Zesty Italian Pasta Salad

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[Music] [Music] hey what's up y'all it's your boy simple food by dy and today I'm going to show you guys how to make a very simple yet delicious zesty Italian pasta salad we have about 12 ounces of noodles that have been cooked to al dente and never gonna start focusing on the vegetables so I used about three pints worth of cherry tomatoes may you want to make sure that the tomatoes are nice and firm if you find that any of them are a little bit on the soft side you want to discard those don't put those in because once we start adding the dressing they're already gonna get soft as is so you you really don't want them to turn into complete mush now if you want you don't have to chop them in half I just do it that way because I feel like you just kind of get more and you don't really want huge chunks of tomatoes now as you guys know I am obsessed with shallots so I'm gonna chop these down into immense I used 1 large shallot if you want you can use regular onion but I would definitely suggest use a sweet onion and I wouldn't use that much you don't want the onion to overpower this pasta salad but hey you know if you are a big onion fan then hey go crazy with it but like I said I'm only gonna use one large shallot down to immense and then we're just gonna put that directly into the bowl with the pasta as well the best thing about this dish you guys is that everything just goes into one big 1 big bowl now I'm gonna be using pepperonis now of course this is completely optional if you are not a meat-eater you don't have to use them or you can use turkey it's completely up to you as far as the cucumber is concerned now this kind of depends sometimes I really truly like to load mine it was cucumber today I'm only gonna use one large cucumber um you don't really have to about you know taking the skin off if you know that's really a preference if you want to or not I like to keep the skin on it just adds to the crunch factor and then I'm just gonna chop these up into little cubes the best thing about this recipe you guys is is that this is one of those type of pasta dishes where you can get as crafty as you would like and add as much stuff as you want or take away stuff you know you don't have to follow this recipe exact like a lot of people like to add olives to theirs I can't stand the taste of olives so I don't add them to mine but hey if you want to by all means you absolutely can but one of my favorite things about this dish is actually the cucumber so I tend to really load up on the cucumber and because this was a pretty large one I'm only gonna need to use one today but like I said you can add as much as you would like now I'm also gonna be adding in one sweet orange bell pepper once again you can use the red one or the yellow one you can use all three completely up to you once again like I said earlier about the pepperonis if you are not a meat-eater or if you know there may be a few guests at your event where they don't eat meat I would say just a little you know leave that out and just add more veggies you know and that's completely fine it'll still be just as delicious now I would definitely say you know for these peppers you want to make sure that you are mincing these down you don't want to get a huge chunk of the pepper in your mouth or at least I don't I'm not the biggest fan of banana peppers or I mean not banana peppers but sweet bell peppers so I don't mind if they're in there but they have to be minced down if they're way too big I just I cannot be bothered with it you know what I mean now I will say I would not advise you to use a green bell pepper to me green bell peppers and pasta cells can be a bit too sharp as far as the taste it can be a bit harsh so I would definitely say stick more towards the sweeter peppers if you're going to use them or if you would like you can also use a roasted belt the ones that come in the jars you can use those I would say drain off any of the access oil really make sure you Pat those dry you don't have to rinse them off but just Pat them drive the excess oil and chop those up and you can add those in as well I think that would be a nice little audition so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna focus on the cheese and I like to use two different kinds the first one I like to use is the Vermont cheddar cheese and then I also like to use a pepper jack cheese now once again this is one of those type of things where you can use whatever type of cheeses you would like I like to add the pepper jack just to have like every now and then a little little bite of spice of course you know to me pepper jack cheese is not really spicy at all but I do suggest that you cut it into thin slices like this and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut them into cubes because once again you want to make sure that you can get a little bit of everything on the fork so you want to try to make sure that you're kind of being consistent with how you're chopping all of the ingredients that are going inside so as you can see here I've cut it in half again and now I'm just gonna cut them up into little bite-sized cubes and that's honestly like the perfect size and I did use the entirety of both of those blocks and it turned out to be just the right amount of cheese so yeah there you go so then the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna talk about the seasoning now it's really simple I use the perfect pinch the salad supreme seasoning now I didn't use a measuring utensil for this because I'm just so used to doing it by eye but I would definitely say I would err more towards using anywhere between four and a half to five tablespoons of this this is truly what's going to make or break the dish as you can see I used about half of the container it gives it a really nice zesty zesty flavor to it and I'm gonna be using a 24 ounce bottle of the Olive Garden's Italian dressing now I'm gonna tell you the Olive Garden Italian dressing has become like my new favorite dressing to use in this dish I used to use I think it was wishbone but like now I'm a cest with this Olive Garden one you guys that's it there is not much to this recipe at all it takes hardly any time at all to make it last for days at a time it is so delicious take this to a cookout down to the beach you know have it for a dinner party everybody will absolutely love it now I will say one tip that I always suggest when you're making a pasta cell like this is always make it the day before or at least hours hours before you're going to serve it because you really want that salad supreme seasoning and the Italian dressing to really soak into the cucumber's the cheese the pepperonis the tomatoes the peppers you really want it to really soak all of that up so I would suggest make it the day before hey look if you are new to my channel welcome to simply flew back to you why if you're one of my returning subscribers well y'all babies know I love y'all so much and as always y'all baby stay cute and take care I hope you guys enjoyed this recipe let me know what you guys think about it bye [Music] playing in the kitchen boom box ey we hope that you enjoyed it if you haven't returned make sure you subscribe thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Tobias Young
Views: 267,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SimplyFoodByTy, Mukbang, recipes, how to cook, culinary arts, homemade, southern cooking, Zesty Italian Pasta Salad
Id: ItPO5pjE9pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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