Cyber Surprise! My Tesla Cybertruck Delivery Day - Build Quality, First Drive, & Handover Experience

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I just got this popping up it's 11:34 our appointment was for 11:30 it says start the process so floor [Music] [Laughter] it you want what do you think Grandma is it ugly is it know it's ugly it's just Inc different it's different yeah hello and welcome to another out of speec reviews video you join me in the Jacksonville Florida area driving actually a Chevrolet Silverado electric this is a competitor to the vehicle that we're actually about to go purchase and we are on our way to the Tesla delivery Center we are picking up our new out ofpc cyber truck this is a total surprise I have not told anyone about this you're going to join us for our delivery experience I'm going to walk you through the spec we have our first drive in our new Cyber truck today so much to get into I'm thrilled that we're able to do this and um these videos are never possible without our viewers so a big thanks to you guys for watching and making it possible for us to uh get a cyber Tru so we can make even more videos for you guys with this vehicle so off we go to the Tesla Jacksonville delivery Center so much to get into in this video I am very excited for this one pumped Pumped this video is brought to you by Kemp power the reliable quick and scalable EV charging solution for everyone and everywhere and this video is also brought to you by star charge the largest EV charging manufacturer in the world they are also a provider of residential and Commercial battery storage with micro grid Solutions well you joined me Alysa and branded on the way to the Tesla Service Center which is just over here to take delivery of our cyber Tru now I've not told anyone that we were getting this truck this is really just the the inner out ofpc family just learned about it actually I've really kept it a secret but uh we are taking delivery of a very early trotor cyber Beast I'm very excited for this Foundation series and I'll kind of walk you through that that sales process in a little bit tell you everything about how we got the truck um so early of course I know a lot of you guys will be wondering about that so happy to share everything that we did there we used um uh referral points to get the accelerated delivery they had like a four or five hour window maybe even a little bit Yeah somewhere around there I'm not sure and if you had 30,000 referral points you could guarantee delivery within 45 days and so that's what I did and I'll walk everyone through that exact process here in a bit but we're just rolling up to Tesla in Jacksonville I've been tracking our truck on the way over trying to you know call different people that I know at Tesla they're sending me GPS coordinates they're checking on the truck it's been sitting at about 45 to 50% state of charge since it was produced only a week and a half ago um yeah a factory gate date I have to check on all the numbers but it's a very recent build it literally was built put on a train it was at the Jacksonville Rail Yard we saw it we went over there I'll insert that clip in a moment and so we we tracked it all the way to the rail yard and now it should be I hope inside that building right there where they have the world supply of Tesla Model y lining this building just a million of them here we are rolling up to apparently the rail yard where the Cyber truck is I think let's just take a look ahead here it should be somewhere around here is my understanding and um so here are the train tracks see there's the rail car s and here's where they come in and probably get unloaded yep that's got to be exactly it and here's where a bunch of cars are stationed these are a bunch of Fords says no trespassing don't see anything other than Fords in here so this must be a Ford rail yacht oh no cyber trucks over there on the right that could be it right there zoom in Alyssa oh there they are yeah oh cool those triangles yeah there's only one that I can see oh can you see more yeah I see maybe three yeah there's definitely more anyway we are out out in the west side of Jacksonville at the moment there's definitely here so our cyber truck is here somewhere um crazy to think that it's going to take couple days for it to get 20 minutes down the road to the delivery Center but Logistics I guess but there's 500 cars there we have manufacturer plates on this for do you think we could just just pull the hole like Hey we're here with Ford no inspecting the lot no we're not breaking truck for you to go and look at your truck that's ridiculous you're going to see it in two days and it looks just like all the other ones yeah well that's cool at least we saw it in here here comes a car carrier maybe they're picking up our cyber truck how sick would that be we'll just back up for this dude we can follow him in through the gate no all right well that was cool we're here and um it's here and it's here it is full of Teslas here at the service center wow this Brandon you excited oh yeah this is insane yeah this we are so lucky that we're able to get this truck and U make you know content we can't sell it for a year or Tesla will sue us which is crazy so we're keeping it for at least a year and uh you know if I decide that I really love it maybe I'll buy it from the company uh because they might I mean I don't know it's a very controversial vehicle so yeah let's just back in the Silverado right over here and go find our cyber truck well you joined me in front of Tesla Jacksonville where we've just driven up about two hours from the space coast near Titusville in Florida and we took the Silverado EV by the way I just have to give this truck a plug we rented this truck it's we'll have another one from Chevrolet coming with the biggest battery this thing 180 kilowatt hours usable that's the small battery cuz they have a 213 KW big battery we only used like half the charge getting here over 2 hours plus of driving at like high speed so that's impressive and it charges really fast everything I wish the Cyber truck did but it didn't and I can Trash the Cyber truck because I just paid for one um anyway we're here at Tesla Jacksonville let's talk about how this all happened uh I was at the original unveil of the Cyber truck years ago and I was with my friend Brian from i1 Tesla we had a great time time it was really interesting but when the truck rolled out on stage we both were like ooh that's not a good-look vehicle what are they thinking this is stupid and then we let it you know sit just like everyone else we kind of got used to it and I still don't think it's a very attractive vehicle visually but I'm so impressed with a lot of the technical stuff in the vehicle the steer by wire the software integration the 48 volt low voltage system I'm a nerd so I find all that cool and interesting and then I went to the unveil of the series production one which would be the delivery Event in Austin Texas Colton and I went there and made a video and then after that uh we actually had a test truck where we did range tests charging tests we took you on full tours we did deep driving reviews and you all were I mean reading the comments on those videos were extremely positive because of course we're not Tesla Fanboys I mean I enjoy Tesla I own a couple Teslas of course but I feel like we're pretty fair we're not here to make the vehicles look good we're just to evaluate them as they are in the cont text of other vehicles on the market which is also why I brought a Silverado EV and we have a rivan and we have a lightning so you can imagine the videos that are coming over the next month so uh a few weeks ago Tesla launched a accelerated delivery program on uh their referral program and it was essentially if you had an existing cybertruck reservation you could have placed it any time they would guaranteed delivery of a cyber truck this is an official program it's not like we called someone or we're YouTubers we got it early this was you know I I see a lot of celebrities getting their truck early I don't know how they're getting theirs but this was an official program by Tesla that said okay if you have 30,000 referral points you can burn those and we will get you your truck immediately as fast as possible and that's exactly what I did my dad had the referral points in his account and he had the truck or his reservation in his account I logged in I called him I said by the way I just bought a cyber Tru under your name I'm going to have to pay you back for it thanks very much and Tesla's been amazing through this whole process they um you know as soon as the truck was uh built about a day after we placed our uh referral uh accelerated thing it got moved to the front of the logistics line got put right on a train right after it got put on a train it came here to the logistics lot in Jacksonville it got hung up there for a week week and a half but now it's finally been trucked down here to the delivery center now we have to take delivery in Florida actually because you'll notice we'll have Florida license plates and my parents live in Florida I've registered it to them because I used my dad's account but again it's for out of spec so it's registered to out of spec the company can't sell the truck for one year we have to uh because Tesla will sue us for whatever we make over some other things I don't know to me that seems pretty crazy we're planning on keeping it a year anyway and then we'll see what we do I imagine the values are going to tank uh we're preparing for that I'm this is not going to stay cyber trucks at the time of this recording are selling for what Brandon 230 250 yeah yeah crazy we're not doing that we're not flipping this we're buying this to make content to enjoy the truck to compare it to other vehicles and really demystify what the Cyber truck is about and I'm putting my money where my mouth is which is this is a cool truck let's buy it let's live with it let's test it let's tow with it let's road trip it let's do everything off-road it of course and uh that's what we're here to do so enough of the explanation uh I'm sure someone's going to be pissed that we burned referral points to skip the line but that's uh we had them we burned it and those programs are available to any one who has referrals so uh and that's all thanks to you guys for buying Teslas with my dad's code the ad aspect Dave YouTube channel we have to give my dad a huge shout out for not freaking out when I called him and told him I bought a cyber truck on his account yeah I paid him back but like okay let's go inside let's go find our truck let's go meet the people Alyssa what are your thoughts on all this process before we go inside uh well I'm super excited they they have kind of ping ponged a little bit back and forth on our delivery date but I think that's cuz we kind of we didn't we actually we came over here and uh we just talked to everybody and they really thought that it was here but it wasn't here it was they were convinced it was here they were convinced your truck's here I'm like show me they're like we can't show you but I'm like how is it here then they're like just go check the vins in the back there was still there was like two or or three or four in the back actually and we were like just go check the VIN and um they never did and then we found out that it wasn't here but anyways that wasn't the same as it was before so I wonder if there's going to be a little show show which would be fun yeah that door as I'm circling around it yeah so there's no cover and you're able to see in it so I don't know I'm excited to see what they do they might just actually just say hey here's your truck um I told them don't even wash it just like get it to us as soon as possible but it's mandatory you have to wash it they they make they have to wash it have to wash it and have to sand it um I don't know we'll have to ask them if they sanded ours but I know that that's been a thing yeah so I'm I'm excited to see what it does how my actual reactions and driving in it in it will be uh I stay very neutral with all things Tesla well I wouldn't say that you've been a cybertruck hater I yeah I don't I don't like the truck I don't think it's a practical truck it's not like this truck it's not like the rivan it's it's a novelty car in my opinion and um the hype is going to be the hype and then it's just going to go down and just be a cool car that people see on the road the big true test of this vehicle will be if you come around to it after the year that we're going to have it at the office if I have to slam the doors like we do in the model X in order for it to CL then no it's not happening um do they have power doors no yeah they I would say it's e the doors aren't a problem yeah it's like a normal Tesla well then then I might be open to it I like how that's the biggest that is that that annoys the crap out of me with the X I I won't drive it because of it it just right we have a model X it's my dad's car actually it's going back to him soon uh but it doesn't have the ultrasonic sensors so the doors only pop open a little bit you really have to muscle them to get through it it's a little bit annoying yeah but Prince you know anyway issues but yeah I'm still excited to get the new car and see what it does and how it's going to Faire within our lifestyle and how the dogs like it and all that stuff I think we're VIN number 146 146 and it was it was built just a couple days or weeks ago I mean it was built a baby yeah so my understanding is the trotor Cyber beasts started at zero and worked their way up and the dual motor started at 500 or 550 and worked their way up so this is one of the first cyber beasts that um yeah we're lucky enough to get uh by the way before we go inside Tesla makes you get the foundation series which is $20,000 over sticker and for their markup I'm calling it a markup they give you a light bar and they give you FSD but it doesn't even have a don't even get any of those well we don't get the light bar today we don't get FSD today we don't even get basic autopilot today I mean the Silverado won't let you drive out of the lane it pushes you in but then this thing there's no steering so we're where we are taking delivery accepting the fact that it doesn't have all of the features sorted doesn't have a locking front diff at the moment um it'll be software updated everything that's the extra two $20,000 whatever it is you don't get with a truck when you get delivered basically I'm not sure what the benefit of foundation series is the badges we get badges I'm G to wrap it anyway badging etching I think you get let us know if we should wrap it or keep it metal Colton wants me to keep it metal for at least six months so he can I wants you to keep it metal too yeah he wants to beat the crap out of it and then you know I want to shoot it I don't know we'll have fun with it but then then we'll wrap it when we're done so um we get found so we have to spend 20,000 over for foundation plus 30,000 points to get delivery early that seems worth it to me the accelerated delivery thing the 20,000 over for foundation makes no sense but we need it for videos so there's a business case for us not everyone can pull the YouTube card and you know need to get a truck early to basically make it worth our while but I think with the depreciation on this truck we might end up losing money on it still but either way it'll make for good content and I think people will enjoy it so let's go inside enough talking I'm really excited I I know I've just kind of been a little bit negative but I wanted to get that out of the way because so you can do all the exciting things and be super happy joyous Happ tile yeah exactly because I do love the cybertruck I love how crazy it is I love how outlandish it is I love the sound system I love the driving Dynamics I love the steer by wire personally I don't like it in all situations but for driving it's nice there's so much to love about cybertruck and so uh you know basically we're taking the L on spending the money for the foundation series and the other stuff so you guys don't have to but uh by the way if there are any viewers that we meet along the way or that are near us in Fort Collins and you're waiting on your cyber truck um we'll have some way for you can to come by and check it out and go for a ride and like we did when we got our rivan early we let everyone come and check it out and play around with it we want to do the same thing with this but we're honestly going to be filming non-stop with this for probably the next month month and a half truck comparisons road trips cross country stuff so after the dust settles on our filming then come by the office in Fort Collins and play around with it anyway let's go inside well guys we're in the Tesla showroom about to go through the delivery process they actually have a cyber truck in here looking pretty nice they've got it staged with the suspension not all the way up but pretty high up looking good they also have the wheel covers on this one which I believe our truck will come without the wheel covers but again I have to say a big shout out to my friend Ben whose truck we originally tested again his stuff's Linked In the description uh because Ben's just awesome he allowed us to get all those early videos on his dual motor cyber truck he sent me his wheel covers so that we can use them for all of our testing they you're really they damage the tires as my understanding they leave some imprints so you don't really want them on but I didn't want all the Tesla people being like well you're making the Cyber truck look bad by not having the wheel covers and it would get 700 miles if you put the wheel covers on so anyway I paid to have them overnighted we have the wheel covers they're sitting in the lightning back at where we're going to end today and um cyber truck will have wheel covers for all of our testing coming up in the app we've already paid for the truck everything has come through we are just waiting for the start the delivery process everything has gone through so I've paid for a vehicle that I haven't even had the chance to look at go over make sure that the body panels aren't good make sure there's nothing aren't good you already said aren't good aren't good you're already prepared you know from our point right we're buying this to make reviews on this vehicle so I'm ex whatever we have as our experience is what we're going to share if I was a general customer buying it as my personal car um then I might be a bit more particular than I am for this so we're going to run through the truck we'll take a microscope I want to log everything that might be a problem just to make sure it's noted when we get it back to Colorado we'll ask them to fix it there but I'm certainly not going to hang around here for them to fix it in Florida we got to hit the road and go on a road trip in this thing so so um yeah we'll wait till we can go back my understanding is the truck is just behind the door over here we're going to see it for the first time uh I don't think I've ever have never ridden or driven a cyber Beast a trotor one induction dual motors in the rear permanent magnet front Locker on the front uh virtual Locker on the rear um that will all come with software very soon Tesla's just released some videos of them going to Moab testing their new software updates I guess that will be coming soon and that can't come soon enough cuz we have some off-road testing to do with this thing against yeah like two weeks like two weeks so hopefully they get it to our truck as soon as possible um anyway yeah let's wait for it I'm I'm really kind of shaking with excitement even though like I'm kind of I've never loved the cybertruck but now that it's like going to be ours and we you better love it yeah I'm like actually kind of getting into it and I love the controversy around it as well and we'll be able to have you know our friends in the media test it out and drive it as well so have other outlets play around with it yeah this will be fun I'm excited let's go see it well guys I just got this popping up it's 11:34 our appointment was for 11:30 it says start the process so let's go through everything and uh when you arrive appointment tap I'm here and a adviser will assist you in logging in your new vehicle I'm here there's our cyber Beast once you locate your vehicle check the VIN and ensure it matches cuz they all look the same retweeted by Herz hell yeah shout out to Herz and uh yeah let's go locate it then we can hit locate vehicle so we're just walking around the back side of the building they said that we are the 10th cyber TR delivery roughly out of here and the first Tri motor Beast woohoo and they're super nice everyone here at this Jacksonville service center they viewers they're awesome they're like the coolest people uh they said that they're just finishing up a little quick wash on it it arrived here literally super late last night so they're Expediting the cleaning process and then they're going to get it to us here in a few minutes but I figured we'd go see if we find anything interesting on the lot another cyber truck here and yeah Brandon good day for a delivery isn't it oh yeah way better than Colorado right now yeah way better than Colorado probably snowing today or tomorrow oh no yeah this is nice weather to test some vehicles in look at that wrap yeah that's pretty sick and here it is coming out of detail they're going to bring it around to the delivery Center we're getting a little sneak peek ahead of the delivery how sick is this nice well guys we confirmed that is our truck they just washed it they're juicing it up for us and I have it now in the app so I'm actually going to set up phone key right here which I think we can do from this distance and we're authorizing there we go we're set up Bluetooth pairing request we'll go for it and uh there's the thing I've got it set to 80% now this is still before the official delivery I think Tesla would have preferred if we didn't show the truck back back here but we're going to go inside and take the official delivery process so let's run around to the front of the building then we can collect it and we'll be good to go well guys the Tesla folks here who work here are amazing they were super cool they charged us up to 80% I have it in the app now and I'm looking at the truck right in here so we're going to have a chance to look at it in the garage uh really for a quick glance and then I'm going to pull it out here in the Sun and Stage it somewhere here cuz I really wanted to give it a good look over but wow just looking at it from a distance this is so cool come on Melissa let's go take a look this is it our new Cyber truck and there's some things in here we can't show you they don't want us to show you the other cyber truck so we're keeping the camera a little bit it's really cool them to put it in here uh and everything but um you can see here it says out of spec cyber truck welcome to the Tesla family super cool of them to do all this um just cuz it's a little bit crazy in here I'm going to get a couple photos of it in here in the garage and just kind of do a quick glance over but I am going to pull this outside so we can go go around it and uh we won't risk showing them any of the other trucks of course we're on Tesla's property they say we can't film something we're not going to do it and push our luck there but uh hey we got the truck and uh super cool of them to uh honestly give us a great delivery experience they asked us do you want to you know do you know how to use everything they're I'm like yeah I know how to use everything we're good um so anyway I want to do a quick body panel alignment log everything on camera on day one and then uh we'll drive it for the first time right after that so let's pull it out of here well guys I'm going to be able to drive the Cyber truck for the first time I'm going to jump in it we're going to pull it out here I'm really excited for this I have driven a cyber truck before but not my cyber truck or at least the out ofpc cyber truck so let's run up to it I should have phone as a key working door opens first time opening the door on my cyber truck jumping in for the first time wow it smells like a new vehicle in here this is amazing amazing I've really got to get everything set but let's just pull it out driving my cyber Tru for the first time oh boy steer by wire so cool so let's pull it out of here I'll stage it over here in the Sun and we can take a look this is so exciting wow it feels really really high quality just the initial bit of getting in here we'll put it in Parker right there and the first few inches of driving the Cyber truck have been completed um wow it honestly feels slightly different than the uh dual motor that I drove not in terms of drive chain or anything but I think Brandon was telling me this Alcantara Dash is on this that almost changes that entire experience because you have a huge it's technically I guess it's microfiber suede Alcantara is a company I know but it's pretty cool that we have that that's neat oh boy here it is so Alysa your first time really soaking in the cybertruck and seeing it out here um I'm sure they did the best job they could in the time that we left them to clean it but it's very streaky and you know Colton would be losing his mind over this I think it's more than acceptable because I'm expecting Tesla level of you know build quality and cleanliness and I know the metal is going to be a pain to take care of and that's part of what we want to do is to review it but what's your impression overall of the look of this particular one any thoughts oh I mean it looks like all the others nice looking triangle carrot cutter whatever you might want to say carrot cutter wouldn't be a bad name that was the stupidest thing we've ever done yeah I was very uh I was interested by that testing but uh I mean yeah it it it does it is it's a feat of engineering and it looks very interesting so let's show everyone around then uh first thing I'm noticing I want to look at like gaps I'm noticing that the front trunk does not fit properly so I want to at least make a note to the delivery folks and say hey this just needs some adjustment or this panel needs adjustment you can see we have some weather stripping sticking out here you you would think they'd go through those things but okay whatever we didn't give them that much time we've got the giant wiper um yeah VIN number 146 how about that Alyssa come on over to this side I want to show you uh inside the driver seat so again to open the doors we we have a bunch of cybertruck reviews so we won't be covering it but you just push this button plunger pops out pushes the door open is this your first time sitting in a cybertruck Alyssa no I sat in Wills oh okay that's right yep what there's stuff oh you got to peel that off in this video that's mine that's mine oh and this is in yeah save that we we'll do a full peeling everything off ASMR some good stuff yeah this will be where all the doggos will go it's pretty good amount of size it's it's not massively big at all well we just got out of the Silverado compared to the rivan this is pretty big compared to that big boy over there now if you pop out on this side just want oh my goodness it's so much room to the edge of there like putting on your um what is that thing to go through tolls to get you have down there I don't know how we're going to do that okay let's just make sure the doors are 90° nice because the one that we tested in Texas remember that Brandon Ben struck did not have 90° doors now he had on one of them so let's test the other one while we do that we'll raise up the Tano listening for any weird noises or binding sounding good really much higher quality than rivan Tano and we have dual 90° doors a bunch of plastic for you to remove Alyssa wow boy that's going to be fun we should do that when we get back to uh back to your grandparents cuz I want to get uh alysa's grandfather is 90 drives a Tesla Model y I really want to get his impression of this perhaps we can put that into this video as well let's just take a look on the front trunk how does this open again Brandon little button there's a button yeah it's right wait what I thought the button was right in the center oh yeah it's a little bit little higher a little bit weird to find yeah nothing in the front trunk but that's looking good this is where the HEPA filter is everything yeah I mean it's not not massive but it'll get the job done at least just don't put your fingers right there whoa it still freaks me out um yeah I mean everything's looking good let's check the underfloor storage we'll check everything else so we'll drop the uh tailgate make sure that this works pretty well let's just see yeah nicely dampened it's it's almost a a cyst it's got a soft close but it's not power we do have under floor storage oh that that was build quality right there did you hear that smells hold on let's try that again it's this it's that plastic like hitting no it's this right here it's hitting it okay so we got to log that oh yeah see it's binding right there maybe because this is too far forward I mean it seems to fit perfectly here this is just things you get when you buy a brand new Tesla isn't it also this panel you know probably this piece that's too far forward yeah that piece may need to be shoved forward a little bit so anyway we have our mobile connector in here which comes in a box rather than a carrying case so we'll check that out later on we have our power outlets this is what I'm most excited for finally have a Nema 1450 on wheels that I can pull power out of so we can charge other cars and yeah the rivan's only got 120 volt you get the latches out yeah you just come right on in here oh we might need to use a tool to pry it out they're pretty tight in there make range tests easier yeah that'll make range tests nice we can run cars to dead and then charge them up with this thing if we need to uh it says Foundation series right here and then it also has the I actually don't like this at all that's beautiful that's pretty you like that no sarcasm oh yeah to me I just don't like that what do you think Brandon do you like it that looks pretty cool Brandon likes it we've got a Florida tag on here so we need to squat it so we can get you know the Carolina squat squat it or raise it yeah I feel like the Florida thing to do would be to put like a one foot lift with like 32 in wheels and then little rubber band tires yeah yeah wow here comes the Tano watch your fingers coming in hot it's little wow testing your fingers already look I'm not there's no worker compensation here you don't work for out of spec he's got his own Outlet yeah this doesn't really fully line up I mean it's close enough I guess but um yeah wow we really should set up the software get everything dialed in door shots feel good and this is it the new out of spec cyber truck so many videos to come Alysa it's a very expensive refrigerator I was thinking we should get the license plate May tag yeah or something like that feed into it mag yeah we get some magnets mag yes we got to get a Buy's magnet my dad loves bies uh so yeah very cool well I'm I'm thrilled I'm glad that it came out here I'm going to take a moment and just really analy everything on the truck make notes with the delivery Specialists and say hey here are the things that I would like to see fixed on the truck I think this needs to get dialed in uh this a pillar frame like I don't really care it's a truck it doesn't need to be perfect that's probably fine for me but um this this is really probably the main issue that I see with it and of course the latch in the back other than that that's our new out ofpc Tesla cybertruck is it technically Tesla cybertruck cyber Beast I don't know or is it Tesla cyber truck Beast cyber truck cyber Beast why not maybe just cyber Beast cyber something it's cyber delivery yeah we have cyber Alyssa behind the camera cyber Kyle yeah all the above everything will be cyber well it looks nice good toasty way oh I'm sorry I couldn't hear you for a second I was just going to say by the way see these wheels they don't come with the covers I think I mentioned earlier in the video I have a set of covers from Ben yeah so we're going to throw those on when we get to your grandparents cool beans all right let's go talk to the delivery folks then we'll jump in set it up and we'll hit the road well guys you joined me in the out of spec cybertruck for the first time inside and first of all um we have so much to unwrap here there is going to be a portion to the end of this video that will be Alyssa's favorite thing to do just peeling all the plastic off um I have to say nothing but great things to the Jacksonville delivery folks they were so nice they made our delivery great um you know obviously they were viewers and uh you know they they didn't want to be on camera they can't be on camera uh but all of them say hey so so that was really cool and I just just really loved hanging out with those guys so what I want to do now is kind of get everything set up so I've got it in my profile I've shared the car to Brandon and my dad so we're all the three of us are in there um let's come over here we have the truck in high ride height at the moment but a lot to set up it's going to be very glary with this plastic screen protector on at the moment but should we just no wow we got beast mode I haven't seen that before so we can put this is probably how I want to drive it acceleration and Beast ride and relaxed and ride height a little bit higher that sounds good to me I don't want to do auto lowering I'll probably play around with this we're charged to 79% state of charge again the whole time the truck came from Texas it was charged to about 56 or 57% when it left the factory and it made it here at about 37% so again it was driven I'm sure climate control kicked on things like that we still have no autopilot and no FSD nothing like like this it'll be available in an upcoming software release so we're going to have to drive this thing across the country with no autopilot which just seems crazy to me yeah it's a punishment it's insane so hopefully they get that sorted um we will do uh early Collision warning we don't want to crash this thing Lane departure has no like assist and I think it must be something to do with the steer by wire they don't want to push the truck in or anything like that we've got our phone set up I'm going to set my phone to my profile so there we go it logs oh yeah it already actually did that automatically very cool let's see anything else here we can set our ambient so we can do bed brightness on auto we set accent lights Alyssa choose the color you think we should keep in the Cyber Tru purple okay we'll play around with that I'm sure dome lights auto cybertruck logo rear view camera on all the time and I think I'm going to put that somewhere that's because you won't be able to see out of the rear view mirror when the tono is closed we'll keep everything in percentage but right now it's 238 mil at 79% that's of rated range the range on this truck my two main issues with cyber Tru are range and charging it's uh really crazy to me how there's not more by the way I did pre-order the range extender that does not exist at the moment it might not ever exist if it does exist it might be a pain in the ass to install so I'm not sure if I'll go through it but at least I reserved that with our reservation on the truck we're going to make trip B lifetime as we do with every Tesla I've already set this Tesla up to Tesla fi while we just accepted delivery so everything will be logged on this truck from day one so it's already Gathering all the data battery degradation data all of our drives wherever we go it's logged from the moment we leave the service center it's already fully set up and we're good to go I've already checked so that is great um I'll leave Sentry mode off just because we I actually don't really use Sentry mode that much plus I got to put a USB stick in here it might actually come with one I think it must tire pressures are set to factory where they need to be which is great everything is good here 146 let's just see if we have any um here if I hold here any issues in service mode so we'll come in here and see if there's any hidden alerts that we should be aware of I think at least last time I was in cyber trucks there was always a couple it says euse issue on this one VC left but doesn't seem to be affecting anything but something at least that we can log so that could just be a software fix at some point in the future everything else in here if we come to driver assistance looking nice so fisheye calibration progress cabin calibration progress It's got to calibrate everything we have a front camera of course high voltage system looks nice nice everything's looking good the battery was just charged so it's pretty toasty there we go nice so great everything else yeah normal stuff we've been through this before and that's the Cyber Tru should we um take it for our first drive Alysa yeah okay oh Big Stretch yeah we don't want to don't want to lose this it says thank you for choosing a Tesla will receive a survey Link in 72 hours of course we're going to give them all 10 out of spec welcome to the Tesla family so cool you want this window sticker out as well yeah but let's not bend that let's show everyone the window sticker actually how much did this thing even cost 121 $1,985 wow 985 look at that uh date of manufacturer February 24th cyberbeast is 100 G Plus Foundation series is 20,000 again I really have no idea what we even got for it um FSD I guess but it doesn't even have base autopilot so did we even get that I don't know I it's included to me it feels a bit like a ripoff if I'm honest yeah but um either way hopefully the truck will improve with software it really needs to improve with software has a 15 speaker sound system best sound system maybe ever it's right up there with M60 that I've tested said Brandon would you mind putting that back there and making sure it doesn't fold thank you um he's got his own seat yeah right and we have a wireless charger in here they even gave us a couple key cards do not place phone on key cards oh I've never seen that why okay I guess it'll wipe the charging if it's don't rip it don't rip it really how do you want me to open this without ripping it like that okay this is this is different difficult Alissa this is your job Alysa is the max unboxer maxter maxter Master unboxer here we go the key cards are in here I guess nice yeah hand that back that way we have so much plastic you can remove I all right well uh enough of that let's go drive the cyberbeast for the first time I got to get my seating position all set we'll get everything dialed in and then we will hit the road well guys it's time to head out so we are already in drive and let's go for a quick ride I also want to get Alyssa's very first impressions driving this and Brandon should drive it as well at least later today to really get a sense of what the Beast can do I'm just going to go and really make sure there's no rattles or Creeks or anything the delivery Center said you know we basically have 100 miles to find some issues and then they'll take care of everything of course it's under warranty as well but little alignment stuff and things like that they said just let us know as soon as possible loving the steer by wire just coming around through here super cool and um yeah right now we have the ride height in normal nice and soft squishy mode which is probably how I'll drive this thing most of the time and again a lot of the team's going to be driving this truck for different videos and stuff it's um I'm sure I'll probably drive it the most out of everyone but everyone's going to kind of have a go in this thing so this is really a cool experience we'll go out of here to the right nice click buttons on the steering wheel again uh if you're curious more on Cyber truck review stuff I've already reviewed the truck and we are out for our first ride it sounds different than the dual motor loud Motors actually it's cool I like it not quite rivan quad motor loud but pretty loud there's a cop right there so we don't want to get pulled over in our first half a mile of driving I was about to floor it too that would have it's really funny actually so um yeah I would say it feels good we're going to do a bake break bed in process just let them you know merge into the paths nicely we'll get up to about 80 mph bring it to 10 or 60 MPH bring it to 10 get everything broken in sound system broken in and that'll be kind of the motto for today but wow it feels feels good feels almost like the steering wheels a little bit left left aligned does it look that way to you Brandon like tilt it down to the left yeah yeah yeah defin I don't know if that's normal I don't remember that from the other truck but this is not connected to the wheels at all this is just a video game sensor basically in for the steering which is really wild how little you turn it and how responsive it is it's definitely something pretty neat now I do think we should try the power a little bit so in order to do that we should lower the ride height put the suspension into firm and this is a truck we bought to have fun look at that look oh they all they're all freaking out over the cybertruck that's what you get when you drive this thing it's still most people still have never seen one of these on the road so it's definitely a a unique experience for everyone I fig we're in a cyber truck feel like like a model X yeah I know when you're in this thing it just drives so normally you don't think about it until you see like people freaking out around you which is really funny used the first when they were freaking out yeah so let's just pop up on whatever this road is here for one exit and we'll come back and we still got to pick up the Silverado but let's give it the beans what do you say we haven't none of us have tested the Cyber Beast yet so y'all holding on time for the beans all right holy crap God wa it's fast I did not expect it to be that fast this thing boogies she gets W okay that's a good amount of power I mean it's not plaid fast but it's not far off that's freaking impressive for a vehicle of this size you don't need any more than that like that a lot I'm glad glad we got the Beast you know I was saying you know like there's no reason to get the beast when I had the dual motor I'm like that's all the truck you need that's fine but like but the Beast the Beast I'm glad we got it and that's not even using launch mode or anything like that but this is how you use your rearview camera I can put it here or place it over there which is kind of nice you can also take that one off if you want yeah we can remove this but I think it's nice like if the dogs are back there I can like watch them you can re tilt it yeah so anyway green light chime works pretty well autopilot not that we even have autopilot is calibrating just animations yeah just yeah it could just be the animations I guess it's not show anything right no it is no like the cars around oh the cars you're right you're right you're right well let's uh let's go back that was our first little Loop Alyssa I think you should have a go yeah wow this is this is quick this is proper this is no joke that is amazing oh wow I love it and you know most of the time I'm probably just going to drive this thing like a grandpa but it is cool to experience that power and acceleration so yeah let's get alysa's first drive in this one and uh that is that is pretty freaking impressive you have to be really focused with the steering to stay so uh stable with everything that was cool well you joined me in the passenger seat Alysa is ready to take control you've never driven the Cyber truck no I have not and uh so you understand roughly how the steering is a bit different I mean no not until I feel it okay yeah so I'm all good to yeah just get used to it in the parking lot first cuz the steering's wild I'll just go take the little Loop yeah a lot that I can't H feel weird doesn't feel weird it's just getting the visual approach of what is going on here you know this is smaller than the uh lightning I hav been driven the lightning but you okay I'm just letting you know a lot of people think it's a pretty big truck but it's smaller than a normal I don't think it's big at all it's just there's different lot lots of Windows and uh blind new just new areas to get used to what I'm looking at what I'm able to see all right Flor you're used to it no but there's there's cop here oh he's gone he was driving no Flor it Flo it Flor it just FL it I'll Flo it on the on ramp how does it feel back there dude it's really nice back here can't it's going a good trip yeah we're driving this thing across the country very spacious you know when Lista seat was all the way back I still had like room wow that's awesome what do you think of the steering Ela guys filming us oh yeah yeah that can get a real booty shake back there yeah I can really feel back here yeah yeah I hear you yeah that's different this is this is neat this is really cool and I'm surprised you're positive on it well the steering wheel's but I mean crap you don't like the steering wheel no oh I like it squirkle does it feel like a little too thin it feels just way too small that's what I think that's cool it gives it a sporty Vibe wow I would feel like you would be the total opposite you got to hit the mono wiper Alyssa yeah H the mono wiper yeah whoa isn't that a cool experience she's spicy that is that's that's a big big thing okay good y all good yeah there's like so little input that you need to to do to get things rolling and moving the buttons are a lot thicker than uh the model S there's actual a lot more input yeah it's like a clicky button yeah watch that nice all right get her straight and give her the beans there's all these FL [Music] it me [Laughter] nervous okay the the the pedal is very sensitive this is not going to be a good Max car well yeah right but I can I can put it into uh like a normal or even chill now floor it I like that you like chill mode yeah it's like mod performance right there yeah wow well yeah just cuz I'm always driving the dogs around usually and so it's a bit harsh to on the pedal movements with them so I like to be in chill mode when it comes to them is this where I'm trying to I just stay in this Lane right uh I think you'll be okay yeah no one's around so you're technically I don't think supposed to ride here yeah I don't think so either but here we are yeah cyber truck LIF style see they're they were just taking photos of us you just got you gota make people feel uncomfortable by waving at them okay that's your plan just wave at everyone yeah well that's the thing you do on the East Coast I missed it so much just wave not everybody cuz everybody waves at you are you saying people don't wave in Colorado no small toes no nobody waves back at you when you wave at people I'm always a waiver hey like why right okay yeah those buttons are buttony buttony buttons and then I want I would like to do a 360 but I don't think I have a not enough for Tak a picture of cybertruck yeah it's awesome yeah cool all right I'm going to see the Turning radi well don't hit the curb and by the way we only have three degrees of rear steer at the moment I think they have to update our steering actuator to get 10° maybe it's that guy's cybertruck prob that's cool I thought they had a physical part change for that and it should been the newer one don't hit the curb here no I'm not you're not oh I'm okay okay no I don't know good space yeah we should go around up front I'll up yep it's fun to drive it it kind of reminds me um a little bit of the Hummer Ed with driving it yeah with the rear steering yeah yeah rear steer is cool that more but this this is what well keep your hands down low rather than up on that top flat part what yeah like just right in here you never have to move them because you never can go more than 180 Dees in One Direction yeah I guess so something to get used to all the Yol should have been well I'm surprised you're so positive on this thing you've been you've been putting it down since we ordered it and uh I've been putting down the thought and the idea of I just I know how much this is going to depreciate so uh yes yeah that's the side of things and I think there's a lot more fun cars that we I mean not this this fun car but there's definitely this one Porsche that I know some guy really wants to get that I said my next car if I ever got a next car would be a GT3 and here we are buying a cybertruck well this would be a lot more views than a GT3 would be so right at the edge here yeah of the windshield it's a little wavy yeah it's wavy I don't know if it's my sunglasses cuz I don't think the camera picks it up either the very bottom yeah yeah could see that yeah like right in here mod snx are when glass on it you kind of see a little of reflection refraction so your thoughts driving the Cyber truck the first first time I think it's a lot of fun it's a fun car it it makes people happy which that's always good and um you know we shouldn't lose too I don't know we're going to lose a lot of money on it but we'll make a lot of content so yeah we're just doing it do it for the vine a lot of good content to to come I'm ready to off-road this thing offro that's all I want to do and peel all these stickers that's that's it you guys can go have fun driving it thousands of miles across country yeah but you'll do the off-road videos I'll meet you in Moab um yeah totally well thanks for driving Alyssa and uh you're welcome glad glad you enjoyed it okay let's uh yeah let's go get lunch or something yeah and then so we got the Cyber truck at Chipotle and everyone always yeah everyone freaks out yeah we've just met some cool dudes here at Chipotle what do you all think about this thing this thing is actually nuts like I'm sorry I'm not a big Tesla fan but for the first time seeing this it actually looks really cool going to lie I'm glad you guys like it it's I still haven't made up my opinion but yeah it's fast as hell so yeah when I saw it I had to pull it like right next to you dude I'm Sor I had to take a picture of my car next to I'm sorry yeah nice to meet you guys yeah take as many photos as you want you can sit inside of it and do whatever you need but uh yeah nice to meet you guys it's just this little button right here yep thing is all right well we just finished up great Chipotle meal and uh Alysa I think is actually going to want to take it down to her grandparents it's about 150 mile drive maybe a little bit more so you and Brandon can Vlog your road trip down in this I'll follow behind in the Silverado but Alyssa's excited about it I'm glad so yeah you should really drive it and uh actually I'll try out the back seat Bryon yeah let me give that a go it's okay fingerprints already but wow yeah I fit in the back back pretty well I'm pretty tall and I fit you're pretty ISS you're six foot 6' one 6' one sorry it's okay it's okay yeah don't don't care all right first Peel's got to happen now you're going to hit the first peel this is just already put it in park Alyssa oh sorry it's the middle it's the middle yeah yeah go the drive real quick move to the middle yeah did they do that on snx too no okay all right are you ready wow can you mute the audio thank you all right now do it without the audio [Laughter] what line it up it's okay it's okay nice okay good stuff they were literally just blocking the road to get a photo of the Cyro truck and Alyssa's like move no you got to let people enjoy it I was letting them out is what I was doing I didn't know I wasn't watching what her phone was doing yeah they were trying to get a video so Tesla Service messaged us Brandon yeah they want a picture oh did you you take pictures already yeah we got it on video oh yeah we'll send it when we have time pictures whatever cool yeah we just want to get the front and rear aligned a little bit and then we'll be good on this thing other than that this truck feels pretty solid feels nicely put together I don't like the head Rath stle what do you mean it's hard huh not hard I like the ev9 one that the cushy one while we were taking delivery of the Cyber truck we've had a Silverado disaster a water bottle explod it's literally a pool down oh god well I guess you don't have any I don't have enough paper towels for that yeah we'll just I'll just drive with a pool here let this dry yeah yeah okay all right have fun driving the Cyber truck before we leave Tesla I just want to say a huge thank you to the entire Jacksonville team they really were amazing made the whole delivery experience really fun really special the Cyber truck itself is so neat it's crazy quick again great sound system really fun we've already met a bunch of people just from parking it in a parking lot and mixed reactions from love it to hate it and everyone's pretty chill about it it's pretty awesome uh again I'm super grateful to you guys for watching our content because without your viewership we wouldn't be able to buy crazy interesting cars like this and review them over long-term ownership updates don't expect any other big purchases in the near future uh this was a pretty heavy one for us but we're very thrilled that we're able to do it and bring the coverage to you guys ultimately this is um we have to choose a few Vehicles a year to purchase and no question this had to be on the list and we had the unique opportunity to take delivery of one of the very first cyber beasts and I am certainly you know pinch myself moment that we're in that position it's uh it's pretty incredible and actually we're filming this right as the R2 event is happening so anyway there we go the new Cyber truck where we going we're going to The Great Outdoors of course that where else should a cyber truck be other than the Great Outdoors Kyle somewhere behind us yeah that truck is just massive that truck hits all the points that this truck severely misses and that is range and um charging speeds but there's no cyber Vault no who no cyber vault in the other one cyber the Cyber Vault you know the the trunk area or the bed oh the The Vault yeah it's called a vault oh it's called a vault I didn't know yeah cuz it you can stand on it yeah 300 lb you stand on it yeah you can stand you can jump you can do all these ridiculous things with the truck but it doesn't have autopilot nope $122,000 for an active cruise control well it's just we it's all going to obviously come I understand that but it's just a matter of um to pay $20,000 extra for all of these different things that have yet to come or or and you're taking delivery of it and it's not there and that's just that to me is always I've never understood that with Tesla stuff and uh I know it's the Tesla way but it's just like if you're making customers pay for it you should at least have it available for your customers and we're this far into Tesla I feel like they could have had it ready in time yeah and especially autopilot come on now it's just ridiculous and then all the rest of the stuff I mean it really isn't it's just kind of ancillary things like the light bar whatever it all that but it's just like I don't even think Kyle will even put on the light bar we'll just have it as an option we'll put it on once or twice and then take it off I'm curious to see how uh aerodynamic and efficient it is I think the light bar honestly might be necessary cuz the headlights are not that great at night oh really yeah well I hope Alysa and Brandon are enjoying the Cyber truck certainly looks interesting following it from behind and um yeah we're just here in the uh Silverado so 130 M of range estimated 130 5 to get there I can just drive a little bit more gently and we'll arrive dead which I want to do a charging test on this anyway so that works pretty well there they go merging onto the highway cool let's go Maverick come on we got a green light dude this looks so wild going down the road doesn't it it's an interesting shape looks like it's slammed out in lower suspension right now which probably is the more efficient way of driveing I mean definitely is got to get those wheel covers on though it looks weird without them been her view yeah big waves nice cool well uh another hour and a half of cruising and we'll be there passing Kyle cuz he's going way too slow look at that Sil it looks like if anybody knows the reference but from um Lelo and Stitch gantu it looks like the shark from Stitch you won't un seee it I literally that's all I think about when I see that truck is it just looks like can to but uh so far it drives great on the highway it covers bumps pretty well and I haven't had any issues we've had plenty of TI heads of course and a lot of attention to it I'm not really focusing on that but Brandon's definitely keeping count of everybody who's um impressed by it and the only thing is I'm trying to figure out my feelings with the the wheel here but I think it'll it'll grow on me and in point by the end of this drive I won't even notice the difference so yeah one thing I do really appreciate is how big nice the buttons are I just it's a nice click I feel it I hear it all the senses are happening and uh yeah so we're continuing on the road here and uh Kyle's somewhere now behind us it was calling me yeah he's going to say something so we better call him back got to call boss man back so yeah man I think the back of that thing is pretty ugly but the front of it looks cool like coming up behind that's a cool look but following it from back here not sold on that to be honest [Music] buies here we go this is where we ended our F-150 race earlier this week where we raced the superchargers versus CCs in two identical lightnings that video should go up the same day this video goes live on out ofec motoring it's going to be a huge month at out ofpc so going crazy with all the electric truck content here all right so we're just about to turn right over there is bies which will be Brandon's first time at the bies Kyle has to charge because I guess the Silverado doesn't have that much range um no it actually has a ton of range but um had he had about like a 10 mile difference that he wouldn't be able to make it so we're just going to do a quick top up he doesn't want me to charge the truck he wants to be the first one to plug it in so I'll let him be the first one to plug it in so uh we'll go over to the charge Point Chargers with him hang out go inside bies experience all that and um then hit hit the road again and we've arrived to the Mercedes Chargers so let's get this thing PL well Brandon and Alysa went inside for their first bies experiment I took it over here for our first ever charge in we go on the Tesla cyber truck so that yes you're more than welcome to check it out it's the first one I've ever seen yeah well uh here you go yeah this is the first charging session I'm doing with it BR yeah brand new just got it thanks dude appreciate it so yeah it's it gets a lot of attention at bies which is fun but damn this is sick juicing up not as fast as a Silverado EV I was just doing 310 Kow on that one and then this is going to be a lot slower charger than that but uh oh well still pretty cool it is amazing how much attention this one let's take a look at the charging performance here at 46% only 102 KW ah the one thing I wish cybertruck would do is have more range and faster charging and well it wasn't preconditioned for this session but we're not far off what we normally would get around this state of charge and it's okay not that big of a deal for today we're just chilling putting a little bit extra juice in it cuz we're going to be driving this around all evening so we'll charge it up to 60 or 70% and then hit the road I got to get the wheel covers on it cuz it looks pretty bad without the wheel covers you want but you can't see out the back on the okay well the crowd of people just left it was crazy you can't if you ever need to be in a hurry do not charge a cyber truck at bies Holy Smokes uh and I actually did notice the charge curve maybe seemed a bit flouted then last time we tested just kind of sat at about 100 kilow up to I don't know sometime somewhere High 50% range it didn't seem too terrible actually so maybe that's getting better um we're putting Brandon in the Silverado so let go bye I'm driving an electri i it was fun watching this thing but I really want to drive it here so yeah I'm not sure what's going on here but uh hell yeah nothing nothing great so anyway let's uh let's go drop off Brandon at the silado and I just put a few kilowatt hours in it cuz I want to do a charge test probably tonight or tomorrow morning with the Silverado oh that's that's I don't know if you have enough time I know I need to charge test that thing before the big road trip I need to know how it charges yeah so look at look at gantu yeah Alysa calls the Silverado gantu gantu all right well I'm going to drop you right here and uh wow the steering is so fast on this it's crazy well have fun how do I use the volume uh there's a giant knob on the screen oh I look at these Tesla people don't even know what to do with a knob knobs and buttons in here I'm not used to it there's our dude who was hanging out with us from the three awesome all right so you get to roll yeah how do I go up okay he's got you got to pull it towards you okay well that thing's about three times as big as your model y so good luck well I have commandeered the Cyber truck I'm very excited to try this out and yeah now we'll be taking the on-ramp onto I95 South we're only yeah less than 1 hour away from where we need to go my plan was to rip the on-ramp but we are behind the world's slowest Convoy I did want to test some of the handling characteristics oh everything's flying nuts Alissa got some what are those peanuts almonds almonds nice nice um so yeah we're just going to cruise and uh put the music up enjoy the sound system still no autopilot in this thing how was that for you Alyssa that was pretty pretty bad yeah it doesn't even like even the Silverado if I don't pay attention pushes me in and that's a primitive work truck yeah and this can't even do L cing yeah we were talking about I don't want to sound ungrateful for the Cyber truck cuz I feel like I've been a bit negative today but I'm so excited for this and uh oh so I was saying it was it's a lot of fun to drive but um it would be nice it'll come soon so I'm going to go relaxed and then the higher position on riding I think the truck looks good with the suspension up a little bit um but I do notice a bit of vibration not nearly as bad as Ben's truck was when I tested it out in Texas his really had a Grumble but it is there is some feedback coming in and I guess a lot of it's through the steer by wire I also don't understand why our wheel is just off by a little bit I don't think I remember that from I might ask them to see if they can fix that at Tesla Service yeah just like program it to be like 2° more centered but it has adaptive cruise right yeah it has that nice but anytime you you if you just oh and you can go up to 90 just like a normal Tesla if you just push it down like one it jerks you uh push it down oh speed Wise It's very aggressive yeah yeah yeah y okay well either way but the purple's coming through my chosen color yeah ala CH good look we really got to clean the glass it's very hazy and that'll happen with any new car you'll get a lot of off gassing that will happen so yeah I was noticing that I already don't have great eyesight without my glasses and then it was that I was like oh gosh yeah but that's any new car really especially in the heat so we'll let all that and then Colton will detail the crap out of this thing when we get it back we'll put it under the knife that's right so man it's cool got the blind spot light going here yeah just that little light yeah not that useful I guess but it's better than nothing very tiny uh-oh flat tire in that model y uh-oh uh-oh so yep let's uh head on down to the Great Outdoors man he can't even fit that thing in the wide view it's so [Music] big did you order this you did I all right what do you think Grandpa that's it huh that's it wow fantastic I'm going to take a picture just showed up at your place here this is the latest it's the latest very latest very late they're saying that they're they're having some some trouble with the with the the metal cooling and heating and and the lines are if not a whx warps a little bit this one doesn't seem too bad that is one funky look car or whatever it is right look like it's from Mars you should have seen we followed him all the way inl Parts you turn around one lady goes what the was that somebody give you a new pick up isn't that something that's kle Conor hey nice nice give it a good press how do you open that just a good push like this yep and then you just open it yep I like the screen yeah nice seat yeah plenty of room room was it uh was it nice riding yeah it drives fine yeah well we'll take you for a spin in it yeah I'll get in after they get done talking oh I just it's never going to happen that's why we're we're an hour late because we're yeah oh because we everybody was everybody was stopping and talking to us oh is that right yeah that camera is busy always filming yeah so Chuck how's it going good so you have a Tesla Model y we've done a video with you before you're on your second Tesla you're almost 90 I had an M3 yep and then when the wise came out I decided to buy that because we needed a little more room easier to get in and out of yeah but the three was a great car and what's your impression now seeing the Cyber truck by the way I just have to say before we get that you have three electric pickup trucks in your driveway right now and four electric cars total plus your electric golf cart you're living in the electric age yeah I am what do you think of the Cyber truck I like it myself you know not too I think it looks like it's from Mars yeah now you had an F150 in the past you used to tow a trailer with it yeah I did would you tow with an electric oh sure but right now I I'm too old for that yeah yeah yeah but I think if you could well we'll have to go for a ride tomorrow in this one I want to take you out in it um so we'll definitely have an upcoming video with Chuck's impression of the cyber truck but it definitely from my opinion looks like the future I think you could you should get one of these things I got to get by my wife well thanks Chuck I'm glad that you like it I think um it's it's a very controversial car of course because it looks so polarizing but I think a lot of people will appreciate that you of course are into it which is pretty cool it's my kind of car because it's different I like new things yep me too really like it thanks Chuck good to see you yeah Alysa it's time to unbox the Cyber truck yep yep so where where are you starting with this is your you first off let's explain to the viewers you love this I yeah this is I liter when we go to dealerships and they have a new car we're friends with them so they don't mind if I do it but I just always sit there and unpeel everything for them they said that they'd hire me but I'm a little too busy um so the first ones are actually they're very little in here and they might they take a little bit of um are you sure there's one on there yeah there is oh yeah are you sure it's just not a protective cover cuz I've already already taking it off open it oh it's stuck wi the seal okay so they must have put that on before they put this piece on yeah okay so there's more over here you got to come around okay yeah Brandon's doing this as vertical too so if you want want more we're just beating the out of this [Laughter] truck really put like left all this in the door so it's like underneath the plastic here [Music] I don't think knocking the plant over was part of the ASMR portion of this video it's already been knocked over yeah Jordan we have a profile he just drove it and we said don't crash it that's his profile it says Jordan don't crash and then he opened the door into the plant and knocked it over and then Alyssa just knocked it over so that's probably we should move the plant I think all right here we go even a tab for this one that was good look at what right all right we've removed the seal now and now you can get it out right Alyssa yeah okay nice now we might drive this thing through water so that's got to be tight I can put it on yeah we can adjust it later so how was the first unboxing going was all complicated honestly not satisfying I mean it's always satisfying to hear the noise of it um but now I know what to do to get the full yep yep look at that thing hunting Gators in a cyber Florida thing happening here well guys we have made it back we're starting to get all of the trucks ready for our race across the country which I'm really looking forward to doing with all of them the attention that the Cyber truck gets is in crazy I mean I remember it from when we had it in Austin Texas but here in Florida it almost seems like more I mean really every time we stopped today we almost couldn't go anywhere so the one thing that I always come away with when I'm around cybertruck is on online most of the comments that I receive are probably 75% hate and negativity towards the cybertruck and in person it's probably 75 to 90% extremely positive and interesting and it always just shows me that maybe online isn't the perfect representation of everyone's actual viewpoints and beliefs so um yeah Brandon's just inching this giant Silverado up but I don't know if he's going to crash in here or not yeah he's working with millimeters he's good but anyway we're so lucky that we have a cyber truck anyone who is in the Colorado area seriously come on up to our office in Fort Collins when we're this he's used to adoral test one that was great nice and um yeah come on up explore it we'll take you for a ride check it out again um timing and availability I'm not committing to anything but if it's around we want people to experience it and see it at least while it's new and fresh so we're lucky we're able to have it and um yeah seriously amazing thank you uh to the Tesla team in Jacksonville thank you to the Tesla Logistics team who because we used the referral thing got us our truck right away and they were fast they were amazing and uh yeah any final thoughts from you Brandon I'm just excited to see what happens with the cyberbeast yeah me too Alysa it's a good looking refrigerator there we go well plenty of yeah so have plenty of videos to come we have a cyber Tru we got to do all the things with it and we certainly will over the next month or two of just hardcore electric truck testing see you on another one again soon bye-bye
Channel: Out of Spec Reviews
Views: 242,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car, Review, Acceleration, Braking, POV, Handling, Test, VS, Comparison, Interior, Exterior, Supercar, Hypercar, Sedan, SUV, CUV, TFL, Redline Reviews, Motor1, sports car
Id: mo9tm8aC-vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 13sec (4633 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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