My Car Does Not Have Good Heat!

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their viewers and welcome back to the self Maine auto channel for outside in a 2007 Ford Explorer with a customer complaint of hardly any heat it's what they tell me it's a complaint we get a lot this time of year so right now it's warming up out it's 8 degrees it's been in the negatives so it's been negative 10 negative 15 plus a windchill all that stuff the reason I mentioned that is because when you get a customer comes in and has a complaint of little or no heat you have to keep in mind a couple of things first vehicle could have a problem you know we could be dealing with a ploink heater core you know a leaky coolants of somewhere the thing has no coolant in it you know bad thermostat all kinds of things but one other thing you have to keep in mind is the customers driving habits this lady I happen to know she lives in town her job is about six maybe ten minutes away depend on road conditions you have to question your customer do you warm your car up which we all know huge debatable topic you know the internet tells you never warm your car up it's foolish you don't have to because we don't have carburetors anymore I'd say if you don't warm it up well whatever you're gonna drive in a cold car and eight degrees outside going 60 miles an hour down the road you can't really expect your car to throw a good heat in your 10 minute drive to work not to mention how awful it is for everything else your engine not getting up to temperature the condensation build-up from the hot/cold cycles me I always warm my car up I'm not gonna make that topic though on the internet could you be the most hated guy in history if you say warm your car up because you know you're killing a polar bear or something at any rate we're gonna drive this car we're gonna check to make sure the thermostat is operating it does seem to be warming up slow I grab the scan tool yes you need a scan tool for there's a little code reader what I have on here listed on our native hit list is engine run time cooler temperature outside temperature intake air so we can look and see what are we dealing with thermostat plug heater core just the fact it's really freaking cold outside let's go for a toot so this vehicle has front and rear AC now currently coming out of the defroster is 109 point 2 degrees which typically we're always running around coolant temperature and I'm not sure where this probe is if that is true I can't remember or if that is with the infrared one now the engine I did come out and start list warming up now this thing has been running for 22 minutes and it's at 154 degrees and it seems to be kind of hang in there and you can see it is only 90 degrees outside so I'm going to take I'm gonna sit here for a few minutes I'm gonna hold it about 2,000 rpms I'm gonna turn the rear heat off and I want to see if we're gonna build anything above 154 degrees and then we're gonna take it further to down the road and see if that holds steady or drops off because if that's the case you know we're going to be dealing with a thermostat that is either partially stuck open leaking you know something along those lines all right so it's been a few minutes got about 183 out of it and that is with the front heater on number three so we're talking almost a half hour run time so let's go for a ride we're blown out of the dash about 135 degrees so we're gonna go for a little shimmy down the road see what it does see if it falls like a rock you gotta also bear in mind too when you go out and start your car in sub-zero weather it's only natural for us to get in there start it up you're gonna crank the front heat on high you're gonna crank the rear heat on high and you're gonna let it idle I'll tell you from experience your car will hardly ever warm up but if it's below zero outside and that's you know your haven't it's not gonna warm up bottom line especially with a front and rear here core you know the coolants bypassing naturally to you know provide you with heat but with you know radiator on your dash radiator in the back and that heat exchange blowers on high below zero outside you'd have to let the thing run if it would even ever warm up for hours so if you are in mix of people that have warmed their car up it's advisable for me you know turn your defroster on but only turn the blower on you know two or three notches on the speed that way there you're not you know pulling up all the heat out of it that it's actually generating particularly if you have like a little a little 4-cylinder I mean my little con do Sheila I think never warm up if you turn the heater on hiatus not enough enough heat on a heat transfer I guess or keep being built-in in so that down the road here [Music] what I want to do now is just make sure that the thermostat is working so we're cooking down the road hope you guys can see their necks I can't do both things at once but we're running about 190 which is what I would expect again though we've had it run in 28 minutes might say we got this complaint so much this time here right now the outside temperature is - according to the - it's just a hard thing to explain to a coach nobody wants to warm their car up because they don't waste gas or whatever you know whatever their reason may be environmental concerns a lot of the hoopla and the internet is if you warm your car if it'll ruin your engine because of all the raw gas that's washing out with cylinders whatever do let's see we're about where we have 183 and take air and outside air coordinate the computer here at 7:00 140 degrees out the dash so once we determine that the thermostat works which I think we're safe to assume if it was stuck open you know our temperature would be dropping like a rock right now we're going to go back to the shop and see what this thermostat is regulated at I'm assuming somewhere between you know 185 190 because that's where we're holding so now that we've accomplished that we see that the thermostat does appear to work fine you know it's not dropping like a rock what I want to do at this point and see you know is the heater core plugged so I'm going to turn defrost on high and let it low and see if it maintains its you know 140 degrees here if they're plugged or partially plugged our temperature will actually drop right off we're going to turn about my pie nystagmus evilest days right now it's about it's at 137 136 see where that ends up building and it may have been at a slightly elevated temperature because I had the fans feed on you know one or two Hodgins turn around back to the shop I know you guys like dancing crap if I can't 130 or 185 we've been running for about 33 minutes we seem to be holding a pretty steady 130 degrees out that is with the rear heat on full blast front heat on full blast pick the back notch and it started to get a tad toasty in here let's just go for the skin feel see what it stands like coming out of the vent thirty degree heat I don't think we're gonna benefit much of anything we're miss that is obviously working turn this blower down brought cooking itself thermostats working outside temperatures 3 almost 130 degrees out of the - pretty consistently at the least we could try a heater core flush you might gain a little bit maybe worth the experiment just to see but all in all this is gonna likely come down to the you know tell the customer and in the 10 minute ride to work without warming it up I would not expect much heat my opinion I think we could prove that fact you know this is what as a 3 or 3 rower that girl back there it's a big vehicle it's a lot of cabin space to heat up [Music] here thought that warming up your car your car yeah [Music] started and that's what I call my remote start yeah he said started your car for you more like the kidnap to start the car for you account you all though we were talking maybe you don't know that the most debatable topic on the Internet today is I made a video on any style of half a million views I know about people that looking Florida that knew those videos don't miss me [Music] and everything shut it off alright so what I think is okay I think what we'll do just for the sake of experiment is will flush out here for match don't you go back it's like ice you're gonna get but I think we'll flush the heater core as I was mentioning just to see we were holding on average about 130 ish going down there Oh with everything on high it's plenty warm but we'll do it for the sake of experiment just to see catwalk here because the ladies complaining about no feet so I explained to the viewers cold weather for 10 minute drive to work not warming up the car because that's a proper thing to do all that stuff we just show that after 30 man it's too warm - we're going to eat it our color flusher you said a lot of other videos first I want to blow off the heater no add water to it mix breath oh yeah that want too much experience watching and work to overcome fear [Music] nothing's gonna flush it both ways [Music] Oh down at the bottom messy job [Music] let's go back the other way blowing pretty unrestricted [Music] [Music] we're good I just like throw these plastic over the accessories that way we don't get any coolant water on the developmental belt squeal when we're done one off the throttle body [Music] let's get these around the flesh-eater course on this one because it has rear heat you have to be able to plug off the rear see your lines excited that they're just one that runs in the back here well there's two actually but they're just one that you have to kick off it's like it sees a pair of hose pitch pliers pinch that off then when we flush it it's not you know pushing all the water towards the rear we'll get our here who was hooked back up fill it back up and coolant which is cool that cynicism is pretty clean better put the and Kleon airbox more put air filter back in put the snorkel back on we should be good with a lot another drive everything is back together cool it's full so I've had it sitting here in debate running letting to warm up on a purge air I'll holding about 183 now I did look up the regulating temperature on this it should be around 190 I think it said it was full open at 195 not surprised to see it at 183 you know if we put a thermostat in it and get a couple more degrees of temperature is it going to make that big a difference I honestly don't think so and you can see we're still about 133 ish out of the defroster so we'll take up for a quick shake there we go and plead for mrs. ona get back to the post office there she is wave so we're one sitting here idling we'll be right back don't miss us whoa they're baseball over you're brought back up here so right now we're 1:48 out of the dash engine temperatures 187 let's go get out here on the back road and get her wound up see what happens the same type of experiment it hasn't warmed up too much outside so that's still three degrees that's good so we have a good control I will turn the defrost on full-blast again hitter up the speed nor school engine temperature right now is 189 current bed temperatures 150 so we did make some improvement there let's just see will drive a few miles here leave everything on high and see if we've made some improvements it'll stay steady so that seems to be the number it's pretty happy with guys gonna say that one forty-seven it balances between 147 and 148 after milder so engines regulating somewhere around 185 187 somewhere is in that neighborhood now the thermostat is probably slightly skewed it's hard to say you know because I like right now you know what's what's what's that one 187 three degrees outside there I guess it says night now starting to become a real scorcher you know could we benefit a little bit more temperature from putting a thermostat in it possibly am I gonna recommend it no I mean it's so close to the you know regulated temperature you know why bother I mean this could be deviation and the coolant temp sensor you know how it's reading the fact is it's a hundred 148 degrees coming out of the - we can't do any better we did make some improvement by flashing it or flashing it geez if we reprogram that by flushing it we obviously had a temperature deep this is just gonna come down to a case of telling the customer you know we didn't get good heat until about 30 minutes of runtime if they're not warming up their vehicle they're driving you know tend to you know 12 minute drive to work whatever that is you're not going to get good heat when it's below zero out it's just a matter of fact in fact a life turn on to see heater and enjoy it or waste a little gas warm up your cars what it's going to come so we're back in the shop and it's starting to turn into a heatwave outside according to this it is 10 degrees now vehicles been running about 23 minutes after we flushed the heater core we have made some improvements of what 10 15 degrees you know temperature out of the vents after driving the car ambient temperature inside the car is 77 almost 78 degrees thermostat seems to be pretty happy around that 185 187 190 mark somewheres in that neighborhood just dropped one 83 can we make some improvements by putting a thermostat in it maybe you know that's a big fat maybe I'll leave that choice up to the customer I'm not gonna be able to guarantee anything and say you know it's gonna be better fact is it's cold so we're gonna leave it at that for right now let me know what you guys do if you're in the shop and you have customers that come in with a complaint of you know little or no heat what's your process of checking it this is mine make sure the engines warming up get their driving habits you know obviously you have to compare it to outside temperature and see what's realistic look at the mass you're dealing with here you know the two heater cores do they start it do they warm it up lots of questions to ask and I'll just ask you to leave your questions comments criticisms concerns and methods down in the comment box below find us on our socials give this video a thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you don't but tell us why find it's on patreon also and just remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 352,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix car heater, broken car heater, car heater repair, car heat issues, how to restore heat in car, car wont heat up, no heat in car, how to diagnose and fix no heat issues, how to fix a car heating system, how to fix a heater that blows cool air, how to fix a cars heater, heater, car heater, fix car heater, car heater doesnt work, car heater not working
Id: XBqiaN4NpnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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