A book unhaul vlog | Unhauling a trolly load of books

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hello today i am going to be taking you on a journey around my flat to my bookshelves because we are going to be unhauling some books when i first moved here i had kind of saved all of the books that i felt indifferent towards if there was a book that i just really knew i was never going to read again and safely thought i can get rid of that then it went but i wanted to have full shelves i didn't want to have gaps on my shelves i wanted to have this personal library which is what i've got behind me and what i've got over there and what i've got in my office and my lounge well this is my lounge and my bedroom and i've done that but now i have reached a point where i have got a lot of books i am okay with that i'm okay with having my own personal library i don't feel particular guilt towards buying books i don't know that should be there or not i mean no it shouldn't be but in my mind i'm supporting bookshops i'm supporting authors i'm also giving myself as much choice as possible when it comes to picking my next read and as a mood reader that is something that i find very helpful so what that means is i have got a lot of books i've acquired a lot of new books since i've moved here whether they're books i've bought books that have come through book subscription boxes books that i've been sent by publishers all books that have been bought very kindly for me so i want to clear out some books because i have now reached a point where a lot of the books on my shelves aren't necessarily books that i'm ever going to read they're not necessarily books that i feel the need to keep because they're particularly pretty or they have a special edition or anything like that they're just kind of books that i think have just been sat there for years and years and years that i've not got rid of for whatever reason and now i'm gonna get rid of them because i have got a wish list that is very very long for books and i'm very excited about every single book on that wishlist and i want to make room for the books that i slowly buy myself off of that wishlist my birthday is in july and i'm really hoping that i get some books my birthday so i also want room for those i want room for any pre-orders i've got i want more room on my shelves without feeling like every time a new book comes i have to stack everything up in a different way so this is going to kind of be a vlog style video because i want to just take you along as i go to my shelves and pick off what i'm gonna unhaul i'm gonna pick off a load and then i might change my mind about some of them the result of this is gonna be that the books i unhaul are either going to go to a couple of different places i have got a little lending library that we set up last summer outside of my house back home and i think we'll get that back up and running so first i think these will all go in there and if there's any that are left over they'll then go to a charity shop if they're able to but i'm also going to see if any of the books i'm getting rid of are worth selling i don't know if they will be but i'm not really sure what i'm going to get rid of yet so if there's any book subscription box books that people are after then i'll see that go down that route i don't know these are ultimately gonna be books at some point i've probably paid for thinking of the ones i know want to get rid of um so i feel less guilt attached to that i'm looking at one particular shelf that just seems to be stacked high with books that i got in early book subscription boxes that i just know aren't necessarily my thing anymore which is absolutely fine yeah as i said as well the books i'm getting rid of will all go to good homes but if i if you see me unhauling a book that is your favorite or you think i'd really love i'm really sorry i just know my reading brain and i know the kind of things that i'm going to lean more towards and what i'm not going towards so yeah this is my attempt at an unhaul i hope you enjoy this video hopefully i get rid of some good but got rid of some good books hopefully i get rid of a good amount of books and clear up some space properly for this so i have got my tbr card next to me which i have emptied it's not really a tbr car it's just a book cart i don't put my tbr books in there i have emptied it kind of and this is where the books are gonna go so this is the cart i have partially emptied it because what i've actually got at the bottom here is like my lending library so if friends come around and they want to borrow any books these are the books within that shelf however because it goes no one's really come around to use this shelf but also i don't know how interested people would be in reading these specific books anyway so i might just add these into the unhaul pile i'm not really sure they're books for various different reasons that i've got multiple copies of or maybe books that i have read a long time ago and don't have an interest in reading or books i read and didn't particularly feel very excited about most of them are duplicate copies or books that i've read and don't think i'll read again slash don't really need all my shelves so we'll see how that goes as to whether i keep those or not but everything's going to fill up in here i'm also probably going to split this video not that it's going to matter to you because it's going to be vlog style but i need to go out in about half an hour to go to a maid of honor dress fitting so i will probably stop to go and do that and then resume later in the day okay this is the shelf of books i'm not sure i will ever read not all of them but onyx and ivory oh don't focus on the fairy lights focus on the books onyx and ivory beyond the dark and shore last name i'm sarah thousand sky is raw and given to the sea i think we're all fairy loot books from when i was very first subscribed to fairyloot a lot of them i don't know not a lot of them but like i think this one definitely is sci-fi based maybe this one i'm not sure but i don't think they're books i'm ever really going to read so i think my tactic here is going to be to take them off the shelves put them in a pile and then go through the blurbs because i don't want to completely dismiss them but at the same time i vaguely remember what kind of books we're dealing with here so a couple of these ones are coming off a couple of them are staying but this is like my default shelf of i'll just put it up there it's fine such a weird angle i'm stood on my sofa this is like the omniscient view of my flat well don't look at my kitchen it's in the mid way of being done but de-shelfing this is such a bad shot oh well the shelving onyx and ivory beyond the dark and sure uh what else have we got the last name sarah and press of a thousand skies raw and given to the sea i think those are all the ones that were coming off or maybe also this one even the darkest stars i'm going to have a look at all of these like this isn't me saying these are absolutely going i'm gonna have a look at the blurbs of all of them but i honestly i'm not that enamored with the plots of them from memory is there anything else up here no see some i will be really vain and keep because i like the covers of which is probably silly but at the same time it's my bookshelves so i want i want my pretty covers okay all right hang on so these shelves are hang on i'll show you these the rest of these shells are all kind of themed i've covered this one up but this one is rainbow these are like my thrillery mystery books about books uh nonfiction about our planet classics uh well that's not themed graphic novels uh big non-fictiony books and i don't really know what that is down there so that probably means those are some of the ones to sort out because they are out of sight therefore out of mind so those are those shelves and then the other shelves i think is where this is gonna become more difficult because these other shelves these ones here are like my pride of place shelves so i think if i'm going to remove anything from these it's going to have to take me time to work that out because i have put all these books here because i'm pretty sure that they're books i want to keep so i don't know if anything's going off these shelves but certainly in my other rooms there's gonna be some books coming out so i'm gonna move these books to the trolley i don't even know what's down here do i really need the hunky games um i don't know okay um the fandom is a duology that i haven't read the second one but i really enjoyed the first one but i don't think i'd enjoy if i read it now i don't know i really loved it at the time because it was set at the comic-con that yank is set at but i don't know maybe i would traveler of the century i hauled last year because it's translated fiction i don't think i'm ever gonna read it so maybe that one could go and i'm a gay wizard and what happened that night i think were two that were sent to me by publisher during a promotion and i can't remember if i read i'm a gay wizard i thought i'd started it and then maybe went on a holiday and didn't take it with me that's vaguely something i had in my head i'll check if there's a bookmark on that one and the rest of these i will probably keep by default because they're different types of books to the ones i normally read so it's good to have a variety of choice i suppose this one is coming off i don't even know why did i get this i literally got this less than a year ago a coach delivers a traveler to wonderbert one wundenberg a mysterious city of unreliable topography he means to spend only one night but find himself distracted from leaving even ensnared by the people and by the town itself traveler of the century is a novel of wild ideas and wilder sex of love literary translation andres newman is one of the most exciting imaginative authors working today well i don't really know what that's about i don't know if that's ever gonna be something i actually read [Applause] that's going on the shelf or the cart because i don't know if that's something i'm ever going to read also i didn't tell you that already on the cart was two books that i've already got in different editions so i've got two books from the percy jackson series but i've got the matching paperbacks for those and these aren't even the first books so i don't know why i have those so those are gone and also i'm finally getting rid of turtles all the way down which i really disliked i have ocd myself and i don't like reading books about ocd and i don't know why i didn't know this was a book about ocd but i know does john green himself have ocd for me personally i felt like this was not the best representation of ocd but if john green has ocd then it's probably a representation of his ocd maybe i i don't know a lot of people group ocd with this stereotypical thing and don't take it seriously enough and i don't like that because it's a really serious controlling mental health problem that i have on a regular basis that completely takes over my brain at times and this kind of led to the more jovial stereotypes being perpetuated within this book so i know that a lot of people love this and if for you it resonated and it was the right kind of representation for your ocd fantastic because i know that there are so many different types of ocd but personally for me it didn't so i am putting that one on the tbr it's not tbr car to go cart okay hello we're in my office now so we've got all of these books that we're looking at and i have picked some off the shelves to unhaul unhaul we have got the flawed trilogy of geology not a troop trilogy two books by cecelia han i've got my six of crows paperbacks because i've got them in hardback and i don't feel need to have them sawkill girls i'm unsure i read this i really didn't like it i don't know if i need to own it anymore and the badass on birds and snakes so those are the books from my office that i'm thinking of unhauling again this is all very up in the air i'm gonna add them to the trolley and we can go through this at the end i have also had like a massive break between filming because i went to get my dress fit and then i went out for lunch then i went out to get an outfit for later tonight because i'm going out and it's really lovely weather and i just felt like dressing all sunny so i've got an outfit for that so let's just continue with the unhauling okay i have a trolley of books let's go through what is on this trolley and what i definitely want to keep and what i definitely want to get rid of i mean none of these should be definitely wanting to keep because it's an unhaul but first off we have got traveler of the century this is one i said that i bought last year i bought in a charity shop paid 150 for it i don't think i'm ever gonna read it this is absolutely being unhauled these two are two books in the percy jackson series i don't even know which two books they are book two and then not book three i don't think i don't know why i have these two completely randomly in the series because i actually have a really nice box set of the series over there so these two are getting unhauled then we have also got all of these from fairyloot i think i think they're from fairyloot i have had these for years we've got alex and ivory beyond the dark and shore the last namsara empress of a thousand skies [Music] why do people feel the need to have their engines so stupid that was a great interruption anyway the last time sarah empress of a thousand skies raw given to the sea and even in the dark even the darkest stars i'm gonna be completely honest with you and say that i'm not sure what any of these are about but i am going to look through and find out because i don't want to get rid of them offhand without properly looking through it so i will be doing that but i'm not going to be doing it right now because i have to get ready soon to go out but also on the list we've got turtles all the way down which is definitely going because i'm never gonna read it again i'm never gonna take photos of it i didn't like it it is in the pile to go okay lower down hello so down here we have got the paperbacks for six of crows which as i said i've got them in hardbacks i don't need the paperbacks as well the flawed series by cecilia herm which i did really like and i have finished that series but i don't think i'll ever read them again i've also got everland by wendy spinelli spinali um this was one that i read years and years ago right at the start of my book scram days it is a piece of pan retelling and again i don't think i'm ever going to read it again and i'm not going to take photos but it does have these super lovely deckled edges if you can tell you can't really i am going to be looking at all of these and just seeing if any of them are ones that are special editions and things i'm going to be checking through all of this but also sawkill girls and susan collins at the ballad of some birds and snakes which was okay but it didn't completely blow my mind so i don't really feel the need to keep it then we have got some other books hang on i'm gonna pull these all off because camera angles so i have got winter's orbit in paperback i do have the hardback of this it's the illumicrate edition i don't really feel the need to have the paperback as well i've also got two editions of the cousins through and i can't actually remember how but i have two so this one is also going i also ended up with two editions of the crooked mask and again i don't need two additions so i'm keeping one and get rid of getting rid of this one i have bought two editions of stags so again don't need two these are all ones that are my lending library but i don't really feel like i need them on there anymore necessarily because no one was picking them up and then we have got merging the drift which is a book that i was going to work on the promotion of on an ad but i ended up not going through that ad because i didn't quite agree with the books the themes mentioned within this book and it made me feel quite uncomfortable so i didn't go through with that one there so how many is that hang on that's 23 books potentially potentially this could all change but for now that's 23 books what i will try and do is give you an update if i choose to keep any of these or if i add any more on at the moment i do have to get ready to go out so i'm going to end this here but i may come back and update you a little bit later hey it's me it's later the same day i have got back from my evening out i have looked at my bookshelves and i have found another book i'd like to add to my unhaul i think this might be the last book to add so i went through everything that i was unhauling this is like the messiest version of an on-haul this is an enhanced vlog of my saturday basically but i'd like to add one more book to the pile it is the dinner guest by bp walter i thought this book was absolutely terrible it was a really bad murder mystery that wasn't a mystery because of the way the blurb goes it wasn't good so this this one it's going on the unhaul pile it's gone it's over there so i think that that concludes my unhaul how many books would that have been like did we get near to 20 with the hardback ones i've also sifted through i said i was going to go through the hardbacks i have decided to be strict and get rid of all of those hardbacks that i said i was going to get rid of um basically everything i've shown you on this video i'm getting rid of i've not wavered i've not taken any back i am going to put them all in our little lending library out the front of our house back home and hope that they can go to people that are very excited to read them so i hope you enjoyed this weird video format i know that i don't know how much footage i've got is this gonna be really really short i don't know but i wanted to be able to unhaul some books i wanted to be able to free up some shelf space i have done that up there hang on the slowest zoom okay up there there's a space i don't know what i'm gonna put up there but basically that shelf there oh that is my thriller shelf and i want that to have a whole spread across like up here oh my god we're so zoomed in oh my god okay basically yes i'm sat on the floor hang on let's just stand up what is this video guys okay i want to i think i want to take those books and put those over there somewhere and take those books the thrillers put them up here because i have a few thrillers dotted about the place down there there's some across here and i want everything on one shelf so i think that would be the best and then that kind of will feel bad there i think maybe i don't really know but hey you've come along on this journey i hope this was a semi interesting video for you i know that it was a bit different i know that normally i do like sit down videos but i was i was talking to you brit from basically brit about this the other day um because we did a picture on live and we were chatting about the kinds of videos we'd like to film the best and i the reason why i'm gonna sit down i'm gonna sit down here we go when i did booktube before back in 2016 when i was very first starting it i didn't like the sit-down long-haul long-haul long-term videos long video the longer sit-down chats and i always prefer the vlog content but i didn't do as much vlog content because i just didn't feel as confident with it whereas now i think i feel a lot more confident talking on camera and a lot more confident doing vlog content and i like doing the sit down videos but i really like the vlog style content so i've been trying to think what's a good way to be able to incorporate that into my videos and i was talking to brit about it because she does her wrap-ups as vlogs for example and doesn't do them as the same kind of sit-down videos that she could do them as and i love that she does them as vlogs i think that makes them really interesting and engaging so i thought that i would give this one a go and yeah inspired by that conversation with brit so thanks for it for inspiring me to give this different format go but please let me know what you thought of it if it was too disjointed let me know um i don't even know what i filmed today i think because i filmed it in three different chunks as well i'm lost but the point of this the point of all this video is to unhaul books and free up shelf space tick tick and that's it just two ticks because there was just two things there so i did it i'm now going to sign this off because those books are all packed in a bag i'm ready to take them back to my home home and put them in the lending library so thank you for coming along on this magical journey if you did enjoy this different style of video please give it a thumbs up if you didn't enjoy it then that's fine too but thumbs up if you did comment down below if you did enjoy this or if it just felt like it was all over the place i mean i mean just tell me if you did enjoy it because positivity and you can subscribe to see more of my face on your feed with this type of content other types of content and just content really about books but thank you guys so much for watching keep smiling and stay positive
Channel: BooksNest
Views: 5,711
Rating: 4.9213481 out of 5
Keywords: BookTube, Books, Book Review, Young Adult, Literature, Book Blogger
Id: stc6GNKV9Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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