My Cheap Homemade Pontoon Boat Build #2

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I've got the diverter sitting in place and it's coming up 161 inches long here's a shot of what I showed you last night in the dark 161 and a half total length plus three inches for tuba six on the one in two before on this end and there's four barrels here's four barrels this bow should be pretty fast it's got two four barrels I've measured this is 161 I took a speed square motor line here here here and here we're about to make the first four cuts okay where we are so far this board this 2x4 has been cut off eight feet long that way the plot will come up this edge the public um flush the other edge that back two by six it is 8 feet long I'm using the trailer to keep the boat flat and to keep it square lining up with the angle iron of the trailer and there's any crowd in the board the crown I'm putting it down that way when I flip this over I'm bent it upside down first when I flip it over if there's any water on the deck it'll try to run off this board is a little bit of crown to it the crown is going down until we flip it over up next I got to glue and screw this together I've got some deck screws I've got some Titebond part three it's waterproof three and a half inch deck screws I've got some breakfast to go in the corners time to shut put it together I just laid out the bow board and the stern this would be the bow that'll be the stern that's all four boards that are gonna be running long ways a pre-drill and put the screws in that's just a matter of screwing together in between the two boards that run long ways I'm doing 16 1/2 inches that's what my first pontoon boat head the distance between the two boards that run the length of the boat on both sides of the boat 16 and a half inches I have two of the long-run or two befores in place this one sits on the rail and the other one sits on this other rail just right I've got all four runner boards glued and screwed in place I've even got four barrels sitting up there with a diverter in place it looks great everything's fitting perfect little update while the glue is drying I put in a corner of race and an L bracket to hear to hear and of course up here to there and to there on the strong kicker mount area I put in this board it is 72 inches long 45 on both ends I'm gonna glue it and screw it then I came up 24 inches putting this brace going crossways it is 57 inches long and I've got that brace going from here down it is screwed and glued it's about to be screwed and glued on this side same thing screwed and glued and there probably two more in the center they don't want to put a piece of ply whatever it so the water don't catch on this wall here's the strong motor mount area got to make it strong I'm gonna be around the 25 horse or a 28 horse depending which everyone runs best hopefully the 28 horse it's got controls in a steering wheel anyway I got two more boards to put in here and this back section is done so what I'm doing now I'm tightening one plug as tight as I can get it the other plug I'm removing it I'm tied the water hose rinse out whatever is in there then we'll drain it out then we'll put the other plug in tonight it's supposed to be 33 degrees I've come out put this plug in that'll give me a lot of dudes air in there when I go to the springs next summer they shouldn't collapse I want to go to Springs later this month they shouldn't collapse but I'm using to tighten them I've got this homemade bong wrench this plug fits like that this plug up here's a little bit different I've had to grind a little bit off that one fits just like that now I'll get him as tight as I can get them they got a good seal we should be golden so here on the barrel I'll take both plugs out make sure they both have seals and that one has a seal I'll just put it back in there tight as I can get it and now all eight barrels have been rinsed twice I'll probably come back 10 maybe 11 o'clock at night put the other caps on so it's about 9:40 and it's 41 degrees it's not gonna make it down to 33 the forecast was wrong I'm pleased plugs in 41 is still 31 degrees warmer than the springs they should never collapse oh never and they don't have to be terribly tight it says tartlet 20 pounds 25 pounds torque your 20 foot pounds that's done seven more to go here's an up close shot of the two last caps test-fitting tom yeah it's gonna be a big old pontoon platform boat I've just picked up six more two by fours and four sheets of half-inch treated plywood before you put the plywood on I've got to cut this tube for make a notch here to make room for my drum I'll show you what it on this other side this has been cut here now the drum fits in there I'll do that to the other side I've got to put a piece of plywood on the bottom of this and then we'll start doing the decking and now with this piece cut out the barrel fits right into place I'm gonna take another two before scab it on the side here strengthen that back up and then we'll start with the plywood right here where I had a notch this two before for the barrels to fit I've added another two before brace here and one on the other side right there now we'll take the barrels off the trailer go get the trailer laid then I can build the boat on the trailer this is taking the pontoon trailer to the weigh station let's seewhat away is bring your tangling here's the treated plywood ready to be cut I've got the frame flipped over and when this angle is I will put a piece of plywood down here so the water don't get caught that would slow you down someone put a piece of plywood under here then we'll flip it all over on top of the barrels the custom angled rear diverter is now screwed and glued in place time to flip this baby over start putting the decking on the barrels are now on the trailer the frame is now on the barrels if we go to the back we can see the three compartments with a full plywood floor I'm thinking kicker goes here probably gas camp for kicker goes in that one probably battery up here probably trolling motor here and the rest will be flush flat decking one recessed area and this will be as far as we make it tonight I'll put in two braces plywood sheet number one goes right to here plywood sheet number two goes to their plywood seat number three goes right to here my next step I got to put the strapping on the barrels get the barrels all strapped on then I'm gonna put in the diverters and then I'm all strapped but no decking on it it's time to start strapping the barrels all in okay this leftover plumbing strap from boat build number one and I'm gonna use these Springs these Springs are gonna keep tension on the straps I'll always be tight in the back I got to make a little notch here for the spring to go through I got to make a little hole in the plywood for the spring go through the rest imma be straightforward and on the springs I've been one side custom bend it for the screw on the other side I tighten it up for the strap this should be golden spring number one is oh and I can see there's some tension in it you can see it stretched apart a little bit on the other side I've got one screw in here I'm gonna cut it off bend it over and put a second screw I am on the second barrel fourth trap I've got the spring here the screw is in I've got a strap coming around I've got this little piece of wood I take this screwdriver poke it through one of the holes then I pry up that gives tension on that spring I can see the spring over there stretching out and I've got my screw with a stainless steel washer on it I put a little hole and then that washer spreads out the force over the whole strap if you've been following my magnet fishing videos this was in that last video I put out it works so good and I'll Bend this over tap it flat no sharp edges and then a second screw holds it in place this is the stock spring with big wide-open hooks I put in a vise I squeeze this side down for the screw I squeeze this side down for the strap down here is the spring when I fry up you can see the tension on the spring somehow strap into barrels own I've got exactly half of them done there are four barrels that are strapped that's eight pieces of strap and this is leftover from my first boat build which had six barrels six barrels means twelve pieces of strap so 100-foot rolled made twenty straps I've got four more barrels to go so that's eight more straps that I need I need eight another 50-foot roll of plumbing trouble and now the barrels are pressurized the bottom and top they're poking out a little bit this space is a little bit expanded when we get to the diverter I should have made the boat more like fourteen feet instead of thirteen foot eight but I believe I can cut it off flat to screw straight into the two before and I'm have a two before running down the screws into it'll work out so I supposed to be storming today my party is to get these diverters finished I got a customized them a little bit and get them all put on get that done before the storm happens everything start decking this is what's going on with my diverter skeleton I got one board going down one board coming up my board coming across and I've Martin on my diverter one will put me some screw holes no guesswork there three screws here maybe one two three in the front let me get it on I'll show you okay I put the diverter on in this point sticks out past the two-by-four so I've marked it that's what's gonna get cut off and I've also put another crossmember that's where the sides of the diverter screws in here and there next time you see it diverter number one is completely installed I've got three screws running down the center I got two screws up front I got one screw on each side it's good strong plastic it's not going anywhere and this extra race here keeps my Bears from trying to walk forward now for diverter number two I've already got the complicated cut marked down on this board we'll start there and get number two put in place oh and I've traced out the diverter over here except I didn't trace I probably should have traced that off but it might be slightly different on this one there is diverter number one and diverter number two is ready for the water completely installed I just put an extra brace here the half-inch plywood l's a big span now there's a brace in the middle I'll probably put another brace back there I just ran out of three inch screws and one more update I've been putting staples will the front to have staples to keep that spring from ever want to pop off I don't think it would but now there's a staple in place someone with the tape measure and the speed square and this sheet of plywood is ready to go and that sheet is ready to go on right here the first sheet of plywood is sitting in place I got several screws in it this is what I got left of the first box of inch and 5/8 screws I've got another box of tension 3/4 waiting so I've been through one box of those one box a three and a half looking good and the tools they're out of the rain under the plywood in case it rains so I got one sheet of plywood on yesterday then I'm not off early I went to town and I got these three strips I'll learn on boat build number one you need something to keep stuff and falling off the deck so that's gonna be these little strips and I bought four two by fours that's gonna be some railing around the back also picked up a box of three half inch screws hopefully that's the last box I'll need sheet1 his own sheet to rap for it goes on on building a skeleton I just put in that one I put in that one and now I'm gonna put in this one that way if you're standing right in the center of this holding that really big fish you won't fall through sheet number one his own sheet number two his own sheet number three is ready to go home there's the price I just put in I'm out wrapping up the decking on this boat I gotta put a little piece here a little piece there it just so happens that piece is gonna be 24 inches long that one's 24 inches long the plywood's 48 so if I cut it right exactly in half bamm-bamm Oh am i her working in the 12 year old brought me a slice of pizza and some tater tots well the deck is now in place that is nice and on deck screws out of the whole pound there's probably a 10 15 M left now I've got to start on the back railing I'll tell to make it how long to make it this way I'm still working on what to do with the railings in the back I'm thinking maybe 24 inches tall two feet tall I'm looking at kickers this is my original homemade boat motor that was a pressure washer engine this would be like a trolling motor on here other options include I've got this 25 horse Evinrude it was on build number one it did pretty good but I would rather have this twenty-eight horse Johnson the pros on it it would reach four inches deeper into the water and it's got more horsepower it's got controls it's got a steering wheel the cons I've never heard it run yet it comes with a steering wheel and controls I want to put those on the boat even the book steering wheel and I'll get this bimini top that needs a little bit of cleaning it must go on the boat I got all the trim around the front that goes back eight feet and then this little wall is gonna be about 66 inches long it's gonna turn the corner stop turn the corner and come back up I'm now finished with half of the railing in the back I'm out of lumber for the other side but I'm gonna do one just like this couldn't strong for the other side well opposite of this flip-flop it gotta get more lumber first and there may be something that goes across the table that connects on this removable we'll see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] they just got real serious pole holders are now installed there are now 3 poles in the pole holder just came in from the store I got two nylon cleats one for the front and one for the front and I got a gallon of wood coating that's supposed to cover 300 square feet I should be able to do this boat twice I'm about halfway done with the deck because it took a long time going through all three of those holes I'll get these other two sheets done didn't do that fence since we last spoke I switched to a bigger roller and it got done a lot faster I still got to do the inside of the railing over there and the inside there a little bit more dude here and across the front here are the rails that go around the front the boat they've been stained the whole boat has been stained except for the handrails I'm running the sander around it smooth it up a little bit then we'll same this and we'll call it done I got it all finished and that side was missing something so I've added that board I think I'll stain it before I put it on there I'm gonna put one this side on the other side the two additional pieces have been stained they'll be put on tomorrow it's now time to start cleaning up and head to the house now if I lift this motor up pull the boat out of the way back the pontoon around here I can't take it too far students still the bimini top and that front seat the 28 zone I don't know if it runs or not there's a lot of wiring left to figure out this old tuba 6 look how good and straight it was that was the sad guide on the boat trailer a little wide a little bit too long I've made it a 2x4 and I've tagged the 2x4 this side guide is all finished except for I'm gonna replace one bolt it broke I added some paint even put a reflector this trailer is kind of wide the Curlin I just went a town we came back with a bimini top fix book marketplace 50 bucks I'm excited I'm shot in surprise I can't get over how perfect this thing fits that's gonna sit there I gotta make a bracket that's gonna rest on the back row and that sits right there love it all I got two more boards to help finish off this bench seat I think I'll build that next where we are today you're up for knock off tom is getting cold I've got the bimini top on it's all spread out it's just on temporary I got screws going into the handrails and it may be on backwards but I've got the long strap it'll reach lower down to the deck the short strap reaches all up to the hem rail and the bench is coming together it's gonna be good strong the kids can get it up on top of it jump off into the water all right holds a five-gallon bucket with a lid dry bucks it's got my battery my gas can two paddles there's still room for life jackets for tackle box for maybe a small cooler and the bit cooler can fit over in this corner strap it to the handrail now be nice to have one big piece of plywood one big door that opens but I'm doing this out of scraps if I just do one that hinges the pedals will still fit in there I think that will might be removable I don't know yet how I'm gonna do it anyway looks like an armrest here and armrests there and armrest here a nice wide area to sit on backrest let me get it screwed together I just bought three more boards for the bench seat that should complete it for episode one no more boards bought for episode one back on the bench seat I'm gonna be like a picket fence in front of it little pickets and I've got this privacy fence board I'm okay it up into the pieces and I've also got this this is treated a plywood scrap its exact same width as these it's gonna work out pretty good it's time to build a bench seat picket fence I'm thinking maybe a little bit off the floor maybe a pencil with between each of them let's get going and then check out the piece of scrap that I have for this backside going on the inside it's like it was made for it the back containment plywood is on I need to put something around here to keep something with jumping out of this hole and the front is done up Ness we got to put the seats on the door and the seat doors got to get you caught up up and sustained on the bench seat area I put in for our bolts for the bimini top and right now I'm about to put on this winch tower oh and also well do the trailer back together little weld here little weld there I'm by the spray paint that and then we'll put that tower off it is boat update time I just got registered yesterday it was about 30 minutes $32.25 there's the sticker sticker goes on this there's an electrical box plate cover that's some good to state a sticker to then I got to put my numbers on here I got a permanent work here's the old rusty winch I think I'm will paint it red and stick it on we'll be ready for the river the winch is now painted it's mounted the Rope is on it's hooked to the boat we're ready to go this is the maiden voyage for the boat for the trailer and we are at the Suwannee River that hid in the Fanning sprays and sipping final manatees [Music] now if you're one about the menu today we've got Fried Chicken Cheetos cookies a salad some Tomatoes a banana in the cooler or some water and some Gatorade I was just a little magnet fishing on that bridge and I came up with a big piece of angle iron it's got snails on it plus I got this piece of cable and whatever this is I don't know now I'm we're going this dog see if we find maybe a fishing hook maybe a knife so around this dock not one fishing hook not one knife I found part of some sunglasses a screw in this vampire killer thing it's pretty neat it's got what's going on you
Channel: chud327
Views: 1,442,408
Rating: 4.7437296 out of 5
Keywords: chud327, chud, project, how to, diy, build, built, homemade, barrel, boat, 55, gallon, drum, construction, construct, test, float, drive, motor, air, cooled, instructions, steps, kick, kicker, magnet, fishing, fanning, springs, state, park, florida, manatee, brute, magnetics, bimini, cheap, inexpensive, boating
Id: WXrziiLAOD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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