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best working glitches after patch in mwz and we have some new glitches in this video and you will love this video so don't forget to smash a like And subscribe if you're new first glitch is going to be how to get behind this safe without the actual Easter egg so you literally do not have to do any Easter egg whatsoever there are two ways the first way is going to be with The Ether bike key so you want to grab yourself a key then you will need a scorcher instantly unlock schematics for a cheap price check out silent services we also offer bot lobbies where you can get Interstellar camo and also hard camo unlock and nuke skins Services we now have war zone and multiplayer rank play bot lobbies so for season 3 you can fill up on those Max rank all the way up to brimson really quickly the links to all this will be down below in the description you want to take the scorcher over to this part of the cave look in this corner and boost in this corner then look to your right and boost twice and that will boost you onto the ceiling of the Cade at this point you want to run all the way over to the rooms then go on top of the safe now before the update you would just go prone and simply collect chest but you can't do that anymore you have to do these two ways to get into the safe area first way is like I said with the key you want to go right ahead stand in the middle of the safe then activate the key go prone and then enter the vehicle at this point it is going to enter the vehicle and now when you exit the vehicle you guys can simply unlock the locked doors and you guys will have all of these items unlocked literally without doing any of these like it takes 2 seconds to do that and you will be able to get op loot it's all RNG based but you guys can get the jug suit you guys can get Wonder Weapons and all that stuff like that now there is another way which is with the scorcher so if you don't have a key you guys can take the scorcher jump off then you want to fall right underneath the safe if you mess up with this glitch do not worry because you will teleport back on top the map and you won't die what you need to do next is just boost and make sure that you aim it though you're right behind the door and you want to keep on boosting up and you want to press the button to unlock the door and be behind the door while you're underneath the map and that will unlock the door as you can see I hit it right there now to make this even easier you guys can open all the chests in the safe then go for the locked door but you don't have to do that at all you guys can use whichever two ways you want the scorcher way or the key way and in order to get back into the map after unlocking the doors with a scorcher you can just fall underneath the map or go over to this water hold the jump button move to your right then go over here and mantel on here at this point you'll be able to literally go right ahead and be in the safe without doing e steg and now I did put it up in a text little box you know earlier but you do need to make sure that you have this score try at least pack-a-punched once if you are bypassing the locked doors this way and you guys can get in the safe without doing the Easter egg that is the first glitch and the first first one I showed you guys is the newest glitch the one that was found the you know newest if that makes sense and yeah so definitely we do have have a somewhat new glitch in this video now all founders of these glitches will of course be in the description so check them out and let's move on to the next glitch so normally after you use The Ether blade you have to wait for 2 days to use it again in a different game but there is a glitch that lets you bypass that and use it every single game it's super easy and this has been thing for a while all you need to do is head into the game activate The Ether blade then go over to any of the act for Missions then you want to teleport it is going to countdown you are going to then close app at the blue purple screen if you're on Console if you're on PC you want to wait until your screen turns black that's all you guys do once you're done with that when you load back into the game you will see the ether blade in your lethal and you guys can load into your next game with the ether blade super easy not a new glitch but it's still working and it is op because you won't have to wait for any cool down for your ether knife schematic all right let's move on to the next glitch which is going to be the Outlast XP glitch and the xville XP glitch activate it now stay inside the zone until it hits 95% then you want to cancel it definitely best to be solo while doing this because if you're a co-op then you're going to have to time it with everybody you know canceling it at the same time and that can be really annoying to do with randoms plus solo you'll just get more kills and more XP anyway and once you cancel it at 95% you will still see the crystals around you and zombies will constantly spawn like extremely quick it's crazy it's super super op all you need is the scorcher and it's recom recommended for you to Pack-A-Punch it but you don't have to then when you're done with that you want to go over to any xfill Chopper I use a tier 2 one then you want to activate the xfill chopper then wait until the chopper goes to you which depending which one you're at it depends on how long it takes some takes you know a lot some doesn't but basically once is where you're at you want to walk into the chopper to make it go away faster then you are going to be looking at the chopper use your Scorch or fly ability to fly away when the chopper starts to fly away way itself right there that's when you guys want to do it you guys can wait until you don't hear the chopper noise anymore that way is just really annoying to do and it's like not really too much of a purpose behind it you want to fly away as far as possible then you want to wait around 9 to 10 seconds you want to go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you want to kind of do that then once you do with that you want to fly back to the chopper what you're trying to do is you're trying to time it to where when you go back to the chopper Green Smoke area you will see that green smoke come back to you know existing when you guys land just like you see here then activate the chopper and you want to do the same thing over and over and over timing may be a bit different if you don't have the Pack-A-Punch scorcher but that's the main thing is you want to fly away when the chopper flies away then come back when the Green Smoke appears and you want to be right next to the green smoke when it appears that's how the glitch works and what's going to happen is this is going to glitch out the zombie spawns and make two X or three 3x amount of zombies spawn it may take around two to three tries of doing this but after two to three tries you will see zombies spawn in rediculously fast as you can see in the background I did it on my first go and I was getting a crazy amount of zombies and it will keep on increasing increasing the more you do this this is one of the best ways to get unlimited XP now let's move on to the final which is the tombstone glitches I did save these for the last because most people know about these and the earlier glitches probably less people know because I want to show you guys something you didn't know first before I showed you guys something you knew now let's get into these glitches all you need is you want to go into your game with the tombstone perk you guys can either get it by just buying it from the machines on the map or just bring it by crafting it now what's best to do is to keep the crafted Tombstone Soda in your rug sack and duplicate that and use the machines to buy Tombstone so you have that Tombstone Soda can in your rug sack to dupe and also have the tombstone by the machine when you're done getting that set up you guys want to make sure you guys have the stuff you want to duplicate here's all the stuff I'm duplicating now you are going to be getting enough of essence to activate the portal which is a th000 Essence now when you're over at this location there's going to be a portal in this building now before you load into the game you do want to make sure that you have the act for mission one activated in your menus then when you're in the game you are going to be putting in this code in this portal right here at this building it's going to be the code on screen then activate the portal and head all the way over to the act for portal activate it then rush back to the portal that you just activated with the 1,000 Essence and go through it you do want to be fast when you're doing this have autox Sprint on and have tap to interact once you guys reach the portal you want to teleport then you will be on this water tank you're going to jump off from this water tank and parachute all the way over to the warning barrier then open up your mini map and activate the act for portal you want to wait until it hits 6 seconds then run into the warning barrier like I do now you guys have done a glitch you want to get ready to close your application and as soon as it says swad eliminated you want to close your app then go back into the game you will see all of your stuff is in your gear and you have X filled with your item but when you go back into the game your Tombstone will be on the map you have successfully duplicated the items and you guys can rinse and repeat this and do this unlimitedly and that's how you guys do it after the season 3 patch it didn't change anything but there was still a patch and with the mid-season update they are going to increase the stash limit so do this glitch right now and get ready for the stash limit increase in the mid-season update also they're going to be adding a lot more this midseason update is going to be a very good update so in about 3 weeks we should see that now I don't know when they are going to fully patch this glitch and once they do I will have an after patch so stay tuned for that so now here's how you guys go into the dark ether and keep the tombstone now make sure you get Tombstone before you do this next part go it ahead and activate the scorcher and Pack-a-Punch it then head over to the dark Ether Portal and make sure that you have the sigil then you are going to be doing this easy easy glitch hold down the button to place the Elder Sig Sig and turn a around while you're holding it down you're going to boost in the air now you guys want to continue to hold down the scorcher then keep on boosting until it boosts you the third time you will not be able to do this if your scorcher is not pack-a-punched then you will freef fall at this point you want to pull your parachute then cut your parachute now you're going to be taking the scorcher and boosting with the scorcher but pay attention to the ammo counter on the scorcher itself when that hits around 50% you want to boost then you are going to wait 3 seconds so go One Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississippi and then just wait that and then boost again for 50% so keep on doing a 50% boost and in between the 50% boost you want to wait 3 seconds this will give you guys the most speed and what you're aiming for is the closest warning barrier you guys want to look to your left and when you see that number on your left go to two you want to pull up your mini map and then activate the portal to go into the dark ether now you guys want to continue to fly until you hit the warning barrier it's best to try to going through the warning barrier when the timer on your screen hits 6 seconds because if you do that then you will most likely keep your weapons while you go into this dark ether but basically once you go into the actual warning barrier and if your counter is at six then you guys have hit the glitch perfectly you guys need to absolutely be in the warning barrier by 4 to 8 seconds now it will teleport you and you will see eliminated on your screen you do not want to close your app this time you want to actually load into the dark ether just wait until you fully get into to it and now this isn't a hard glitch at all just keep practicing you got it now at this point you want to activate all the stuff onto your character because what's happening now is that you set your Tombstone so you guys can use all of your money and items and they will be in your Tombstone still so this is RA but at this point you want to go ahead and collect your schematics and play through the dark ether once you're done with playing through it as you can see I got myself the vr11 schematic which is really cool but once you're done you are just going to go to the xfill and simply xill now you will get all of the items that you xfill with but your Tombstone will still be on the map you did that glitch successfully now when we're out of the game and go back into it you will see that I did collect all the items that they there the schematic did get collected and I have the VR1 schematic and I have all my items now we're going to go back into the game and you will see that your Tombstone will still be there with the items that you had on your character before you enter the dark ether when you guys got down by the warning barrier this will be set at the graveyard mine wasn't but yours will be all right guys that is it I wanted to show you guys all the best working glitches I know zombies doesn't have any like crazy new content but people still play it and I really do appreciate everyone that does support my content I know definitely less people are supporting because of the fact that less people are playing zombies but we do have an update coming out very soon and we do have a stash limit increase all that cool stuff and I will be posting then of course so yeah though thank you so much if you have watched this video Until the End you really really are awesome comment down below # end if you watch till the end and zombies is on a free trial right now so it's definitely perfect to post this type of video but I should have a war zone video out very soon so stay tuned for that could be something with a nuke skin but anyways I'll see you guys in my news one please drop a like And subscribe in Shah alhamdulillah and may Allah bless you all
Channel: Silent Nine
Views: 28,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MWZ glitches, Mwz new glitch, Mwz season 3 glitch, Mw3 zombies season 3 glitch, Mw3 zombies tombstone glitch season 3, Glitches, Tombstone, Unlimited money glitch MWZ, MWZ schematic glitch, MWZ insane loot spot, Mwz best loot spots, MWZ best loot glitch, MWZ best working glitches, Season 3 glitch MWZ, mw3 season 3 glitch, Mw3 zombies, Tombstone glitch in season 3 MWZ, MWZ working tombstone glitch, Tombstone glitch after patch, After patch glitches MWZ, MWZ dupe glitch
Id: nw0FT2TInWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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