My 3 Favorite Pasta Salads! | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends summer is here it's hard there cool food is in order oh yes and I'm gonna make you my favorite pasta salad you don't want to think of pasta salad I think of a pasta dish how do we make a beautiful pasta dish but I want to make it cold that's what I did I'm gonna show you how to make my favorite three at the end of the show I'll tell you which one of my favorite one remember thumbs up you like video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned friends I'm gonna show you how to make three amazing phenomenal delicious pasta salad [Applause] okay friends well we're gonna start with the easiest one with the pesto based sauce really simple make it without whatever pasta you are of course I like the orequate because it means the little ears you can put a bunch of stuff in it you know this is great for volunteers they're great for all kind of stuff so make it with whatever pasta you want penne ziti whatever they're all wonderful all right so look guys uh we got a Parmigiano-Reggiano we're gonna put and we're gonna process it just a little bit the parmigiano just a little bit let's go in a bit I dealt with a food processor the way the mushroom blender whatever you want um and then we're gonna put the ingredient then we know very well we know the ingredient works very well for um for a pesto based things and Jack you know what I forgot the almonds oh well magically they appear so friends you can put pine nuts I got them I'm gonna put the pine nuts in the salad you see the price of pine nuts these days you gotta take a second mortgage on the house to buy some pine nuts these days so I keep them for the salad instead of grind them up and you know what I love to do put almonds in a pesto okay little almonds and uh and then a little garlic in there and level right you are just a little garlic here garlic and um and then uh uh what else we're gonna put in here oh we're gonna put the basil leaves friends Basil Leaf if you if you can do if you have a choice you want to put small basil leaves that's about a couple of cups of Basil Leaf right there right and uh and a pinus we're gonna put them later and we're gonna process this with some beautiful olive oil I'm using a garlic olive oil use whatever olive oil you want and now you can already buy friends the best door when he made them yeah well buy a pesto already made it then you don't need to go through this up to you this is really easy yeah I mean I I like to make it of course because I got all the equipment and everything but you don't have time to make it just buy a pesto made already there's some good one out there we're gonna process it it's easier if you make it yourself okay but if you don't have the time or the inclination inclination that's a fancy world for me anyway little olive oil difference all right look piece of cake look at this beautiful pesto okay this is going to be the base for our dressing all right now the pasta friends I cook them Al Dente Bernardo Al Dente and I don't rinse them okay oh Mamma Mia don't ever rinse them if you rent a pasta you wash out all the stars you need that starch that stuff first of all um first of all uh it's got a great texture we love the texture of it but second of all friends uh it'll help us thicken whatever it is we put on here so it's really important it's part of the texture so don't ever rinse it okay my friends don't ever rinse the pasta I don't care if it's cold you're cooking when they come out of the water all you got to do is just put a little bit of olive oil on it and shake them put a little bit of olive oil and that's it put a lot of water in your pasta I didn't want to waste your time showing you how to cook pasta everybody knows a little cooked pasta all right friends so there you go depends the pasta eight minutes 10 minutes 12 minutes depends the pasta depends the manufacturers there's a lot of great Brands out there I love the Chaco they check a pasta I think it's fantastic it's one of the best pasta there is adding about there's a lot of good one also there's a lot of great pasta look I leave a little bit in there in case I want to put it a bit at the end we're going to put a pine nuts yeah we're gonna wait our money's worth right there we don't grind them up cherry tomatoes cut cherry tomatoes all right now cheers friends you can put goat cheese you can put feta cheese you can put little mozzarella balls have you ever had those those are really cool mozzarella balls put them right in there look a little feta cheese you buy crumble come by goat cheese crumble right you can't do that all right look look how simple that is friends you could also add some black olives to this up to you my friends I probably I I like it with black olive but I'm going to put black olive in the other one also another thing you want to do is you want to bring a little fresh my friends a little freshness so you know what I do I take a little bit of the lemon zest and you know every time I use that because we have remember every day every day every day we have 1500 2 000 new subscribers and they don't know how to use the tool so for those of you that heard me a hundred times say how to do it remember the tool on top of the lemon not the lemon on top of the tool okay all right don't do this because you can't see where you're going all right right there you want to put a touch of lemon juice to wake up everything Right Touch of lemon juice and then we're going to put a touch of an aged balsamic vinegar okay this is my black Mission fake balsamic vinegar friends just a little bit you don't want to put too much and right there this is going to be beautiful and right there my friend this is salad number one you wanna add a little goat cheese don't be afraid you take a fork you see you take a fork and you crumble it like this except this one is not crumbling very good because the probably not cold enough whenever I set up to do the show we turn on all the lights of the studio is a little a little warm in here and so the cheese got warmed but this is it this is our salad number one this is delicious one thing we need friends one thing we need is some beautiful freshly cracked black pepper let's add a little bit more salt I know the pasta with salty already but let's put that in and right there we got salad number one with a pesto and a tomato and a mozzarella and the feta cheese pasta salad number one really simple to make all right we're gonna set up we're gonna clean up and we're gonna go to number two you know I decided I'm gonna put some olives just a little bit of olives Jack doesn't like him yeah he's not gonna eat anything I eat at all right and you know what I forgot to do friends I forgot to check it so I'm gonna check it to make sure it's perfect because that's part of the deal huh um you almost sold we're done all right we're gonna get ready for number two foreign you know when I think of a pasta salad I think of a pasta dish and I designed my salad based on a pasta dish you know it's a pasta dish right it's called pasta dish right so you had to put an escort right think about tomato we love tomato salsa we love a tomato a base cold so we're gonna put it in there we're gonna make a a puttanesca deal if you will all right so putanesca is uh it's got anchovy I know a lot of you are going to say oh no I can show me don't worry salad you never know there's anchovy right yeah you see they they just a flavor enhancer you won't even know they're in there don't like it just don't put them in that's all it's very simple a little bit of garlic not too much garlic okay right there very simple Believe It or Not Capers I love Capers Capers are great we use them all the time they're salty put a little bit of parsley in there then we're gonna put some uh beautiful roasted garlic olive oil that's my most popular olive oil I love it I think it's fabulous well otherwise I wouldn't be using it right oh oh I'm gonna put a little bit of the tomato sauce I got a marinara sauce you want to make your own marinara sauce you go ahead otherwise just buy your good Mindanao sauce than you like if you don't like um if you have time you can make my marinara sauce jacket it's going to give you a nice link it's a fabric of sauce friends you should try you know maybe not today because you're in a hurry you're gonna make a tomato so you're gonna make it but I'm telling you foreign say we have a little lambusify the vinaigrette pretty simple no big deal but it was salt in there not too much salt because you know the Caper and then I'm gonna put some olives and then show me they got a lot of salt so we don't put a lot of salt okay all right now here we have it friends very simple very simple you see look I don't complicate things complicated things there's enough complication in our life my friends we don't need to complicate things right so we put a little bit of dressing right there they're very simple all right and then we're gonna put the tomatoes now on the tomatoes friends like I said I got the tomato um I got the the tomato sauce and I also got sun-dried tomatoes and you can buy those in oil already or if they're not in oil because you want to make them yourself you buy good sun dried tomato and you rehydrate him look in beautiful olive oil okay now you gotta cut them in little pieces level up until you go to restaurant you got a big piece of sun-dried tomato and young you're chewing and you can't get through it because it's a big place it's very difficult to chew through it so little tomato sauce put as much or as little as you want you know who who is measuring here yeah a little bit of a a chopper parsley okay and look at this let me tell you friends this is going to become one of your favorite pasta salad and how simple was that think of a putanesca you ever had a nice puttanesca right it's delicious you could even put some Parmesan or Regatta on it I don't think you'll be anything wrong with that at the last minute you put a bit of oregano and boy you got yourself an amazing little bus salad and you know Jack loves them I put a little bit of extra olives just for him okay and they're delicious they look look look please is that gorgeous let me tell you this is going to become more you put a pepper yet no here we go pepper pepper pepper pepper pepper plus I got some freshly cracked right there there you go my friends all right pasta salad number two I promise you this is gonna be one of your favorite pasta salad also I'm anxious to hear in a few months when you write the comment which one you like the most all right friends when I clean up and we're gonna go to number three I forgot something again I know when it gonna test like it well I'm gonna test that oh yeah oh yeah oh okay ready for number three little spiral pasta rotini any pasta you want for it's ready at the end of the day I like the twist pasta because the dressing is calling it makes it interesting if you can find different colors of it those are fantastic can't find different colleges do it all one color don't worry about it we're going to make a little dressing my friends all right a little Dijon mustard we're gonna put a whole egg there you go boom we're gonna put a little bit of a sour cream just a little sour cream in there have fun put more put little don't worry don't be measuring okay remember I always say we're not standing a man in the pool making it all dressing no problemo oh spoon I should have got the spoon you see then it would have been avoid me dancing on the set a little bit of uh uh garlic right there right a little salt a little pepper and we're gonna put some we're gonna put some beautiful olive oil Here and Now we are going to make the emotion eh yeah stay you over here when you see a chef when you talk talk on YouTube talking to his machine you worry a little bit of uh olive oil I use a garlic olive oil for all of my salad because I love it look look a beautiful emotion see beautiful emotion huh beautiful emotion very simple right and I think that should be enough for asada right maybe just a little bit more oil all right [Applause] and then let's put all the ingredients in there friends all right here we go let me take it out of the way okay let me bring the the pasta over everything nice and cold there you go so we're not too messy yeah the dressing so it's a little creamy but not a heavy mayonnaise little uh green or greener a red peppercorn salami de Genoa cut in little pieces it's gonna be nice don't put it in black olive for Jack he likes them a little Cherry little cherry tomato is going all right now and and you put a red onion or you could put shallots shallots are more delicate for whatever makes you happy how is that right and then at the last minute I'm going to put a feta cheese in there friends feta cheese what do you think I think feta cheese is going to be fantastic oh and you know what we're gonna put also in a minute we're gonna put in and not forget to put it in it's a touch of lemon juice why am I putting lemon juice wax up over the ingredient little acid is always good friends all right very simple black pepper a little more and then we're going to put the feta cheese and this my friends needs a little more dressing I can understand all right put it in very simple all we gotta do is make sure it's nice and cold and it's pretty and with a cheese it's gonna be beautiful and if you have some chopped basil you can have some chopped basil you can add a little chopped parsley in there friends it'll be perfect too all right look your feta cheese add some chopped parsley in there I forgot to put it in but put some chopped parsley in there my friends all right and you have yourself another beautiful pasta salad all right I can't wait to hear what you which one you like the most all right my friends here we have it yeah you're right I forgot something again I had already at the whole time yeah I tell you uh this is a cubanella pepper just put a pepper bell pepper that is not too spicy and it's kind of interesting in flavor if you can find them so you know what I like to do with this cut them in half I already got away to the seeds and then what we're going to do we're going to cut them in half like this again and then we'll put them on top and then we're going to cut little strips that they go perfect for the pasta you see it's not very spicy friends by Cheryl spicy pepper if you want uh you see it's missing it all right everybody wonder why if I'm ever gonna do a video one day why don't forget nothing wonder what happened you forget so here you go put it the whole thing oh you just put a half of it right there and then my friends this is it right there I'm gonna test it because I didn't do that either ah yeah how many things I forget today about two or three oh yeah all right oh yeah the black olive especially um fantastic I'm dying to hear which one is your favorite one all right friends well here they are one more delicious in the next I love them and it's so delicious so which one you think I like the most I created foreign probably somebody else did before friends remember thumbs up you like the video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell and in the comments let me know if you forgot anything like I did thanks for watching friends we love cooking for you [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 168,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pasta salad, italian pasta salad, how to make pasta salad, pasta salad recipe, best pasta salad, easy pasta salad, pasta salad recipes, pasta salad with italian dressing, classic pasta salad, easy pasta salad recipe, italian pasta salad recipe, pesto pasta salad, rotini pasta salad, traditional pasta salad, cold pasta salad, how to make italian pasta salad, easy italian pasta salad recipe, Ensalada de pasta, Salade de pâtes, Comment faire une salade de pâtes, salad
Id: Wm0YG02AAOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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