My Apartment in China!

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hi guys today I'm going to take you on an apartment tour of what an apartment can look like here in China I'm going to first show you my apartment then a friend's apartment and hopefully across our fingers I can show you my old apartment which is the first place I moved in here when we first got to Shenzhen so truth is I really don't mind I got my youth for a minute [Music] inside any of my chose so when you first walk in you have this giant I wouldn't say giant but for us pretty decent-sized living room we've got two couches really comfortable and then we've got a TV here on the wall this is probably considered a studio apartment and this is pretty good living space behind here across from the living room we have a huge storage space these are the shelves from Ikea so I've got a lot of comments in the past about how our apartment how is it possible with backpackers and we have so much stuff what is the answer C because we rent it from other people so we have a landlord all the stuff in this apartment is technically not ours which is really nice and convenient and that's something that if you rent an apartment in China you can get them furnished you can get them renting from another you know family or people living there so then you can already have stuff you need so that's we're here like these shelves came with the apartment these couches came with the apartment a lot of cooking stuff everything came with it so it's pretty cool let me take you to the kitchen so leaving the living room we have our fridge at first I thought this is a big fridge it's not really that big it's essentially a mini fridge with a freezer attached to it but it's pretty decent so yeah there's our fridge mainly just fruits and vegetables but okay so then we come in here to our kitchen our kitchen is pretty small capital I wish it was a little bit bigger but see if I can show you this is pretty much all I'm working with we don't have a lot of room at all and we if you notice we don't even have a stove so we have to use as a portable stove a lot of apartments come with these and I think or you have to buy them I'm not sure ours came with it so we have a portable stove that we will use it's convenient for a kitchen this small because we don't have anywhere to have a stove so then we can easily just pick it up and put it in a shelf so it works for us like down here we just have some shelves for plates and cups and some bowls but other than that we've got somewhere here things hanging on the walls we have our water machine this is super important because you can't drink the water here I would say very must thing to have as a kettle because you can boil the water and then use the top we have a little miniature toaster here so yeah this is our entire kitchen it's pretty tiny small but it works for us what I like about it is there's a door so you can close it from the other part of the apartment so it kind of feels like you're in a real kitchen like in another space and then we have the door to the balcony and when we open this kind of feels like working in an outdoor kitchen oh this is my favorite room in the house or place in the house the balcony so yeah I'm sitting here one cool thing about this balcony is our old roommate give us this idea to install fake grass on the balcony and make it really comfortable so that's what we did is we put fake grass on the ground we bought some couch cushions and some chairs we have some hanging plants just to make a little bit homey my boyfriend's got drunk and you're all over her pipes which it's pretty cool though we got a nice fan so it's a really cool hangout area leaving this area and then we let's go to the bedroom so here's a living room we walk through and now we're in the bedroom again I think it's decently big so we've got a full size bed that fits in here is the most comfortable bed I've ever had again it was our landlord so it's pretty sweet because it came with it but here we have our closet it's like a decent size we don't have a lot of clothes or backpackers so it works for us again landlord left a lot of stuff so they have stuff in here as well but this is my boyfriend inside this is my side it's not super big but works and then we have the bathroom now the bathroom is definitely a bit more Chinese style definitely not something I've ever seen the u.s. is pretty small again this is the whole thing we've got a sink here got a mirror here I've got just take it toilet here and this is the part that's a little different is that the shower is here so there is no separate units in the shower it is all in one area at first I didn't like it in here now it's not okay there's also windows this is super nice kind of let the arrow but yeah it is a little frustrating because every time you shower the toilet just gets soaked and that's I don't know I thought this time Bruce to be always at first but now I kind of like it now I heard a bathroom is actually pretty clean all the time because of it and it doesn't bother me anymore the shower is pretty nice so but it's definitely different I yeah it wasn't about it at first but now I'm okay with this walking through the living room again then we get to our second balcony our second balcony it's just a laundry room so not super exciting but maybe excited to see what a Chinese dryer looks like because it's a little different so coming out here and now we have to close this window to the bathroom okay so really tight spaces it's hard to film and slice this is our entire laundry room about me so we have the you can see back here here is the watch machine and this is our dryer so another typical dry other way it works as you put your clothes inside here so you'll hang up here's a sock you're hanging up your clothes in here and then you will zip it like this and then there's on the very bottom there's this thing here and it shoots up air hot air so you click this and then the whole thing just gets filled with hot air and that's how we dry our clothes issue with it is it takes a really long time and if you have too many clothes in there it doesn't really dry very well and sometimes it actually kind of smells because it's just too compacted especially here in the summer it's really humid but for the most part it works it works so much that even shrinks summer clothes so that's when you know it's actually drying stuff so yeah this is our place it's not maybe the biggest place you've ever seen but it works for us and we really like it it's really to bleach EEP and in a really nice area there's a new mall here and different shops this area is pretty much just all buildings its businesses so lots of sky Rises and it's very futuristic looking in my opinion also which I'm going to show you right now there is a third floor to our entire complex only people who live here in the complex essentially can go there but it's kind of like a neighborhood and on the third floor is a coffee shop a whiskey bar and a nail salon what just blows my mind that that would be in your complex because you have to have a key to get into the building so essentially only people that live here can go there but it's like a whole shopping center neighborhood thing I don't know it's cool let's go [Music] right [Music] you [Music] as always I hope you enjoyed this video in regards to the third floor I talked to one of my Chinese friends about it and she said it was very abnormal to have an area like that with a coffee shop whisky bar thought it was super cool she came over we had some beers at one of the tables super good time Friday nights it's bumping it's just really convenient to have a whiskey bar your own personalized bar basically just in your apartment complex that's open to 2 a.m. every morning you don't have to worry about taking a taxi or metro just when you're done you just go home the coffee shop is pretty much always empty I don't know if that's because it's new or because it's in a complex like I said you have to have a key to get into the building but it's super sweet the people are super nice I go there all the time and I get free coffee everybody just gets free coffee and it's super cool I love it also I don't know if you guys recognize but in my video descriptions I started putting the VPN I use I put a link a lot of you asked me how I access YouTube and how I access to Google in China well it's the answer is VPN I use Express VPN no it's not the best VPN out there I don't think but it does the job so I use it I paid for a year subscription and I figured if you wanted to test it out you're coming to travel to China you can click on this link and get 30 days free I also put a link to my Airbnb because any time I travel I usually rent out Airbnb or I stay in hostels if you sign up you get $40 free also you probably notice the video is about to end and I didn't show you that second apartment that I promised the reason is that I spent a little bit more time explaining the different parts of my apartment and I didn't really want to cut that short so this Saturday I will be posting the part to showing you a friend's apartment just to give you a different perspective of another type of apartment you can rent in China and he lives in a very different district so pretty far about an hour from me so it kind of will give you a different idea of what can expect and how much it costs and live there what's in the area and all that jazz remember to subscribe and follow my Instagram I post a photo every single day hope you enjoyed see you next time bye [Music] looted so true
Channel: Where's Poppy
Views: 142,354
Rating: 4.86974 out of 5
Keywords: travel, traveling, female traveler, apartment tour, living abroad, living in china, 深圳, where to live, Shenzhen, southeast china, east asia, asia, asian, 中国, Guangdong, wanderlust, explore, adventure, gap year, wander, travel the world, quit job, digital nomad, backpacking, backpacker, cost of living, travel vlog, vagabond, minimalist, expats, foreigner, big, small, expat life, abroad, americans in china, 公寓, luxury, luxurous, house, housing, eventide, finding an apartment, things to do, things to see
Id: LtaC9gKOwys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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