Dipping Sugar Cookies in Royal Icing Made Easy

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hey guys thank you for joining me today I wanted to do a quick tutorial on my most requested technique which is dipping my sugar cookies so I start off with a royal icing recipe that is thinned down to about a three to five second consistency what that means is when I drop this down in here guys it's gonna disappear and level back out in about three to five seconds when I count so let's do it here we go and one two three four five right at five it completely dissipates that's what you're looking for with this particular method now everybody's different but this happens to be mine so I find it easier especially when it comes to shapes that have all kinds of scallops to them I'm not very good at outlining so this seems to be a little easier for me just know that when you are thinning down your icing you are going to develop lots of bubbles in that icing which is fine you've just got to give those bubbles time to come to the surface now what I do is I can either once I'm done mixing and I know it's to the right consistency I can either tap it really hard on the table I recommend on a towel you can do that to get some of these little pin bubbles that come up here and then use your scribe or use a spatula to kind of bust them up break them up a little bit on that surface gently or if you're like me and you do a lot of Dipping you can invest it's about fifty dollars for a dental oscillator and basically what this does is it vibrates and it vibrates for a long time so I will take my tub of icing after it's the consistency I want it set it on this oscillator for about 10 minutes and then when you come back all the bubbles are up at the surface and then you can just take your spatula and pop all those little bubbles so very effective but either of either way even if you just want to slam it down a few times and pop them that way whichever works for you just know that as you're dipping your cookies your first few cookies are gonna have the most air bubbles but that the air bubbles do tend to dissipate as you're doing more cookies now let's talk cookie in order to dip cookies I prefer a nice strong structure some of these really tender shortbread recipes will fall apart if you go to you try to dip them upside down into a tub of icing but your normal average sugar cookie dough does hold up pretty good I like a little bit thicker cookie just because it's easier to work with mine happened to get rolled out to 5 16. now your fingers will get icing on them it's okay now if you're making these for friends and family wash your hands really good if you're making them for customers obviously probably wear gloves so I'm gonna drop this cookie into the icing I'm gonna pick it back up I'm gonna let it drip off if I have to I'll break those little drips off using the side not touching the cookie but just those little drips and then lift it up and then clean up the surface so let's get that far so I'm going to drop it into the surface I'm gonna pick my cookie up I'm going to let all that excess drain I don't know if you can see that pretty good let that excess drain give it a shake shake shake shake shake shake shake shake and I will break those little ribbons of icing off by just touching the side there see you get it on your fingers it's okay that's why I have a wet towel beneath me here so I can wipe my fingers off now this is how I get my clean pretty edges I will take a clean finger and I will run it all the way around the edge of the cookie now for me what that does is it seals in those edges and those crumbs it gives it a nice even surface and then as this icing settles it creates that little bit of a puff on the side you get just this little puff on the edge now if you see because we just started dipping there's some little pin holes in here now you can take your scribe and just pop those little pinholes just like so now if you feel like your icing isn't thinning out fast enough for you you can give it a slight Shake if you accidentally touch the side oh my goodness I just messed up my icing just clean off your finger and run it over again just like so now to keep your icing from running over your edges I recommend using a fan like we have here or a dehydrator dehydrator works as well now what I do is I actually use both I will fill up my I will use a fan and I will use it on the tray of cookies I'm filling up like you see here and then once that tray is full what I will do is I will put it in my dehydrator for about 10 minutes to give that nice shine on the surface now remember shine on royal icing comes from how quickly you dry your royal icing and of course a good recipe but more than anything you get shine if now let's stop here look you see how rough this Edge is let's look at this Edge after I clean it up now if I take my finger look at those edges can you see it you see how rough those edges look when I take my finger and I go over it those edges those little bumps disappear and it makes a nice smooth cookie see how that went away that's why I take that extra time to clean my edges and of course pop my little bubbles but don't worry that little hole that's left behind the bubble will fill back in when you set your cookie down okay there we go This Is My Method I love it I use it often if you have questions message me but thank you guys and thanks for joining me
Channel: Pam Kennedy Bakes
Views: 48,420
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Id: ennhltDXhjg
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Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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