My 3D Printer Collection is Getting Ridiculous

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a few weeks ago maker's muse blew the whistle on rampant corporate manipulation corrupting the 3d printing community to its very core soulless drones with eyes like sharks are dangling free gear and filthy lucr in front of your favorite youtubers in return for unboxings product placements and honest reviews well fear not voidlings for i am above that my augmented mind operates on nothing but pure cold logic the plumpest paycheck would pale in comparison to my perception of my e3d tool changers legendary versatility all the swag in the world couldn't touch my opinion of my dependable yet affordable prusa i3 mark 3s plus affiliate links in the description below today i present to you a critical part of every video that i've never really shown in any of them and that is my printers themselves come see what i use how i customize them and what i think of them free from the insidious shadow of corporate influence this video is brought to you by wondershare filmora go the easy to use full featured video hey i think that might have meant video editing app if you're creating content for youtube tick tock or instagram and you're doing it right there in the app you're dumb because fillmore go is fast free and flexible and lets you cut videos professionally right on your device itself you can trim your footage you can add voice over you can apply visual effects and you can even kick it up a notch spicy transition maybe i should use one of those once in a while if you prefer not to get copyright struck simply browse their library of over 1 000 royalty-free tracks that you can drag right into your project wondershare updates fillmore go in with fresh filters stickers and more so download it right away in your favorite bathroom entertainment device and if you like it shout me out in a review on the app store to spread void star labs nefarious influence across cyberspace thank you wondershare for being unwitting dupes and our plans for global domination oh crap i never showed the title card there we go you're watching void star lab by the way ladies gentlemen cyborgs i keep saying that we're not a 3d printing channel yet every single one of our videos features at least one thing i printed even the wizardry episode had the firestone from the fifth element like no one noticed it voidstar lab has six 3d printers it's 18 dimensions but it wasn't always like this for most of my career i had only a single printer and the first one was a makerbot replicator 2 that i bought in 2014 for mere 2.6 bitcoins i regret everything i've ever done a few years later i moved to new york city i started playing ingress and i proceeded to troll a local player so relentlessly that they put on pants and rushed out to kick my ass they turned out to be a she she was kind of cute and she and i got talking about 3d printing and hey look at this handsome devil who just happens to have a 3d printer in his creepy basement apartment oh work took a picture of the print she thought it'd be the last time she ever saw a 3d printer in someone's house a few years later i printed an ingress capsule to carry our wedding rings down the aisle do you remember that episode where i printed a boat in every filament well that filament wasn't every enough so i kind of bought the rest of them turns out that printing a hundred boats in jank-ass exotic polymers takes a little bit longer than anticipated so i am gonna buy some time by for the first time showing you my stuff i also put way too much time and cash into building an insane water cooled for extruder super printer and i will be damned if i can't turn that into at least six and a half minutes of content before we get to scorperis the inspector gadget of printers let's take a quick detour into resinville colorado it was only last week that i got the workshop organized well enough to position a box fan in front of the window to suck the noxious vapors from the printers and blow them right into mother nature's stupid face as much as i would love to tell you about sticky ricky sticky vicky and the rest of my resin printers and setups stuff i just haven't used them enough lately to opine today we're all about the filament onwards to the dehumidifier welcome to my humidity controlled fill filament repository slash micro print farm in the center is a dehumidifier fit for a small house capable of keeping this 4.5 cubic meter closet a saharan 15 humidity and 36 degrees centigrade that is about 150 cubic feet and 97 fahrenheit for those who play football with oblate spheroids nothing can really help for nylon peak and pva because those filaments could find water on mars but i got a backup plan for that i built this air fryer to dry them out i got this toaster oven to try them out every cubic inch that can fit filament is filled with filament because well i got an episode coming up it's got a lot of filaments this rack up here is my own design it's got ball bearing wheels that keep even the extra thickest spools ready to feed the eager printers below filament samples get rewound onto these 3d printed reels and mounted on the wall like platinum records the security deposit on my apartment was a mere 300 a small sacrifice in exchange for savagely smashing the standard shelving and setting up a sideboard from a certain self-serve swedish sofa supplier some of these spools are just too stupid for sensible storage solutions such as this tire size zortrax petg so i printed some pegs that will hook those into this horrendous mini wire rack from ikea that's more warped than my comment section all of these models at least the ones i get permission for and made myself are linked in the description by the way long time viewers do you remember time traveling gentleman zack well when i was a kid i jumped him at a beanie baby convention and i stole his hat i still have it i keep it up there i ditched the replicator too in 2018 because it kind of sucks and so began the reign of the sultan of squirt this one perugia i3 mark iii has carried me through dozens of clients and nerf related side hustle and a bit of a career change last year which makes it the only piece of 3d printing equipment that i got for voidstar lab the prototype development agency not void star lab the youtube clown fiesta i needed something that worked right out of the box without having to put it now that i get paid to abuse technology in front of a live studio audience i've found that the mark iii is in fact very affordable and i have since the out of it i've upgraded the sultan to the mark 3s i added an onboard webcam to look at and stream my prints connected a raspberry pi running octo print and finally i added a bi-metal heat break and a nickel pleated copper heating block which both let me push the temperature a little further and stabilize my printage i added a buck regulator to power the studio quality overhead lighting and i hacked a wire from its enable pin to an unused gpio on the driver board that lets me turn the lights on and off with g-code and i am extremely proud of this for some reason it's like the only actual hardware hack on this hardware hacking channel i also threw an extruder spinner on there it adds at least 10 the electronics enclosure looks like it overheated a little bit it'll be it'll be fine what's the worst that could happen the standard sultan of squirt setup is an 0.6 millimeter olsen ruby that's a brass nozzle with an ultra hard synthetic gemstone authentic ruby set into the tip this nozzle has crunched dozens of spools packed with the most abrasive additives like sawdust carbon fiber kevlar fiberglass and while the brass parts look like a urinal in chernobyl the tip looks just as pristine and it works just as well as it did when i installed it the day i built the printer the sultan is my weapon of choice for getting stuff done is not the fastest printer out there it's not the smallest cheapest or strongest but it is loaded up with goof-proof fail-safes that shield me from the consequences of my own terrible decisions and important for a youtube accreditor the open frame makes it really easy to photograph let's descend into the next circle of hank and shake hands with the squire of squirt this is a prusa i3 mark 3s plus that prusa research themselves sent me last december i barely had 2 000 subscribers at the time i've never actually mentioned this in a video but my deepest thanks go out to nicholas from the crucial research content team thanks for believing in me i really appreciate it when you have less than a week to build each project the difference between being able to run off one thing at a time and two things at a time is monumental anyways the mark 3s plus is like 95 identical to the mark 3s the improvements are important but they're not they're not sexy they're more of like the fit finish precision repairability side in the 3d meta prints video which i'm going to put a little pop-up there we added some overhead lighting an extruder spinner and a raspberry pi also running octoprint depending on what i'm making the squire is always filtered great english buddy squire is always fitted with either an 0.4 millimeter olsen ruby yes i bought a second expensive ruby nozzle hashtag buy it for life or my most recent acquisition an 0.8 millimeter e3d nozzle x the latter is a rock hard tool steel nozzle coated with nickel and non-stick unobtanium the non-stick coating makes sure that things go on the print not on the print er yeah you might have noticed that each printer is perched on a cement slab which itself is resting on a bit of carpet padding these might not look like it but they are exactly what they look like this is a cheap ass yet effective ass hack that i learned from the much cooler ass youtuber cnc kitchen and its main job is to contain vibrations the padding and the extra mass from the big ass rock quiet down the machines which is really important because i have to print while i record sometimes preventing the thing from shaking also improves the surface quality the durability and it keeps one printer from interfering with another speaking of in the corner we've got the squirt viper that's any cubic viper the company set me for a sponsored stream this is basically an ender with a package of pre-installed upgrades and the truth is that 3fdm printer seems to be enough for me so i plan to dump this on a maker in need for the purpose of virtue signaling i know what you people want foreign running clipper only my patrons could convince me to do something that labor intensive and even then only on zach friedman what do you say we uh close this door and head back into the lab you have to say yes cause because this isn't an interactive medium get broadcasted on we've arrived at the star of the show this is corporis my e3d tool changer a modular 3d printer with four independent extruders configured for specific tasks the tool changer isn't really a printer right it's just a receiver it rides on this gantry called the motion system and it actually equips and swaps its extruder's mid-print from this rack of tools in the back the plate runs straight up 120 volt ac and hits 200 celsius and i pimped this thing out with a full enclosure and a little dehumidifier and tons of special purpose tools this enables the scorperus to handle any combination of 1.75 millimeter dead dinosaur noodles what do you say we take this good boy for a walk the boringest tools in the scorpius are the two in the middle a pair of direct drive hammers these are as basic as possible aluminum v6 heater blocks 30 watt cartridges and 0.4 millimeter brass nozzles the idea is to maximize the odds that the filament suppliers recommended settings are going to work out of the box because remember for that every filament episode i'm running a lot of samples if i waste it that's it the hammer has the shortest distance from the gear to the nozzle in the lab which makes these guys my first choice for floppy flexible filaments that want to give the drive gear a big old hug and cost me hours disassembling and reassembling my printers to clear jams renee a major contributor to the tool changer project convinced me to upgrade the fans and i appreciate his engineering but i think you might have over respect them a little these fans 30 blow as hard as the stock fans hundred percent and this thing's hundred percent is so powerful that the filament barely has a chance to touch the previous layer before it solidifies is it worth it i'm sorry i can't hear you over the deafening roar of five watt park cooling fans to the right is a third hammer i accept this one's configured for high temperature high speed operation i upgraded the aluminum heater block with a nickel plated copper volcano the wimpy thermistor with a pt-100 rtd and i added a titanium heat break 0.6 millimeter nozzle x and another giga chad fan all of these mods allow us to safely bring the nozzle temperature above 300 celsius and jam way more filament onto the plate per second but even the volcano has its limits if we batten down the enclosure and crank the heater beyond 350 heat will saturate the gearbox and inevitably jam the system at this super nasty clog heat is also being absorbed into the stepper motor through its face and drive shaft and because the enclosure itself the chamber is heating up there's nothing to get rid of the heat so the motor will eventually short out and melt its insulation this brings us to the final extruder on the far left the titan aqua this thing was not intended to fit the tool changer so i actually had to design my own mounting bracket from scratch and print it in high temperature carbon fiber nylon the hammers have 30 watt heaters but this has a 60 watt monster as well as a full set of high temperature hot side parts the magic is the central bracket it's actually a water block and the pump on the side of the printer circulates coolant directly through the core of the extruder note how this has neither a part cooling fan nor an extruder fan like fans of my channel this thing's fans are a safe distance away on the other side of a wall by cooling the motor and extruder with room temperature air the titan aqua can blast 400 degree filament in 100 degree enclosure for hours and hours without risking a backup or a catastrophic meltdown as cringe-tacular as a liquid-cooled 3d printer sounds on paper this is actually the only device in voidstar lab in which the liquid cooling is necessary remember you can't do air cooling if the air inside the chamber is 100 celsius we got some more neat tech on the side of the printer here is a logitech brio 4k webcam on a suction mount so i can keep an eye on the prints and even stream that satisfying tool changer asmr this was actually contributed by micro center we got a bit of an arrangement now they're going to be sponsoring some projects check the description for some free stuff we also have a raspberry pi and an sd card reader and in the front is an ultra wide screen touch screen left over from the screen of the data blaster cyberdeck screen in a custom screen mount this is not running octoprint this is the duet web control and it's being served directly from the printer's duet wi-fi motherboard since when did official reprap products have the best ux on the market am i on crazy pills the motherboard is equipped with its expansion board and that even has its own expansion board the scorperus is literally fully loaded so what am i printing with all this hardware well everything our next episode is printing a benchy with nearly every filament we've got everything from investment casting wax to chia pet growing medium to kevlar filled polyamide to fireproof polycarbonate to igis low friction tribo material so hit subscribe if you want to see that thanks again to filmorago for making this episode possible no matter what you make if it doesn't exist online it never happened so use the links in the description to download the free video editor to help the channel and get your projects out there so i can see them without our super generous patron support i would have a full printer but an empty fridge i tip my metaphorical fedora to our exceptional collaborators jeremy arnold schwedivage chuck vadook small dong cmd i think it's actually command i'm increasingly going over the command side i'm not beta core and introducing bryan d swollen nut i've hidden their names somewhere in this episode can you match wits with my genius give a dad joke round of applause to our inspirational lab assistant supporters these pulsating wads of flesh include my getashamama sir derpington of derptopia zack philip autismo good suck varka joe harp michael roche powerful cch eddie sasham what the hell's wrong with you people bill schooler sxp reagan says shout out to zfyfubrook say hi waifu brook zamphorian azundo nathan johnson brad cox trans rights taranak kevin degraff rusty flute chrome runner victor vaughn nino gancitano mark whittington talent democratic socialist and a pretty righteous dude jason lewallen roger pinkham wait he wanted me to say rocha pinkham of a theater he has a theater i i'll put the thing on the thing i forgot to think the thing before we think the thing zoster michael dunn the world's greatest drone pilot bought grinder fpv frantic fanatic cats bob dobbington connor barnes my dog is a bear gygasm acalia powershell is better than command the antifa daniel cadwell blm and friends protagonist lydia cape robert breeze c harris period clocks olivia yiptong e pun man and one count em one handful of beans i'd like to thank brooke the finest freelance makeup artiste that i'm married to and our discord mods dr eagle talon technique and my fair julie you can join their ranks star lab talk about all kinds of projects and stuff thanks for watching and thanks for waiting because i'm about to deliver you literally everything and you'll see that [Music] in the future bye-bye
Channel: Zack Freedman
Views: 291,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, zack friedman, zach friedman, zach freedman, voidstar lab, voidstar labs, 3d printing, 3d printed projects, diy projects, e3d toolchanger, prusa, prusa i3 mk3s, filament, storing filament, electronics fails, workshop tour, room tour, engineering workshop, 3d printing workshop, 3d printer collection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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