Incomplete! - My Brutally Honest Thoughts After Experiencing Cybertruck - First Drive & Full Tour

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what's up guys it's Brandon Flash the day has finally come I'm driving and experiencing a Tesla cyber truck for the first [Music] time so as I mentioned this is a 2024 Tesla cyber truck this one is a foundation series not a cyberbeast just the all-wheel drive variant shout out to Eevee Universe for letting me try out this truck um it's pretty sweet we're going to be charging it I'm driving it and just giving you guys My overall Impressions I've only driven about half a mile so far just to bring it over to this parking lot so I can shoot this video um and let's just start with a full tour here so I'm doing a walk around overall the build quality seems pretty okay on this one um there are some defects I'll get to those in a minute um but it's not as bad as some of them that I have seen we'll start on the front here so looks fine these Corners are not great this is sticking out a little bit this is actually lined up pretty well uh this corner I don't know why Tesla did this to themselves realistically this is sticking up above the hood so you can kind of see that there and then there's just no way that these are ever going to be perfect on every truck especially up here as well and it's just a recipe for dissatisfaction this is sticking in a little bit more compared to this um there are like there's a little bump ER here on this Edge we'll show that in a second when I open it same over here this is sticking out a little bit as well this is sticking out we'll open this up it's not the most satisfying sound opening that and it's even worse closing it we'll get to that in a second this space not very useful um I'd say this is more of a bench than it is a front trunk uh you can't really pile anything up to High because then if you're driving around and stuff shifts it might fall out when you open it it's better than nothing but that's a pretty low Benchmark uh most suitcases may not even fit in here especially if they're expanded at all like carryon suitcases the underside of this I feel like on a $100,000 truck there should be some sort of like trim piece here rather than showing all the tack welds and stuff or not tack welds but like uh spot welds you can see the underside here so this is just the R metal from the other side uh we do have these Edge protectors here I think some of the early ones didn't have that but let's see if it tries to stop closing it if I put a little bit of force on it I'm not going to try and Crush my fingers so okay that was a fairly firm trying to close let's do a little bit lighter that took quite a bit of Force if that was a kid or something it may not shut that well for them so we'll shut this fully listen to the noise it just sounds so tiny I don't know I'll reserve some judgment there up here in the front bumper camera is offset which I guess makes sense for states that have a front license plate I'm not a fan of this being built into the bumper because there are quite a few states that do not require front plates and I would rather have this just be clean across if you don't have a front plate these headlights I don't know who decided that was a good idea I've seen some photos some videos from colder winter States and snow just builds up here and yes this is a problem on all vehicles with LED headlights that they don't melt the snow as effectively but most Vehicles don't have a shelf in front of those LED headlights that if you're driving in snow you're just going to get snow that accumulates here and then has a ledge to actually sit on versus arivan for example arivan has LED headlights they can get some snow or ice build up but actually can fall off if it gets a little bit warm whereas this has the shelf so you'd have to melt through potentially inches of snow that could build up here and then have it go away we got some bugs here as expected this is not a perfectly clean truck um very flat surface so not ideal builds up bugs you also get this lip here as well um again build quality is not bad up here I do actually like the front kind of quarter of the truck truck if you will I think that looks pretty good this proportion looks pretty good basically mirror forward pretty small overhang pretty sharp angles the light bar looks good this truck did not come with wheel caps or center caps or uh lug bolt covers so these are actually aftermarket actually comes with those showing and that Center exposed with rust which is again normal however these trucks were intended to ship with wheel covers however those wheel covers were actually digging into the tires and wearing into them uh causing some issues I don't know if it actually caused any like true issue issues but still not ideal so they stop shipping with those and apparently those will be shipped out to owners coming around to the side so we have the mirrors that are apparently removable easily this truck has them we also have the giant wiper so it has these holes here so that it's not actually building up kind of some air and making a sail from the side and it's almost 4T long so giant wiper hopefully if you're watching this you already know that a little bit or at least have an idea of what's going on with the cyper truck here we have one of the foundation series uh etchings into the metal all of the mirrors are black like this uh which is fine but seems a little bit cheap sing I don't know I don't love it we have the buttons here for both the doors you can see all the fingerprints again this truck is not perfectly clean but still it's not filthy either and it's just building up so so many fingerprints kind of crazy you have these lips here on the side fairing or uh kind of sill I don't know what what you want to call that but just building up dust as you can see I'm both the front and the rear this is just going to get kicked up dirt and build up there here we have the wheel turned all the way so we have the rear steer engaged which is pretty cool looks broken it's not that's normal here you again have one of those ellips that's just going to build up stuff there and then you also have that on the back here you're going to get a lot of kicked up stuff built up and then this is just it just doesn't feel that solid you kind of want to step up on this if you need to but I also wouldn't trust it Tesla is selling some covers for these to make them more durable but should you really need that on a $100,000 truck that's apparently indestructible I don't think so let's open up the tunnel cover if it wants to open there we go overall I'd say that's pretty good open up the bed so you can see that this is not under tension this is not under tension when that's down if you sit on it for example then it goes under tension so it's almost a little bit springloaded kind of I don't it's fine here you have your onboard power I don't know what Tesla's call Power share I think uh so two Nema 520s you can tell that they're 20 amp because they have the slit there and then you have a Nema 1450 so that's 50 amp close that under here you have some storage um not the large storage I would say uh there you have the little drain plug that's the shape of a cyber Tru which is kind of cool then you have these dividers as well not bad you do not have any sort of emergency release in there and the way I think they get away with that actually maybe yeah there's no emergency release on here is because of these dividers you could not fit a child in here or anything so they can get away with not having to have those drains we'll shut that seems pretty nicely shut up there you will see some hooks for tie downs and let me show you what that's like if I try to reach that for context I'm 6'3 and I cannot even come close to reaching that with my hand all the way down which is just kind of crazy I don't know how any smaller person would reach that you'd basically just have to climb in which again this truck is currently at entry height and it's already pretty high and then to get up here you have to go all the way up here which is again not that much fun here's that window going into the cab and then that's where the tunnel cover goes you can see the eot body color there can see into the cab there these seem pretty strong actually all of these hooks they're actually Torx keyed in so these cannot be easily moved around it's not like a little latch or anything that you can release and then slide them or put them as you will you're pretty firmly set with where those are same with the bottle opener here Foundation series things we'll get down just like that here you can see some secondary lights because when the bed is open you actually have to have brake lights exposed shut that it is soft closed let me show you that works pretty well we'll shut the tunnel seems to be pretty decent this is apparently rated for I believe 250 300 lb so I could climb on there if I wanted to I don't know if I will but you could coming around here you have the kind of accessory ports here I don't 100% know how these open I'm not going to break it but this is where you could attach crossbars you have these up the side as well and then there should be a way to attach um a light bar as well I believe those use these here this piece it appears to be basically just trim this doesn't seem to be structural at all so this piece goes all the way back to here and this has a pretty sharp edge here and here this is almost a rounded Edge but then comes to a t same here this kind of sticks up I don't know how I feel about that we got our side cameras there and then all of this plastic just seems a little kind of cheap for a truck that's apparently indestructible and that you can shoot there's a lot of kind of chintzy plastic on it that I'm not a huge fan of it's fine but I think the standard should be higher if we're going to say this is an indestructible truck like just look how kind of movie that is or flexy that is you also have this gigantic windshield so you can kind of see how far forward that is from the driver so here's your steering wheel right about here and then you have that much space in front of you before you get to the front of the windshield then you have another 3ish feet in front of the edge of the windshield to the front of the truck and yes it angles all the way down but it's just it feels so long in the front even though on the exterior it's not that actually long in the front especially from the edge of the windshield it's very deceiving so we'll get in here I'll show you the interior as well so that's how the door opens let me show you that again as if the window wasn't open that's interesting so it actually rolled the window down further than it did with the window all the way down so we'll do that this Edge is pretty sharp these doors they have some interesting choices I would say this emergency release just seems asking for people people to use it rather than the proper release here um because this is far more obvious and this is I'd say more in line with how some trucks are and then your actual door release for the electronic release is all the way up here here you can see the actual body so this is kind of the frame of the truck if you will and this is all just painted black same with the hinges you can see this one is Vin 4,837 but it doesn't seem like Tesla's doing sequential vins all this kind of soft plastic or not soft plastic hard plastic which if you have anything down here it will rattle you do have some rubber down here but unlike newer Teslas that have carpet in here this is all in plastic so if you have water bottles uh charging adapters whatever they will rattle here these window switches are pretty nice uh they're kind of just a squared off version of Tesla's latest window switches that they're using on other vehicles here you have the squirkle so so right now it's just kind of in forc feedback because it's turned all the way it's not actually moving the wheels so you can see that because again there's no physical connection between this wheel and the actual Wheels out there you have the texture Dash which just seems like a nightmare to clean you can already see some dust built up in there that you'll need a little brush or something to get out and you can kind of see what I mean with how large this windshield is and how far forward it goes again I'm 6' 3 and this would be a struggle for me to clean this windshield you would need some sort of wand or extension or something to do that interior rear viw mirror is Tiny probably the tiniest I've ever seen on a car and it's useless because when the tunnel is closed you cannot see anything screen is the largest in any Tesla I believe it's 15.7 in or something like that or sorry 18.5 is I believe correct and it doesn't feel any more useful than the model y or model 3 screen it's very responsive as you would expect on a Tesla can see just how responsive that is on that trip let's just do Minneapolis for example see how the route planning looks and right now we're at 41% as you can see let want I me to go to kfax we're in Raleigh area right now let's just see what those charge times look like so those are some long charge times see what the the charger options on those legs look like and they move the buttons down here instead of up here like on every other Tesla not the best choice in my opinion so you can see there's a lot of charges along these routes but for some reason it wants us to do very long charges so 45 minutes hour five 35 35 35 30 35 I don't know why it would route to a charger in downtown Chicago that makes absolutely no sense so uh not great but that's just part for the course with Tesla Route Planner lately I'd say and then we have a lot more options than we do on most Teslas we have a separate Wi-Fi and Bluetooth menu which other Teslas do not so that's a little bit strange there's our controls menu and let me just show you the software version on this one so this one we're on 20248 12 and in autopilot we still do not have even basic autopilot so there's traffic Weare cruise control there's no Lane keeping and there's no FSD beta which is really kind of just insulting to buyers that bought these with full self-driving capability being forced upon them because it's a foundation series so you have no choice but to get FSD whether you want it or not even though they just dropped the price to $99 a month for the subscription but left the purchase price at $112,000 you have no choice you have to buy it here you can see efficiency since this vehicle was new to 428 Mi on the odometer 48 W hours per mile so that's roughly 2.5 m per Kow hour which is not bad um I don't know how the owner has been driving it I would imagine not the most gently in the first 400 miles so that seems pretty reasonable to me and this interface just seems overly complicated it's cool that it represents the wheel position um let's go out and show the charge port charge ports kind of cool uh I mean it is what it is I do wish that this had a charge port in the front it's a little bit slow I'd say there you can see what a th000 volt KNX charge port looks like because this is the first Tesla that ships with a 1vt charge port they're of course backwards compatible so not a huge difference but I wish Tesla had put the charge port up here for example potentially down here or in the bumper or something so you could use the same supercharger locations but in the front so that you're better for towing and because it's such a large vehicle that you would have more flexibility anyway that's my tour of the Cyber truck show you the back seat quick seats so far very comfortable I've just sat in it for a little bit this is not a great Design This is just asking for kids to get their fingers hurt just by hitting it or whether it hits into their hands or something you cannot shut it on your fingers easily because it has the prop Rod that comes out but still not ideal again hard plastic back here we do not have an emergency release we have a giant window switch then we have the button all the way up here this is how you open the seats up so you pull that little piece and then lift that up normally that goes up a little easier but the kid seat is in the way there and then the factory floor mats not Factory but um optional floor mats that come with the foundation series they go back pretty far and this one does have the correct door hinges that give you a full 90° opening which is actually pretty excellent just like that and there we have it for a tour of the 20124 cybertruck foundation series you are joining me inside the cybertruck foundation series all-wheel drive we're navigating over to a supercharger we're actually going to be charging a rivan on the supercharger we're going to okay that is upside down and throws me off like crazy I don't know why Tesla sometimes does not North up it's very disorienting so we'll head over there and this does not have stocks for the steering or for turn signals or for drive so you have the squirkle going to put it in drive just like that and then we'll press the accelerator to drive and we'll get to it we have the wheels turned fully right now so I might do a circle or two just to kind of get used to the drive by wire and you can see how it kind of just goes over like crazy with a little bit of movement just like that so you never go past about 330 degrees of movement or sorry actually less than that because you're if you're going from Center so we're in a random school parking lot right now just to film the intro so you can see you cannot actually go past 180 degrees of movement go out this way it's just it's actually a little bit disorienting using the steering and let me just show you the drive settings that we're in right now we're in Dynamics so I have it in Comfort right now you can see there's a rivan driving behind us that's the owner's uh other vehicle that we're going to be supercharging turn right here I am not a fan of these steering wheel mounted turn signals at all we're going to see what people how people react that model y driver just gave us a salute I actually filmed the intro to this video at a brandom school parking lot because I knew that I could not film anything on the outside of this at a supercharger without just getting absolutely mobbed especially with a rivan that we're going to be supercharging as well it's just going to be a mad house trying to get trying to shoot anything but it will be interesting to see nonetheless maybe I'll get some reactions from people of what they think of the different Vehicles so initial Impressions you can definitely hear the tire noise which I'm not a huge fan of you can hear those altering tires turn climb it we'll leave clim it on for right now it's a little too hot to not have that on but you can tell that if it had allseason tires instead of these allterrain tires it would be quieter and these are pretty shave down alterrain tires they do not have full tread depth of the same model tire that would be available otherwise for other vehicles they're uh Wrangler territory if I remember correctly um but someone correct me if I'm wrong in the comments below right now we're in Raleigh North Carolina you can see just the crazy amount of Teslas I think that's like the fifth or sixth one we've seen so far in just a couple minutes of driving I'll give you guys the efficiency once we get there as well as we're driving about 13 miles on this trip to the supercharger this will of course be not my full impressions of the vehicle from very limited experience but will still give us a pretty good idea of what I think another model y there's quite a bit of motor noise surprisingly it's weird that they put the signal status right there in the middle it seems like a very strange spot for it and then we have a rear view mirror here or rear view uh camera so you can put that there or up there as you wish because again the rear view mirror is completely useless with the Tunnel closed which we have it closed right now and you just have absolutely massive blind spots where those Wing panels are in the back there is yet another model y I'm try going to try and pay attention a little bit to people's reactions as we drive by everyone is turning their head and looking at this you cannot own this vehicle and be shy and not want to talk to people because everyone will try and talk to you again these turn signals are just stupid I don't know why they're like this and I would say the only slightly reasonable explanation is that if you're using FSD then you don't need to signal but that's just admitting how terrible these are if you do actually have to Signal yourself and right now that's no excuse because on the Cyber truck you have no form of driver assistance you don't even have basic autopilot and I realized I'm really harping on that and it might sound a little annoying but I don't know how they could ship their Flagship product without even basic autopilot I understand if FSD beta or FSD supervised as it's called now uh is a bit delayed for this vehicle new form factor and stuff like that but I would think that they would at least ship base autopilot on day one of the cybertruck for public deliveries they've been testing these for a while they've been spotted for quite a few months you would think that even just all those test drivers would want to have basic autopilot or it would get pretty annoying to drive these all over the place but apparently not apparently it's asking too much for Tesla to include their kind of staple feature on their Flagship vehicle on day one RAV coming up to the side here I must say driving in front of and behind the rivan it just reminds me how good the rivan looks in comparison to this and there's some angles of this that look good in some parts that look good but the rivan on the whole I think just looks a lot better it it just looks like they actually tried to make a good-look vehicle and not just different for sake of being different so I'm going to let there be a little bit of space here and then I will floor so you guys can experience that so 40 roll we're at 40% state of charge it's pretty good I would say it's nothing spectacular this is just the all-wheel drive this is not the cyberbeast so it's not the fastest version but kind of unenthusiastic actually I I mean it's it's adequate but it's nothing special so we've got a fair bit of wind noise I'll be quiet here for a minute so you can hear that but the whole front end of the vehicle just seems loud let me turn off the climate so you can really hear what is road noise you can see my speed there so we're going 70 plus or minus airplane overhead and there you can kind of tell what the noise is I'm going to turn the climate back on it is too warm to not have that on you can definitely tell that the tires are the cause of a slight Rumble as you're driving which I don't love uh if it had all train or sorry allseason tires I think it would be an improvement actually compared to this so while the altering tires look cool I think they're actually detrimental to the overall quality and enjoyment of this vehicle and we are in chill mode actually so I guess putting it in relaxed gives you chill mode so we'll put it in sport and then I'll floor it again just so that way you guys can see so that's okay that's the acceleration that I expected that's a lot better than the chill mode so kind of disregard my thoughts that I gave previously on the acceleration it's better than that indicated again so pretty good power I just didn't see the chill mode previously because they've for some reason decided to move things all around on this interface compared to other Teslas and even though I drove 3 hours of my Tesla here it still is different for some reason I don't know why they would do that we'll go into Dynamics here we'll do custom so acceleration standard let's do relaxed on ride and handling and right now we're in higher for ride height but let's lower it down it's pretty stiff right now actually surprisingly so we're on Lower relaxed standard for acceleration we'll lower it down model 3 everyone is staring at us the whole family is staring at us and then a lot of drivers are just completely oblivious to this which is I'd say the norm if you guys have driven in a cyber truck definitely comment down below I'm curious what you think and also say what you drive normally as your basis for comparison if you're not familiar with my channel uh I previously owned a rivian r1t that I put 27,000 M on in about 9 months uh I now have a Tesla Model y with the 4680 battery pack so same cells as the Cyber Tru but the previous generation uh that's my daily driver I've put 2 3,000 on that in about 9 months so definitely put a lot of miles on a lot of different EVS before that I had a pstar 2 I had a Volkswagen id4 I've had a 2015 model S so everyone is is staring at this I have to get over it is preconditioning the battery pack it's been running a decent while actually I am able to Now find this turn signal buttons without having to look I guess which is an improvement and it actually is not completely completely terrible on this with steer by wire that the wheel is always upright is whereas on model 3 refresh or on Model S model X refresh the wheel is actually potentially upside down and that's very disorienting for those buttons especially if you're needing to signal while your turn wheel is turned like if you're in a roundabout for example uh so I don't think that doing steering wheel buttons without stocks works on vehicles that do not have steer by wire pedal tuning is of course very good as you would expect on the Tesla one pedal driving works great but again a huge shame that we don't have autopilot at all I definitely would have put it on on there on that bit of Interstate let's go get a little body roll in there it can hustle a bit actually it feels big and heavy even though it's actually lighter than a rivan um but the rivan feels smaller because it is a bit smaller but it's heavier so it's a little bit of a conundrum there in terms of driver Dynamic there drive Dynamic driving Dynamics that's what I was looking for the bottom hinge pedal is pretty interesting compared to every other Tesla most Teslas have top hinged pedals but a bottom Hing pedal is a little bit more common on sports cars actually compared to trucks these mirrors are huge too and they actually kind of give you blind spots on the interstate this steer by wire feels pretty normal because you're just going straight you're never really applying a ton of movement ride quality is actually really good and it isolates you from the bumps quite a bit both noise and harshing this I have to wonder what other people think as they're driving along when they see both the rivan and the cybertruck driving together they must think that there's some sort of thing going on to have both of them at the same time going by a school Act it bus up here we'll see if uh everyone starts looking at us kids seem to love the Cyber truck adults are a little bit more confused by it and I would say even I'm a little bit confused by it still um there's parts of it that I like there's things that I don't like or things that I think are a little bit strange I really think that this Tech needs to come to the rest of Tesla's lineup and then it will be really good but right now in the Cyber truck it's just on such a polar izing vehicle that it's hard to appreciate some of the nice things about it and some of the advancements they've made with this without being polarized by the Cyber Tru itself whereas if you put the 48v steer by wire onto say a Model S or model X or even the 3 and Y once it becomes uh cost feasible to do so then you can really evaluate how that's impactful to The Experience on a vehicle that's actually affordable and not crazy polarizing like this is and really not for a whole lot of benefit in my opinion sure the exoskeleton is cool but I don't think it's actually a loadbearing exoskeleton from what I can tell if there's something that says otherwise from a reputable Source other than Tesla I'm all years I'd like to see it um but otherwise it seems like they're mostly just body panels on top of a normal unibody construction that are maybe slightly more loadbearing than typical but not a true EXO skeleton if you will get over Lane and it buggies which is pretty great and once we get off here I'm going to roll down the windows we'll drive around at a little bit lower speed I want to see if any people try to uh yell or make comments or anything just out of curiosity so we'll go a little bit past the supercharger itself again one pedal calibration really good feels really Nimble going through corners there are so many Teslas here I'm just curious what people think hopefully there's not too much wind noise with the windows down the cool seat is working pretty well I'd say it's not as effective as on the rivan unfortunately we'll just do a whole appp here it's still weird looking at the rear view mirror in the center and not seeing anything just seeing my phone recording the video so I find myself rather than looking at the screen to see what's behind me with the camera I'm actually looking at the side view mirrors so let's go in here it's it turned so sharp which is actually pretty cool I definitely thought this would be a little bit more of a neighborhood than it is but that is what it is pulling up to the Cyber truck should be inter or not C to the supercharger should be interesting looks like there are two stalls available of this 12 stall so it's nearly uh we're here on a Saturday afternoon evening so it should be interesting to see how people handle this being here and whether they kind of make a big deal out of it or not let's see what happens again this ride is actually pretty impressive I'd say around everyone is staring at this it's almost chical as I said before you cannot own this and try to be subtle it simply won't happen squealing Tire just by turning normally that's strange there's some rough Teslas here so we actually don't need to charge so I'm going to park here I'm just going to park over here so a bit disorienting using the steer by wire with the backup it's strange uh because it reacts so quickly that I don't know it feels like it should be DED a little bit when you're moving at low speed like this but it doesn't so there you have my driving impressions of the 2024 Tesla cybertruck Tesla Tesla Tesla just Tesla's like crazy I would love to hear what you guys think of my impressions of the Tesla cybertruck whether you have any questions on my experience whether you agree with my kind of uh experiences whether you think I'm wrong on my opinions on this or if there's things that you think I should change if you haven't already hit the like button hit the Subscribe button I'll see you guys on next one
Channel: Branden Flasch
Views: 8,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: POV, Handling, Test, VS, Comparison, Interior, Exterior, Sedan, SUV, TFL, sports car, electric car, EV, road trip, drive electric, tesla, comparison, drive, comfort, sport, owner, dcfc, rivian, 400v, id.4, charging, l2, pros, review, r1T, new vehicle, efficiency test, long term test, electrify america, evgo, supercharger, CCS charging, Tesla, Out of Spec, ev charging, dc fast charger, model 3, model y, structural pack, giga casting, new car, road, structural, refresh, cybertruck, cyberbeast, exoskeleton
Id: HeA4XolxGso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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