WATCH THIS Before Opening The *Season 2* DARK AETHER RIFT in MW3 Zombies!

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completing the new Story Mission and unlocking the new dark Ether Portal can seem tedious and overwhelming but have no worries I'm going to walk you through everything step by step and you won't believe how easy it can be let's get started and of course the first thing we need to do is get geared up before we go to the dark ether we're going to need to go to this act for Story Mission so obviously upgrade your weapon and drink all of your perks that you want to bring in here and this act for Story Mission is going to be found within a threat level two area so you really only need like an epic ether tool and triple Pack-a-Punch you can save your legendary tool for the real dark ether and for this run I'm deciding to use this build of the P90 or the pdsw 90 it's built for T stance but it gets an insane amount of ammo when you Pack-A-Punch it now I am on a fresh operator so I don't have any containment levels but if you do have some containment levels it is going to be much easier for you to get geared up as you're getting geared up it is going to be very important you get a durable gas mask for this act four Story Mission or at the very least have multiple regular gas masks now I hope by now most of you guys know how to run contracts to get geared up so I'm going to keep this part really quick all right so a lot of cargo delivery missions later I have 22,000 points which means I can go to tier three get some perks and then we can get tier three Pack-a-Punch and believe it or not we're ready you don't need anything too fancy no Casmir no like Juggernaut suits or anything obviously you can if you want to but you really don't need to this one is a lot easier than that dark ether worm that we fought in the First Act Story Mission and we start it the same way we go up to it we have to confirm it on our Tac map and we are ready to go now if it's your first time in here it's going to be pretty overwhelming it's going to be kind of confusing so don't worry too much but once you know what you are doing once you are going after these dark ether items you do want to kind of speed it up a little bit first things first we're going to go in this building and save our mercenary friends this time it's so weird having these guys as allies but honestly it's such a good plot twist and now all you got to do is enjoy the ride and try to keep in mind where everything's at we spawned in over there there's the ship over here that we're going to come back to eventually and this part really is incredibly easy the soldiers can and will die if they get overwhelmed by zombies but you don't get anything like you don't fail this if they die or anything now as you get to around here you're going to notice that we get empd from something well it's this thing over here and we have to go investigate it you just come on over here you interact with it and it's going to be an electrified mimic it's really easy especially with tier three Pack-a-Punch you can see we just defeated it in like one clip right there one magazine then we're going to come up to this neutralizer part from the previous or the act three story Mission and then it's going to kind of swallow it up here here it is look at it Go and yep pretty neat this there's also an ammo cache here so if you want to refill your ammo there it is all right now here is where the gas masks come in this is just a big old infested stronghold so you want to come in here as quick as you can hopefully you got death perception by now and you can take a look at all of these cysts and try to take them all out as quick as you can now luckily there are a couple of areas where you can refill your gas masks for example the route I like to run as I like to go through the center here kind of on the bottom just to get anything on the bottom and then I go to the right because on the right here we have this staircase which goes up and if we go around here not only do we get more of these guys but we've also got an ammo cach right here and that refills my mask have fun killing all the zombies with your tier three pack-a-punched Weapon It's really good you can see on the left hand side of the screen we've got a counter for how many sits we have and then I just try to circle around the mall and use death perception and my eyes as best as I can to get all these SS it's really not that big of a deal it's really not that hard and on the other side of the mall the left side here there's also a little ammo cachier that I like to use I'm going to come up here except I see the last one right there this should be really easy to do very good now you can have fun killing all the other zombies here that are left over now if you're paying attention to the story Fletcher the bad guy was in there we're pairing up we're working together to get out of here he's just got to make his way out of here now sometimes he takes a while though and uh they actually didn't spawn they actually weren't moving I had to go in there and go find them and then they despawn and then spawn back out here so yikes if he takes forever to go in there just go walk around the mall Kill the Zombies out he's in one of those side shops in there that you can't access and as you're in here like I said before really get used to the geometry really get used to where things are going to be placed because this is also the area where the dark ether contracts are going to be I've seen a lot of people prefer using the scorcher here because of how wide open this place is all right this is the final Boss Arena here this little Stadium area now we've got another ammo cach right there we've got tons of zombies right here but there there's a very important thing you need to do first you're going to notice these crystals over here these rocks you're going to want to interact with that one from this entrance way we're going to go over here to the right or left whichever way you're looking there's another rock right here and you can do this at any point in time you can activate the p& first if you want get things going but the third and final rock that you're going to need to activate is right up here in this little area and that is going to start the 115 Easter Egg song you don't actually have to complete that if you don't want to it's just really fun 115 the song was released 14 years ago that's crazy to think about I guess I should mention this is just a big Outlast contract you just want to stay there's like kind of a circle in here you can see a little circle around the stadium you just want to stay inside of it with a tier three Pack-a-Punch weapon and all of these guys kind of distracting the zombies it really shouldn't be that difficult always try to stay on the Move taking care of those boss zombies always weaving in and out of things there should be a lot of armor on the ground from these guys this is actually a pretty good um camo grinding spot if you're looking for disciples and manglers and everything there we go look at that all right here is the portal we're going to get out of here except Oh wait we're actually not Fletcher is leaving and we're not and there's some ethereum that he's used to weaponize these guys against us not only that but we've got another boss on our hands here so a legendary tool is going to get this guy a lot sooner but he's really not that bad you just really got to aimim for his face I like to use my decoys as much as possible try to get up here and he does electrocute you like the mimic did earlier but really take advantage of those head shot use your sliding methods that I taught you in that previous tier three game make sure you're plating up doing all the things oh boy mimic you can always use this ammo refresh right here and always try to go by renov he will get distracted by renov and that way you can get a lot more shots on target use your decoys to get the other zombies away away from you really go in for those head shot you can see purple tier three Pack-a-Punch we're doing a lot of good work here and this P90 having 400 rounds is great and there we go we got him so he's going to spawn in a reward Rift where we're going to get this item and I got really lucky with this VR1 case that's really good but instead of X villing we actually have more things to do in this world which personally I really like so if we make our way behind the stadium back here we're going to have this Obelisk we're going to want to activate this seal just like we did in season 1 and now we are going to want to get head shot head shot only are going to charge up this Obelisk let's see how many it takes oh that didn't take many at all but that is going to give us a reward Rift for this perforated Target now we are closer to this guy over here so let's go over here this is my first time doing this too we've got 12 minutes left so it really shouldn't be that big of a deal we can go over here to the boat that we spawned next to and then somehow we have to get off on the boat can I jump up there no how does one get on the boat all right so I jumped from this little dig site up to here and then we can use this cargo truck right here jump on up I'm sure there's a better way I've seen people do it multiple different ways I'm sure I'm just missing something but on this boat is another Obelisk or the seal that we're going to use our fists on it spawns in an insta kill and we're going to need to get melee kills here so wait for this insta kill wait for some zombies to spawn in we're going to get it and then we're going to punch punch punch ooh boy let's get some uh let's get that Casmir maybe eh I don't think it takes that many melees yep that was one instakill that was 15 seconds that's all that took and now we have these gloves and now we need to go over here somewhere in the bottom right corner of the map now this is that ammo cache I showed you earlier as we were coming down the ACV over here just on the right hand side if you've played DMZ before or war zone map you will recognize this from alaza but it's going to be in this fog this fog was actually water in that alaza map and you're looking for another Obelisk I'm going to try to see if I can't see so here's the thing with the big Crystal right there let's try to go in here see if we can't get some relative positioning from this but this fog looks really really cool doesn't it I mean it's really hard to see but it's pretty neat all right so it was a little bit left of that big Crystal over there that's about where we came from a little bit left here we are going to activate this and this is going to be a little bit different because we're going to need to look at the ring of fire down here and I already have Napal burst which is good because this is ammo mod dependent because this is a fire ring we're going to need to use Napal burst here I don't know how many it takes but it should change here once I get enough Napal bursts oh and it changed to this blue so it's probably going to be cryofreeze I just need to maybe throw a little thing here so I can go up to this thing and acquire cryofreeze you see these little tombs here we can acquire our different ammo mods from this and then kill all the things collect some more souls before it changes again we've got renov helping us out all right so it's changing to purple which is going to be dead wire so we need to go up to here that's Napal burst what is this that's dead wire okay there's a lot of zombies here let's put another one of these down we're going to do dead wire oh there's so much loot on the ground oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm going to go down little chaotic don't be afraid to use uh all your things maybe I should use that Casmir but I've got dead wire on we're doing this this is a lot harder than the other ones all right we've got this uh green one which is going to be brain rot I believe and we've got brain rot from all of the other videos I've seen that looks like the same order and there we go we got it all done and we've got the pristine mirror this atmosphere is really cool and from this pedestal I'm actually going to go straight over here so that might help you with your uh navigational skills here all right if we go straight to the police station which is over here yeah it's a little bit in between like the last or second to last uh staircase right there so right there that's your lineup right there if you're having trouble finding that and now all we need to do is xville get out of here and we still have 6 minutes to spare and apparently the textures are having trouble loading in hey I found the Pack-a-Punch machine here though that's pretty good to know so at the back end of the mall right here that's where the Pack-A-Punch is in fact you could kind of faintly make out where things are look at that you can see Pack-a-Punch right there that's cool just like the other dark ether the circle gets progressively slower as the timer starts running out but really you have plenty of time so I would not worry at all make sure you got all of your items in here we got the drum we've got the three pieces we are all set ready to go for the next game in this second game we're going to need to take all of these items that we just got and upgrade them as well as complete some more contracts get some more points you know rank ourselves back up but I've got a legendary ether tool and a triple Pack-a-Punch Crystal it's a little overkilled but I want to be really efficient this game now like the seals we were just doing in the dark ether these steps can be done in any order as well all right so for this first piece you're going to want to be in this area of the map in this top right corner here and you're going to want to go up to this right here and you're going to offer this Relic and you're going to notice a special zombie with a special effect on it and that's just like we did before we're looking for the special effect um in here and we're going to need to kill him with it so it looks like that one is cryofreeze so we need to get up here and get cryofreeze there's brain rot Napal first and then on this side there's cryofreeze right there I don't know if this is timed I guess we're going to find out aren't we so here's cryofreeze where's that zombie at it's right there perfect and oh just like that we're done we have the mirror that was really easy interesting little lore there apparently Fletcher the bad guy first saw this entity through that mirror which is interesting because there was a similar Relic type thing in sha Numa and the archon remember Vanguard all right this is the next next area we're going to need to put another Relic in the bottom right side of the map here we're going to need to go to the firing range and we're going to put the uh other Relic right here and I believe these things will spawn in all around the map that we're going to need to shoot so there's one behind here that's always really tricky o there's a nuke that helps that's cool all right so there's one over there got one right there there just shooting all of them there's one back behind there once again I don't know if this is timed or not but but doesn't seem all too difficult here oh there's one zombie now I believe with the zombie we've got to head shot it and then look at that that's upgraded that was really easy I know a lot of times when you watch a YouTube video on this type of stuff it seems really complicated and confusing and you have to remember all of these different steps but I'm telling you once you do it in game it's really easy and could you imagine this it's even fun next stop is going to be right next door to where we just were in this boxing ring right here in the very bottom half of the map right here all right so you're going to come in here and then I believe you need to go up here and then you can place The Relic here and then I think you're going to need to melee these things a couple times yeah melee that that's going to spawn a zombie that we're going to need to get into a boxing match with right here which is pretty cool I like that and then just like that we have the last thing upgraded look at that that took 10 minutes and we have everything we need very good and so now all that's left is to grind out some contracts get some points get all geared up I think I'm going to get some Casmir as much as I can and we're actually going to go into the dark ether this game all right so we got all of the perks and I just bought my last Casmir that I want I actually looted quite a bit of these I think that was well actually that's the only one I bought I actually looted all four of those and then I bought one more just to be sure I think we're ready to go in the dark ether but like this Lobby is not looting these chests so I am having a Hey Day in here so this dark Ether Portal is going to be at the giant tornado right here you can't miss it you have to climb all the way up this huge mountain and not going to lie the atmosphere is pretty cool so there's going to be pedestals around here that we need to look for just like this one and we're going to look at the icon that's the mirror icon so we'll put that in there going around here looks like there's another one this is the uh drum icon another one right here going this way it's the boxing gloves and then I think I heard it's all the way over here kind of on the other side yeah it is kind of all by itself over here we have got the pristin pristine Target right there and now that be careful because that is going to spawn in the dark Ether Portal and from this point forward I believe it is permanently unlocked whether or not you beat this boss right here or not but if that's wrong let me know seems like it's not fully loaded in but we've got this mimic that we need to take care of right away and it looks like tier three Pack-A-Punch gun is going to be just fine for that oh it's an electric uh electric mimic just like in the axoy mission that's pretty cool that's a nice little thing but just like the axy mission it's not that big of a deal and it will drop a Sigil and now just like the other dark Ether Portal mine looks a little crooked doesn't it it looks a little crooked but usually it doesn't look like that we can spend our sigil and go to the dark ether we're again have to accept it on our tack map here and then we are good to go now I believe there is a bug in the game when we go to the dark ether we actually lose a containment level tier I really hope they fix that but anyway these contracts are going to be a little bit more spread out than they are in the other dark ether so the first one is going to be up in here if you go behind where you spawn you can hear the bunny rabbit and oh you can see it with death perception that's nice this is ooh a mega Abomination great now it is not always a mega Abomination but it is this time which I think is perfect for a walkthrough because that is like the most difficult one but this hvt is actually going to to be found in this storm right here in this fog which I think is awesome so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get close to it and then I'm going to throw a juggernaut and I'm going to protect myself with this uh oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness this energy mine here oh my goodness oh where's this Juggernaut where's this Juggernaut there it is okay let's put on the Juggernaut let's get it and then Juggernaut let's kill this Mega Abomination I can't see anything they're going to shred my armor that's okay though let's kill these guys while we're at it let's kill this guy show me that mouth show it to me show it to me there you go and we're almost done this is always so thrilling this is going to be a lot easier when it's just any mimic or Mangler or something try to use up this jug to kill all the surrounding stuff and be ready to put on your armor right away that was thrilling oh my goodness that was crazy and then I still hear a Mangler we got some more points which is good and try to look at this reward Rift I've got plenty of space in here ooh epic ether tool I like that and we've got the blood burner Keys epic ether tool and a self for reviv nice so the real secret to this oh I do not want that I want this the real secret to this dark ether and the other dark ether to be honest is just preparation so I went directly uh this way this direction the the fog is over there I went directly kind of North I guess is it North no it's it's East okay but there is an infested stronghold right there I wonder if we're going to have some more keys to figure out here but the next bunny is going to be found in this building right here all the way at the Top This is why a lot of people like bringing the score in on this one because traversing the map takes a long time this time around but right up top here we have this guy but oh and this one is an easy Outlast oh my goodness okay you can't parachute with the bunny all right that's good to know there seems to be a lot of zombies here we're going to hit this refresh to refresh our ammo and that's an upside down crystal that's a huge upside down Crystal my goodness all right there's a lot of zombies following me so I'm going to burn one of my Casmir right now there we go we're going to use this PN D and get this thing going now I've heard this one is really easy so we'll see just how easy it is it looks like there's a lot of zombies here though another disciple I'm going to use this energy mine here another disciple my goodness that's crazy I'm going to throw Casmir this does feel like kind of like a traditional zombie type map where you're just holding out or you're training so that's pretty fun try training around here this is where you can practice your training skills got a Mangler here going to do another energy mine very good this one's not that bad this one's pretty good it does feel a little more spacious than the uh than the other one but also kind of not in in the same way though and that should be it oh boy who's hitting me why go away all right that should be good what else have we gotten we got a legendary tool nothing else though some mags of holding would be great all right well the last bunny is going to be found at the top of the mall which might take us a little bit to get up there cuz I don't quite remember if there's a ladder outside or not it almost looks like it's an infested stronghold again just like the story Mission all right I see a little ladder up here I wonder if I can get up to this and go up here and then if we go up there oh yeah this parking garage might be the the way to go once we get more comfortable with this we'll get like a good route going obviously but this is going to bring us to the rooftop I believe this little mini Bridge here oh there's there's a regular can right there that's not a perk can but then we've got to get up there now so let's oh this is like an infested stronghold cool how do we get up there though oh maybe through here maybe this back end here there we go Yep this back end we go straight up here and up again and we've got this bunny and I believe we're going to need to go this way for The Ether extractors now this is interesting we're a lot further away than we were in the other dark ether but luckily we're up tall so we can just kind of parachute down and then ooh we've got like ones right here this is perfect we throw a little Casmir right here oh that's good and then we can get it through the thing right here maybe can we get it through the thing thank you this should be good awesome let's move away from that kind of just go up the street here this feels a little bit wider than the previous ether extractors which is really good cuz the previous ether extractors being on top of the roof was pretty rough hello can this like oh my goodness we're going to go down I bet you oh come on go go go go go armor armor armor we got it we got it and then we're going to throw another one of these guys this is pretty easy look at that and then we can get this through heree who's hitting me while thing's going on what the heck a thing's going on oh no please don't kill me okay all right that was okay well apart from the uh muffed Landing there we did uh pretty good do I have any other Casmir I got one more I'm going to use a monkey though there's so many zombies in here all right while the monkeys out I'm going to do this I'm going to put one of these guys here look in here mags of helding Elder sigil perfect we got lots of good stuff here and now we need to get out of here now this might take us a little bit here so I see the boat boat over here we are going to need to go I believe over here side note I heard that they buffed how many zombies are in the dark ether and uh I don't know if that's two or not but there's definitely a lot more zombies in here than there is during the ax Story Mission which I think is great honestly this one felt really balanced can you activate 115 again oh you know we're going to rock number two I really hope there's more secrets like Keys like there were in the other story or in the other dark ether that'd be really cool and rock number three so just to the right of the stadium is this little Hill right here and if we climb all the way on top of this hill you could see the dark Ether Portal right there I'm going to throw my last Kazmir and we're going to have to cut this amazing music short because we have completed the dark ether we just need to use this and extract if you want to return to the dark ether and more importantly if you want to get the schematics for the blood burner Keys the mags of holding and the vr11 then you're going to need to use that new dark Ether Portal with an elder sigil there is no difference between the season 1 Elder sigil and the season 2 Elder sigil they are both completely compatible with both dark ether portals and same thing with regular sigils as well as you saw taking on the dark ether was made even easier because of this amazing weapon setup and if you want to learn how I build every single weapon here in Modern Warfare 3 zombies be sure to check out this video and stay beautiful
Channel: Doughnuts
Views: 147,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, how to, guide, cod zombies, mw3 zombies, mw3 zombies new update, mw3 zombies new dark aether, mw3 zombies new dlc, mw3 zombies new schematics, mw3 zombies new easter egg, mw3 zombies new easter egg guide, mw3 zombies solo, mw3 zombies solo guide, mw3 zombies dark aether solo, mw3 new schematics, mw3 zombies new mission, mw3 zombies story mission, mw3 zombies dark aether guide, mw3 zombies dark aether solo easy, mw3 zombies items, mw3 zombies items explained
Id: JKUvI_qnob0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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