MY BEST CAREER FINISH!! Ironman Pro National Race Vlog

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen we have tariffs welcome ladies and gentlemen to iron man because we have oh we got 30 minutes 30 no practice yeah i saw the b group go out i was like i know jeff doesn't have his gear that's a lifetime injury he doesn't even need it that's a lifetime in jaywalk land but yeah we're uh we're feeling good today the track looks great um we got to walk it yesterday this is always a good one this is the very first place i ever scored points back in 2018 when it was a monsoon so we have some good history here um sadly last year didn't get to race here because i had that concussion like the week before so uh haven't ridden here in a little while but whenever i do i really like it so should be a good day mickey how we feeling on the day you know it's warm it's gonna be really warm right now it feels great but in about four hours it's gonna be super hot it's gonna be hot it's gonna be so hot so thankfully we have all that florida riding under our belt so we should be good to go we should be 100 100 dude and if you need someone to sub in i'm ready at the helm all right you're ready dude all right i'm ready i love it okay gear can fit we're good to go we're gonna finish putting these tear offs on and uh get out there get this thing started hopefully no lcq no lcq let's go temptation of an experience that you can't talk about with your rights [Music] teamwork makes the dream work [Music] [Music] what you need to do during these practices you need to use it as a scouting opportunity as a true practice opportunity i wonder what max vollen is doing he's sitting right behind carson mumford he's getting roosted because what happened [Music] the wheels on the ground [Music] let the riders take that first turn get a look at it at race speed so it's going to be a different view for many of these riders [Music] [Music] was not abbreviated whatsoever and uh did get like i said a good bit of chop a good bit of bumps in it and [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] these um are required to roll on a caution flag allowed to jump into certain conditions but on that wheels on the flight definitely have two wheels on the ground flag you definitely have to roll that section for the safety of our uh rider as well is there a chance that justin cooper has got an issue with his transparency um [Applause] what do you think of the first practice first practice went majorly better than most of the first practices have gone this year yeah i felt super comfortable out there um i didn't like pump up or anything so i actually got like three or four hard laps which is good normally i'll get like one hot lap i'll mess up my other hot lap and then i get on pump and it's just like a mess yeah um the track's a little greasy but that's what i thought i don't know if it's gonna get faster for that second one cause it's like so smooth and the ruts are actually pretty decent so i don't know i think we came off 32nd so as of right now it's good yeah obviously you guys know at this point you have no idea how the day is going to shape up after those second practices go through and everything but so far so good feel good on the track look good hit all the obstacles yeah did you see me send that ski jump on the last lap like the big roller into the whoops yeah frame case the absolute nuts off of it i was on the back side i got i filmed you on the back side i was like i wonder when he's gonna uncork that i came up mad short but now i know just like wide open wide open i was surprised yeah because like i was like that's at least a second yeah it was pretty big like that's a second off your time if you do that yeah the problem is it's like so slimy in between those rollers so when i'm in the air i just see muck and like sketchy ruts all over and i'm just like wide open here we go so no that was good though much better than practice has gone at previous rounds so yeah i mean like last weekend i qualified like 50th and ended up 24th right so if we qualify 30 seconds we end up maybe we'll get some points we've been saying that all year i know can we just do this my last one can we just do it we're getting closer last weekend was the closest we've been so we just do it this is my last one so can we get points today i'll try my hardest okay that's all i wanted to know all right i'm gonna get hydrated and uh head back out for session two hopefully it goes the same yeah and we'll be off and on to these motors all right going out for buddy practice what we all got earplugs in it's so loud hopefully the track is slower so we're good and it i looked at times it is it is it is oh how much slower uh the guys are running about a second slower well hopefully we'll go a second faster yeah you got a second yeah you got a second in you all right we're gonna head up there okay bye nicky bye bye oh bye vlog bye [Music] [Music] [Music] and we keep pushing them [Music] but it's absolutely moving and it's working [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] the time yeah now's the time a couple of good riders out there earlier [Music] this time i was like if i mess it up i'll just do another one you know i'm not worried about it yeah we're in baby and comfortably yeah it dropped two whole seconds off that time which was excellent i mean i felt great the bike is handling sick um we stiffened it up a lot last weekend and it took me that little bit of time to get used to it but now i'm realizing just how fast i can hit those breaking bumps now and just like pound it into the the uh ruts and everything i feel good now so i'm telling you you look completely different from practice one to practice two completely different and like previous races to now in practice i feel way different yeah you look like you're a ripper it felt good dude i like greased some of the big jumps that i was a little bit sketchy on before so just felt good so i think we're 28th or 29th 28th in a um you were like two guys went faster the same two guys that went faster than you and b practice they had 209 flats they were right around there we can check one yeah 209 one yeah so we'll see between 28th and 31st dude i will take that i mean that's one of my best qualifying efforts this year yeah and even when i qualify like 50th i still end up 24th in the motors so 28th or 29th we should be doing pretty so what are we gonna do in the first two laps of the moto one sprint we're gonna get a good start for once even if you don't you you just i want you 10 spots ahead of where you started after laptop millville energy first two laps yep and then just keep it going the whole movie yeah but yeah the track is good like it's not one that's tiring me out i'm just gelling with the layout going with the dirt and everything so i think in the motors it'll be yeah dude it's definitely hot you can't tell my hair is just absolutely not even put the camera on me dude i am sweating yeah check this man out got nice the face i mean you've never looked better you've never feel very sweaty connor's got it going on too i feel all right tell you what having connor around makes me go easily a second or two a lot faster just because of the energy that he brings he tells me when i suck and where i suck and he tells me what i do well and so that second practice i just went out and did everything he said we're 29th baby and a shout out to jacob hayes for some lions yeah purple haze came in clutch really needed that oh it was great you wrote really good it was good to see the aggression you got uncomfortable in the first session which is what you needed to do and yeah i was really stoked on that so 29th which is way better than 36. great start to the day let me pull up the uh the predictions on what we thought oh yeah yeah qualified last night we did qualifying predictions i really didn't have much faith in me kind of rightly so though i'm not gonna lie so connor said you would do 47 and prac uh quality one yeah what's good connor what's good i smashed your prediction why do you think i made it so high and then he said 37th and i said 34.36 smashed ears too whoops what's good what's good all right all right we're gonna hydrate get ready for moto one no lcq let's go paul's happy when paul's happy you know things went very well he goes man i just feel so much better about this morning now i'm like yeah i did too no more white hairs today no more all right we're gonna get hydrated up go out there oh my goodness gracious we'll talk about it later yeah hey oh that's good oh hello to one baby moto one coming up we got the red bud red white and blue kit back on because i like it so much and i can see you yes that's the best easy to find chess pros on because we well hopefully we don't eat roost but we probably you're gonna eat some roses because what did i ask you to do first two laps sprint baby ten spots first two laps ten spots first two left that's why we have the chess pro on so what is that what are you putting on the goggles a little gladiator sweatshield action nice boys know they've seen it yeah because uh your boy sweats yeah but yeah track is shaping up we just watched the lcqs track looks good i think it suits my style so we're gonna head out there and have ourselves a good moto one what do you say nikki i say it's gonna be good i'm gonna be flipping around it's gonna be real hot but it doesn't matter because i'm i'm here to support the homie that's what we shall do all right man i'm gonna start hoofing have a good one i'll see you back in 45 minutes [Applause] is [Music] um [Music] is [Music] he's going to let you start to wear down he's going to let the armpits [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] jeremy martin now has a point three seconds right here [Music] um [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] come um about minute 23 you can see the heat just hit you like a wall you're ripping up till then though you're in 2050 we're gonna get up to 24 but you lost five spots just when you hit the wall that's all [Applause] dude i won't miss you at all put those orange pants on orange pants green boots if you miss the orange pants you can't miss the boots if you miss both of those we got the goggles they're green you're wearing the green helmet nah okay that or do you want the green helmet i'm thinking with the green boots wear the green helmet all right green helmet it is it's clean so good choice and you got green goggles yeah let's do this thing hopefully we don't hit a bat as bad of a wall typically even if i get tired moto 2s normally work out better for whatever reason so yeah we're banking on that i think if you can just hit the wall after everybody else hits the wall we're good connor what's your predictions for this motor i don't even have one okay i have no expectations yeah it's really hot out there it is i'm glad i'm not riding yep me too i'm just really glad that i'm alive [Music] all right guys have fun charge charge for me stay charged baby charge life coming up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] okay absolutely not here the kid is in shape he's crushing it right now wait a minute [Music] with um [Music] [Music] one of the last [Music] he steps came through [Music] be changed by it but he's not grabbing another gear trying to get away from him right now and it looks like maybe [Music] dude so you were barely off leisure at the end dude 22 baby go baby you were you were seven seconds off the point no seven seconds bro oh my god doesn't that feel good yeah i saw those two guys ahead of me i was like one more for the vlog this this isn't me this is the ride back with jeff oh hey you held on so much better than you did first moto you held on so much better best motor yet that's career best in the dry yeah in the rain obviously i got points but let's go dude yeah look at you coming off the track all fresh as a daisy i don't know about fresh it looks a lot better than you did last moto trying to tell you the shit's easy it's so easy dude that was awesome what place 20 seconds 20 seconds i got hit with a rock on the first lap oh man this is good good job being a doesn't get you anything so that was good you know i know it was seven seven seconds seven seconds off points pleasure was twenty first but the guy was left ahead of him he was seven seconds half a point still awesome he pushed all the way and you know what i was really impressed with like when a guy would laugh you'd latch onto him and then push and try to stay with him and you would for three four five four he he looked fantastic yeah you did that was your best ride today we just take a second to appreciate that man down there for all the hard work he does and he is like he could walk right under a factory semi and they wouldn't even they wouldn't even complain about it because he does such a good job so connor thank you very much for all the hard work you do bike bike was amazing all weekend brought us home to a 20 second proud to do it with you buddy [Music] yeah taking these chances they wouldn't give me the answer so i gotta [Music] [Music] in here to ruin me right now
Channel: Jeff Walker
Views: 38,015
Rating: 4.9468083 out of 5
Keywords: pro motocross, pro national, LL, ktm, 450sxf, factory edition, motocross, mx, moto, jeff walker, walk, ama, gopro, hero, sand, wide open, whoops, fast, hero 9, hero 9 black, hypersmooth, scrub, bucks bash, golf course, WW Ranch, Florida, Sand, thunder valley, dirt bike, high point, highpoint, redbud, southwick, millville, spring creek
Id: oYD0cdyO86o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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