MY 1ST TIME DOING THIS!! (I MAXED THIS 1ST) - BunnyFuFuu | League of Legends

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this is octopus leona coming at you but i kind of want to try something new on morgana today that i know you guys are gonna like to see okay and uh that's called a little w max morgana doesn't happen quite often but hey it happens and it goes down alrighty that being said let's have a whole lot of fun today because uh i'm actually super looking forward to this right now i'm really looking forward to this the build's gonna have to get real creative considering what we have going on and what we're looking for oh yeah yeah yeah w first honestly would have helped us push this lane to hit level two first but you know what i think either way we'll be okay it's level two same time which i'm a fan of and oh wow that leona i if you guys saw that leona e i apologize i apologize i have to make sure i don't get too close to this wall just in case all right how dare someone message me on instagram i get distracted by the smallest thing sometimes but if i focus in and get in the flow state for those who know what the heck that is that will be the dream oh boy we have a q and a w with their name on it only problem is our leona is about to get blasted right now i'm gonna pot up because i feel sorry for her good damage we have the comet arrows key i'm trying to trim the waves so we can have it in a manageable state all right i still want to go in once leona hits three that's when she won't die right now things are a little spoopy not gonna lie alrighty oh god i thought she was going in dude she's scaring me already oh my goodness gracious oh this is not good jarvan's here jarvin's here let's see how this goes shall we there's a heel no flash for you that's not gonna cut it my friend ignite plus w does the trick that was a nice little flank spanx gank baby and uh flash down i don't think varys flat let me let me ask did varys flash i i think he did i think he just healed i'm not entirely sure i could try to do something a little hyphy oh god he definitely flashed leona's going in i can respect that big time dude gets the kill on the way out hey if you flash when a leona's flashing on you or more wow what the if you flash like that when a morgan is flashing at you you might want to go in a different direction oh uh oh uh oh oh this dude's dead this dude's dead this dude is done diddly dead get over here come on let's dance i got a red buff dude i can have him burn i'm gonna try to recall and get back to lane before these guys have a chance to crash under the tower but if you guys are chilling watching right now let's go to take this time while i'm recalling not only to analyze what i'm buying but more importantly i need your help whoa whoa whoa that is not what i wanted okay let's grab that and roll out but i need your guys help in terms of the youtube algorithm right this channel it needs a little boost and this is the video we're gonna do it on okay so any comment helps with youtube algorithm fatty thumbs up helps with youtube algorithm but most importantly youtube retention time that means if you start watching a video and leave out early youtube says ah the viewer must have not liked it that much therefore they don't push it to many people so i'm gonna try doing the best build i can even think of right now to keep you guys as entertained as possible we can have a good time the youtube algorithm would like us it'll be a fun one alright so buckle up strap in if you don't want to like the video drop a comment that's fine too just keep your eyes glued on what we're about to make okay it's gonna be a doozy like i said w max that ferris just taunted me what you got to be kidding me all right let's land the red buff auto some more let's get them on both of them the 10 damage red buff burns doing mad work oh hello hello hello i want to fight right now while we still have it active come on buddy oh he's dead no she healed off her potion what was that dude she actually healed like crazy off that potion and believe it or not this w is gonna slap big time did we just deal 116 damage with one w did i did i see that correctly or my eyes deceiving me right now i don't even know oh this is a money play for jarvan money money money oh ho we got the freaking shield in there i like that if we did not shield that i'm not even sure if we get either of those kills right there i'm being honest i'm being honest yo this w slaps dude i've actually never maxed wfirst on morgana i don't think ever and uh that's saying a lot considered i've played a lot of this champion okay so let's drop the w get some good damage off and uh put this bad boy to the use shall we to use english is hard here we go here we go oh wow this is actually happening oh i did not expect that to be a kill but i also did not expect morgana to die or uh leona same difference you're in trouble you're in trouble we'll award the leona for good faith and we need to get down here meow all right do we have enough gold 21.50 yikes yikes yikes yikes you know 50 gold off i'm waiting for the boots brb i'm coming oh my god oh my god this is uh quite the time to be alive folks why would vi go that way oh yeah at what point do i pop the shield that's the real question hey there big guy oh you're doing you out of me you stand in one place you stand in one place you die watch the snipe oh my god that was so close we're fine we're fine whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on over there huh what's going on over there oh i'm coming did she not go in okay i was gonna say did she stay in the bush yo i got you my guy i've got you four points in w i might be able to catch poppy slipping dude where is she hello oh god oh this is really bad this is really bad i have shield hold me i dare you i dare you i dare you i dare you oh if i hit that i wonder if he dies it's honestly probably cutting it close yo this guy is crazy i like crazy are we doing this i kind of want to oh my goodness i hurt so freaking badly a azir you know what maybe we got this i deal way more damage than i think do we dare try an early magis i feel like this whole w shenanigans can snowball i can flash w kills here oh yeah let's get out of here let's get out of here oh my god oh my god wait i got this yo the whole freaking team is here oh thank goodness this vibe doesn't have flash give me those what what a wraith just killed me dude this guy just shot over the wall i'm just kidding i think we gank maybe we're the mid later now i actually kind of like this mid lane goes silene mid lane or the bot lane goes mid that now has mid pressure and the most cc you've ever seen in your life dude this is sick actually oh we got the tower plating don't mind if i do yo that w out of nowhere chunks it procs comet it props for w these guys varys can't solo match up against uh our solo bot renekton now this is actually so crazy how strong this is unfortunately i couldn't get the magis but that's all good that's all good let's dodge you and kill you i love where this is going i love where this is going that's a minion coming through coming through yeah we have damage for days on this dude one cue he dies got him or not okay yep yep or not anyways it'd be nice to snipe them with our q let's line them up and knock them no not down okay not down dude look at that w one away from max rank i cannot wait for this cannot wait for this oh hello oh i actually did not think i would have to e the verisold but poppy pushed me right back into it i definitely had to or else i was going down this thing sounds nice uh inferno drag would be the dream if he even comes close here at all he's going down but this is what we mainly care about i thought i had a little more gold in this i thought this was a little cheaper i'm stupid all right i'm gonna sell this and wait for a large rod so we can do some large damage look alive folks look alive max rank w inbound here comes johnny you know what i'm going around oh my god that smite was missed but we luckily still yoinked it that's big damage you know what pushed me into them i'm cool with that oh my god come on property proc dude if i got my q off on her that would have been so freaking awesome we gained a whole lot of stacks and lost a lot more good thing is we have another large rod in the bank coming in soon i'm coming by what do you think you're doing what do you not gonna lie she escaped that pretty well the fast q caught me off guard oh my goodness i want to get so many different points in all my abilities my e is good my q is good and so is this blue buffarooski fighting over this thing is gonna be big shmoney let's go ahead drop the q drop the w hop on over so it doesn't reset and away we go the cdr w is nice considering if something's getting dropped by it cdr goes down check this out the ability cooldown reduced five percent every time morgana is healed by the soul so do we heal off of these guys yes siree yes siree get over here oh i'm not sure if she tried to do that or not she must have right no no no no no no no oh wait does richardl not care about that i'm so confused i am so confused but we are in there baby oh wow i probably should alter myself i'm in big trouble but so are they oh nobody expects the deadly w to freaking kill someone from a quarter hp this thing is ridiculous hello leona that was uh interesting all right increased up to 177 based on the target's missing health doing 170 damage sounds pretty good to me not gonna lie i i do like that percentage of damage big time oh wow is she dead he is done diddly dead no the ulti were off dude i'm actually boosted he's dead nice hey poppy yeah what are you gonna do now huh what are you gonna do now i'm just gonna go ahead over here and eat some of these guys she was looking a wall bang us a mile oh god we're okay we're okay oh i got a queue for the road my guy got a queue for the road oh jeez why do i feel like my cdr is insane right now and honestly it's not that great but i wouldn't be down to pick up the uh pace on that one aka get her down let's see damaging a champion with a non-targeted spell ability this would work on our puddle we have no cdr though i'm really drawn in by this cosmic drive right now just straight up for the crazy amount of cdr it offers the horizon oh man this actually does sound sweet this does sound sweet well the initial placement of a zone ability will trigger the effects this is probably such a hassle to word these can't these can trust me it works it's good just do it on these champions very annoying very very annoying and uh you know what it's annoying getting a fat morgana q to your face hello we not only juked out the bear barrel but we got that looking gucci as well you'll send it my guy send it send it send it the deadly queue is the deadliest yo er got knight we make a good team i'll tell you that let's go this way blind snipe you know what i like my odds on those do we go here or here what's going on this way hello hello hello you're dead this w slaps dude what am i looking at right now hey varys hey varys oof i think poppy's gonna flash e i have my e ready self cast is prepped and ready i just want her to engage on me so badly right now reaction time ready everything ready oh that works that works five me baby oh we are brutalizing them right now dude this is dirty this is done dirty damn get over here get over here whoa that works that works that works hold me i dare you see what happens who you going for huh who you going for wrong target big guy you're dead that poppy's not getting hit by any skill shot by any means scary stuff scary scary stuff but i like what we got going on right now dude what is happening we'll drop him a shield all right we'll drop him a shield this q eat it is he dead i would laugh so hard if he actually is yeah he actually is hey varys catch dude all i need is a little puddle bloom and they go crying i actually am digging the w max hard right now hard hard hard do we go i really got to think about this for a second build's doing good exp is doing w great going to do us wonders let's go back and buy cosmic driverooski right now my body wants to go bot lane and push but my mind oh my goodness is telling me go and join this team fight and carry this game right now where you going this guy is zoned out of his mind hello oh that's stuck in a death pit dude jarvan is the perfect combo for us holy damage baby holy damage are you going to hold me or not huh make up your mind buddha make up your mind there's the oldie okay you know what two contango at that game how does that do that much damage the 170 dam yo they were not joking about that they were not joking about how much that actually does because my goodness this thing slaps big time their creeps are held up in their base up that way yeah look at the clump that's what i'm talking about if you guys could just get together so you can just real quick okay there we go i want to get some nasty poke down this is the 1v9 push i'm digging right now hey varys catch watch the damage on just our w fight this is not gonna work out i don't know how you play this oh wow oh my she actually just outplayed the freaking tits at him holy god what you know what we'll gain move speed by doing this we land the w dodge that and look how fast we are where are you gonna go big guy where are you gonna go we actually go a million miles an hour running down with the uh cosmic driver ski all right lay this down and get on with the show oh my god i missed the cannon that's messed up that's really messed up but builds looking juicy i think we can still push bot as long as i don't play it like an idiot honestly i think i played it somewhat okay that vibe just knocked it out of the park not gonna lie she played it extremely well i'm worried about that bush i'm worried about that poppy ward but i do like the water drag we have in the air right now oh my goodness yo send it my dude i believe in you i believe in you holy shmackaroonies leona in front is perfect for us two he almost double q killed her that was hilarious lay one of those down i'm going home this is bad this is bad that's some damage we have plenty more where that came from i'm shielding myself now i don't want any shenanigans going down our w is costing us quite a bit of mana and they know this is warded they know this is warded i would have ran this way but i remember that that right there was the ward oh my goodness you're in trouble now no flash anymore huh yeah you're dead dude you cannot move hey poppy if you ever know where a ward is you want to piss anyone off do that right there more like hey poopy oh wow i don't know that's that's too far that's too far that's my bad i just want the tower dude oh my goodness gracious come on give me those heels baby give me those heels let's get this going with blue buff anything is possible oh geez what that actually hit me oh no siree no siree we're okay thank god that hit him i'm good right now i'm good nice skill force nice try oh my god i shielded her instead of me lock him down my friend i'm coming in hot how much longer is that ward there for that's what i need to know dude what's sniping right now this guy is craziness i'm shielding you ergato lead us the way lead us the way azir down oh no you didn't i'm such an idiot don't kite my puddle you will die you'll take this crap who cares uh-oh we might have to go mid leona is oh you hate to see it yeah i hate to see it you hate to see it that cannon just juked me uh-oh wasting my key like that is risky risky business get back over here get back over here you think we can pull us off or not we're getting some nice heels from this i was ready for the flash this time oh this is so bad die thank you plenty more where that came from oh god okay listen oh i thought she was gonna run me down and kill me with r but i guess not this way here we go dude i think we can close this out right here right now morgana zone control full ap you can do whatever the heck you want baby oh wow she going for the creeps or what do we dare hourglass up i want to go in and i freaking that was my bad i wanted to get a juicy hourglass holt off i suck blue buff check engage ready oh my goodness dude send it my guy i have no flash oh wow that w was dead lee you're dead what did i just freaking witness dude oh no siree yes siree back in the puddle you go i've got this i've got this where are you going that's a kill dude when they're low this thing slaps and collapse we got to go this way and more importantly stop this versus ult recall whatever you want to call it right now right freak okay he's back we could finish off the drags or we could run it down while we have this juice money advantage we gotta go now go for the tower don't be an idiot all right don't go for a tower don't be an idiot after we died poppy said hey more and like went on my body or something i'm not sure but they're spawning they're pissed here goes nothing oh uh oh ru row wish me luck wish me luck dude we got a stun what am i watching right now where you going bear bear where are you going i hope the otto killed him oh wow something killed him that's some damage i have nothing else left to give every single ability mine on cooldown that's what you love to see that's a wrap that's a kill that's a thumbs up on the video let me know what you think about the w max morgana if you snowball it's beast all right i'm telling you the zone control very nice let's let's let the a through z series continue peace out
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 62,326
Rating: 4.9367976 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, death, pool, max, first
Id: S1CHghhV4Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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