My Autistic Son Through the Years - First Signs of Autism and Speech Development

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[Music] hey guys how are you hope you're having a lovely sunday today i thought it would be fun to show dylan through the years so i know i've used a lot of old footage before but i tend to kind of talk over it or there's music over it or something but i thought it might be fun to put some clips together that i have of him from the ages of well i missed out a few years because obviously that's when he was diagnosed that's when i was in the thick of it didn't really think about getting my camera out and videoing that so there is a bit of a gap but here are some videos of dylan from zero to ten and uh yeah i hope you enjoy them [Music] he says hi poo hi poo kiss kiss do it again please [Music] good boy dylan showing daddy how you can walk [Music] come on that's it you're like a little old man [Music] yes are you bouncing [Music] yes what you doing are you bouncing [Music] so i'm guessing that's no to asleep then [Music] no sleepies yes yes [Music] yes little baby dried a little baby [Music] dandy [Music] let's do some counting what number is this one here [Music] oh one two two two three two four five six two four three two one two one two two one two four three five oh oh oh yeah uh oh it's in the wrong order [Music] so there goes one [Music] six six four three two one okay go escape escape go quick go go [Music] [Music] [Music] is that your baby oh lovely give him a kiss oh lovely okay are you tickling your baby is that dylan's baby no you're the best big brother ever aren't you [Music] tummy yes hey head yes yes yes yeah no nose yet gentle yeah gentle yeah take your hands out of his mouth good boy hi babies how many one two three four one six seven eight nine [Music] there's not 10 people here good boy you're being gented aren't you over there over there look over here put the mud it's over take from here like this and then we go look over and here oh wow come here great job great job dylan great job great job hide hide hide hey [Music] oh [Music] what is it [Music] hi dylan hi daddy hi dylan say hi to mommy [Music] oh swimming let's go he's too big i love you i love you say it again [Music] are you in your tent okay [Music] hello thank you daddy good morning happy birthday thanks mom you're welcome it says birthday boy big jump big jump big job [Music] why can't you eat it because you get tummy hey why does it give you a tummy ache because it's got gluten in it okay hey skye my god let it go say hello the body hello [Music] hello hello [Music] [Music] dylan say hi to mommy and hi mommy where are we we're coming to see you yes we are [Music] i have one boy yeah and one go ahead seven games then that's true i could play split turns minecraft [Music] [Music] quick hold your balance think about what you're doing whoa whoa whoa there's the one [Laughter] [Music] okay i'm making a video of you for mommy [Music] okay i'll take a video of you what tell me what you're gonna do okay you climb up good climbing oh good one dylan three two one whoa okay see we climb up this one up behind uh [Music] [Music] ready do you know sometimes daddy [Laughter] hush i'm getting married [Music] sisters [Music] 16 15. [Music] good boy eight seven come on oh [Music] eggs [Music] [Music] excuse me i look like a butt face yeah what's a butt face look like this see if you can stand up and go off the hill that's it you need help [Music] let me see your heart is gonna get insane my heart's going to be insane go i'm ready right here oh my god put on your neck oh my gosh what was your favorite thing about today snuggles what about going down the hill that was fun wasn't it we had good chats didn't we yeah you guessed that guy [Music] what's skp oh that's a horror game whether our different card is scary carousel or shall i say 51. area 51 it's about aliens uh look on the bay oh look look it's the new it's the noob look the dude said why you didn't buy it [Music] yeah make you strong [Music] are you trying to sit in a big sorry okay can you try and like focus on the dinner okay [Music] that funny yeah it's so funny my face is funny yeah you're beautiful yeah beautiful beautiful and funny yeah hold on a minute [Music] [Music] we're gonna play some old games that's so funny right next level no there's pits everywhere game over okay you guys hope you enjoyed that video gosh it was a trip down memory lane seeing dylan all those different ages i remember when dylan was first diagnosed all i wanted to know was what was he gonna be like at three four five six seven eight nine ten and uh yeah it's weird to see all those videos and to see how he sounded when he first started speaking these are all things you forget and yeah like i said there is a big chunk there where i didn't video him you know when he was two and three when we were right in the thick of it um in hindsight wish i had videoed now you know some of the little quirks and stuff but um yeah i hope it gave you a little bit of an insight on what dylan was like when he was younger um anyway i think that's me for the week um i hope you've all had a great day hope you've had a great week uh please do like give us a subscribe give us a thumbs up all that good stuff thanks for watching also do to see more gaming videos like this check out my new channel autumn boy go check it out in the link in the description below see you later bye
Channel: Coming Home to Autism
Views: 611,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coming home to autism, tara leniston, autism, autistic son, family vlog, vlog, family, My Autistic Son Through the Years, First Signs of Autism and Speech Development, signs of autism, autism traits, autistic child stimming, what is stimming, autism diagnosis, ASD, ASC, autistic child speech, what does a child with autism look like
Id: SxBj73fxl-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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