AlienGear ShapeShift | Full Review

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today we're going to be looking at the most versatile holster system I've ever seen you can do everything from level two outside the waistband retention to inside the waistband appendix let's take a look [Music] what's up America Neil here with Geauga farms Academy thanks for watching as promised we're going to be taking a look at the alien gear shape-shift guns in this starter kit and let's dig in and see what this is all about we're going to do a full review now on this shape-shift holster this is the starter kit from alien gear now one of the things that's a big deal to us for those who have been following us for a while this is kind of a big milestone for us but when we first got involved in this whole youtube deal and training online kind of stuff for us it was just about putting together videos in the beginning that was going to be for students that are taking classes for me and just one on something the review and I figured we get a couple hundred maybe even a couple of thousand a couple years and that baby ended it and it's really become its own thing over tens of thousands of subscribers later and along the way stuff that I used from companies I sent requests for and obviously when you're first starting out it's a business I get it people are like yeah well we'll think about it take a deal and alien gear was on those companies because I use them a lot so let me just show you this this is a big deal for us so this is a this is it the second shape-shift to ever ship and it's signed by by Thomas Heather the CEO of the company obviously nothing to do with the review it's just a kind of a cool milestone for us in John farms Academy and I wanted to share that with the people have been with us from the beginning alright let's delve into this bad boy so the shape-shift what does it do I would be easier to say when it does not do this is the shape-shift is actually a really cool name for it cuz it does a whole lot of stuff you guys know I've run most this most their gear so we have it's basically in my opinion going to replace everything they have I mean as far as I'm concerned it's it's better this kit offers the options that it does is better than their standalone single holsters just my opinion though but this is the latest 3.0 the inside the waistband so it does this job it will also do the outside the waistband holster that they offer this holster is pretty bulky it's nice because it has the same kind of modular system and you can change it but outside a competition or like winter wear under your garments not really a super concealable holster but well made and for competition I think the thing are going to range this is pretty cool what a deathly replaces this also with a better option let's crack in the box now I try to put some stuff back together I've had this on I've been wearing it I've tried in all different configurations so I try to kind of put it back the way you would typically find it I did the best I can but these two booklets when you get this kit don't just toss these out believe me you're going to need these one of them is a actual it's a parts kit layout because you'll see in a second there's a lot of stuff in this box way more than you think it's actually a little bit overwhelming at first and then of course you're going to need this this is the actual instructions and if X it breaks down to all the different positions that you can carry and how you want to put those together once you do it a couple times it's super simple just when you first seam you're like wow that's a lot a lot of stuff going on in there and then of course when you get the Box open you're going to see the it's showing to the four basic functions or carry modules that you have and on the top here you're going to see the two backings the just like the old not old but the 3.0 it has that backing on it that neoprene well they've had a new one now yet another one and this one is definitely far superior again just my opinion than the 3.0 S or anything up to point nose or whatever one they're a lot more flexible now the the material like the Alien Skin is it does a cool cool feel to it one of the big huge the one of the gripes that I have with alien gear is that you could move these clips up and down and kind of adjust your ride height in your camp but for me I could never get a really for sure zero can't and they fix that of all the things I've done with this this is the biggest so as you can see with this little mounting bracket here on the side so those screws there you can reposition those screws and so now I've set this up so it's a true zero can no matter what I do with these I can move though I can now independently put the rise how high or how deep and I'm sorry how deeper or how much higher I want to position the actual holster as far as right eye goes but now I can independently control the can so that was thumbs up to thumbs up to ending here on that that was a big deal now the other one not that it's a huge pain in the butt but there are these allen screws that you're going to take in and out too to change that along with the fittings in the back check this out this is super cool now we take our clip or loop or whatever it is this is obviously the loop which will talk about that check it out 180 degrees voila check it out no tools no wrenches put it where you want hundred eighty degrees and now it's locked back in really one of the most important things about this and since I've known a lien deer in their products you won't be able to see it but right here there's a little American flag America okay can't pass that up now you also have a second appendix also outside the waste bin if you're not I'll explain that but this is a second pad same concept they're collectible but yet does have some rigidity again you can adjust the can't there independently as well and this is going to come in handy depending on how you're going to carry so at least offer a ton of options so let's dig into the actual kit now again I'm trying to put this all back together for have used it and have used it a little bit so when you first open this up there's all this stuff in there and there's actually a thumb break that's I already took out which we'll explain in a second one of the components that may be a little confusing is right here it says adjustable retention unit in that foam and as you can see it's not there it wasn't there when I open the box either it's not missing okay it's already installed onto the shell itself so there's going to be a shell like you see it here and that's already on there so don't think they have they missed it and this is actually a super cool new feature as well we'll talk about that okay so then we have our basic shell holster here I've already took the liberty and put some some a thumb break on it which we'll talk about I got another model I'll show you without we have an extra one of these which will make sense in just a little bit we've got a little bag of accoutrements wrenches and extra block nuts and stuff like that the one nice thing they did do is they labeled each little section so you know what was supposed to be in here see if you're trying to dig around figure out what what's what as you guys know my big pet peeve when it comes to holsters any kind is that it has a loop system so it's really solid I totally it's not an alien gear thing into any holster thing I just don't like plastic clips up to a metal clips any clip I just don't like it I would much rather have a loop that's nice solid and secure and this is of course what comes at least on line on the holster itself but like I said big deal right because that's how fast it is to change it out now so these loops that I prefer they were sitting right here so it comes with it it's got when they call this a kit it's truly a kid it has everything that you would possibly want to do and to configure your holster so along with that we've got the C clips if you like those the bay looks moves only J whoops J clips they're in here as well whatever whatever method that you want to use that's all right there for you moving down to the corner here you're going to have this wall mount and they definitely went the extra mile not only did they clean this is a bonus apartment I guess not only do they include all the hardware all the screws they actually included the drill bit I mean that they thought of everything and I'm sure that's probably your little instructions here I actually do them plan to install this this is a really cool idea I'm going to tell you some ideas that I came up with this let's talk about that exactly okay now we have the the famous alien guy head here the paddle okay it's got this like gear cog opening here which is very cool talk about that and this is this does have a really nice solid close to the body connection for outside the waistband you can use this is the one thing that you guys have known of complained about a leader has this belt slide which you can take this off this paddle and use the belt slide it's a rubber belt slide and I hate it and I told alien gear about as soon as I got it and they said they make a different model now so you'll see in a second here this really won't make any difference but this is the rubber belt fly so you can use that alright moving over here now we have our appendix appendix clips and it's just the left or right side depending on how you're going to build this holster and we're going to do all this here in just a minute and you're going to see depending on how you want to how you want to set this up but they that's what those are the appendix set up okay and then over here we have the outside the waistband belt slide these are awesome this is though if you're going to run it outside the waistband or a belt slide configuration these are the best I really really like these you could now you'll see in a minute here run these competition you can run it security you can run it concealment and then we have this little locking piece which we'll talk about in a second so that's all the components that you're going to find here along with the manuals and your shells so let's just take the shell for a minute and take it apart and see how this works now that I got a guy at alien gear it gets them inside information stuff so as far as all the holsters that are available I have no doubt that it's going to be a pretty big host of that this is set up for the XDS three point three the mod 2 is already done and I have that one coming and the XDM is on its way there's 23 additional guns that are being that these are going to fit here coming up and again they'll update on all the website there's going to be 11 different ways to carry this holster all from this kit right now the way the kit is set up I can't think of too many ways you'd want to carry this it's really what I would consider exotic carry models that you can't do with it right now so here's the two shelves put together to make one the plastic material by the way anything you didn't use context in the beginning is something with the be extra my name of it that was supposed to be better another supposed to be better than that of all the material that I've ever touched from alien Europe never there are materials have always been top notch so it has a very high quality feel and always have but supposedly this is better so here's how this works there's these little locking nuts two of them one on the top and one the bottom and all you do is turn on 90 degrees and they come right off and there's even that camera probably pick it up there's actually arrows and even show you the direction but once you do that these two halves will then slide apart like so and these two halves now can be built on two different different backings like if I want to set this up and we'll do some specifics here okay this way and I'll show you how to turn this into inside the waistband deal and all that kind of good stuff okay but just to make it a two-piece shell when you get on the box again you're going to have these two halves and so inside here there's going to be a groove and the actual rail itself and then on the I'm sorry off on the top when you go to actually assemble them you'll see at the very top they actually label everything open close so you'll see the direction on how you're going to want to actually remove and put these back on so closes go this way so we're going to line up our our rails as such so once you line them up and they just kind of slide into place like that there we go and you'll see that's all level and flush and then to lock it back up you just take your cap put it on there turn it on the top one on the bottom and wallah and now we've got the holster set up for that this little guy right here is your actual retention the cool part about that you can take one of these nuts off are these lock nuts and you'll see that there's a square part there which would fit actually into the little adjuster and that will actually increase or decrease the amount of retention the friction retention that you have as it comes it's free so it's not going to come out of there but if you wanted to modify that you certainly can so what can you do with this now that you have this attached well on one side we have that gear end of things there it isn't in the holster itself I've just all I did was put the belt slide are they I'm sorry the panel on here just you can see obviously there's that cog in and so that gear in is going to fit inside there there's a little button on the side here this will all line up into it and once it clicks in it's nice and solid so that's not going to come out now this is the ideal the way this is set up right here for competition because as you can see it's very far from my body and in this configuration and other than the retention that's just on the holster there's no level to or anything like that just a regular dictionary tension so for competition this would be a really cool setup a very easy to access and drop very quickly locks in very nicely with that you're going to press that panel and that will remove it now because it's a gear system here's the cool part this will be able to be oriented any way you want if you wanted to turn it this way with some funky angle for whatever reason once is locked in you could if you want to I would imagine if you want to run it on chest rig or something or alright anyway you want to configure this whatever camp you want to use you just press the little paddle it will remove it and you can orient it any way you want you want to run it upside down backwards whatever okay so that's really cool now let's say for example that this is how I'm wearing my holster for whatever reason and I'm going to come home now that's the mounting bracket here's where that comes into play so you mount this mounting bracket with a where I showed you let's say for example one ID I had with this as you can mount this on top of your doorframe above your bedroom and so there'd be no way that the little children can get to it because it's obviously 7 feet up and we'll talk about you can actually put a level 2 retention on it and so when you come home you can literally clip or press that button which will release your actual whole entire holster unit and let's say you were putting up on that wall whatever the case is you simply click it into that and it is now in there obviously this is the retention alone will hold it up but we can also in a second here put a level 2 retention on there which will literally lock it into place without pressing that so if you wanted to access it you could all right you could mount the stand I mean that was just one idea but you could mount this underneath the desk or whatever whatever you wanted to do you do that you press the paddle or press the button that will release and then we just put it back make sure it's locked in and you're back onto your holster so we can add retention device and with the magic of editing there it is so all we did was we added this some early so now we've got a solid level 2 retention so it has the the friction for 1 and then 2 is going to be able to now press this pedal release to release the gun and I prefer of all the styles of retention level 2 retention I prefer the inner paddle we know the other company that has one that's here I don't really like that one as much as this one because I can naturally have the thumb press to release it and so it's super solid and again you could wear it like this if you were in some type of security or law enforcement this would be another option for level 2 retention pretty easy to take it off and mount it into some other vehicle or your house or wherever the case is and it's all from the same kit so far so so far we've got kind of the we have the regular just retention style kind of competition away from your body outside the waistband we have the level 2 retention outside the body for security or if you're going to you're just one of those open carry people and you really want to have that as you should have some type of retention you have that couple quick things inside the holster itself it will actually give the model whether you can see they're not and this is XDS three point three but the reason I took this one in half is so you could see the actual installation how simple it is to go from no retention or I'm starting with to add the level to retention you're simply adding a little tiny nut comes to the kit and a screw and you're just going to announce and you just tighten it up that's it and then you can see how that locks right onto your trigger guard so that's how it works so if you don't want this on you can simply remove it from this side put your two shelves back together then you're done reassembly again you're just lining up the slots slide it forward simple as that and then put your locking whatever you want to call these caps nuts about whatever and your back alright so let's look at a couple more options alright so there's a 3.0 and let's say we want to make this our new or our newest version of that so we want to have an inside the waistband concealed-carry option okay so let's turn this into that first thing we're going to do is we're gonna take our shell and it's already assembled so I'm just adding an extra step just to show you how simple and easy this is we're going to open it by simply sliding this forward and then these two halves will come apart and then we're going to attach them to our our back in here I simply take one half and you'll see where there's these two slots and they just fall into place like so then there's this other piece that will slide in and the cool part is is all the slides together okay before I do that though I want you to see this this other part of this installation because we're going to have to put the other part of the trigger guard there's your half here is your trigger guard piece and this lines up with its own slot inside here and that will line up just that easy so now that we have that we're simply going to place that on to our backing take our little locking piece slide it on take our little magic locking down here put that on turn it to 90 degrees same thing with this side line up 90 degrees again if you wanted to change your tighten or loosen your retention you could but now we have our inside the waistband setup just like the original 3.0 or 2.0 or whatever version you want to talk about and you're good to go and again you want to move these out of the way or change them up simply 180 that would change that can change your can't you can change your can also by changing the screws out as you can see I have it set up for the zero can't throw it on so we're going to do like we normally do and put this whole load our pants here adjust it to where you want just for ease I'm going to use the clips to show you through this video and there we have it on so now we can go ahead and run our gun in there and I our gun in there nice and concealed and we're off to the races okay obviously I wouldn't carry it right there but just for demonstration so that's how easy it is so now we're going to go from what I would consider best for your four o'clock position more of a pancakes now and we're going to go to appendix inside the waste bin and we're going to do this all with the same holster in real time so I'm simply going to unlock this side remove our clip off of here take the holster off we're going to take our padding here we're going to take our hosting we just took off remember if you didn't just take it off another holster you're going to make sure you add the little trigger guard so it's fully enclosed but we're going to slap that on there and that easy you're going to take your appendix clip that's on there and roll it our lot slide it on here to lock it into place we're going to take our little Locker lock that up again thus no camera tricks that's all fast it was we went from inside the waistband pancakes now to appendix and this way we can put our gun in there we have our clip so you're going to run appendix here we go put a little clip on there take your belt uh how to move over a little bit to make it just right but there you go it's clipped in there so now we have our gun in there and over running appendix so now we're going to go from inside the waistband it panics to outside and we're going to replace this bigger bulkier in your with an outside the waistband that's in my opinion superior and Liston is real-time so once again remove your lock nuts whatever caps take your appendix clip off we're going to take this trigger guard part off okay they're going to have two new components here so this first one this is going to be our our new trigger guard which will slide into place like that put it back on our holster you could probably do that without even taking it off it's just that's the way I just did it then our outside the waistband belt so I will go back on we want to lock both sides so this side will go again 90 degrees this side then just lock that into place and now we have a belt slide set up again with adjustable retention and I'm going to show you this is going to be really really tight to the body so I'm going to show you how tight to the by this is going to be how this will ultimately work out now we can go ahead and holster our gun that thing is super tight to the body as you can see here okay outside the waistband I can still run this very concealed legitimately okay but then I still have access to it pretty quickly and it has really good retention there I probably actually even loosen it a bit but it's going to be really tight to the body and very secure because it's a belt loop configuration so now you guys see me put this in every configuration we'd get inside the waistband we did outside the waistband belt slide we did outside the waistband paddle we did outside the waistband with level 2 retention we did inside the waistband appendix pretty much anything that's going to fit some heart around your body in any way that you want to carry this gun from level 2 retention to appendix you can do it and although you saw me do that it's really that fast it's just nothing fancy here now I've done this several times probably half a dozen each mod just to get comfortable with it so it's no big deal but when you first get this it can be a little overwhelming so let's just look at a couple components so a Nagar really did an excellent job like it I could give them props on anything it's the material if they sent with this and how they laid it out they get a really good job not only did they label each component in the box that we already showed you but they give you this parts map so to speak okay and so right here it's going to walk you through everything to carry appendix here's the components that go with that to carry paddle outside the waistband here's your components to carry inside the waistband here's your components securing slide outside the waistband and so they break this all down they break on all the parts they even show you the mounting hardware for crying out loud and even explain to you the drill bit and everything so they really were very very thorough and believe it or not this is going to come in handy on the backside or the way we want to call the side it's going to show you kind of a schematic type view of each of the four configurations that we went through so then they have it they did whoever put this again or did an outstanding job this is the shape shift this is their their user manual for the starter kit and I'm not going to bore you with this but basically it's going to walk you through all the steps step by step how to do this everything I just showed you it walks you through every single thing it's got color pictures it shows you arrows and directions honestly it's pretty intuitive system once you start working with it the first time you do have to I have to admit how to read a couple of times is to make sure what I was doing but once we have that it's all laid out very very well and even shows you how to mount everything and goes through that whole whole deal as well and there's a pretty good idea like I said earlier under the under the desk type of setup or above a door frame or something that'd be pretty cool I've watched alien gear and their components kind of evolve over time and it's going to be interesting because to be truthful with you guys the shape shift I think when I first thought of heard of the concepts I was kind of like a jack of all trades master of none it's going to do a lot of different things when nothing really well at now that I got my hands on it I was totally wrong there this is severe in my opinion this is better than any one of their single setups so if you want to run and outside the waistband this is going to whichever configuration I would say this so it will be entering to see how the other products are going to kind of survive because in my opinion this is the only one I would recommend you buy right now because I think it's the best it's not that there's anything wrong with the other ones but this is definitely a next-level they really they really put their work into this but a leader has a really nice host of products now keep in mind we have the alien here which I love this belt I wear it all the time a meta fact that I take it off just to use this core one just to make it easier for filming but this belt and they have their I don't know Big Foot belts is their offspring or their secondary name or whatever but these belts are awesome they're seven ounce of the leather on each side spring steel cores and when you add these to their products I mean this setup right here if you're going to run outside the waistband and you want to concealed this is a fantastic set up for this this thing is super solid same thing if you were going to run inside the waistband again when you start running this through especially with their Clips you start running is this belt through there this thing is solid it's very very solid setup I like how fast and modular the the whole platform is becoming now with these clips that come on and off like that super quick adjustments very little tools with that I've had a lot of luck in training classes with these guys these are you know not necessarily you can run them for concealment that they have a whole pad for that and any time you start running magazines they're going to be bulky I mean it's just this one of the nature's of the beast but for outside the waistband and I throw it on a panel you can take on and off you can change the the cans on these they have the same kind of cog mechanism that the holster does when you start putting this together for not a lot of money you're getting a whole lot of stuff I mean I don't really like to get into prices because I don't know how long the video is going to be up and whatnot but this whole kit that this time is less than $100 it has all these configurations you add to it a mag pouch or two and a belt and you've got a really professional quality gear that's highly modular highly modularity I'll give you an example just off top my head these guys right here I love these when I take the training classes because you can adjust these and you go well yeah but you got screws in there and you got to adjust them it it doesn't matter it may back off the actual I mean these guys really put ball in it they hide an allen key in there so I can adjust that to fit and honestly one of my subscribers told me about this I didn't even realize it when they sent it to me so that's innovation I mean these guys are really thinking so the shape shift I cannot give it enough thumbs up I think it's a fantastic frog it'll set up any configuration you want I'm excited to see the other things that they have coming but right now I would highly endorse this this shape ship alrighty guys I hope you enjoyed this video you can go back to it hopefully it'll be a good reference for people about out of if they forget or they're not clear on instruction or something and how to change the configuration hopefully they'll be up there for that definitely encourage you to check it out you will not be sorry with this product it is really really good you know how to find us a course on YouTube patreon patreon is going to be all our premium stuff so all the a level and training type of stuff you're going to find that there so definitely check us out and for those that are with us on patreon we appreciate your support as always we appreciate when you share our videos like and subscribe until next time remember so we spend to be judged by 12 then carried by six
Channel: Geauga Firearms Academy
Views: 694,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geauga Firearms Academy, Firearms training in Ohio, how to ccw, Firearms training in Geauga county, Neil Nemetz, How to shoot a pistol, How to carry a pistol, best concealed carry positions, alien gear, alien gear review, alien gear shape shift, alien gear shape shift review, shape shift review, alien gear shapshifter, best iwb holster, best owb holster, Alien gear level 2 retention, modular holster, IWB holster options, concealed carry poitions
Id: 64s1LPcRlp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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