind of like it like that anyways and then these two are over here now have you ever seen a duck with one baby each I haven't so it looks like I'm still need a couple little ones to trickle through the garden waiting on this to dry so I can plant it up I have a couple little flowers I think I can use in it okay I have that planted up I think I'm going to leave that one there I like it better black already and I put this one over here so we're down here for now I did leave the mirror there I'm gonna move the buckets let's put that in there I do want Vines all the way up here I guess uh Virginia creeper probably English ivy maybe a mix of both would be lovely but I definitely want something on that wall so we'll be looking for that but for now all this part's done and decorate it and I did put this here am I leaving it there not sure yet really not sure I have some leftover mulch I'm leaving here because after the cherries drop this will be a little bit of a hot mess she's got a lot of cherries at the top and they're all turning red now not so many lower ones not like last year but definitely we'll drop I've been picking them up already as you see they're on the ground here gets real messy real messy I have these two Acorn things too I don't know where to put them I think that's going to be a good spot for him because it gets really windy they're not light but they're not really heavy I put my two cream and sugar over there with my teapot it's the teapot's growing quite well so that looks pretty there yeah I don't know where I'm gonna put these but hmm got two of everywhere thank goodness for tools my rose is coming up have a shovel in the garden I'm not saying this is perfect by any means but it's coming I think if I uh creeping Jenny's doing too well here so I might pull that out I do have a Vine growing in here some of it is and some of it's not so it's a funny plant does so well sometimes and other times it doesn't do well at all this has definitely grown really nice my geraniums pretty pink right isn't it beautiful there's orange in the middle and then pink this is a newbie this year I bought this one with rose she bought them for the front of her house I think we got them at Costco's I believe yeah and I haven't finished up this little area here because I'm waiting to trim the tree out there's no point if all that stuff's gonna drop right I'm getting there so this is what I decorated with from my thrifted finds and I think it's looking cute and it's all on a dime guys did not spend a lot of money the chandelier was five dollars the teapot was six bucks a dollar fifty each for the cream and sugar the ducky was a few dollars the one yesterday the little duck you think it was 2.99 minus 20 off the big ducky I think was 4.99 this little ducky was a buck um this planter was two bucks this was a dollar that was a couple dollars that was a dollar fifty uh this mirror was ten dollars these I got two for 7.99 for the two wall sconce things so that's what you do with thrifted things just upcycle them make them look pretty and yeah I think that's it for that I would like to get I am looking I've been looking every time I go I have pillowcases on these pillows these are from h m i got them for 250. on a clearance sale but I would like to get like a pop of yellow or pink or something like that in here just haven't found anything I like yet and I'm not spending a lot of money on because they just get wear and tear from the weather so they'll be definitely a find but I'm happy with that so far it's looking good my herbs are coming in pretty good all that a little piece of crepe and Jenny's um that's about it I haven't put up this because I'm not sure where I want it I was thinking on the back of the fence and hanging a pretty plant but then I decided I didn't like that and I don't want it too junky up here oh I really don't know I could put something here and like a little Lantern or something but am I just doing that for some place to put something it's so noisy around here I apologize so it's not going up today until I figure that out I'm gonna go try to place these in the garden somewhere this was a thrifted fine that was a thrifted fine this was a thrifted fine five dollars I think that one was five bucks two maybe six that was a deal I like that one a lot actually I like the coloring of it and then I just placed these two in here and not sure if that's their home but if you move them back a bit more into the plants that's another standard thrifted fine I paid three dollars for that one so I moved these back I think they look better back there if the garden was Fuller it would fill it all in but I'm just trying to see where I can place things even for next year I just weeded all this what a couple days ago look at that well we know the weeds grow faster than anything look at that that's crazy I just did all this and these are leaves but that's how fast weeds grow my neighbor just came and asked if he could take a look he thinks it looks beautiful I have a woodpecker in the tree in the cherry tree making all coins annoyed there it is doesn't even see me what are you doing buddy huh what are you doing don't be poking holes in the tree well they can do damage with those beaks huh look at it going [Music] Little Birdies up in the tree above it too like I'm this close like two feet away see if I can get any closer before he flies hi what are you doing well the trees do bring a lot of Wildlife which is kind of cool right having a good time are ya you have a nice time today my Robin was just over here having a fight with another bird I didn't have the camera in my hand started and moving it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you just want to take your picture okay I finished cleaning up and he's come back he's up a little higher now I don't know if you can see him right there all right there how you doing buddy not a very big woodpecker and then we have the robin she's watching up top here look at her she's not happy that he's down here hi girlfriend hi what are you doing up there huh hi sweetie he's gone now you can come down you don't like him eh come on down I've been meaning to cut under that tree for a week now and I keep forgetting but I'm gonna tackle it now definitely think I need yellow pillows or black and white striped Maybe that might look good too because the Bumblebee thing going on here need to find a cute little plant for my swan um planter don't know where I'll put her but I love her and I have another one upstairs I didn't do anything with that planter because I don't have one a cocoa liner and two I don't have a plant but it's so pretty I really like it I gotta come order her and I've left the one duck cover on got too much stuff going on right now and too dirty probably gonna cover this one up for tonight too everything up here is looking really good my spider plants humongous need to dust in here that's the planter that I'm just loving but don't know what to do with because I don't have a plant it's really nice though I might put it over here not sure yet I want to find a spot for it on my table here if I find a nice plant for it I could move this one to here and find something that's shade shade it for there I'm liking everything all my thrifted finds this is coming in beautiful really it is okay I'm gonna put away some of the power tools and the paint I got a bag of stuff to clean up I'm gonna call it a day I'll just do a few little close-ups for everybody so they can see sorry there's dogs and cats and birds and people in tractors and trailers and Johnny on the spots and all kinds of crazy stuff going on in the neighborhood welcome to the city don't know if I love that there but for now it's gonna stay and I've left them in there I like them there the two acorns I got all the lights to work on the the catalog but it's not dark enough yet my little tea party for two so many birdies out here okay okay I'm gonna clean up now I'm sure I'll have other things I need to add to this but for today I think that's it I'm happy um this is still down here I am going to finish doing this today yeah I should maybe do it right now it's been sitting here waiting for me to do it my rose is taking really well far so good she looks good no complaints oh this is definitely a work in progress this Garden is not going to be completed this year because I'm not exactly sure what it's going to take what's not going to take but I would like to add another rose bush in here and I'm not doing anything until I get this tree trimmed back quite a bit so this is going to stay as it is so it's not the prettiest picture but it's okay it works your project and when it comes it comes it's only one little section of the garden that I gotta deal with and I'm just not there yet I'm not going to stress over it I'm not gonna worry about it when I get to it I get to it and I'm gonna see what comes in good and what doesn't I'm gonna pull my new little planter turned out nice and this one here is growing in really good it's always a little pile to clean up though and then that's the tennis domain and that's fine or putting some kind of big pot there maybe a big pot of plant here would look good maybe something in a pot that's floral kind of breaks it up there hmm definitely thinking about putting something there though probably a potted plant maybe not this year but next year so I got these two pillows and these two for my girlfriend and the lampshade that was part of my Thrift haul I also got this it's hard to see because it's upside down but I like the legs it's got this horrible pattern on it I mean it's not horrible horrible fabric it which I'm taking off and then they paint it on here but I don't like this any my sauce to pull this off take the legs off redo this and make it pretty princess don't know when I'm gonna get that done but I'm gonna do it these I gotta return to Rose next time I see her and there's table gun oh I might keep her staple gun to do this maybe that's a plan you go okay I am gonna run out I'm gonna vacuum my car so I gotta unload some stuff but this was just part of my Thrift home I thought I'd show you this is for my girlfriend Darlene I'm gonna run the pillows down to the big loader laundromat down the street here and wash it all up and this I'm going to strip outside and I don't know when I'll get to it I'm just out here in my Robin's like where are you going Mama where are you going you saw me at the car [Music] okay I just got a coupon sent to me from Value Village this morning and if you spend um fifty dollars you get 25 off well the mirror is fifty dollars usually you get 30 off on seniors day but I didn't do it and I'm gonna take the chance to see if the mirror is here and I'm going to ask her for a bargain too so there you go let's see fingers crossed [Music] it's not here but that's okay it wasn't meant to be and I'm gonna have to live with that this is really pretty though like I need another lamp isn't it pretty or catalabra ready though I wonder if Rose wants that 21 no I'm not doing it that's too bad this is a really nice sofa table but it's 30 bucks and I don't need it they have both of my nails done creamer this is 5.99 the sugar the creamer is ten dollars which doesn't make any sense and it's leaning it needs a leg Banting if you bent it and it broke then you kind of out of luck and then the teapot is 16 17 dollars it's very cute though but I don't need it and it is fine it wasn't bent on the legs it would can be considerable I found the lid to the sugar in the teapot it's the only one that's sitting straight though unfortunately because that's a beautiful little set I think it's overpriced this one definitely would have to be remarked somebody messed up that'd be 17 20 B30 that's making it 30 bucks 35 bucks with tags yeah too much but this one could be used for something else and it's a good price well I'm here I might as well look for a ducky a baby one if there's any let's look every time I come it's definitely not a need it's just a want right oh yeah on my way over here I stopped and went and got my nails done he does a good job I like them I got it for four dollars and 51 cents for tax with my points that I get at Value Village it's not bad I'm gonna clean my car out it's I came over to the vacuum it's just easier than bringing mine outside right it's probably better it's a bigger one here I am gonna wash it too I'm going to get some groceries yeah I don't need a lot of stuff except to hold me over for a couple days it's just a little of this in the middle of that day strawberries are on sale for a dollar 84. that's pretty good what about the raspberries I don't know but they shouldn't be that much as raspberry season I love raspberries let's see here are spends five dollars so I wonder how much the other ones are the big ones I wanted to show you my glass with the silver trim for the bathroom I got that second hand too just thought I'd show you that before I um go downstairs and show you the chandelier all lit up I have silver in my bathroom like tarnish silver I love it anyways I just thought I'd show you that I did end up getting this too but I'm not moving it in the bathroom I'm getting started to look like a giant captain in here anyways now I like just the little bit I have I'm not buying anything else right here sure Berkshire and last I find is sterling silver uh container I can add a pump to for my soap then I would in that no I'm done I have a little Geo box over here too but that's enough for in here I was just laughing I'm gonna use this for some Curry or something I think I'm gonna put it in here I'll probably put like um I use a lot of Curry or maybe a Montreal steak spice or something in it I have a old um salt shaker full of Hot Chili Peppers I reduce reuse recycle reinvent that's me for sure they like that and it's right by somebody in my kitchen right anyways I am going to close this video um please like And subscribe hit the notification Bell and thank you always for watching Pretty Princess and sexy time
Channel: Mama Brooke
Views: 39,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #inshot
Id: mdORUK6f20E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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