EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Visiting LAS VEGAS

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hello everyone my name is norman today i'm going to tell you everything that you need to know about las vegas so basically today we're going to talk about everything that you need to know from the moment that you arrived to las vegas to the moment that you leave and i'm also going to answer some of your questions that you guys left for me so first i'm going to assume that you are right about the airport that's why we're here at the las vegas mccarran airport right now so you got your bags you got everything so what are you going to do are you going to take a taxi shuttle or uber i'm going to show you a few things it's a chili today okay so if you do want to take a shuttle just look inside you're going to see a sign that says shuttle and limousine is going to direct you to go outside so here there's going to be two shuttle companies this first one here is called captain so for them um it's going to be 13 however though it's only cash and it's only one way there is absolutely no way to come back and they say that they go mainly to strip hotels so um if you're not sure just walk up to them and ask them if they're going to go to your hotel so that was captain over there this one right here is going to be beltran beltran's is a little bit different so they do a step credit card and this one is going to be 15 per person per ride so 15 to get to your hotel and then 15 to come back so 30 round trip now if you want to buy round trip with a credit card you have to pay for it right here right now there's no way to pay for it on their website but let's just say that you only bought the one rides on the way to the strip and then all of a sudden you do want to buy the one to come back you actually just have to call their phone number and then schedule it right there then you just pay cash to a driver but just be aware i have called their line and you're not going to talk to a person at all it's all an automated system um i personally had a little trouble with it like i called just to like try it out and i said the mirage and it just like was not registering me sitting in the mirage so just kind of a little tip right there and then beltrans and captains also do have limousines for rent if you have a morning flight arrive early that was a super long line to security if you're gonna take a taxi please be aware that they have flat fees please do not let these taxi drivers take you on the long haul the price of your ride is just going to depend on where your hotel is because they do have zones it's going to be a 19 a 23 and a 27 zone and it's the exact same price from your hotel back to the airport and honestly if you kind of think about it taxis might be cheaper than taking a shuttle because for a shuttle you're paying 15 per person that already is going to be 30 taking a tax is going to cost you anywhere from 19 to 27 this is the uber pickup section there's a lot of people in this area so you guys have a question are you guys taking an uber to the strip uh yeah okay can i ask how much it costs about 40 bucks 14 bucks okay oh that's pretty cheap all right thanks i had to find out i'm obviously not taking an uber or a lift but they said a lift was costing 14 bucks that's actually pretty cheap so up to you guys if you want to wait and all that to get him over to your hotel all right let's go to the strip it got hot now so a few days ago i did put out an instagram story asking what is it that you guys want to know about visiting las vegas or what is it that you wish you would have known so i am going to answer some of those questions that you guys left for me throughout this whole video so make sure you watch the whole thing right now i am going to answer a few shauna 4877 said what's your favorite reasonable hotel to stay at so i actually would say to stay at the park mgm it's in a very central location and in case you guys don't know it used to be the monte carlo hotel then it was renovated and turned into the park mgm i want to say 2018 not sure i'll double check for you but the prices are actually pretty reasonable i mean it's not a low end hotel but it's not the highest end hotel so i would check that place out and i mean again it's very central has lots of great places there to eat um it has italy which is one of my favorites as well great bars as well and then they also have the aria tram that connects to it so it's going to get you over to a crystal shopping center and then also to the bellagio so that way it kind of helps you get around a little bit jmo801 said what time of year do pools close so that's actually a really good question so what happens is that usually every hotel will have at least one pool open year-round so if you're staying at a hotel that has multiple pools usually like around november like this year i believe it's going to be about november 1st they'll close all the big pools and then they'll have that one pool open year round every year is different because of course depending on the weather but usually they'll close the bigger pools from november until march so usually about march 1st is when all the pools start reopening and i am going to go ahead and add a kind of like a part b to this question um because i do get this a lot but no there are no indoor pools here in vegas all right we're going to go ahead and continue on but first i'm going to get me some coffee [Music] comment below if you remember what this place is from next question is going to be from a fellow youtuber his name is john here we are on youtube his question is coming to vegas on the super secret mission any advice on how i can have fun and work at the same time why yes john i have the perfect solution which is why surf track is the sponsor of this video surftrack is a vpn which keeps your online identity safe by encrypting all the information from your device to the internet that way your personal data is protected when you're using free wi-fi because hackers love free wifi and search track doesn't 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okay let's keep this q a adventure going [Music] okay we're gonna go check into our room [Music] now it got cold again [Music] so now that you're here at your hotel there's a few things that you have to consider about when checking in so first if you happen to come in before the typical 3pm check-in time just go ahead and go over to the front desk if they happen to have a room ready available then they'll just go ahead and give it to you um if they don't then usually they'll just call you or text you once your room is ready but if you wait until the 3 pm check-in time that's when the lines are the longest to the front desk so just go ahead and check in if you're here early secondly there's going to be a few things that you're going to be talking about with the front desk agent so for example if you're staying at a hotel that does charge for parking when you go into the garage you know to the gate you're going to press for a ticket make sure you take that ticket with you and to give it to the friend as agent because a lot of the times what they're going to do is that they're going to add on parking onto your hotel room key so that way you don't have to be paying each time you leave and then also it will include parking at its sister hotels so i know caesars would do that and the mgm resorts will do that too then also you're going to be talking about incidentals so hotels can hold anywhere from 100 to maybe 150 some may have a maximum of how much they'll hold others will actually go ahead and hold every single night that you're staying here and if you have a credit card then that's awesome because basically now you're going to be able to do room charges and then once you check out then the funds will be released back to your card and that can take anywhere from about three to five business days but if you end up using a debit card then they'll actually charge you those 100 to 150 per night and then a lot of the times you won't be able to do room charges of course it just depends by hotel so just make sure you ask that when you get there and then when you do check out it's going to be an actual refund that's going to be going back to your car so that's going to take anywhere from about 7 to 10 business days so totally up to you which one you want to use another really important one is adding people's names onto the room so this becomes very beneficial because the people that you add on to the room they're able to go ahead and make room charges too and then also let's just say you and that person split up and they don't have room key then they can just go over to the front desk show their id and then they'll give them another room key since their name is on the room but if their name isn't on the room then they can't get a room key and now they have to wait for you so definitely think about that one another thing is that you do have to be 21 and over to check into the hotels on the strip because they have casinos so if you're between those ages of 18 and 20 then you can just check into hotels that don't have casinos another thing if you happen to go through a third party like expedia or something like that and you need to make a change you have to call expedia you can't call a hotel to make any changes cancellations whatever it is you have to call the original company that you went through and sometimes it can be a little bit of a hassle going through them just because you know there's such big companies that you're going to be waiting on the phone forever just to talk to them sometimes it can be a little bit of a long process to make a change or a cancellation to a reservation so honestly it can be more beneficial if you just make the reservation directly to the hotel [Music] now if you do happen to check in early and your room's not ready yet what i recommend to do is go to the bell desk and drop off your bags there that way you're not having to haul your bags around while you're exploring the city and then same thing too for when you check out and let's say you have a later flight you can drop them off there at the bell desk and it's a free service so might as well use it [Music] [Applause] okay so there's a few things that i think you guys need to know about when staying in the hotel room this next one is very important because if you have one of these don't touch it just don't do it this is not a personal fridge this is a mini bar so if you pick up anything in here even if it's just to look at it you will get charged because everything in here is censored and they even have some that's up here on the countertop that's going to be censored as well so please if you're not planning on buying it just don't touch it don't even look at it and i know of a lot of people that they'll move stuff around because they want to put in like their own water bottle or whatever it is so whatever it is that you just touch you just gotta charge for it and i know that there are hotels out there that do include personal fridges in the standard rooms but honestly it's very rare so i am going to leave a list right here of all the hotels that i know will have personal fridges in their rooms now right now i am inside of a suite at the resorts world here at the conrad hotel and they do have a personal fridge right here on this section which that's actually really nice i'm not i'm honestly not sure if the regular rooms do have them too but it's nice to know that this section is available to you now if your hotel room does not include a personal fridge but you need something refrigerated like medicine insulin or breast milk just ask the front desk from medical fridge but i will let you know they are pretty small so don't be thinking that you can put in your food or drinks in there okay more things to talk about so if you've been to vegas before then you probably already know this next one but staying here you are going to have to pay resort fees a resort fee is a church that is added on top of your room price for every single night that you're staying and basically you're going to be paying for things like local and toll-free calls wi-fi fitness center printing a boarding passes kind of things like that but every single hotel is going to be different now regardless if you're going to be using these amenities or not everybody pays for resort fees there's absolutely no way of getting out of it i know it's not something that you want to hear but i'd rather you know now and just start accepting it now so if you want to cona vegas you're going to pay for a resort fee now again every single hotel is going to be different they're going to charge differently have different inclusions right here on the strip it's in from like 30 or 35 or even more per night and if you're off the strip is about 20 or more per night and another thing yes weed is legal in las vegas however though if you're gonna smoke it you're supposed to smoke it in a private residence not a hotel room because if you smoke it in a hotel room and it leaves a smell you get a huge hotel fee like 500 that's what a few different hotel places told me and it's also not legal to do it out on the streets i know a lot of people do it anyway because when you walk around the strip sometimes you will smell it but again it's not legal so if a cop catches you and you're in trouble you know why okay so i am going to go ahead and answer a couple more of your guys's questions it's tom jones jr as how do you prevent burnout of vegas 24 7. so i don't know if you mean this like for a local or for a visitor but as a local i mean the strip is here for me all the time you know i can come whenever i want obviously i am here a lot is because for work and then i know that there's a lot of people that they live here or even that they're visitors and you know they're going to clubs all the time and yes it does create burnout but i mean obviously just space it out you don't have to be going out all the time and then personally for me i try not to go out on fridays and saturdays yes i know here it's like that's the time to be here because it's so busy and everything's open and everything's going on but just i don't know i don't really like going out on fridays and saturdays because again everything is just so packed i kind of prefer to go out sunday to thursday honestly but i mean for visitors um just you know get a lot of sleep drink a lot of water water is a really big one because again we are in the desert so a lot of people do get dehydrated without even like thinking about it um that is something that you need to like keep in mind just drink a lot of water but am i burned out of las vegas no i'm not okay the next question is from sherelle's when does the snow fall in the neighborhood hills and is about to go through their drink so here in vegas yes it does snow but very little it usually snows like in january because that january is going to be our coldest month here and honestly vegas just doesn't have the best drivers a lot of people here don't know how to drive in rain let alone snow so if there is snow just you know be careful in it i and again it's very little that falls so you're not going to really get to enjoy it unless you go all the way to mount charleston say hi to matthew said where can i find the best pizza i think matthew got a case of the alzheimer's but if you guys want to check it out i did this video right here with matthew okay so i'm not actually staying here they just let me borrow the room so we're gonna go on to the next place okay so you're finally checked in you're settled in and now it's time to go somewhere if you're gonna take an uber lift they do have a designated pickup spot at every single hotel they're only allowed to pick up there so please make sure that you get familiarized with those locations and secondly so this is a tip that i wish i would have mentioned in my vegas without a car video but i completely forgot but if you're out on the street and you're trying to haul a taxi they are not going to stop for you because they're not supposed to taxis also do have a designated pickup area at every single hotel which is usually over by their valet so if they don't stop for you in the middle of the street well now you know why too okay i'm sorry let's go get food [Music] that was pretty good i was starving so i just want to go ahead and finish off some of the questions that you guys sent me so zees said just want to stop by and say your videos are awesome well thank you dodgers blue five asked he so walked around the las vegas strip with an alcoholic container so the simple answer is yes however though there are some rules here on the las vegas trip you can have alcohol in plastic up aluminum cups and paper cups absolutely no glass even if the drink is non-alcoholic no glass at all now on fremont street experience the rules are a little bit different there's no aluminum cans or glass at all now over there you basically can't walk around with an alcoholic beverage that you bought from a convenience store so for example over there there is an abc store you just can't go in there buy your drink and walk around on fremont street because what they do is that when you buy they'll put it in a paper bag and then they'll seal it you know because you're not supposed to drink it so then if you do get caught the authorities there at fremont street can confiscate your drink so as long as you bought it at a restaurant a bar or a casino in fremont street then you're perfectly fine to take it out in public now i do have a few more topics that i want to personally talk about that i think would help you guys on your trip so as for parking fees pretty much about 85 of the strip will be charging for parking the only ones that will not will be the venetian palazzo treasure island tropicana the strat circus circus resorts world right now i think that's it so i do know that for mgm resorts and for caesars entertainment if you're the second level on their players club you do get free parking and then i believe if you're the third level um if you're gonna get free valet but basically the first hour that you park is going to be free and then from hour one to hour four it's like between 12 to 15 depending on the hotel from hour four to hour 24 it's going to go up between 15 to 18 and then in fremont street you do have to pay for parking everywhere even on the streets so i did mention this also in my vegas without a car video but here make sure you bring comfortable shoes because you're going to be doing a lot of walking i know everything looks like it's really nearby but it's really not just from the parking lot to the hotel to me is a really long walk sometimes and girls i know that you want to wear your heels but if you can skip it just do it a smart way to kind of get around it you can bring chunky heels or have wedges with you and really here in vegas it's actually not appropriate to walk around barefoot or with your shoes in your hand like some hotels will make you put the mech on like at the wind if you walk around barefoot they'll they'll tell you to put your heels back on regardless of how much pain you're in okay another one is going to be time share scams that's why i don't want to say that they're scams because there really is a time share however though if you do get pulled by people they'll say that it's only a two-hour presentation but you're really gonna be there for about maybe six to eight hours so totally after you if you want to spend your time like that another one is have your id with you at all times and i really do mean this one because a lot of places will card for credit card transactions and especially to the club doesn't matter how old you are or how old you look they are gonna check for id and having a picture of your id on your phone is not a valid form and the very last one i do want to say is just treat the employees nicely you know if you are nice to them you know they're going to want to help you out more even if you have a problem you know if you're nice and you're patient they're gonna go above and beyond for you if you're being rude all they're gonna do is try to end the conversation as quickly as possible just to get you out of their face so being nice really helps so to everybody that replies to my post about what you want to know about visiting vegas thank you so much um there were a few questions that i did not answer because they were more like topics that i could do a whole video about or there were things that i've already talked about in past videos so if you guys do like this please let me know i do want to help you guys out so that way you just know everything there is so you know to know about vegas so i do ask that you please give this video a thumbs up subscribe share it with your friends and comment below let me know what you want to know about isabelle las vegas thanks so much for watching and i'm sorry that it's so loud i'll see you guys next time [Music] hello everyone i'm going to wait for that shutout the airport's not a quiet place company there's captain and then there's beltrans god is windy trans so this one is going to be a little bit more expensive it's going to be fit jesus oh wait you have zones so they have uh an instagram story about what do you want what do you guys want to do so a few days ago oh my god just start playing piano in the middle but if you didn't add their name they then and then same thing [Music] out if you have a later flyer there's a few things that i think you should know i can't say anything okay so there's a few things that i think you should know about wednesday be able to feel like drinks or food or anything just it's basically just sin or breast milk you can't ask a friend that's for a medicine or breast milk just ask the front desk for a medical first place [Music] but it's not illegal so if you do get caught by a cop cop oh my god okay i can't fight the noises we're here at the airport so there's gonna be noises here
Channel: Norma Geli
Views: 108,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: las vegas, las vegas strip, las vegas downtown, local las vegas, las vegas restaurants, vegas blog, vegas blogger, vegas vlog, las vegas girl, what to do in las vegas, las vegas guide, las vegas after covid, las vegas trip, fremont street experience, cheap las vegas, las vegas bars, old vegas, cheap restaurants, best of las vegas, cheap eats, mccaran airport, le macaron, venetian, resorts world, conrad hotel, the park, nyny, Tom's urban, what to know about las vegas
Id: KZQOwl0H__8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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