My 3 Year Roller Coaster Journey With An Omega Aqua Terra!

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hello and welcome to just one more watch I think at least three of you have asked for this video over the last three years so here it is I unbox this one kind of live it was one of the first unboxing videos that I had made and quite breathlessly and excitedly as I remember it about three years ago when I got it and it's appeared and I can a cameo capacity in numerous stay in the collection videos and loom wars episode since then but I haven't made a proper dedicated review video so I thought that's what I would do today my journey so far and it has been a bit of a journey with this the Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra Master coaxial chronometer thirty eight and a half millimeter a ke my engagement watch this was the watch to my girlfriend who's now my wife bought me the day she became my fiancee if you see what I mean now while we're on that subject gentlemen let's start on tradition the tradition of the diamond engagement ring was pretty much a fabrication by the beers in the 1940s I think in the 2020s given the equality that is everywhere these days we should start a tradition of our own if a lady wants her hand in marriage she has to put a nice watch on our wrist first ladies what do you think of that one would you be happy to secure a man with our watch would indeed you prefer a watch to the diamond ring that is currently the tradition leave me a comment let me know what you think let's start the campaign it starts here so I thought today I would present a bit of a narrative I'm just gonna sit here and talk to the camera I'm gonna pop up pictures as appropriate I'm also gonna put in plenty of video footage as well over the course of this review it is a stunning stunning look and watch this aqua terra i hope that my video ography skills can do this one justice Allah shall pop in a loom video Nokia 10 graph a report etc etc some of the usual review component good stuff but like I said I have been on a bit of a journey so in the spirit of a three-year long term report I thought I'd split that journey into three different sections the bittersweet beginning the uncomfortable middle and the happy ending always nice to have happy ending isn't it so I recommend you maybe crank the speed up to 1.25 get yourself a cup of tea now Becky and settle in this one goes back to June 2017 and it probably goes back a couple of decades further than that I have always been a fan of Omega watches and indeed after a couple of omegas long-term most of the 90s were spent with this little 34 mill oh my gosh see master dressy piece on the Jubilee bracelet quartz of course still tickin away nicely on my wrist most of the natis the 2000s were spent with this Omega Seamaster 200 pre bond on my wrist I remember buying it in fantastic condition for two hundred and fifty pounds in Glasgow and then proceeding to beat it to death over the next decade if that one's ever gonna tech again it probably needs a new movement so all they got like Casio really two of my favorite watch bands and the probably the brand I've worn most over the years now my wife and I both were at Sydney Opera House that's where we made and indeed that's where we got married a couple of years ago and we worked with a friend and colleague called King now King is one of my closest horror Bros my watch buddies he and I have encouraged each other to buy too many watches over the years and he's got a fantastic collection he's got a vintage date just relax he's got a speed master he's got a black bay 58 he's got a sequence arm he's got a whole bunch of other stuff as well and I got this slightly mysterious message from him in June 17 he was in the jewelers with two Omega aqua tenors on his wrist now the Aqua Terra is a watch that I had expressed a fondness for on more than one occasion to him he said in his message hey Judi what do you prefer do you like the black down the blue dial the big one or the small one now I could smell the fish from the message I knew what was going on he had bought an Omega Speedmaster from the same jeweler three days before hence the reason I asked how big was your tax return I suspected my girlfriend was sitting not too far away when that photo was taken and you saw my response definitely the black one definitely the smaller the 30 and a half but definitely not that moral I'd be looking for all stock because I can't no polished mid links I have long been an admirer of the Aqua Terra it really is that can I go anywhere do anything watch equally a home at the theater on the Opera and really any circumstance any kind of dressy environment you could put to it but capable of jumping in the sea or the swimming pool or whatever it's the surf and turf it really is their kind of perfect one watch but it's become more and more dressy as the years as the model series has progressed and not long before 2017 perhaps it was for that model year they added polished metal inks I just can't handle polished middlings our conversation went back and forth from there I realized what was going on I realized how much money these watches cost and I tried to steer her via him into a black b-36 a quartz Aquitaine or something that wasn't gonna cost quite so much money being the good scotsman that I am but anyway the conversation fizzled out and the big day the day of her engagement appeared the next month July 2017 now actually I'm quite proud of myself I delivered the proposal that was indeed romantic magical whimsical effortful and spontaneous all the things that I was told that it had to be I had organized for a thick shift at work to be put on the roster then I said you're not going to work today we're going to the Hunter Valley we drove up there had a lovely lunch and then I'd organised our cheese factory my wife loves cheese I'd organize that kind of private cheese tasting and proposal and flowers and all the rest of it and true enough I popped the question and gave her a small box with a little shiny ring in it and before she said yes she gave me a truly enormous box and I do mean a truly enormous box containing an Omega Seamaster aqua terra she said yes I said yes I truly cheesy proposal I brought the watch back to Sydney I unboxed it on video it's a stunning stunning watch I mean not surprisingly you're paying good money for these omegas beautifully finished you know remarkable looking dial in hands quite blingy quite eye catching by design but it had those polished mid links I went to the jeweler I've got them to size it up for me West I scratch it and I did start to wear inevitably getting scratches on those polished meddlings I live in Sydney as most of you probably know if you don't know I live in Sydney Sydney's quite sunny I Drive a manual car at least I did at the time my last two cars were manual or stick shift as you North Americans call it and I remember driving one day with the Aqua Terra on my wrist and changing gears and it was like a glitter ball in my car the ceiling was just awash with the light reflection off of those polished metal inks I actually took the watch off put it in my glove box and I thought this can't continue what has gone wrong here so I tried workaround solutions straps you don't have to have the watch on a bracelet obviously indeed Omega self it is strap options but they're bloody expensive the point of buying a luxury watch it's like a luxury car you pay a fortune for parts and service thereafter I think they're holding a leather straps for these 19 male lug width thanks for that Omega are about 450 Aussie dollars so being the good scotsman that I am again I try to under work around up or hush 1918 and I knew you could buy the little buckles separately from Omega so I did for a speed master and I bought an 18 mill one wore that for a while wasn't all that comfortable with it I'm a brace that guy after all I try that kind of knockoff seal cloth deployment thing wasn't really all that enamored with that either I even bought a collar and now that one had a 16 mil buckles so I had to buy another one of those Speedmaster buckles my wife said this one looked like a piece of dried-up don't poo on my wrists so that one didn't last of course either so I spent a couple of months cannae unsatisfactorily chasing a solution to my problems when there was one obvious one get the bracelet refinished now that's the bittersweet start of the story ending and uncomfortable middle of the story beginning I took the watch to a local jeweler in neutral B in Sydney who shall remain nameless because he hacked it I paid a hundred and ten dollars came back a couple of days later and it wasn't awful but it wasn't fantastic at all I thought it Judy this is the nightmare scenario you've buggered around with a really expensive watch and you don't like the end result I'll leave a picture up here I'll zoom in it wasn't even straight the brush wasn't even straight especially on the end links I don't know what he'd done he didn't do a good job though that's for sure however it did begin the canna rehabilitation process for me and the Aqua Terra and I wore it more even on that slightly mangled bracelet than I had been on the leather strap or the high polish Santa Mike bracelet but I still wasn't entirely uncomfortable with a watch that really is mindful life and I should be entirely comfortable with enter another Omega the Omega Seamaster 300 that I picked up around the middle of last year now this watch had just been fully restored and the condition was incredible it was beautifully finished and it had been refinished by a guy called Michael who works in the demyx building in Sydney and I thought why don't you take your slightly mangled bracelet thanks neutral beige jeweler to Michael and pay him another $80 to refinish it he refinished it it's not factory but it's a damn sight better and it wasn't it actually looks like it belongs on the Omega and here's where the happy ending for me begins that was about a year ago and I have worn the watch twice as much in the last year as I wore it in the first two years of ownership I adore it and now it's the watch that I truly wanted now it is a keeper it's a lifer it's everything I can ask for and it's a stunning stunning thing to look at when it's on my wrist now as you can see from the video footage here it is a stunning watch as you can also see it has picked up a number of scuffs and scratches over the last three years I'm sure some of you are recoiling in horror I'm okay with that I don't have that sixteenths that avoids kitchen counters and doorknobs I'm afraid so watches in my company always get a bit scuffed and scratched but I'm okay it's all part of the character it's all part of the charm of the watch and this one isn't going anywhere it's a lifer it's a keeper so the more scratches the merrier as far as I'm concerned in some ways the more scratch the case and bracelet become the more that dial just pops which brings me on to the three things that I think are fantastic and the three things that I think aren't quite so fantastic and I'll start with the negatives starting with the butterfly clasp arrangement I have always worn watches that have had diverse style class and therefore had micro-adjustable in so it did take some getting used to this the best you're gonna do is a half link or a full link you can kind of fiddle around with those to try and get the right fit but as a consequence I wear this one low and I wear this one loose it doesn't quite have the versatility that you get if it had a diverse class I appreciate it it's a bit neater on wrist though as a consequence the second thing that I wasn't all that impressed with is the fact that that crown is a little bit sharper than I think it should be if you're wearing a watch law if you're winning on the watch loose it is gonna drift down your arm and if the crown is sharp you're gonna know about it not something that is a long-term problem but it was something I had to get used to initially a few kind of sharp pages on the underside of it as well but aqua Terra's always have had that slightly angular look the third thing is the movement now this is a chronometer it says as much on the dial but I've never felt that it ran quite within cost specs all they got apparently test these and regulate them to run within minus 4 to +4 I did various kind of watch check apps on this one when I first got it and I got it running at plus seven plus eight not quite the plus six that it would require to be chronometer certified legitimately now on the time graph are here you can see this one runs at twenty-five thousand two hundred vibrations per hour so seven ticks per second three-and-a-half Hertz that helps with the power reserve it's got a great 70 out power serve but you don't quite get the smooth high beat sweep that you would from a twenty eight thousand eight hundred when I change the position as you can see it blowing slightly out of cost range on a couple of them healthy amplitude you know not much beat error is a three or watch after all but I always felt it ran a bit quick it's a five-year warranty on these watches so I've got two more years to take it back I probably will do so before too long before I forget I'm stuck with it three things I like it's an Omega it's not a Rolex it's not anything else I guess omegas a brand that I've had a real connection with over the years so I'm delighted that are really important watch for me is from a really important brand to me and one that I have been wearing on and off for 25 years or more and hopefully will wear for 25 years more to come the second thing I really like and I alluded to it earlier on is this 70 hour power reserve I found that really useful on this watch I've talked about this before if you have a bit of a collection a bit of a rotation and they're all automatics and there's quite often a scenario where you look into your watch box and they've all got different times and different dates on them the only guy at least is the last one running so there is always a chance that it's still running and I can pick it back up and put it on if I'm wearing it Monday to Friday but put it back in the box it is still taken on a Monday morning for me which i think is great and the third thing I like probably the biggest attractant that I have towards this watch is the dial and the handset it is just perfection it really really is beautiful I borrowed mr. x's Rolex explorer iWatch which I've long admired as well and I gave it back to him and I put this one back on and was just kind of blown away by how good it looked anti-reflective coating and heaps of it it comes up blue on camera a lot of the time you can't even see the anti-reflective coating at all you can't even see the fact that's a piece of glass on here it's just straight on to that dial and the dial is a stunner I know they've updated this model a couple of times since my wife bought me this one they move the date round at six o'clock and they've changed the orientation of the stripes from vertical to horizontal I like the date at six I think that's a good thing vertical horizontal I don't really think it makes a difference what they haven't changed is fundamentally how beautiful the dial and a handset is the handset is gorgeous there's an adequate amount of LUMO on them as well I presume as bgw 9 it's called that can a blue glow perhaps there could have been a bit more definition between the hands the minute hand looks a lot like the second hand as you can kind of see here then when I speed it up it does a not bad job considering it's not a low no dive watch again it's that surf interface that gather that everyday wear and the Loon certainly helps cover that particular point well so there you have it my three-year journey so far with this gorgeous Omega Seamaster awkward it has been a bit of a journey started in a high there are a couple of wobbles in my back on a higher game and long me that I continued I big thank you to the beautiful the wonderful the generous missus JAMA not that she watches any my videos anyway but thank you to you my love I know that you wanted to buy me something it was important for you to buy me something of equal value and significance not just monetary value but kind of emotional value as the engagement ring that I bought you so thank you and I love it I really do love it and I forgive the comment I've been a piece of dried dog poo and you how are you how was your cup of tea I assume you went through a couple of biscuits over the course of this one as well thank you for watching I will see you in a future video you
Channel: Just One More Watch
Views: 105,142
Rating: 4.9312601 out of 5
Keywords: omega aqua terra 38.5mm, omega aqua terra 41.5mm, omega aqua terra 38mm, omega aqua terra gmt, omega aqua terra review, omega aqua terra black, omega aqua terra unboxing, omega seamaster aqua terra 38mm, omega seamaster aqua terra 150m, just one more watch, jomw, aqua terra long term review
Id: u5Ow5VLePro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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