MY CAR CAMPING KITCHEN (Cheap Vandwelling/Overlanding Cooking Setup)

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everyone I'm up here in the mountains of southern Idaho and I wanted to do a video about my camp kitchen setup this is the setup I use my long trips my month-long trips to do all my cooking and everything first just let me show you the food storage I have a cooler here and then two bins of food strapped to the top you can see that orange strap there holds them down and this is where I sleep so those are just right next to me easy to access I have two different camp tables that I can prepare food on and use the stove on the first one I made it hangs from the door it's solid I really like this because it's that standing height so I don't have to be hunched over a stove for an extended period of time hooks on to the top of the door and I suspended with cords a piece of foam pipe insulation protects the car's paint from the board this is a plastic cutting board I think I'm going to switch to a wooden cutting board this plastic one it dips a little bit I don't know if you can see that but it's got a dip it it's especially bad under under heavy loads so I think it wouldn't the one would be better and then this is a little aluminum camp table that I picked up on Amazon I'll put a link to it in the description this is the package that it comes in it's pretty small and then here it is when it's all set up it's a really small payable it's only maybe a foot high but that's okay because my chair that I use is also pretty low and so I can be sitting in the chair and then be cutting up vegetables or tending the stove right there and then this top bin here is what holds the majority of my kitchen supplies let me pull it out and show you what's inside this little aluminum side table is also great for putting my big kitchen bin on hop up so that ants can't crawl up into it or anything so let me just I guess go through these items one by one we'll start over here this is a little roll roll up that I made to hold my disposable utensils so I have forks spoons and knives keeps them out of the way I'm organized I really like this thing next we've got one pink plastic plate not much else to say about it [Music] collapsible Bowl it's hard to do one-handed there you go collapsible Bowl so this is my main pot here there's about $20 a Walmart it's a big old I think 5 quart or five and a half quart pan it's deep enough to use as a pot but wide enough to use as a pan I use a bungee cord to keep the lid on there's the lid inside I have my colander a little strainer I use for pasta here's the pan or pot whatever you want to call it I guess it's a pan salt and pepper and curry powder and chili powder this has a couple little packets of tea of herbal tea and then some crushed red pepper packets this is a funnel I don't remember why I bought this but I think it maybe was for filling up water bottles water jugs I don't use it very often but it doesn't take up much space so nothing wrong with having it my ridiculous but actually pretty darn useful pan made for a single egg I also use it to toast English muffins say pad so I can put I can grab a hot pot or put a hot pot on top of it this is a folding windscreen for the stove this is a great little bag I made this to hold the majority of my utensils let me open it up and show you what I've got in here all right a big knife a little knife both of these are serrated another serrated knife smallish knife fork and spoon never really use these I don't know why I have them I probably won't take them on my next trips but I brought them on this one there's a spoon with a long handle this is good for if I ever get those MREs that I you know the meals ready to eat that are dehydrated and you put the hot water in into the bag this has a nice long handle so I can reach in there a spatula this is just a cheapo spatula from Walmart I think it was 88 cents I want to get a smaller one because this one because the head is so broad it's hard to get eggs out of that little one egg pan I need a I need a little narrower spatula I can use for that little pan vegetable peeler scraper for getting stuff out of the pots and pans and a little can opener these are instructions for the stove which should be inside the carrying case for the stove I don't know why they're not this is a cutting mat I use this on top of either the aluminum table here or the car side table just a very thin sheet of plastic it doesn't have any texture on it so it's easy to clean this is a little pot that I got from Walmart it's great for heating up water for tea or hot chocolate or heating up a can of soup or stew got a little lid put this aside for now inside are two two little insulated cups again great for your hot beverage of choice it's got a handle that comes down this thing is a great little backpacking stove it fits on top of those kind of round and squat isobutane canisters let me put the camera down and make it look like a stove there we go just screws on top of one of those little canisters and again this is a great stove if all I'm doing is heating up water or soup but because it's so tall because it sits on top of a fuel canister about like this it's not the most stable thing in the world and the top here it doesn't have the the widest diameter to hold a large pan and so it's not great for for real cooking for hardcore cooking but this stove and the black container here is so let me show you that so this is my main stove that I use when I'm cooking seriously this is a great little stove it's actually a dual fuel stove so that means that it can use butane and propane to use butane you open up this little hatch and stick the canister in here to use the propane you take this included hose screw one end in here this little brass threaded thing right there and then screw the other end this end into a propane canister great stove works really well comes with the carrying case has a nice adjustable flame and I think it was like $30 on Amazon $35 maybe a really great deal this is the first extended trip that I've used the stove on and I really like it so that's everything I hope that was interesting and informative let me know if you have any questions about the specific things that I have or maybe if you have questions about things that I don't have I will say that I'm not the best cook I don't like cooking I don't enjoy cooking I just do it out of necessity so I don't have a lot of nicer objects maybe but what I do have works really well for me and it was all relatively inexpensive hope you enjoyed the video again and thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: SUV RVing
Views: 362,348
Rating: 4.8652587 out of 5
Keywords: car camping, overlanding, suv camping, travel, road trip, kitchen, cooking, vandwelling, vanlife, living in a van
Id: PBK4dF2LpxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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