My Bigamist Husband Was Exposed by Live TV | This Morning

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you got buried in 98 and he had Daisy you all moved over to Dubai and kind of set up life there and things were okay he started working a bit more in the relationship became strained and you moved back to the UK for a bit and you separated from for a period of time 2015 you decided to make another girl a and you were all going to move back to device so at that time then I guess when you were watching this film what sort of state was your relationship in how was things going things were great we had plans Daisy was enrolled in college out there we had an apartment out there yeah also I thought and we were just waiting for Daisy to finish her GCSEs and as soon as that was over we were planning to move out there yes oh yeah what sort of relationship do you have with him Daisy at the time it was a bit on and off really but when we're supposed to be moving out there it was I'd tried to like rekindled the relationship a bit yeah but you were looking forward to there as well so it's extraordinary then that in March 2016 you're watching Saturday night takeaway there's you and your youngest son as well where did you think Daniel was at this point um we knew he was in Dubai yeah rather we thought he was in Dubai just working and passing the time until we could get out there and the the woman that he was pictured with Susan yeah they had been together at the time so what was their relationship how long have they been together they've been together well I'm not too sure exactly probably about four or five years I knew that they were living together and I knew that sort of they'd set up home together but he told me that because he wanted us all to be a family again that he had separated from Sue and they'd gone their separate ways what did you think when you saw them together I didn't know what to think it was just a shock Daisy collapsed as things sort of we realized what was going on it was just total shock well you were you wrote on the on a shows Facebook page I loved the wedding and the surprise guests I didn't love the sight of my husband who's supposed to be working in Dubai arriving on the arm of an woman he's supposed to have split from last year we have a 15 year old daughter who is in absolute bits and of course the show couldn't possibly know any of that because no it was it was a knee-jerk reaction yeah yeah no and very very understandable yeah so worm and so what was your next step then what did you do I tried messaging him we used to talk on what's up every day I could see that he'd read my messages but wasn't replying and he did finally phone me the day after but it all gone viral in the meantime sorry and so when did you find out the extent of what he'd done because at this point you're thinking well at worst he's still having an affair with this lady but then to go on and find out that he had married her at the same time as you and she is she also wasn't aware of any of this absolutely not no no first he was insistent that it was just a blessing in the seychelles that they had to go through for appearances sake in Dubai so they could live together he didn't even tell the police that there was a proper marriage afterwards so yeah it was all a big shock when when they came out that he there was a marriage after all and so at what point did did you manage to have contact with him and What did he say it was a couple of days after after that I spoke to him on the phone and he was still insisting there was nothing going on he's still insisting it because he was the best man he was best friends with sooo sister that even though have been holding hands with Sue it was just to stop her from falling over when we're getting off the coke he had an excuse for everything he really did and you decided to go to the police yes and why did you decide to do that for my own peace of mind and Daisy's peace of mind everybody was telling us they were married um everybody was telling me that I was a jealous bitter ex-wife that we weren't married so I I had to prove it so I went to the police you weren't expecting as we said he has gone to prison for six months and you you weren't expecting it to be so severe no we were expecting a suspended sentence and maybe community service we weren't expecting him to go to prison at all how did you feel Daisy when you heard the length of the center see I went to the court hearings I wanted to hear what you'd get and when I heard that he got six months I just I collapsed wearing them yeah bit of a shock for everybody and have you spoken to him since he's been in prison now not yet no no okay and what was it once he served that six months would you would you mean dad so many of you want to support to speak to him again I probably would hear but he's giving me a lot of issues in my own life but I need to focus on getting over as well so yeah sure and what about what about you Helen because I I suppose that really has got to dent your trust in people absolutely yeah absolutely I mean I am in a relationship of hoping for a little while but the trust you questioning yourself all the time when he you know when when he told you something like where he isn't that and you you're questioning yourself you in two minds whether to believe them or not and it does it does affect you it really does yeah and of course there is the the the lies to Susan as well which we contacted her and we invited her to come on today but she very politely declined she said it's over three now I have nothing else to say I went to the press last year because I felt I had to clear my name because it seemed that people were actually thinking I wasn't married to him and had just thrown on a wedding dress for a facebook photo opportunity or worse still they thought that I was in on all his lies their justice has been served now and this book is firmly closed for me another damaged person left in in his way absolutely yeah um well I hope you can both you know move on from this in some way and thank you very much for the community to us today thank you you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 1,396,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, real life, bigamy, saturday night takeaway
Id: 7N9BlKta48Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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