My AI Bot Trolls Scammers With Fake Gift Cards

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i think it was about two months ago when i shared the ai video with you guys and it is by far one of my most liked videos and i that makes me really happy because it was one of my favorite projects it's something that i think is really neat and has a ton of potential in terms of wasting scammers time and just like having fun i haven't updated you in obviously two months and a lot of you ask me about it like i get messages probably every day saying when are we going to hear more about the ai have you worked on it at all and the good news is i have when you first saw the ai it was probably 100 lines of code i don't know maybe maybe 150 and it was mostly just a glorified if else statement i would capture mike input interpret it and then based on what the intent was i would just say some kind of recording fast forward two months the project is now significantly more advanced and i cannot take all of the credit for it a handful of you reached out to me when i posted the first video offering advice and support and one of you in particular abk 16 had sent over some pretty interesting python scripts and just started spending hours with me working on the project and has ultimately transformed the entire thing at this point it's no longer just a single thread looking for intent and responding with if else statements it is actively listening in one thread it is trying to perceive the intent in another thread and then while all that's happening there's a third thread which we've called the brain that is trying to take all of that intent and decide what to do on it based on state machines and the code we've written to help walk the ai through what it should expect when talking to a scammer so as an example um and something i've been working on quite a bit here is this concept where the ai would call a refund scammer and offer to give a gift card and sometimes it wastes 5 10 15 minutes of their time just by trying to give the scammer um a gift card people get bored when i talk about code too much so let me just show you can i talk to david or one of the managers they asked me to buy one of those gift cards and i got it and i have to give it to him yeah who did you say that you need to talk to sir yeah um you guys asked me to get a gift card for you i'm trying to get in touch with one of the managers because i i did get the card what kind of card did you buy i was told to get google play cards yep okay great um all right let me get a manager hold on well yeah that's that would be fine that's fine hi this is jacob i'm the manager speaking okay well do you want me to give you the codes or not just tell me here yeah please give me the gift card code um okay well let me go ahead and give you the gift card code four e two eight four e two eight um the next one is uh j sorry can you start over from the beginning please four letter e to the number eight please start over oh i might not have coded the start over part i forgot four e two eight oh it is starting it is starting over okay two anyway you sort of get a demo of the state machines and a whole bunch of stuff with the project that has completely changed i mean one of the major differences is that while the ai is interpreting intent it stalls and you can hear it say stuff like well because previously it was just silence and the scammers hated that but it's taken a lot of time and effort to get to where you just saw and i've recorded some of the examples over the past few weeks of me testing the ai and i think you'll like them you guys asked me to get a gift card for you i'm trying to get in touch with one of the managers because i i did get the card right just be on the line i'm gonna go ahead and give the call to my manager so that i can have a look with it yeah i um one two three letter i this is pretty early did i keep going i'm gonna go ahead yeah just be on the line and i'm gonna go ahead and transfer the call to my uh my supervisor okay next is a little bit eager to give the gift card yes is david available tell him i have the gift cards i was supposed to buy all right sir can you confirm me the gift card numbers please um i don't know if you can get a manager for me here or not uh this is alex i'm the senior manager on the floor david is busy with the other clients right now i'd like to talk to the manager if that's possible i'll pause it for a second so initially part of it was just training it wasn't necessarily the code um it didn't it wasn't understanding when they were saying like i'm the manager just tell me i'm the manager so that was that was definitely part of it early on it doesn't the text is not hearing the scammers say like i'm the manager it's hearing it say and you confirm a different number or turn on the cinema on the cloud and stuff like so part of it was just training if you can go ahead and tell me the gift card number i can go ahead and help you further then i what the the letter g two four one two you are saying that it's g two four one and after that yes um yeah could you please get me uh the manager please yeah after alex um my name is david okay yeah then it's two [Music] and then hello hello come on little guy say something hello howdy how's it going it doesn't feel as clunky it feels a little bit more natural even though obviously right now it's lost and doesn't know what's going on it at least feels a little bit more like something is sort of following along can i talk to david i'm supposed to give him a gift card we were talking yesterday okay so have you bought the gift card can you get me the manager i don't want to waste your time if you could get a manager for me yes i can but i'm asking you sir have you got the gift card are you yeah so that's with gtx turned like all the way up and i'm i'm dynamically changing it based on what i think but i don't think it understands what she says well i i guess god uh okay well okay uh just hold on uh yeah wait what happened i don't know if you can get a manager for me here or not i can but i'm asking you sir could you please are you even listening to me right now could you get a manager please i don't have all day okay yep i have the gift cards okay just hold on sorry if i talked to you before or something i can't remember here i'm starting to feel like you're wasting my time here hold on just put me on i'll put you on hold and i'd like to talk to the manager if that's possible okay yes yes well i i guess yeah do you want me to give you the codes or not just tell me here so there she said yes i will transfer the call to the manager and if the ai thought that she was confirming that she was the manager which i later tried to train it but all right well then let me give you the code on the back of the card four see three eight huh some of those are cut off you can hear me right you listen this guy i'm listening you sir number four then see is in charlie then number three number eight um all right then next is b then uh four nice job little air david the next one is uh f i think that typing by the way was me frantically typing the abk 16 being like it's working but you can see how and right now there's nothing built in where fumble over things or randomly like get interrupted and be like oh sorry i gotta let my dog outside or whatever it's literally just reading the 16 character alphanumeric thing there's so much random stuff that you could add in the middle of oh sorry i'm sorry the the third letter wasn't b it was but they're just sitting there like oh yeah give me the gift card stick then it's a uh jay all right i just wasted your time [Laughter] howdy how's it going he tried to stop it oh she hung up when we create the gift card code when i was testing it all by myself i changed this to like six or something instead of 16 then i forgot so the a.i got through six characters or something and then it just you thought that was real do you remember uh like the name of the manager so do i tell you the codes on the back so and how many power you take from the store well i um hello yes if this is exactly the same thing yeah okay do you want to play a gift card or not come on bro yeah tell me the numbers how how about this i guess let me um let me say well do you want me to give you the codes or not just tell me here tell me the code sir all right well then let me give you the code on the back of the card oh that's a bummer what is the name of the gift card i think i fixed that later um i'm gonna double check but it should correctly identify um later on you should hear the ai will say like i've got a google play card f what is the name of any card h you want me to continue can you hear me okay [Music] i already bought the gift cards yeah wait company what is the name of the gift card okay next is one do you know who you are speaking to billy mays here oh no little ai okay now it's number eight don't tell him your name should i keep going okay so please tell me what what side you have got i don't want to waste your time if you could get a manager for me i'd like to talk to our manager please so i say that again okay i'm the manager oh yeah this is one of those little give me the card number well i i guess yeah i'm gonna need you to repeat that this is the so this is the robin walt i am the manager on this floor u.s tech support so tell me what is the card number [Music] okay i i'm getting angry i already scratched the card off on the back so let me give you the so that shouldn't have happened but it recognized that it wants the gift card code but because i was angry he goes he says i'm i'm getting angry here okay let me give you the gift card code okay number seven please tell me the code two three c okay yeah then it's j [Music] the next one is uh c but yeah it's like he's listening you know um it looks like i just go through and i keep telling him the codes one one okay i don't have all day okay this is starting to get ridiculous sir my name is this is starting to get ridiculous like this is bad now this was a bug i don't know if i recorded it at one point i was consistently going into the angry state over and over and over and over and over and eventually i think i had like a recursion error because my god the ai just kept being like i'm getting angry i'm getting angry i'm getting it it was really i'd like to talk to the manager if that's possible why why can't it's getting angry you know this is starting to make me mad how can i help you i'd like to talk to our manager please this is the day that i'm supposed to be a gift card we were talking yesterday i don't want to waste your time if you could get a manager for me can i talk to david or one of the managers they asked me to buy one of those gift cards and i got it i have to give a tour are you even listening to me yeah i'm trying to talk to david he and i spoke yesterday and i owe him a couple of gift cards he's not very happy i don't want to waste your time if you could get a manager for me i i swear the ai said that exact same line like 50 times in this one call yeah um yeah could you please get me uh the manager please i'm the manager you all tell me well um i i didn't catch there come again do you want me to give you the codes or not just tell me here please give me the code okay well let me go ahead and give you the gift card code where to get which gift card you're talking about number the next one is wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait spoiler it's not gonna wait i'm i'm trying right now hold on what is your full name the next one is uh eight said i don't need the numbers i'm sorry i don't need the numbers can you confirm your name sorry all right then it's i i don't need the numbers can you confirm your name all right then next is three teddy markets he the guy hung up i mean this is certainly much better than the first iteration of the ai and we've got plenty more planned for it i hope you enjoyed it i know these scammers did not i'll see in the next video take care
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 528,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, ai, artificial intelligence, programming, voice actor
Id: 0yVKiPZYlxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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