My 5 Worst Experiences in Las Vegas

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now las vegas is generally either loved or hated there's not too much in between people are either really passionate about it or against it and obviously i love vegas but there are a number of stories i've piled up that have been negative so i figured i would share that with you guys for today's video so [Music] without further ado let's get into it number one on the list i wrote down taxi driver scam let me explain so one night i had to leave fremont street experience i was going from fremont to the strip and i decided to take a taxi so i was at the plaza hotel casino i went outside and there was a line of taxis near the plaza now i went up to one of the taxis and the woman asked me where are you going and i said i need to go to new york new york or whatever you know hotel it was she said okay it'll be 40 cash do you have cash and i was like uh yeah i do have cash and i thought i wasn't sure what the typical pricing would be for that trip but i trusted her and i said okay fine so i pop into the car when we were about to get there i noticed the meter was you know the meter was running the whole time and the meter was pretty low and then when we finally made it to new york new york and she was about to drop me off the meter was at and change and she said okay that'll be 40 and i said but the me she basically hustled me for yeah for twenty dollars about bummer and real quick before we continue this video i wanna talk about the amazing sponsor of my channel surfsharkvpn and i know i know ads stink but please hear me out because this company has been supporting me since the beginning now surf shark vpn staying for virtual private network is simply an application for your phone or your computer and it keeps you secure safe and sound on the internet it does this by encrypting the data you send to the internet so it stops hackers from being able to access your personal information now not only does it keep you secure on the internet but also has other benefits vpns allow 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taxi do not accept that don't be stupid like this guy i should just give her 21 left but uh i don't know i felt kind of pressured i don't know whatever number two on the list was my cosmo experience now if you're a loyal subscriber and uh you've been following my content for a while you'll know what this is already but for those who aren't aware basically uh i was kicked out of the cosmo for having a professional video camera and they refused to refund me they trespassed me which means that they made it so i could never come back to the cosmo i was permanently banned from the cosmo and if i were to come back to the cosmo without their consent i would be arrested and yeah it was a horrible situation i made a video about it telling the story and the video went pretty viral which caught their attention six months later and long story short i was invited back they let me stay at their best penthouse suite they apologized and they refunded me and all everything is good and the cosmo ironically is one of my favorite hotels in vegas now but that at the time was one of the worst experiences i've ever had it was it was just a crazy experience if you're interested i'll link it here or down below number three homeless guy attack so i was in downtown vegas off of fremont street but close to it and there are some areas there that just aren't the nicest uh aren't the best areas now in this particular day i was just touring around i was with a group of people it was like five of us together and there was a homeless guy just wandering the streets wandering the sidewalk had my back to the homeless person i was walking away from the homeless person in another direction and one of my friends she looked back and she noticed her eyes just bulged and she said bumps look out pumps look out and i was like what and i turned and this homeless guy was just running at me full speed just sprinting at me and i was like what the heck and i just ran away from him that was a crazy experience the homeless guy ended up just stopping and then just continuing wherever he was going he ignored us but he chased me down for a second there and when i turned and saw him running full speed at me that was one of the scariest moments of my life to be honest with you in that split second i was i was pretty freaked out so just a tip for you don't make eye contact with homeless people and uh just be careful in the bad areas of any city but vegas in this case similar kind of story this one's called strip fist fight now one time i was doing a live stream touring the las vegas strip and there was a two people fighting they were having a fist fight on the strip so i stopped for a second and i was watching and i was pointing my camera at them and there was a group of people all filming it with their iphones and uh so i was kind of like in that group and i was just in awe of this fist fight just happening on the strip like it was crazy to me there was another guy that was kind of friends of one of the people fighting and uh it was a big guy he had no shirt on he saw me and made eye contact with me and then he started cursing at me and then he started following me and i was with greta it was me and greta and uh we just obviously started walking away we were walking fast but he kept following us he just kept following us we probably went a couple hundred feet away from where they were fighting and this guy was still behind us you know like 30 maybe 30 40 feet away from us so he wasn't very close but he was following us and he was cursing on me and it was freaky so i implore any of you guys to not film sketchy things that are going on in vegas for your own safety that's just my two cents that was stupid of me and luckily we you know we sped walked you know further and further away and eventually the guys stopped following us but uh that was also pretty scary what was that three i think that was three one two three that was four okay number five nightclub water situation okay so this was before i moved here this was i think 2017 i believe there was a nightclub i went to i believe it was in the mirage i think it was called one oak and i don't think it's there anymore but regardless i'll tell you the situation so the nightclub you have to wait in a line to get in and obviously there's also a cover charge you have to pay so after waiting in line after paying and after going into the nightclub i was there for probably a couple hours with my friends we were having you know fun time you know we bought some drinks at the bar it got to the point where i was really really thirsty i wanted a water so i went to the bar and asked the bartender can i have a water and she said that'll be 20 it was an absurd price for water and i said well can i just get tap water i just need some water i'm dehydrated and she basically said this to me and i was just like wait you can't give out tap water like you can't give out water she said if you want you can go to the water fountain but the water fountain's outside of the club and then you'll have to wait in line again to get into the club and pay the entrance fee again bro what are you i'm not gonna do that like that's ridiculous why can't i just have a water boop i think that's it for the most part i've had great experiences here in las vegas but i wanted to share a few of the bad ones with you guys hopefully you learned a thing or two to recap watch out for scams as far as taxi drivers go number one do not film people fighting if they are make sure to always drink a lot of water because bartenders in vegas might not want to help you out [Music] bonus story peppy was once abandoned by his owner but luckily pompsian greta saved his life all right thank you for watching see you guys tomorrow bye-bye we're exploring summerlin tomorrow also see ya [Music] you
Channel: Pompsie
Views: 61,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: las vegas, las vegas tips, las vegas travel guide, las vegas strip at night, las vegas strip 2021, las vegas travel vlog, las vegas travel guide 2021, las vegas nevada 2021, travel guides, las vegas trip tips, las vegas vlog, las vegas travel vlog 2021, tips for las vegas, las vegas tips and tricks 2021, las vegas scams, las vegas scams 2021, las vegas news, las vegas vlogger, las vegas vlogger 2021, pompsie las vegas
Id: J7Pz8PJWlMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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