My 10 Reasons To Buy A Grayl +Coupon!

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hey everybody Ray here and today I'm going to do a little product review those who watch my channel will know that I don't do very many product reviews I only do a product review if number one I find a product that I've had personal experience with and it's performed exceptionally well and number two it's a product that the company stands behind and they offer great customer service well I have one of those products for you here today it's the Grail water filter purifier it's not just a plain old water filter it also purifies which allows us to eliminate viruses and some other nasties in the water that you don't want to be drinking stay with me here I'm going to give you several reasons why I think you ought to have one of these in your home I personally own the 16.9 ounce Ultra press which is what this is right here that I bought for a gift for someone it was 16.9 ounces capacity it weighs 12.5 ounces this the geopress model is larger it's 24 ounces of capacity but it weighs 15.9 ounces so it's a slight bit heavier truth be told if I had my option right now I would probably go back and buy this unit instead of this this unit because I like the fact that this gives you the extra water capacity the titanium version actually comes in the same size as the ultra press and it weighs 14.1 ounces and it has some features that none of these offer which I think are really cool and what I did was I borrowed a bunch of Clips out of their website so I can tell you a little bit more about the titanium version the grill water filter is extremely easy to use let me give you a real world example out in the field of how I used it recently so how this works is you you fill up the base here and after that base is filled up to about this line right here you just loosen the cap a little bit on the water filter and then push that down into the base and it will start to filter the water and push it up into this portion of the unit and that's the portion that you will drink out of because the filter has now pushed all the water down through the filter and up into this portion right here and it tastes great do you see how easy that was you put the water in here fill it up to this line drop the inner portion in squeeze it down filtered water it doesn't get any easier than that and by the way that clear water that came out of that pump I thought was just fine and it was it was probably perfectly safe to drink however the next time I opened my Grail and I looked inside down in the bottom where a lot of pieces of little tiny gravel and debris that this filter took care of I'm glad I had it now not only is the Grail water filter purifier really easy to use but it is highly effective let me draw some examples I have always carried in my pack a LifeStraw and a sawyer mini water filter in case I got into an emergency they removed 99.9 percent of bacteria 99.99 of protozoa that's a good thing and there are a lot of people that use these on the Pacific Trail the Appalachian Trail long distance hikes where they want to minimize the weight that they're carrying but frankly I'm just not comfortable with that I want maximum efficiency when I try to use a water filter well the Grail not only removes the bacteria and the protozoa insists but it also removes 99.99 of viruses as well as absorbing many chemicals pesticides herbicides heavy metals and it even eliminates flavors and odors now the filter is located at the bottom of the inside container this filter just simply screws off and then you can replace it with a new filter the filter in a package unused will last for 10 years once you open it and you start to use that filter it's good for three years or 300 presses now of course that 300 presses if you're in water that's really heavily silted or something like that maybe less than 300 presses once the filter is used up you can go to the website and buy another filter another great reason to have a grill water bottle is what about the case of an emergency several times I've been out hiking and camping and wound up needing water because I've run out why do I run out because I often get lost I hike with my friend Brian who actually insists that we never get lost we're just doing off-trail exploration I'm willing to go with that but you know what if you wind up being out into on the trail two hours longer than you expected you may not have brought enough water the last two times Brian and I went out for hikes we wound up in that same situation and wound up using our Grails in a water source here's a picture of one of them that we used and it worked perfectly it removed any signs of odor or silt it was perfectly clear and it worked great another great use for these is when you travel I don't know if you're familiar with traveling in Florida but unless you're used to the water down there it doesn't taste very good well I'll tell you what you run it out of the faucet and you run it through this water filter tastes like bottled water it removes all the odor and it removes all the taste recently I was just in La Jolla California at a really nice hotel it doesn't matter how nice the hotel is if the water Stakes the water stinks and their water didn't taste good we went through bottle after bottle of bottled water if I'd had one of these I could have just filtered the water out of the faucet now another great example is my daughter and son-in-law went to Portugal I bought them each a grill water filter to take with them and they said it worked great they didn't like the flavor and they didn't like the smell of the water out of the faucet they just ran it through the Grail water filter and then they could refill their plastic water bottles and then take them out on their daily Explorations they were really happy to have them so travel a good tool So speaking about traveling and being able to use these to filter the water I want to take you again to the La Jolla California example that I gave it was myself my wife my son-in-law my daughter and my granddaughter the water was bad we used a countless number of bottles of water while we were out there maybe eight a day of a piece I it was a lot of water that we had to keep going down the lobby to get more bottles of that is not good for our environment I don't claim to be an environmentalist but we should all be conscious of minimizing the waste that we put into our environment so instead of having eight bottles in a day perhaps I could have had just one bottle that I would have refilled using my Grail and then carry that with me that's a whole lot less impact on our environment than all the bottles that we use and I think that's important let's talk price for just a minute the ultra press as of the time that I'm shooting this video this for 89 if you don't get any discount the Geo press the 24 ounce version lists for ninety nine dollars not a big discrepancy between the two but that's a lot of money for a water filter right what I would encourage you to think about the fact that you could actually save money if you travel very much at all by spending 89 on a water filter I'm going to give you a great example my wife and I just went to Dallas when we got to the airport I pulled out my grill I went over to the water fountain filled it up filtered it out I had my water now for the trip my wife who doesn't have a grill wanted a bottle of water so I went and bought our bottled water at the airport 3.89 it's an awful lot of money for a bottle of water on our return trip the same thing I filled my grill up at the fountain and filtered it I went and got her a bottle of water 4.99 for a bottle of water I mean give me a break now think about that between those two stops I spent about 10 percent of what it would cost me to buy a ground so how many trips does it take to pay for this not very many so let's talk a little bit about the titanium version the titanium version really is very much like the ultra press in that it has the capability to have 16.9 ounces of water filtered through it it's a little bit heavier than the ultra press but not very much the other thing that it has is it has handles on one side now if you have handles and a titanium pot which is impervious to fire you could set that into a fire pit or you could set that on a cooking stove and now you can boil water in your filtration bottle I think that's really kind of a unique thing if you're a long distance hiker and you wanted to be able to have your water filter and your cook system all contained into one unit the titanium would be the unit to do that with I think it's it's great option the other thing it has is it has a d-ring right here what that d-ring would allow you to do is say the water source that you need to get to is four feet down below or 10 feet down below you could tie some cordage onto that d-ring and then you would dangle it down like this till it hits the water let it fill up with water and then pull it back up and you've got water from a source that is way below you I thought that was a pretty smart addition to their design it's expensive it's 199 dollars but it's titanium titanium is like I said is a really tough metal here's my tokes cook pot I use this all the time camping to keep water in and cook food in this was 35 dollars for this little 750 milliliter pot so titanium is expensive but you know what again for a long distance kind of hiker that wants to have the utility of a water filter and a cook system all together it's not that bad it's a pretty neat option okay I've given you a whole bunch of really good reasons why you should go out there and buy the Grail now I have one small complaint the ultra press version which is the one I have when you take the cap off it's separate from the bottle on the Geo press when you take the cap off it has a little strap that holds it to the bottle so you can't lose it you know what I'm the kind of guy that loses things and I'll show you how I lost this one I was at a pump at a campsite the pump wouldn't work but I had already loosened my cap in preparation to be able to push the plunger down and filter the water when the pump wouldn't work I thought okay that's fine I know there's a water source on the trail I threw my Grail in my backpack while I was hiking with the loose cap it apparently fell off and when I got to the Water Source I realized that I had lost my cap so Grail put a strap on this thing on the ultra press for me would you so let me end this video on a positive note Grail has wonderful customer service when you place your order it is shipped promptly if you have any questions they answer them promptly you send them an email they will get back to you that day or the very next day on my way back from my camping trip where I lost my cap I sent them an email describing what had happened arranged to get a new cap they had it sent to me very quickly in fact I went camping again the very next weekend and I already had my new cap so kudos to grail for their great customer service I hope this video was helpful to you if it was hey leave me a thumbs up I really appreciate it foreign [Music]
Channel: Rmarvids
Views: 1,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grayl geopress, grayl water filter, water purifier, water filter, grayl water purifier, best water filter, grayl water filter review, grayl review, best water filter for backpacking, water purification, water filtration, the geopress water purifier, grayl ultra press, edc gear, best water filter for travel, best water filter for hiking, disaster preparedness, emergency preparedness, grayl geopress vs ultrapress
Id: cCq97IHPfV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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