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Honestly, she’s an excellent salesperson

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 100 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/juststartingout120 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone else feel like she's trying to rebrand herself as a lifestyle youtuber?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 188 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nisetsumuri πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I kind of like this Jaclyn better than makeup Jaclyn. She obviously is a great saleswoman (fuck Amazon tho, BUY LOCAL. BUY SMALL) but I think if she went for lifestyle vids, she'd be happier and I'd be more likely to watch her regularly again

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 129 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CemeteryCat17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My husband literally asked, β€œare you watching QVC?”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 87 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PizzaHutSlut92 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fuck amazon

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 177 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DeltaForce_Valentine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Taylor Wynn does Amazon must-have videos and doesn't get shit for it. Why is it a problem when Jaclyn does it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 111 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/catalyst_veritas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

i feel like she just went on tik tok and recommended everything lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 87 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chimiyourchangas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t know whether I should call her brave or stupid to do another β€œAmazon fave” video since her last one got sooo much backlash because she failed to disclose her commissioned links while promoting those products.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HarryXXV πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like Jaclyn but all of these influencers suddenly uploading amazon videos is pretty transparent. Amazon, target, walmart , etc are THRIVING during this pandemic and honestly, they may be a majority of what's left after all is said and done. ITs really disturbing to think that top influencing will shift from "buy my products/collab" to "buy xyz from conglomo corp".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 112 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ebonyzombie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to my channel we are in a totally different location today it feels kind of weird but I'm kind of into it I just kind of get sick of filming in my filming room you guys know I've literally done this since I first started my channel like I just can't say it redundant paper backdrops sitting in the same room it kind of makes me crazy he's so we're in my bedroom right now I figured why not I'm here today to talk to you here today to talk to you guys about that you all need you're welcome you can thank me later that's okay you didn't have to thank me I still know you need this it's bomb okay everything that I have here to talk about today are things I have personally purchased on Amazon that I love and adore now these things do not have to be purchased on Amazon these things can be found other places I personally think the Amazon is the easiest thing in the entire world because I have the app on my phone and it's like a dangerous I'll like see someone walking by oh it's like a cute hair clip and I'm like I want that next like literally 30 seconds later I'm like ordered done like it's just one click of a button and it's so dangerous I want to talk about all the good stuff with you guys the things that you genuinely need and will use and not the stupid stuffs it's like oh how exciting and then it gets your house and use at one time you're like I'm gonna are you doing this again you know what I mean also you guys I think that this is the first time since I've been on YouTube which I think we're at like seven years right now I'm really not sure I suck at time but I am pretty sure this is the first time that I have come on camera to do like a sit-down video where I'm doing like a favorites or something like that and not had on false lashes like can we get into it I am just embracing my natural lashes right now she's humble I think I get humble points okay yeah Austin I think I need to buy another Birkin my sister I don't want to talk to her oh just kidding Ricci I love you okay no but on a serious note I am so proud of my lashes I've been wearing false lashes so much less because you know quarantine things and just giving my natural lashes a break and I have been trying out so many mascaras I went on like a mascara binge where I bought probably 15 different mascaras and I'm still continuing to buy them and as of right now I have two favorites that I'm wearing right now I combined them a time with them and I feel like my natural lashes I really don't need false ones on a daily basis which has made my makeup routine so much easier and so much faster for myself and I'm not stressed out about doing my makeup because lashes can just be stressful it's a commitment and I want to know where you guys came here to find out about some good so let me stop talking about my lashes and talk about things that you need to own in your life let's just start with this because I have mentioned this I've actually mentioned a few things sitting in front of me right now on my insta stories if you guys don't follow me on instagram go to instagram follow me on my tensor ease it's just Jacqueline Hill on Instagram I have talked about this it is a selfie stand I hate that term selfie stand it holds your phone and then moves around at different positions so you can go live on Instagram you can put your timer on you can take pictures of yourself pictures of your friends whatever you want it's adjustable like it just moves up it moves down I don't want to I'm really scared to pinch my hand right now doing this for you guys with the demonstration so I just take my phone just like this set it on there lift this up oh there we go and it's in there and then you can just go over to your camera roll you guys can see hi YouTube oh my god look amazing why do you buddy tell me god he people are selfish also everything I talk about in this video will be linked down below my description box you just scroll right down and click on it purchase it or you don't have to it is going to be affiliate linked which means I am gonna make a little bit of money off of it I know people get upset by that which I don't know why because when you walk into Nordstrom are you angry that the sales associate is making 5% off of every single mascara that she sells you I don't know maybe you are maybe you don't like to shop there I do get a percentage if you click on the link which I appreciate so much when you guys shop through any of my links I really do also one more thing that I want to mention like especially talking about the selfie stick all the things I'm talking about today are good quality I'm not gonna recommend you guys crap whatsoever I have ordered so many things that have turned out to be everything is bomb like this is the best selfie stick and when I talked about it on my ancestry I got so many gems for other influencers being like oh my god this is the best selfie stick ever it all the other ones are garbage this one is amazing so I know it's good but I know it's not okay so another thing that I talked about on my isso story it'll be a pushy person I'm not that person but I really do think that this is something that everybody should buy if you are someone who loves to drink out of straws which I do if it's in a can I want a straw if it's in a bottle I want a straw I love just drinking out of straws even though it can cause kind of like smoker lines from going on a straw it can't give you wrinkles but whatever I love my straws and because of the whole plastic like non plastic movement and all the metal straws I can't stand a metal straw don't get me started oh my gosh it's so cold the texture of my teeth makes me crazy it like bumps my teeth if I'm not paying attention it stabs me in the gums and I'm like I hate metal straws hey it's a strong word and I hate metal straws this brand right here plastic lists super inexpensive so on Amazon it's a big-ass box it's got tons of them in there and you guys it you would not even know you not even know that these are not actually made out of plastic like they've got the bend that we all love it says right here 200 straws come in this pack and they are 100% plant-based and they are biodegradable so it's awesome there's no excuse to not have these because again they are not expensive you get 200 of them and you're good to go and they do not have any weird texture like all these other straws out there do they feel like any normal straw and I am so thankful that those are actually a thing and somebody invented them okay so this next thing has kind of like been a fad I've seen for some people like I know it was like a really big thing for a minute there and then a lot of people stopped doing it I personally like I feel like I can't live without my coloring books adult coloring is literally the best thing since sliced bread it is so amazing my friend Jackie she asked me why I enjoy it so much because I say all the time how much it helps with my nerves and my anxiety and my stress level like it really brings me down I always print a little music sometimes I like some incense I'll get weird put some candles on whatever it may be and I just focus on what color looks good with what color and I focus on being so precise and staying inside the line so well I get so focused on it that like two hours will go by and I'm like whoa what just happened like I just forget about the world cuz I'm just focused so much on the color and the precision and it just takes me out of my head and puts my energy and my creativity into something else and it's just good for you it's good for your brain like it's one of the reasons why we have kids do it it's great for developing your brain it's amazing for creativity so I have some favorite books I have personally probably purchased 15 to 20 coloring books at this point and these ones right here they are the best just to take my word this brand right here Johanna Basford they have a few different books and they are the absolute best ever just the paper like the quality of the paper it doesn't bleed through whatsoever super thick and the way the marker glides it's just really easy and you can like some pages are like crazy complex like that and then other pages are just like you know giant fish that are much easier and not as intimidating I personally like they're really small pages they're my favorite ones cause it's like I get so sucked into it look at that castle there's a crab in there or undo this one next there's lost ocean there's a secret garden ah this one right here is what I'm currently working on right now it's just flowers and butterflies and it's just they're great books and then this one right here magical jungle is the third one it's so good you guys I worked on my centerfold right here look at this I worked on this for four days hello this was so much fun oh my god so much fun and I was going through such a hard time this week and this was the best distraction in the entire world for me I did this like two or three months ago oh so much fun so yeah these three books secret garden a lost ocean and magical jungle the best books don't waste your time on anything else they're a little pricier I think they're like around 15 bucks but like worth every single penny and then this one is really cool because I just got like the coolest designs in it and it's got a ton of them and they're super easy and they're not crazy intimidating if you are trying to find a book that doesn't scare you know that was not done by me let's talk about markers I get asked this all the time what markers are my favorite of course again I will link everything below in detail so it's easy for you guys my fear markers are right it's upside down buy the brand whoo-hoo I guess I love it because it's so compact and easy to travel with and just like it zips right up but it's like moving on kind like an arts and crafts kit from when you're a kid it does not look like this when you buy it but because I work with them so often they're totally like not color quarter nice organized color-coordinated right now there are total hot mess just looks like this super easy folds up and you're good to go and these markers have two different sides to them like one side is a fat tip like that and then the other side is super super oh can you see it I'm trying to get to focus yet super super super skinny and so you can get like little itty bitty tiny details with that side I love these markers so much though the best again I ordered so many different markers so many front colored pencils I do not like color pencils at all I know that some people love them I do not like them they're not ever enough for me they don't speak to me I don't get excited as I'm doing it markers are just my way these are basically the exact same thing they come in a pack like this but I don't like the way they're packaged because they can't go back up into their little book and be folded but you get more color options with this and they're literally the same thing they're technically different brands they're the same exact marker I would never know the difference and it literally like pulls out like this and you have five different rows of all the different markers so many colors like you definitely get more bang for your buck with this one but I personally just like the packaging of that one okay so more just random things right because I'll just get on Amazon sometimes and just like scroll through like the front page and just looked at things they're like recommended for me I look at reviews and be like yep but I'm buying it and we'll see if we like it and if we don't there's three returns I return stuff all the time but there's things I have found just from scrolling that I am in love with for instance easy pajama pants oh my god so goes hey they're so cozy and again so inexpensive this is the print that I picked out because they have like a lot of like really loud like over-the-top prints but this was just the one that was like closest to my vibe they were sold out of just black and gray when I was looking so I was like fine the fabric of this is like just trust me it is so good it is so stretchy it is so comfortable it's so soft it's almost like that fabric that kind of feels like it has a lotion and it almost did here Georgie dude they have this waistband right here it looks like that with a little drawstring waist and the length is amazing cuz I cannot stand a pajama pant that's like hitting like high waters like hitting my ankle bone and it's like you expecting a flood like I would prefer if they dragged on the floor then if they were like too high and I love the length of these they're just so comfortable they're great pants they're inexpensive and I am all about them so now let's talk about biker shorts I don't know if you tend to call these biker shorts but they're the shorts I wear all the time and I've talked about on insta stories but still every single time I post like something of me on it's a stories in the mirror or my outfit or anything people are always asking oh my god where are the bikers from where the bikers from Amazon these shorts are so incredible they have a logo on the back I don't even know what that technically says it looks like shapes to me but maybe I'm just you know not that smart they have pockets in the side right here so like great for working out you can keep whatever tampon vibrator chapstick whatever you need right here these the black ones and then the other ones I wear pretty often are these gray guys right here they come in tons of different colors I have them in coral but mostly I have like four of them in black because I put these on on a daily basis because they're so damn comfortable like I can't even begin to tell you how comfortable they are the only ones that are more comfortable in these are from American Eagle and they are always sold out like always always always sold out I only have them in one color and I'm like can you guys get it together cuz like I need them in every color but they're always sold out these are amazing again inexpensive so comfortable breathable but they also suck you in a little bit like they kinda just give you like a little mm so you're like feeling tight feeling right okay this next item seems so simple but it is out of everything I'm gonna talk about the thing that I am the most shocked that I lived without my entire life because my whole life when I get out of the shower I have to sit in my towel for like at least 10 minutes like I have to plan my shower schedule around my life because I need to sit in my towel and chill before I actually put clothes on my body I need to moisturize or maybe tan or whatever it may be and my towel is always falling off of me this is not some new invention and it's just a Velcro towel that's it like you just wrap it around your body and then you just velcro it and you live your life I will say this has enabled me so much at this point sometimes I will get out of shower and not put on real clothes for like an hour or two like I just wear this around my house because it's so comfortable like I'll get on the shower I'll do my whole exfoliating moment all that I'll get out I'll put on my sunless tanner and I don't put on clothes immediately like I want my cells tan to like breathe and like I don't want to ruin it so I'll just put this on super loose just drop it around me I'll give you a demonstration okay I like wrap it around and up pretty pretty pretty loose like this and then I'm just like flowing I'm moving and I'm grooving I don't have to worry about tan lines see it's just like you can move in it you can twirl it doesn't have pockets though it's the one thing it's missing otherwise I would literally leave the house and go to business meetings in this [ __ ] if you don't have this you need it I have four of them this is so incredible if you guys are anything like me and you carry your stress and your tension in your back this is the most necessary thing in the world I talked about this a couple years ago and like one of my like holiday gift guides and it's just a back massager hold on I'm getting choked it's a back massager it has a plug right here you plug it into the wall you push the power button it has its little settings you can literally put your arms through this there's two different arm straps one that's higher one that's lower you can legit just sit like this on your computer and work while this thing just massages your back like those balls back there just rotate and it feels so good you can take it and like move it around like this and like get into all different areas my employees pass it around while they're working and there when you're done can I use it when you're done let me use it because it is so good and you can change the speeds and I'm like increase and you can like use it like kind of pull on it and then make it like even more intense and it just works out your knots if you guys are someone like me where you're like I don't need a massage I want a massage that thing will be a plus for more random things let's see here this phone charger how did I live without this phone charger you guys don't even know what screw the original Apple phone charger is it was a little like tiny what was that I'm like this is like three inches like I was about to make a really dirty joke gotta keep it's appropriate I just can't live without this thing I have one plugged in on both sides of my bedroom right there and right there you can plug it in you can learn neckroll into the center of your bed on your phone and you're just still charging you never have to deal with like oh it's tugging anytime someone comes to my house and asks for a phone charger and I grab this and plug it in everyone's like what is this I need this I mean and there again Amazon inexpensive and it's got this little brown leather thing so like when you roll it up you can just snap it and it doesn't tangle it keeps keeps a perfect mince knuckle so my whole life I've always been like the designated jar opener and my fan we for some reason I'm just like spaghetti sauce pickles whatever it is no no I always had like the special touch all of a sudden recently I don't know this because I have nails now but like the past couple of years I'm like losing my magic and I can't open up jars as easily these guys right here make it so that even your child can open up a door like you just take it like this I use grab it and it's a pull and it just pops right off it makes it so easy it comes in a pack and all different colors and they're just like sticky textured thin little rubbery things and you can open up anything it's so simple so if you're like a single woman and you feel like you don't have the muscles to do it and you need a mana which you don't you can't get this next up let's get into accessories these sunglasses Emily gemma is the one who introduced me to these and I love Emily Gemma so much you guys don't know what she is she is a blogger influencer I love her stories she's like just so real and like such a hot mess sometimes like in the best way possible and I just adore her and I love that she talks about high-end things and also very inexpensive things cuz I really trust her opinion like when she says this is great I know it's not because she sponsored I know it's like you know I'm saying like I just I trust her opinion because times she'll be showing off like an expensive handbag like oh I love this so much and then she'll turn around and be oh here here are these earrings for 15 bucks I love these too and I'm like that's my kind of girl I love it relatable she was talking about these sunglasses and I had to order them they are so cute like can we get into this moment and I think they're like 15 dollars maybe they honestly looks so designer I think they come in like a brown my tortoise shade is something but I like the black I'm something I like black as a girl who has probably 200 pairs of designer sunglasses I love these and appreciate them so much because they are so light weight I feel like designer sunglasses are so heavy that it's like good luck trying to wear them with makeup because they just sit on your nose with so much pressure and it's like goodbye makeup goodbye bake good goodbye nose contour like it's over some would say they feel cheap I don't give a damn I think they feel great because they would not ruin my makeup so I love these and they come in a cute little pouch like I talked about this on my insta stories as well and I could not believe it was literally sold out I talked about it was sold out like ten minutes later and people were pissed and I'm like I don't know what happened it's literally this candle lighter that charges by USB you just plug it in to your wall I like candles every single day and this needs to be charged probably every three weeks so it lasts a long time and all you do is just turn it on it and then push the the little lighter bud right there it just you see like the little if I stuck my finger in there I don't know what would happen and I ain't gonna experiment but it likes your candles so fast you like hole it's like lit it's crazy how fast it lights so you have to sit there like trying to flick over and over and over like holding the flame waiting for it to light it's like you just like touch it to the wick and it's a boom done so fast so easy and it's chargeable so you can have it forever just keep plugging it in some more things before I get into some hair products this fan right here you guys know that I always use a fan as the past I don't know two years use a fan to dry my setting spray at the very end after I get done to do my makeup and I used to use this white one all the time until I found this one what's so cool is that you press these two buttons and it folds like this so it gets like super compact but you guys the power of this fan if my hair was down right now my hair would be fully blown back like I was on set like on hot days tens grab one throw it in your purse grab one throw to the car grab one go outside by the pool like whatever it may be setting spray it doesn't matter like we all need a fan I like to put mine up my shirt because I get so sweaty all the time this right here it's a random thing but does he perkins was talking about it on her stories a couple months ago she was talking about just use he needs to scrub your nails when washing your hands and I was like oh my god what a good idea why didn't I thought about this I keep one under my kitchen scene sink I keep one in all my bathrooms and now every single time I wash my hands I just grab this and I just scrub my nails and scrub inside my nails I know it sounds weird but I never noticed how much like dirt can get stuck down in there I had never really thought about it then when I used it I looked at both hands I was like oh wow like there's so much bacteria that could be built up in there that I don't even think about on a daily basis so now I just use this and it keeps my cuticles looking good over that gem fell off don't judge my nails I get them done day after tomorrow but I keep my cuticles looking good and it keeps my nails looking fresh and no dirt and bacteria and super cheap and you just moving your bathrooms oh you have some jewelry okay so let's talk about some Amazon jewelry I've been loving I was a little skeptical about jewelry at first when I started buying from Amazon I have blossom things where I'm like nope not the vibe this needs to go back but for instance these gold hoops I'm wearing right now these are from Amazon I just got them a couple weeks ago and I love them like I'm putting them on all the time again super super lightweight because obviously they're not real gold there's no diamonds on there anything that's in heat in town super super lightweight and not irritating me at all which is great because I'm super sensitive I was talking on insta stories just last week about how I bought the super cute necklace from revolve and it gave me such a buy rash I actually still have it but I have makeup all over to cover up but I'm really sensitive to fake metals it's really annoying so all the jewelry I'm talking about has not given me any of that effect it's gonna be really hard for me to show you these earrings because they're more dainty so I will link them down below and you can just click on them and you can see like close-up actual shots of them on Amazon if you want but these right here are so cute let me try to focus okay so it has like the little gold long gated heart with the evil eye in the center and then the actual part that goes into your ear hole is a hoop with little I guess you call fake diamonds she's humble I think I get humble points okay maybe I'm not humble anymore yeah they are super super cute I love the little evil I like the eye is blue so it's like a little pop of color like cute for summer I love blue and gold together adorable and then this is the same brand I believe it so this one just has like a little dangly guy right there well I really feel like an old-school influence right now with my hand out like giving it to you guys yeah and it's just cute it just hangs down and gives you think a little Dingle it'll dime it a little sparkle I love it and then this necklace right here again evil eye and I love love love necklaces like this sometimes they can kind of like wear out and go bad kind of quickly which can be irritating I put it on your neck and then you can see use this to tighten it or make it less tight so you can let it sit where you want to and control works it's on your neck which i think is so amazing and it's just fake diamonds and it's the evil eye and it just sits like it sits right here on me and it doesn't flip when I like let it sit right there see it looks like that I love that the chain is super shiny it's got like a little like reflection to it because I don't like dull chains I love my chains to have shine and like hit the light and be like ooh this Reena I'm wearing right here is from Amazon as well I've been wearing this ring constantly I'll hold it closer for you guys there we go sorry about my nails guys I'm getting them done yeah this guy right here is also from Amazon and I love it I think is just so cute such a fun pop of color for summer and see I'm wearing it right next to real diamonds like this right here is real this is real and it just like it works you know what I'm saying like I love like combining like mixed metals and things that are like real and fake in different price points it's just like I don't know it looks it looks really cool and I love it and I'm the reason I'm saying this is because I know that there are a lot of women who follow me because I get their DMS all the time who really are into like extremely expensive high-end things and of course the majority of you guys are like no [ __ ] we don't want to spend a ton of money on like real jewelry and all that like let's keep it like let's keep it real okay so I'm trying to talk to all of you guys whether you love only like real jewelry and you when I wear costume jewelry I'm saying like as someone who owns a lot of real jewelry and loves loves diamonds Amazon is still it's still good it still rocks it still looks good it still looks cool it's trendy I like it okay so let's wrap this up with some hair products number one are my scrunchies I have been looking for the best scrunchies for so long like years I have been wearing scrunchies and I just I can't stand all that scrunchies they drive me crazy and I think it's only for a certain look I just don't like them in my hair don't ask just not my thing these are my favorite scrunchies ever I love the silk brand scrunchies you can also buy those on Amazon I'll link those below for you as well I love them they're so comfortable but they do stretch out over time like they get bigger and bigger and bigger these don't get bigger these stay the exact same size I've had these right here they come in a pack I had the black one in my hair right now it comes in black this taupe and then this grey and they do not stretch I have worn these for like over a year and they're still amazing and what's so great about a scrunchie if you're wondering like why scrunchies my hairdresser told me to start wearing scrunchies around the house a long long long time ago the reason why you wear them is because it's so good for your hair it doesn't pull on your hair it doesn't tug on your hair like an actual hair twisty that your hair tie does like the old-school ones what you all used to wear it doesn't rip out your hair and it doesn't bend your hair so if you put your hair into a ponytail for a couple of hours you take it out you're not gonna have that huge Bend like that kink on your head from wearing a hair tie these don't do that so I will put them down below I tell you I've ordered every single scrunchie on Amazon I've ordered every single one of them every one of them these are my favorite the wet brush sorry I've owned this for a very very long time and it kind of looks like I use it to brush my dog recently I have tried so many different hair brushes and very very very picky about hair brushes the wet brush is my absolute favorite one this one is the paddle brush they also have like a handheld one that's like smaller you can I go like this I don't like it as much I like this it goes through my hair without ripping my hair out it doesn't matter if my hair is tingly if it's wet if it's dry I love this brush I naturally have very straight hair with like barely any bendin at whatsoever so when I blow-dry my hair I just use this and my hair is like pin straight like like hey but so good cuz it doesn't rip out your hair like I really wish that was around when I was a kid because I'll just be sitting there like mom my mother brushing my hair with tears coming down my face when she gained his Beauty sweetheart I'm just like okay these kids don't know they just don't know okay this little comb right here oh this side has honestly a weapon this could literally this could kill someone this is very very aggressively like pretty sharp but I use this to like do my part that I did today like if I'm doing braids or just when I get done blow-drying my hair I'll just take this side and just part my hair wherever I want it and it just makes it so precise and so straight and then also this side right here is just such a fine like tight little tooth comb that's also what I used just to comb yeah to comb out my hair today just like it's like it back it's like it down mama was not having a good hair day and I said no no not today say and we're not gonna even try to fake it it's not hoppin it's either a hat or slicked back and that's what we did can't live without this I'm obsessed okay this gold tooth brush right here it's so random but so cute has soos who is a hairdresser out in LA who always does my hair anytime that I'm out there he's so amazing so talented he told me how badly I needed a good toothbrush to handle my baby hairs because I have a lot of baby hairs and God I need you so bad his sous come back to my life please Lord come back to Tampa and spend some time with me and just give me like a 101 on my baby hairs he's always like oh he's the best baby hairs they're so amazing I'm like what am I doing with them so I use it this little gold toothbrush I just spray hairspray on it or like put some gel on it and then we'll just like handle my [ __ ] ass like if it's up here if it's flyaways if it's trying to smooth out my baby hairs if it's trying to be an artiste of some sort it's super super super cute because it's just gold so it's like Oh fun and not just like a random toothbrush from Walgreens and it's inexpensive ok these hair ties oh my god they are so amazing I don't remember what blogger introduced me to these I think it might be dressed up buttercup I think it was her talking about this on her and it's the stories they are so stretchy they don't bend your hair they're so easy to put on they're not uncomfortable I will never ever ever go back to like those original tiny little hair ties I don't even remember last time I use them I refuse I can see the scrunchies or this they are so comfortable like I can't handle the headache like these are just bomb and again they don't bend your hair they're so comfortable and they're so much better for your hair than just like those little ones they're just like ripping ripping your now I'm not into it so comfortable a hair dyes I love this next products so much all this is is just like a scalp scrubber I use it to wash my hair yesterday or two days ago I wash my hair and it was the first time since I bought this I didn't have this in the shower and I was so upset as I was washing my hair I'm like of course in there like soaking wet and I'm like yeah the shower do i wobble through my house right now to go find the stupid thing because ever fish start using it there's no other way to wash your hair it's just like these little almost like silicone II feeling little pointy scrubbers and I put the shampoo my hair like normal or maybe I'll put a little on this and then I just go in and it's got this little thing to like hold on to as you're doing it and you just go in there and just scrub your scalp I take it down and I take it on my neck I think bring it all my shoulders it feels so good it gets your shampoo all nice and foamed up I love it okay my last two products these last two products are both dry shampoos I asked you guys on Twitter a while ago for all of your favorite dry shampoo recommendations I ordered all the top ones plus I ordered a ton more I'm not kidding I ordered probably over 20 dry shampoos and these two I'm not gonna say that they're my very very very favorites actually they are yeah this and then one other one are my most used the first one is by Dove you guys this is so good and it smells so good it's very fragrant but it's a good fragrance and whenever I spray this Jordan he's always complimenting how good I smell and I'm like really like I'll wear a two hundred perfume and I don't get a compliment but I put some dove dry shampoo l my dirty [ __ ] ass and he's like she's smell amazing I'm like okay great that's how this is gonna work but it really does it smells so good and it does not leave a horrible white cast there is a white cast I mean I do have black hair there's a white cast but it's not it's not awful and what I do when I spray dry shampoo if it leaves a white cast I rub it in with my hands of course and I grab my blow-dryer and I'll just grab a brush and I'll just like quickly like go like this not only does the heat in the dry shampoo make my hair have more volume but it also will get rid of the white cast so that's my little tip the next one is I should say the last one this is my last day in the video oh my god this is my eye GK and this is called the first-class charcoal detox dry shampoo amazing I love this stuff so much it works so well I love igk as a haircare brand I think they're really great I kind of had a blackout on Amazon and want a ton of their stuff maybe like a month ago I'm still using a lot of it and like trying it out this was like the second I sprayed it I was like sold I love it it's so so so good again it doesn't really leave too much of a white cast it's not too bad out all right you guys that is it for this video I hope that you enjoy that went by so fast for me like so fast and these are my favorite types of videos to film one of my favorite types of videos to watch I have not done a video like this and so long so please tell me if you guys enjoy it give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and more than anything head over to my insta stories and follow me they're not my star followed to my instant head over to my Instagram and follow me there because this is the kind of stuff that's all my dentist or ease all the time like I said I have so many more things I could talk about but I want to overload this video and just be like too much you know but everything in this video are things that I use on a daily or weekly basis like if you took any of these things out on my house I would be like where'd that go why is that missing like I use these things constantly and want to tell you guys like my best most favorite things that I have purchased on Amazon so yeah make sure that you guys leave your favorite purchases down below also tweet me them love that and I can retweet also DM me leave comments on my Instagram let me know because things like this are just necessary like plastic list straws who knew that we needed it now we do save the damn Turtles you know that's it I love you guys I hope you enjoy and I will see you in my next video bye guys [Music]
Channel: Jaclyn Hill
Views: 1,610,619
Rating: 4.9005203 out of 5
Keywords: jaclynhill1, jaclyn hill, makeup tutorial, smokey eye tutorial, contour face, morning routine, how-to, everyday makeup, cat eye makeup, cat makeup, drugstore makeup
Id: Hf-Qggzrd0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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