my book expo truth and bookshelf tour unhaul part 3

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hello friends my name is marines and this is part three of my bookshop tour slash unhaul i've been starting these videos too with like a little bit of a discussion i guess i don't know i wasn't really planning it that way but i feel like i sit down and i'm like oh yeah something i wanted to talk to you about but after putting together part two i realized that i talked a lot about like arcs that i got at bea 2016 and it got me thinking about bea and like the truth behind bea at least my truth i am always a little bit wary about like talking about other events because i run an event and the truth of the matter is that booknet fest is so tiny compared to bea that it's not a competition at all but even beyond that even if we were like on equal footing these are two very very different kinds of events ba is its own thing it's industry it's professional and it is all about these advanced reader copies and like the publicity that goes along with that where booknet fest isn't more of a community oriented event it's about panels connections networking and that sort of thing and when sam and i sat down to like vision this up and talk about what booknet fest would be one of the things that we immediately both agreed on was that while we wanted books to be a thing at this event and a presence and we do book exchanges and we do have publisher participation in terms of giveaways and arcs and things of that nature we never wanted it to be an arc event like from that was like day one visioning like no booknet fest will never be an arc event there won't be ever a mad dash for arcs epic fest as so long as we can help it like that is not the vision that we have for our event and i think a lot of that both for sam and i comes from our experiences at bea and so bea is one of these things that i started to hear about as soon as i joined booktube i have also been thinking as i'm talking through like consumerism and things of that nature the stuff that is like internal pressure that we put on ourselves versus the external things that maybe the community doesn't like directly put on you but that are built up because of like the shared experiences and the things like the giant book collections and large halls like those sorts of things the story almost or the narrative that that creates about what booktube is as a community and so part of that narrative very early on when i joined booktube five years ago or whatnot was about like not only events and going to see people at events but bea was like a huge thing i went in 2016 and i had an absolute blast and i had a blast because my friends were there it was in chicago which is a city that i absolutely love and we just had a wonderful time and a wonderful experience and the way that i perceived bea was very much about like getting in and getting as many arcs as i could and making out like bandit basically because that is like my understanding like that was my understanding and that is definitely the appeal as book lovers as people who read a lot of books there is something about free books that is just very appealing to most of us so this idea of free books even though if you pay a ticket for ba it is very expensive and like is it free that's a whole other story so i went in trying to take advantage and get as many free books as possible all of the books that i got wore for the most part books that i was interested in but if you've ever been to bea this is my feeling of it but there is very much like this atmosphere of like grabby grabby hands and there were times where things were just being like pushed on you or like because everybody was like mad rushing to one area you you know your curiosity what is everybody getting over here or you know sometimes it would just be like piles of books and publishers like please take one please take one and so i ended up grabbing some of those things too which is how i ended up with so many arcs from 2016 and not very many red arcs i think that the like optics and the practice of bea which it's actually now book expo i keep calling it bea but it's actually book expo now but bea for the purposes of this video so i think that like the practice and optics of bea is something that in the community it can be a little bit of a like sore subject or like a sour thing the way that it's viewed because it is very like consumeristic and you do end up with these huge hauls and maybe people see people like me who ended up with like you know 20 30 books or whatever it was and like read none of them which is also like not the thing but i feel like i went into ba 2016 not really knowing any better and being kind of wooed by just like the atmosphere of the getting the free books and like the being there and the participating in that way but i freaking learned my lesson i will tell you what like not only did i take that experience and others and build my own dang event like not only that but also i went back to bea in 2019 last year and i was like militant in making sure that i was bringing home i said 10 books or less i had 10 and i think i forgot one in the hotel so i came home with nine if i recall correctly but i set my own parameters i thought about the books that i wanted to get like i tried to make a plan and if i saw something that it was just kind of like there and i didn't know what the book was about i did not i did not do it i didn't do it i think that the way the ba exists is not necessarily like the best event for me just as who i am as a reader but i wanted to talk about that because of the way that the last video ended up being like here's another arc i didn't read that i'm getting rid of and i was like ooh that looks so bad i promise i learned my lesson that's to say nothing about like the social aspect of bea which is also like really interesting it feels like summer camp you know how like summer camp is kind of its own like insular little world it kind of has its own rules and its own feeling that's how bea feels especially for the way that like community interactions go it's just such a strange little microcosm so that's kind of what i wanted to say about that we can jump into my unhaul we're on my second case now so the top shelf that you can't see is actually all series and so we'll talk about those and the second case here which you can actually see on screen now is my drop caps then the third is tall books again so going across this way are all like i'm doing it by height so these are my tallest books which means that we'll get a lot more book of the month books here and depending on how long this goes i might do this fourth shelf since the drop caps doesn't really count so this is just hard cover still but like regular size or like medium sized um hardbacks there so that's what we've got on the docket let's jump right into it jump right into it even though in this 11 minutes of introduction i'll get that down by the time that you see it but just know that when i started this video i was talking for 11 minutes first up i've shown these before and every time i do it's like an ordeal it's the game of thrones series by george r r martin and these are the juniper book editions so basically it's just regular books but juniper does these custom dust jackets and so this one spells game of thrones on it and it has these really cool sketches on them i received these as gifts actually a very thoughtful and generous gift but i got it when i threw one of my best friends a baby shower i went pretty all out on her baby shower so this was her thank you to me and so obviously they're down here i'm talking about them but they're down here but i just it's so heavy there's so many of them so obviously i'm keeping them because they are a gift but also i've read all of these we did a podcast episode for each and every one of the books over on snark squad which i will link because those episodes are really great if i do say so myself um not just because you know they're my podcast but we have a lot of feelings and coming to the books nicole and i had both seen the tv show first and then we're coming to the books and we're joined by our good friend sam the democracy diva who had read the books multiple times and this was our first time reading so it's a really good balance of a discussion and also like we we found the experience of reading these books so incredibly painful but then the conversation's really rewarding and then looking back on it there were things that we were enjoying but just not while we were reading them and since reading all of these and finishing and having that like very mixed experience i think about rereading these regularly and i always talk myself out of them like why would you reread these like it's too soon i will i'm going to reread these eventually i know i am because i think about it too often for it not to happen so that's like the magic of the series i guess george rr martin is not the best writer he obviously can build worlds like no other he can do description pretty well but his method of description is really just detail giving you every damn detail ever which is like a method of description i guess but not my preferred method he does not write dialogue well and he's so repetitive martin is one of those authors that probably he's grown so big that editors can't tell him anything but he needs an editor to be like sir absolutely not anyway that's my experience with these books i could talk about them forever and i did talk about them forever at least for five hours plus uh more than five hours because we also have this a night of the seven kingdoms and this is a collection of short stories set in westeros so we read this and dedicated an episode to this as well and this was fun and very interesting to get back into the world without like being in like deep in a hundred page book so this was enjoyable as well and obviously that's my that's my collection there are other books will i am i going to read like the targaryen history or whatever absolutely not that's a no from me dog next up we have my copies of the fairyland series by katherine and valenti i talk about these books all the time here because this is one of my favorite series it is middle grade y a she ages from about 12 to 17. during the course of these books it is very fantastical flowery writing amazing cast of characters imaginative very beautiful i understand why people don't like it because it is very heavy on sort of this flowery navel gazi sort of fairy tale but i love the crap out of these and we'll continue to talk about them forever and ever on my channel next i have the chaos walking trilogy which remember that shared fevered dream that we all had in which these were going to be adapted into a movie it sounds fake now um these are very divisive i feel like this first book definitely is i have friends who absolutely love it and friends who absolutely didn't we also have a podcast episode of the knife of never letting go up so you can hear all of the ways that this is very divisive and we'd go into detail about this book's weaknesses which i admit there are but i just love the premise of this i really enjoy the main character which i know that is also very divisive and i love what the book explores it has several very large themes that i enjoy the ask and the answer is one of those second books that i think actually improves on the first book and a lot of the issues that i had with the first book are addressed here for instance a very like paper thin villain very cartoony and mustache twirling in the first book gives way to one of the best villains i feel like i've ever read in a book and just i mean to the point where i've read about half of the third book but i actually have not finished this trilogy because it stresses me out that much um i will finish it one day i feel like i finish it because i read spoilers about what happens at the end but i just like quit halfway through the third book and i was like yeah that's a lot for my heart i want to reread these especially if it turns out that that fever dream was a reality and that movie ever comes out but we'll see i'm keeping these next i have the witcher series by andre sapkowski i'm not done collecting these i've been doing it piece by piece in fact you will see that i have two swords of destiny because i got the first book i got the second book and then i was at the store and i thought i hadn't gotten the second book so i got another second book and it turned out i did already have it so i have two second books i will be getting rid of one of these obviously i don't need to i've had it on my shelf all this time because if i kept it like it fit perfectly where it was and so i'm missing blood of elves time of contempt and baptism of fire the middle three i don't know this is really weird the way that i've collected these i'm pretty sure it's just been like every time i've been at barnes noble i see which of the books are available and i grab it and so that's what i've ended up with i do want to finish collecting off the series because i have read all of these with mixed emotions i am somebody who thinks that the first two books the short story collections are actually the best in the series i know that people struggle with them because they are short story collections and so you don't get kind of like the meatiness of a plot quite like you do in a novel but i love that i love exploring the world that way and i love the way that it feels very much like the video games which is how i entered this world initially and i think that as the books go on you lose more of like geralt and the monster fighting and his relationship with siri and it gets very much more political and more about like the war between all of these nations that's fine but it's not my favorite and then also like the direction of the plot and the way that certain really bonkers things start happening wasn't my favorite and throughout the biggest weakness of this is the portrayal of women it's just very classic 90s fantasy and it is very upsetting at points so i i love geralt i love siri i love the premise i love witchers and the monster fighting there's a lot not to love here and so in general like i gave a bunch of these like 3.5 out of 5 stars so i'm keeping them next i have red rising and golden sun by pierce brown these were really really big on booktube when i joined mostly because everybody thought that the author was hot was weird um but yeah i have i think i got both of these from book outlet during that time and these have been on my shelf ever since people either love or hate these so i feel like the reason that i haven't gotten around to this really is sort of like what i've heard about the books and reviews that i've heard about these have made me kind of like ambivalent towards taking these on and reading these so i will be unhauling them next we have my drop caps which i'm keeping so i've mentioned before that these are very much just like decorative to me more than anything they're really beautiful books and they're classics i've not read very many of them i don't mind this being like a project of a lifetime in terms of getting through a lot of those classics but just to show you kind of like a closer look this is what they look like so each and every book has a letter of the alphabet on the front and that letter corresponds to the author's last name so my a book is pride and prejudice by jane austen and so that's how they look on the side which is how you mostly see the spines out on the back they each have a quote so this one says how much sooner one tires of anything than a book and then they have the sprayed edges as well here's the b book this is charlotte bronte jane eyre so again spine and the quote says i would always rather be happy than dignified these retail i think for about twenty dollars each but i've mentioned before that i actually bought them used i bought them all together and used i found a really good deal of them used and they were listed as like new if i recall correctly and they came in excellent condition there are some things like this one is my v book and it has kind of like a little nick on the back that i never see so it doesn't bother me so yeah i really looked out with these they're my favorite things on my shelf they're really beautiful and i will be keeping these forever okay now this shelf that i empty out we have whatever happened to interracial love by kathleen collins this is a collection of short stories and also this is a book of the month pick and i am keeping this especially because i've made it a thing that i wanted to read more short story collections in this year and i love having them on hand for when i'm participating in like readathons or breaking up some like longer chunkier reading as well so this is one that is going on my tbr marlena by julie bunting this is also a book of the month pick and i gave this three or three and a half out of five stars and i'm keeping bringing down the dupe by evie dunmore this is also book of the month it's a romance book and i really really love this i love this a lot more than i was expecting i gave it four or four and a half out of five stars and i'm keeping nicotine by nell zinc and this is actually the first book of the month book i ever received november 2016 so that's how long i've been a member and this has sat on red on my shelf since then so i think it's finally time to admit that probably i'm not going to read this lucky you by erica carter book of the month pick that i have not read and actually this was one of the first book of the month picks that i picked that i then started to hear really bad to mixed reviews on so i've always been curious about this and what exactly makes it bad i think this is why a i think they still want to read this i feel like this might be one that people have feelings about in the comments so if you know what exactly makes this bad let me know um but i think i'm curious okay guys homegoing by ya yasi and i have not read this i know that i'm going to read this and love this i know that i am this is another multi-generational family story that i've only heard amazing things about and that i i have a feeling i'm really going to love not only for the story but for the writing style just based on what other people have said of it sounds like something that is just like in my wheelhouse i just know that it's gonna take like a lot of energy that's true of a lot of books that i still read but once i've got like that thing in my head it takes a lot for me to like overcome it and finally pick up a book but i know that i have to i know i have to read this i'm 100 keeping it it's going on my tbr early riser by jasper ford i've not read anything by jessica ford i feel like i'm still interested in this and i'm going to keep it on my tbr but it's one that i can definitely be swayed on especially if you had negative experiences with this let me know down in the comments chemistry by waiki wang i freaking love this book it is one that i want to talk to you guys more about like do a more in-depth review but i want to reread it before i do it's super short but there was just something about the story and the way that it's told in a very conversational stream of consciousness manner and just like the entire experience of what this character goes through as a woman in stem but also as a child of immigrants that was just absolutely emotional and it struck home with me i get why this would not be for everybody because it is short and very stream of consciousness but i love this a heck of a lot i believe i gave it 5 out of 5 stars and i'm keeping it recursion by blake crouch this is a book of the month book and i feel inclined to let it go again just basing it off of like reviews that i've heard not only for this book but blake crouch in general that i feel even when people are talking positively about it something about it makes me feel like this wouldn't exactly be my jam so the great pretender by susannah callahan this is a non-fiction book that i am interested in reading and that i will be holding on to i've been reading a lot more nonfiction this year than i ever have so i'm confident that this is something that i can get around to swing time by zadie smith i actually started this i gave it a try and i wasn't immediately hooked by the story so it's one that i'm okay letting go of especially because if i wanted to read this i see it at my library all the time and i feel like that probably would be a better option for me than hanging on to this physical book like thinking about maybe one day i'll get back here the dinner list by rebecca searle this was fine and i think that the thing that i did not like most about it is that like the the description of it doesn't match the actual story that it is i gave this three out of five stars and i'm fine keeping it the ensemble by aja gable i picked this up on a whim from the library and loved it and bought a copy i think that this is a very specific book in that it is very character driven it is very music focused and it has a lot of those details about the music and the ensemble at the heart of it but i was absolutely entranced by the story of these four people and sort of the relationship between everybody and i gave this five out of five stars so i'm keeping imperfect light by benjamin alire sans which i loved when i read it and actually thinking about this now this is probably one that i would want to reread like sooner rather than later because i recently was reading the beast which is about migrants but talked a lot about border towns too and this takes place if i'm remembering correctly in a border town there is a lot of heartbreak and a lot of very difficult subjects dealt with in this but i really love alida sansa's writing and i gave this 5 out of 5 stars work rules by lazlo bach this was a gift that was given to me by an old boss and i'm it's an old boss goodbye you never forget your first by alexis co this is a biography of george washington a very abbreviated and fun biography of george washington that i ended up giving 4 out of 5 stars and i'm keeping strange the dreamer by laini taylor which i gave 4 or four and a half out of five stars to and i'm keeping these are two doctor who stories and i bought this barnes noble edition of it so i have a whole collection of barnes and noble editions of classics mostly but things like this also and those actually live out in my living room in one of those vertical shelves but i stole this from that collection put it on my shelf because i needed a blue book to fill one of these so like i'm keeping this um yeah it's what yeah it's very pretty these broken stars by amie kaufman and megan spooner this is a y that was really popular on booktube i read it actually a couple years after that i was very surprised by how enjoyable i found this it was very tropey in the sort of like sci-fi why a two people falling in love sort of deal but i i enjoyed the tropes that i hit i ended up really enjoying the main character and like she is stranded on a planet and she's very much like the sucks and i'm gonna tell you how much this sucks which is something about that character that i feel like people either love or hate people say that she's very like annoying for that but i just found it really relatable and believable that this rich girl was like absolutely not i suck at being stranded on a planet which you know except for the rich part same i would suck at being stranded on a planet i gave this three and a half out of five stars and i'm keeping flight by charlene moncrieff i absolutely do not remember how i received a copy of this book so i'm unhauling it sorcery of thorns by margaret rogerson which i read and then re-read for household book club this was i think our first pick that we picked back at the beginning of this year so we have a live show about this i gave this three and a half or four out of five stars and i'm keeping it the chimes by anna smail and i bought this because it was long listed for the man booker whatever year this was and i was trying to read as many of them as possible but i never got around to this one and i'm not feeling very inclined to do so so i'm unhauling the tangled lines by paulo basicalloopy and tobias buckle i bought this in portland at pals and when i brought it up to the front to be rung up the lady was like oh i read that one and i was like oh you did did you like it and she was like it was fine so and i like suffer from secondhand embarrassment and like i get very like i don't know weird in sores anyway so i was gonna be like oh never mind then i was just like awesome bring it up and i paid for this book i already got rid of one book from this author that was like a souvenir for me but this is like even more of a souvenir because it was tied to a trip to a city so i think i'm gonna keep it but also i'm kind of i'm kind of curious to read it it's not necessarily short stories but the two authors do trade off on telling portions of the story of this fantastical land from what i understand so i'm going to hang on to this i first see somebody in the comments being like the bookseller from pals and being like that's good i know i said i might get to this other shelf but i think i'm going to leave it here my videos have been very long lately so i'm going to give you guys a little bit of a break on a longer video i don't know if that's true i haven't edited this yet watch it be like still 30 minutes so i'm going to call it quits there not counting the drop cats that was 44 books i read and i'm keeping 30 of them i'm unhauling eight of them so that leaves an additional six going on to my tbr here are the six going on to my tbr as always i look forward to hearing your thoughts on these and these are the eight that i'm unhauling i don't feel like i'm gonna get a lot of people trying to talk me out of these maybe recursion maybe red rising golden sun but i feel like in general people are gonna be like yeah that's fine that's it for me today i will see you guys down in the comments to talk about all of these books thank you so much for watching this video and i will see you guys soon then under that is the drop caps which you can now see actually in the frame and then this one here is like tall books my tallest books so that that means that there are a lot more garbage trucks passing by as i'm trying to talk i talk about these books all the time on here because this is one of my favorite series and so missing blood of elves time of contempt and sort of destiny nope i have sword of destiny the tower of the swallow nope i have the tower as well baptism of fire it's like a parade of garbage trucks today i know that i'm going to read it and love it but i i do now it's thunderstorming
Channel: mynameismarines
Views: 2,984
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, unhaul, book expo, bookshelf tour
Id: ltORkpf7xus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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