How Safe is China Really???

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I never heard of any international students who are killed in China from robbery, guns, gangs, rapes, etc. Girls can walk the street in miniskirts and still feel safe. While in the US, men will catcall them. Asian countries are WAY safer than America, and its safer for everyone, regardless. Western media always show Asian countries as an unsafe place. They even show Eastern European countries to be unsafe and in negative light as well. The portrayal of France and Italy is different from portrayal of Serbia and Ukraine.

France and Italy has a bunch of bandits mugging people on the subway. People harassing tourists. I remember a bunch of thugs went onto a Chinese tour bus to rob Chinese tourists, how bold. And a Chinese international student was killed in an Italian subway and nobody bothered to help her. It seems to me the West is much unsafer than any Asian country. Especially with nutjobs shooting up religious places of worship and schools and fast food joints.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/detectiveconan2344 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Do foreign women in China get raped and murdered like in the US?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/aznidthrow ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I see that people are downvoting this post without actually watching it. The video is of a western vlogger who lives in China and always gets asked by her viewers how safe is China. The western media often depicts China is a negative light and as an unsafe place. This girl shows her viewers that China is extremely safe and that its people are not the dangerous, evil creatures depicted by the western media.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 33 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/InternationalForm3 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

East Asian countries are the safest in the world. Period.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GunNut89 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Many itchy white penises can't be satisfied. These entitled dudes resort to rape, sexual assault, roofies as opposed to having fun with their right hand. Alot of it comes from sexual frustration that they can't please women.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SabanIsAGod ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Leave it to a foreign woman to finally make China seem positive in their videos

The way I view it foreign women in China are going to be the ones that are standing up for China versus the WMAF pedo spree shooters already there. If you think about it a foreign woman who dares find an AM attractive instantly becomes the enemy, she sees immediately what WM really are

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Use hooktube next time.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/woke_asian ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hi guys welcome back to my channel what do they top most questions I get asked as a traveler is is it safe to travel alone and more importantly is it safe to travel alone as a female as a woman but let's be honest here I'm in China the bigger question is is China safe and more specifically is it safe to travel alone in China as a woman I could bore you with a million stats and examples defending or supporting this question or I could just show you and let you decide for yourself in order to do this I took a trip to a city in China alone just me myself and I stay I'm headed to nan Jiang which is the capital of Jiangsu located in East China not too far away from Shanghai I'm at Shenzhen Airport right now I'm getting really excited because it served as capital of numerous Chinese dynasties during ancient Chinese history so it's going to be full of Heritage Sites and rich in culture lots of things that I love to see just got my coffee so I'm about to head over and start boarding and let's get this blog started after hours and hours on my flight and finally getting to my hotel I finally reached it to nan Kings [Music] first stop with ganya on street in prison meow which is a popular tourist destination surrounding the confucius temple and next to the quinoa river i chose this area for well food because i was really hungry and because i knew it was a popular tourist destination meaning lots of people now to be honest it is a bit of a tourist trap because it's so commercialized but it does have a lot of sites that played an important part in chinese culture in history anyways I was hungry so that's what I did first is I went to this random restaurant that I wasn't really sure what was going on at first to be honest I didn't really know how to order but it was a bunch of kind of pre-made food and you just kind of point to what you want and I ended up getting some noodles which to my surprise were actually cold and then I tried this thing I don't know what was it tastes like an onion ring without the onion and replace for shrimp I just started walking around the area it's really a bumping street especially at night I finally tried this famous Chinese fruit candy that I've always wanted to try it's candied Hawthorn or ha berry I've never even honestly heard of this fruit or tried it this is kind of like like a peach kind of plum put together Wow with the crunch aniseed highly recommend if you're in China to try those they were so good end up becoming the night and honestly I never felt nervous walking around this area you know I'm here by myself there's tons of people even one guy asked me to take a picture with him which I was super stoked because for some reason I'm like the only expat that no one ever wants to take a picture with me I mean I'm just not the Chinese type I don't know it was actually funny as he is trying to take a picture of me there's an old woman begging me for money which it didn't you know frighten me in any way I was just kind of like lady trying to take a picture with this guy and she just kept asking me for money I didn't have money so I did the rational thing in my head I was tried to give her my candied fruit stick what she was not about awesome I did something really crazy I decided hey I'm here by myself and I do this kind of thing in all my videos where's poppy can you spot me where I have someone hold a camera and I run and I jump around people and see if you can find me it's kind of a little game that I started doing with my video as well I wanted to try it but I'm by myself so no one can hold the camera so I just hope thing insane and I left my camera by a tree and I walked away from it to go film I where's poppy and you'll see it's kind of bad because I'm super paranoid that my cameras went over here and I'm way over here and I just left it there so we could just easily just grab it and take it but they didn't and I filmed my where's poppy scene and it was funny no one went near it no one touched it and I'm gonna say that's happened quite a lot just in China I've left things my phone or whatever and no one ever touches it my boyfriend left his credit card or his debit card in the ATM machine out of bank not even his bank and he got it back I don't know people just don't steal things here that is something I've learned you know they say that there cameras everywhere in China and honestly there are and I actually kind of like that because if you get hit by a car if you get any sort of trouble there's a camera proof giving you evidence that you got robbed or you got into trouble the next day it was a bit colder so I figured perfect opportunity to head to the Tom Shean Hot Springs which is located outside the city of Nanjing now that meant taking a series of metros and buses to actually get there which in all honesty I was a bit nervous about that for two reasons one I'm awful at directions I don't know how it's been a year and a half of traveling and I'm still directionally challenged but I haven't proved it's just still not like a normal person and second reason is it is difficult to get around in China if your level of Chinese is not very good it's just gonna be a bit of a struggle but there are apps and different websites you can use to try to get around and obviously use them but the problem is they're never updated or you can't always count on them to be updated the website that I'm trying to find where the hot spring gave me the wrong address and that's the fault of you know there not being enough Xbox here especially if you're in a place like nan Jiang there are no tourists it's not like a popular city like Shanghai or Beijing like no one really goes here so there's not gonna be anyone really updating those Maps so I was nervous about that because well this is even where the hot springs is I'm going outside of the city that's pretty nerve-wracking especially by yourself but thankfully I did find my way I just got off the bus and now I'm walking along a road where there's not really any cars or anything around it's kind of odd I don't think I'm lost though I think I'm on the right path but definitely a little weird just a word of advice while traveling you can look up maps and find directions for pretty much everything but you always do need to keep a weary eye about where you're going because I followed my maps exactly and it told me to get off at one stop and I jumped off three stops earlier because I saw signs going to my destination and it wasn't in the direction my map said so just a quick tip when you're traveling keep that in mind always have your eyes open be looking where you're going she bore laughing I eventually did make it I saw the building but still was not convinced because I walked into this building and I swear to God I think I scared the crap out of everybody in there it was like they'd never seen an expat or a foreigner in their life like I walked in and I was like I'm here to see the hot springs and they're all like eventually we got to the point of hey I'm here to see the hot springs and they let me in and this lady kind of takes me into the dressing room she sees me holding my camera and immediately is like no no boo hell no camera no video not allowed there's been a little bit of a change of plans apparently you're not allowed to take video or photo here so this lovely lady is going to she said that I can film if she comes with me to every single pool which she is going to actually film me so this actually works what's your name once she rules out in English I have no English no English name okay yeah hey hey so she's gonna film me going into these hot springs how many hot springs over he said more than forty more than forty hot springs so yeah okay [Music] at this place it's an outdoor area super cool surrounded by mountains really beautiful but she had to come with me to every hot spring I went to and she made sure I went to every single one she was super nice about it and it was kind of nice you know I am there alone to have some sort of social aspects anyways these hot springs were awesome each pool has a different theme so what crystal is telling me is that a lot of the pools in this area are flower Hot Springs and so they sent them with different flowers and then they bring you flowers tea and it's supposed to kind of enhance your beauty so get you smelling a lot like flowers and then I think the water in general is really good for your skin so it's just to make you I guess Natacha Chinese medicine for this here is a Chinese medicine pool it has a lot of previous Chinese medicine ingredients in it and you can smell it strong scent as you walk in it's very good for your body so enjoy the pool and feel its effects be good for your house be good for your house Chinese nice okay sure [Music] right now I'm in the what's called the Roman slate bath and it's got those biting fish that kind of nibble at your feet not a huge fan of them but I'm going to go inside and then afterwards you can come behind me and take a nap so inside these where you lay down was heated so it's super nice and then they give you these peanuts and I'm sharing [Music] [Music] now I'm in front of an aromatherapy sand bath so it's a traditional way to you go inside and then you cover yourself in the sand and lay there you have to pay extra for it so I'm not going to do it because I don't necessarily understand why you would do that they also have this lounge where you can go get some complimentary snacks that was an experience on its own because they make you change into these outfits which are pretty fashionable [Music] it was really nice although you know being there with crystal I really like crystal but this was really weird because she's telling me you know relax like eat your food drink your tea like just relax how do I relax with you just staring at me now I spent quite a lot of time at these hot springs a lot longer than I actually expected I thought cuz I'm going with myself I'll probably be there for an hour or two and dip out but I was actually there for like five hours so I was there for such a long time that I ended up leaving at night which is what I didn't want to do because I was by myself and I was outside of the city so I knew that you know getting back would be a different experience I'm heading to the bus stop first thing my mind is okay I don't have change for the bus I only have a hundred quai and you don't always get changed actually normally you don't get changed on the bus I asked the lady at the bus stop if I could send her money be a WeChat and then she paid for my bus ticket and she said no but this is where the incredible experience happened she said no I will pay for your ticket and I thought no no no and she just insisted and she paid for my bus ticket but that doesn't stop here she paid for my bus ticket and then was so concerned because I'm a female and I'm alone in the city they also say I'm not from China that she actually came with me to end where I got off the bus got off the bus with me went to the metro with me helped me buy a ticket I didn't need help but whatever helped me buy a ticket got on my metro and actually took me all the way to my metro stop where my hotel was and then let me go that's how can turned and how thoughtful she was that she wanted to make sure I was safe and I got back to my hotel and she literally walked me back essentially like I don't I've no idea where she lives I don't know where she was going it wasn't where I was going and yet she felt that she needed to help me get there which was an amazing experience that doesn't happen every day and I'm not saying if you come to China that's gonna happen but it just goes to show like people you know they want to help you and yes they might be a little bit scared of you sometimes because you're an expat and there's not a lot of us here and they do feel intimidated sometimes but they still like there are good people and people will help you hey guys say thank you to crystal thank you welcome me around this place it's beautiful you should keep that name by the way you should keep the English named Crystal Mile Creek I know cuz your name is crystal now okay so yeah this has been a great experience Crystal's been awesome these pools are great I definitely recommend coming here if you want to have a traditional spa day it's relatively cheap and it's just there's so much it's just so relaxing really comfortable yeah so there you have it I flew across China by myself walked around the city during the day and the night took a trip outside of the city by myself and back left my camera in a crowded area and never once did I feel in danger is trying to say you tell me [Music] and that's the tea is that the teeth I don't think so
Channel: Where's Poppy
Views: 905,555
Rating: 4.8379083 out of 5
Keywords: where's poppy, where is poppy, Poppy Popescu, China, Nanjing, ๆทฑๅœณ, ไธญๅ›ฝ, Girls love travel, Asian, hot springs, can you spot me, where's waldo, female solo travel, how safe is china?, china's safety, is china safe, chinese safety, how dangerous is china?, is it safe to travel to china, travel china, is china safe for solo female travelers, travel safety issues in china, people, danger, expat, foreigner, digital nomad, wanderlust, explore, travel the world, traveling, chinese medicine, asia
Id: J7TJOmqOmaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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