Proven Winners & Endless Summer Hydrangea Garden Tour in June | The Southerner's Northern Garden

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hi y'all and welcome back to the Garden So today we're going to be talking about hydrangeas I received a ton of questions regarding the fairy Trail bride hydrangea that I planted two years ago in a video people were continuously commenting on that video update on this hydrangea because it was a new uh variety of hydrangea a new like species of hydrangea introduced to the market two years ago by proven winners it was originally released as a zone seven plant I decided I was going to trial it in my zone six later that year I think uh Proven Winners change that to a to a zone six but the problem is is it is still a hydrangea that blooms on old wood so in our really cold Winters which we had here it may be unlikely to bloom it's going to be similar to like an old macrophila that blooms on old wood now I did mention in the video probably last year I know it was last year that the original one that I planted in 2021 in a container I moved out into the landscape I planted it right here around this where this day lily is now it died it did not survive winter I did plan it out probably in October and winter wasn't actually that bad so it's cold hardiness it was a smaller plant it was a four inch container I think or I may have got a one gallon from proven Winters online directly at the time I ordered it online and so it died and I was like you know what I'm gonna replace it and I ordered one last year from an Etsy store that had a beautiful plant it came in I'll see if I can pull some footage if I can't then it's on a video last year probably around this time or a little earlier in the year that plant I planted up front around the Sweet Bay Magnolia under the Sweet Bay Magnolia and then I decided to redesign the entire front beds because I removed the two blue spruces so I moved the fairy troll height drainja from under the Sweet Bay Magnolia to under where the blue spruce will used to be last fall and then I spent winter redesigning those spaces and the Fairy Tail hydrangea did not fit into that design so I moved it again this spring it looks pretty pitiful but I'm going to show it to you so all this being said is it did survive this winter the three gallon container did it may have came as a two gallon I can't remember I got it from the Etsy store so I believe and we had that really rough winter and I believe it is probably going to be Hardy here now the re-blooming capabilities like I mentioned may be a concern but I'll show you what it looks like right now I actually just noticed it it looks like it might have buds on it so we'll give it a try and see if it blooms anymore this year it's recovering really slow I moved it um about a month and a half ago and then we had the drought and this specific bed it's not on drip irrigation but you can see here I need to come in and cut all of this wood off this dead wood it did put on new growth and these look like tiny tiny buds there so I think it might actually be pretty successful in this song we'll see how well it blooms given that it's been moved twice within the past year I'm not very hopeful that it's going to perform really well this year but it did survive so if you're interested to knowing whether it survives on six the bigger plant did because probably it just has a better root system the smaller plant did not there was a lot of die off on this one it did sit all winter um and there was a lot of die back but it it did come back so we're going to move on and show you some of the other hydrangeas that are blooming right now because hydrangeas have had a really great increase in development of different varieties that bloom earlier particularly paniculata so I want to show you some funiculata because if you're picking up a nicolata hydrangea for your garden you probably want one that blooms a little later instead of late in the summer like end of July Limelight of course is one that blooms pretty late it's the original big paniculata everyone loves this year mine got started really early because of the warm weather but it's still nowhere close to putting on buds yet now so we'll just start around and show you a lot of these paniculatas a lot of all the hydrangeas so we'll consider this kind of a hydrangea tour right now so the Limelight not blooming probably will not start putting on buds for at least three more weeks we are a little ahead like I mentioned so it could be two weeks it's getting close I can't imagine that it's gonna start really quickly but the amount of actual leafy growth these standards have put on this year is incredible really looking forward to seeing these In Bloom the Bobo's are a little behind they bloom earlier than the Limelight but they're just now starting to put on buds you can see them here tiny tiny buds all at the terminal shoots of all of this green growth you know Bobo is one of my favorite because it just produces buds on every one of these branches and it is very very thick hydrangea so it's going to look really gorgeous right here now the one I have on the patio up here in a container is already because the soil is warmer it's way ahead and it is already producing Buds and it's actually starting to bloom out here so it's coming along nicely this is one I actually grew from a it wasn't a cutting it was where mulch had fall when on one of the branches of one of these down here and I just dug it up and stuck it in a container several years ago and grew it on so it's looking really great I don't know that I'll ever put this one out in the garden now that I have it on drip irrigation it's love the spot much more and it's been really happy so really beautiful little specimen here in this container so in the very back of the yard there's not a whole lot of hydrangeas there there are some by Endless Summer called Bloom stroke that I purchased from Home Depot several years ago for like five dollars a piece they were discount they were very sickly so they're still recovering those were planted I think the fall of 2021 and this location right here I have Invincible Spirit which is the hydrangea that proven Winters produces for breast cancer her awareness and the proceeds of all the purchases go to breast cancer research and it is starting to put on growth as well this one has never done really well right here even though it's got a drip irrigation emitter tube I don't run the drip in the backyard quite as much because of the incline water tends to just run cover these beds pretty well but I think it gets a little more Sun than it can be happy in this location so it may have to be moved or removed somewhere else we do have another Oak Leaf hydrangea that I planted last year on a video that's blooming I believe this is Snow Queen so it's actually put on growth really really well I just started blooming here recently and these Pentacles will continue to get larger you can see the bloom struck hydrangea right there I'm not going to crawl back through these shrubs but every one of them that I kind of have poked around here I've got blooms on them so they're re-blooming really well at the end of June those are macrophilus so they will change color with the soil but we have they're pretty high alkaline and it's hard to change the color of those hydrangeas even by putting soil acidifier or some type of other acid on them because we also have hard water so high alkaline soil hard water makes it difficult to turn macrophilas or Mountain hydrangeas that change color blue I have one up here that I put next to the vegetable garden called ruby slippers um and I love it it started blooming so early this year and it is a smaller Oak Leaf hydrangea hydrangea corsifolia is what it's called the scientific name and it started blooming really early and it's got these beautiful panicles on it and it'll get three to four foot tall and wide so it'll fill this space really nicely here with just an accent of some blooms next to the vegetable garden which is growing out of control right now you guys just so you know these tiny ones in the backyard around this Maple are we white and I mentioned I was going to remove these and switch them out with a tiny quick fire but they're actually performing quite well here this year I planted these in the fall of 2021 when I was planting all of those tiny shrubs in the Garden we white stays really small that's why it's called wee white but the panacos emerge kind of white and then they turn a little pinky they're some of them you can tell already have a little bit of blush pink on them like this one's a little more Pinker and then they age like regular macalas I mean arborescence to a green color but in my garden I've had issues with them burning really bad so despite the drought we've had for three weeks several weeks ago these are looking pretty good I'm not seeing a whole lot of drying or shriveling up so these may actually perform better we'll see so I'm not going to count them out I've given them kind of a hard time based on the experience I had with some at the front of the garden but these at the back of the garden are doing pretty well so don't count them out yet if you're looking at a small tiny Annabelle type arborescence hydrangea this hydrangea crammed in this spot is hydrangea I never remember the name of this one but it is one of my favorite after it got going it took it a couple years because I bought it as a one gallon or three quarter gallon from Amazon from proven winners and it's already blooming so give me a minute and let me think of the name and then I'll put it on the screen after the video is edited it's one that's not advertised quite as much by Proven Winners and the color of these blooms last fall they emerge white because it is a paniculata they turn a little green but these age to almost a purple which was incredible my favorite aged hydrangea last year definitely consider it if you do not have it and I'm not sure why more Growers don't grow it because I've never seen it locally and it has performed really well for me it grew first year it took a little bit to settle in as any shrubs but it's grown pretty quickly and has been so vigorous and produced so many blooms since then so I will put a link to it below or the name on the screen so you know what it is because I really love it it blooms earlier than the limelights and almost some of the Bobo so definitely a winner in my in my garden now there are not really any hydrangeas on this side of the house but since I shot my last video my Monrovia St John's Wort is blooming and it is wonderful here this side of the house gets really warm and just kind of bakes I actually think I have lost this Arborvitae this fire chief it's turned completely Brown it died a little bit over winter and it looks really yeah this is toast that's unfortunate we'll just have to pull that up and remove it and I'm not sure that I'll replace it with anything this year maybe in the fall we'll see we've got some dahlias blooming those purple illusion ones it's really gorgeous check out this blue these are the annuals some of the annuals that I got from stock slaggers also having sunflowers or something come up everywhere a squirrel must have hid a bunch of them around the garden and now they're after the rain there being coming up everywhere this is nuts this one is Tiny quick fire and this bed right here this is the one that is probably one of my new favorite alternatives to an arbor Essence a small Arbor Essence like the wee white uh it has beautiful foliage right now it's green when I got it last year it may have been the fertilizer Proven Winners was using but the foliage was almost blue so maybe if I added some ironite to it or something similar it would turn a little more blue but it blooms really early for a paniculata this one was putting on buds almost a month ago and I showed you in a video and they stay kind of small so it only gets you know two foot tall and wide maybe somewhere around in there and it's just going to fill this Corner Spot really nicely here and definitely check it out if your local garden centers not growing them I would go to them and encourage them to grow it because it's definitely a winner here under the Sweet Bay Magnolia I've showed you tiny tough stuff and I have not put any fertilizer on these this year I've hardly fertilized anything but the new stuff I planted but check out these blooms this is the best these have ever looked and this one's actually kind of purple which means the soil up here may be a little more acidic than other parts of the garden I love these this is I'm telling you these did not look this good last year and it may have been because we got so warm so early but even though we had our bad winter now this is a re-blooming mountain hydrangea so hopefully it'll continue to produce buds at the top of the shrub right now it looks a little sparse because all the blooms are kind of underneath I'll keep you updated on that but right now this is looking really really nice and I'd kind of counted out this hydrangea because it just hasn't performed and these have been here for probably three years now but sometimes shrubs just take a little while to get settled in and you need to give them the time so they don't before you pull them out just to get an opportunity to set down Roots good and I really love these the pink and the inside looks a little more purple right here I'm not sure this one's definitely visibly more purple blue some of them are more pink but really nice here from last video you can see that these tough stuff aha are getting really large look at these I've showed you these florets they just continue to get larger really beautiful small edging hydrangea that you can use it gets one and a half to two foot tall and wide also a mountain hydrangea so the color of the blooms can change with the pH these tend to be leaning a little more Pinker but they're still wonderful and look at all these beautiful buds they're putting on these are going to be really gorgeous here in another few weeks and they already are this one up here in the front is little lime punch and I'm really excited about this one to see how it changes color in the fall little line punch is a new improved version of little lime so it stays shorter and the blooms themselves are um actually turn Pinker earlier in the late summer then a little lime does and a darker pink at that so it's also starting to already put on buds on it in June so much earlier rebloomer than Limelight below are the ones I received from Endless Summer Hydrangeas earlier this year so they were a little behind because they came from Minnesota and Minnesota is much colder than here obviously and they were shipped bare root but they have put it putting on a ton of growth and just producing a lot more buds so this is Bloom struck one of the ones I showed you in the backyard Bloom stroke has done a pretty reliable job of re-blooming for me in the garden and this is pop star which is the new One released this year that has really beautiful blooms and supposed to re-bloom incredibly quickly so if you are do you have any damage it will come back for you I think the estimate is three to four weeks but you can see all of these buds that it's producing on all of them right here so I'm really tiny so we still got about a month or a few weeks anyway until those pop out but they're looking really nice in the spot so far less Twigs probably come through and cut back some of this dead wood now but I'm going to leave them for a little longer that way I'm not cutting anything that might still come back to life since these were a little behind here we have a hedge of invincible Ruby which I really like I've had issues in this space with drainage and this hydrangea replaced twice in the specific area I think I replaced that one once and I shot a video on it because this area was heavily compacted by a bobcat when we had the patio put in and this also was not part of the original bed so the soil was just really compacted Bobcat made it more compact and drainage was a huge problem in our clay soil it's gotten better over the years but this one still struggles on the end I replaced it this year with a new one I think it was a two gallon one I ordered from Amazon from Proven Winners directly but they're really beautiful they're this chromatic looking Ruby and they stay this color for a little bit these are fresh blooms and then they will kind of age to like a Dusty burgundy green color but I wanted a nice short hedge here these stay pretty small and they're accomplishing that goal right now so I'm probably going to miss some hydrangeas in this tour I think I've mentioned on my channel I have like 150 hydrangeas in my garden um so there's probably some tugged here and there that I may have skipped over and forgotten about the Let's Dance can do that I planted earlier this year uh gorgeous look how big this Bloom has gotten definite winner continues to produce buds everywhere pink for me because of my soil type but definitely this is going to be one to spread around the Garden in other areas love it and then we have of course the incredible hydrangea hedge which I just posted a video on a short reel on Instagram last night it is looking really spectacular this year this is the fifth year this after these plants were planted and they're as big as they've ever been and have more blooms than they ever have and are standing up much better than they have in previous years because I did brace them and we just had rain this morning so you can see some of them didn't get the steak but there is a stake under there that covers the fronts and sides the back's not as much of an issue because they tend to stretch towards the light this is the north northwest side of the house pretty even Northwest so they don't get a whole lot of sun and these may actually be getting a little more sun in the morning because of the glue Spruce being gone so this one on the end at least gets a little more light in the morning but they mostly get evening light and shade throughout most of the day and do really really well I don't know how I would feel about these in full sun they're supposed to be able to take full sun that's probably not the South full sun so I would recommend and I have recommended previously that if you've got a hydrangea that says full sun that means it's also going to need full water uh Hydra for hydrangea means water and definitely for the first few years until they get established they're probably going to burn anyway so I would not put this maybe in full sun we'll see I might trial one later in full sun and see how it does in Ohio it might be okay but we still have really hot and humid Summers here and it would probably droop severely unless it was given water so I would recommend a part sun location or a place where it gets you know some Evening Sun not like really heavy Evening Sun or that delicate Morning Sun would also make them happy but gorgeous this year and the last one that I just happened to skip over for some reason I don't know why because it's one of my favorite paniculatas is Pinky Winky it looks really good this year they're quite big they're starting to put on buds you can see right here uh just little ones right now but these paniculatas and the panicles on these paniculatas get over a foot long they just continue to elongate over the summer they're more open Blooms so they're enjoyed more by the pollinators I really really love these nice red stems that they have on all the new growth Pinky Winky gets quite large I've managed to contain the sizing over the past few years these have been in the ground since 2020 so this is its third full growing season it's really starting to take off and they are under this Willow so they get less water but they are on drip kind of at the front of the Border here uh from the lawn and so I really love this variety if you have the space for it which like I said they could be size controlled a little bit uh definitely recommend it and love it one other one actually two other ones I just keep walking around and forgetting about all of the hydrangeas I have in my garden Limelight Prime is an improved version of Limelight and it's supposed to bloom a little earlier right now this is the only one in my garden that's showing a little bit of a leaf drop which if you're getting yellowing on your hydrangea inner leaves that's fairly common on the paniculatas as they don't get as much sunlight and the new foliage lease out some of the old foliage falls off so let me show you these limelights you can see they get a little yellow leaf in there too don't be terribly concerned if you see the yellow leaves on your panniculatas it just means that some of the older leaves are falling off in most cases I've not had any issues with that throughout the summer but these are not close to Blooming yet I got these when they're originally released I ordered them directly from Proven Winners online they had a limited batch of them the year before they were going to release and I really love them they stay a little smaller than limelights six to eight foot tall and wide I think is the uh the rating and it may actually be four to five but it also has really dark stems which is nice so they're not red as the Pinky Winky but they are more of a brown some of the newer growth is more red but really really beautiful hydrangea the last one that I have over here is I think it's called it's not tiny quick fire it may be like little quick fire oh it's firelight tidbit that's it and I was trialing it for Proven Winners a couple years ago and this clematis is kind of taking it over here but it's not blooming yet either it's a smaller variety also a really beautiful one for you to tuck in your garden to the extent you have a landscape that's smaller but it's coming along nicely as well and finally I think that is all of that I can think of at the moment the hydrangeas that I have in my garden very quick tour for you this time of year things are just getting started and picking up we had a nice rain last night it appears so enjoying the summer thank you guys for following along and remember in a world full of hate be a light take care bye
Channel: The Southerner's Northern Garden
Views: 36,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden, gardener, farm, flower, bloom, vegetable, plant, Ohio, Zone 6, garden answer, roots and refuge farm, impatient gardener, Southern, Northern, hydrangea, raised bed, gardeners world, linda vater, eley, garden style, creekside nursery, Vego, garden tour, transform, garden questions answered, gardening ideas for home, gardening for beginners, raised bed gardening, beautiful, green, proven, winners, fall, winter, summer, spring, planting, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth, answer, succelent, diy, grow, perennial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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