What Happens When You Hit MAX Containment Level in MW3 Zombies

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you can now level up your operators and Modern Warfare 3 zombies to unlock powerful game-changing upgrades these being containment levels and the higher you go the stronger your player gets so in this video we're going to max out our containment level unlock all 10 of the perks and test out what they do then we're going to find the best method to farm containment levels quickly and even show an easy method to max out your containment level going from Level zero all the way to level 100 in one single game if you want to see more content like this in the future make sure to unlock that subscribe Button as you can see our current containment level for this operator is zero meaning none of these are active let's go change that so how we get these points to upgrade our containment level is by doing contracts and the zone you do the contract in determines how many containment points you get so I guess let's start off by doing a tier one contract and see how many containment points we get all right mimic I'm sorry but uh you got to be taken out for some points for my own personal game I'm sorry but um this is what the game is forcing me to do nothing personal but um just just enjoy your last few moments by there and oh no no no no no no no all right all right screw you boom big Bounty eliminated plus one containment Point all right makes sense one containment point for a tier one contract hey hey hey what okay we're just Lighting on my car what did I do to you EBT they what you want about Modern Warfare zombie players but at least they're friendly they're offering to clean my car with lead I think they're trying to steal your car they wouldn't steal my car right he ever gets out of that and he's got problems hey hey all your car's gone they would do it twice right no there's no way they do it twice what is his problem with my car you know I love Modern Warfare zombie players they're um they're kind people enough distractions let's get back on track and do a tier 2 contract now nice little deliver cargo waiting for us and no the type of contract you do doesn't matter it only matters what zone you do it in so all tier 2 contracts will give you the same amount of containment points so that means you want to do whatever contracts are easiest and quickest for you to complete deliver cargo contracts are a nice and easy way to get some free points boom tier 2 contract on the car was extracted safely plus two containment points get in the vehicle Craig we got a car I know you have a scorcher but ride with the homies I'll let you I'll let you uh you can DJ you can control the ax Craig what you playing Craig what you playing you got you got the ax in your hand what are you playing Craig take a song Craig I'll let Callum pick the song What callum's not in the car all right I guess we're just going to drive there with no music in Silence with the homies bro this is the most this is the weirdest car I've ever been in I hate okay doesn't matter all right tier three contract let's pick one Outlast that'll be easy um D this game just gets more and more more and more balanced and fixed every day there there's there's no bugs in the game currently a symbol to the ls contract activate the p& D so if the pattern follows we should get three containment points for this see I like Outlast contracts in tier three cuz we don't have to shoot we can just run in circles well not when there's a dog the Outlast is inside the boat Anda the Outlast is actually in our hearts contract completed environment cleared plus three containment points so you get one point for doing a tier one contract two points for doing a tier 2 contract and three points for doing a tier three contract super easy to remember oh what a see we're going to be the bigger person you know for my rage earlier I want to no Craig no Craig hey hey hey what we just Lighting on my car what I do to you just just because they did it to us does not make it okay to do it to them Craig I'm sorry you even did it with the same shotgun Craig you're no better than the people who destroyed my vehicles Craig you have set a set of actions in motion that can't be stopped now that guy's villain Arc has started everybody gets to walk everywhere now that we've got some containment points we have to xville to be able to keep them and unlock the new perks we're going to get my operator's ready to ascend you know I kind of feel like we're Pack-a-Punch our Operator just a little bit almost like we're sticking our hand inside the Pack-a-Punch machine our other objects inside the Pack-a-Punch machine what do you mean by that boom two perks unlocked so just by doing those few contracts we're already at containment level six which means we've unlocked two different perks we're now going to start the game with 500 Essence and we're also going to start the game with five armor plates these two perks aren't that big of a deal it's not the end of the world getting these however as we go through and get more of these levels that's where things start to become pretty gamechanging here we go now that we've loaded in you can see we do have 500 points on spawn and we have five armor plates a nice little bonus to spawn in the game with uh but let's go unlock the actual good stuff all right contract farming activate cool Montage all right two more containment points two more points another mimic there you go here's the lead and there's the containment points I've already lost track of how many I had Mangler I'll take them points put us to 38 one tier two I'm with 40 even give it in points contract complete all right good little grind session even though there's 13 minutes left I think it's about time we Exel that way we can unlock our new perks because I'm kind of excited to test these ones out oh look at that five new perks from one game what a grind containment level 40 now let's check out the new perks we unlocked at level eight we unlocked the ability to start the game with 1,000 Essence at level 12 we unlock 30% off perk machine cost from this point on all of the perks we buy are going to be 30% cheaper and that makes a big difference at level 20 we unlock the ability to start the game with 1,500 Essence at level 30 we unlock 30% contract Essence reward at level 40 we unlock the ability to start the game with 2,500 Essence and yes all these perks are active at once however with the essence you only start with whatever the last here so we're only going to start the game with 2,500 Essence but all these other perks should be working at the same time so on spawn we have 2,500 Essence five armor plates but those aren't the rewards I'm excited to test out now the perk that I'm most excited about is the extra essence you get from contracts to test this out let's throw out all of our money there we go got $0 to our name go ahead pick up a contract if this works like it says it does it's going to be so easy to farm money now all right let me open this deliver cargo so normally from a tier three contract we would get 5,000 Essence however theoretically we should now be getting 30% more than 5,000 which quick mass that would be 6,500 right okay what we're about to find out come on 6,500 Essence from one tier three contract and that's not just one time every time we do a tier three contract in this operator we're getting that much Essence which is going to add up very quickly to test out the other new perk we got we got to head to a perk machine on I'm ready I'm ready so if we open up the Wonder Fizz machine oh yeah they are cheaper instead of being 2,000 to buy a perk it is only 1,400 we were pretty much able to buy all of our perks we spawned in this game did one tier three contract and we have every perk that I won from from doing one contract so not only are we getting 30% more cash from contracts our perks are 30% cheaper so you know what one tier three contract and we're pretty much set for perks for the rest of the game and we're not even maxed rank yet there's still more perks for us to unlock which only means one thing more contract farming so if we want more perks we got to deliver more cargo oh that okay I'll take it that was the sickest way I've ever delivered Cargo in my entire life yeah we're we're delivering enough cargo to arm a small arm Army wait plus two that should have been plus three look at that that 30% extra makes such a big difference we've just been farming contracts this game and we have 100K each all right there's one type of contract we haven't tested let's head into the dark ether to see if we get additional points for doing dark ether contracts did I place in the Sig oh I forgot it's buggy dude we're in the zone I don't got time for this game I need you to oh come on come on come on come huh got to find The Sweet Spot there we go let's get it boys seeing how we get 5,000 points for a dark ether Rift I'm pretty sure it's just going to be three points but there's only one way to find out oh plus three okay yeah so doing them in the dark ether is the same as just doing a tier three contract the dark ether is not very good for farming containment points unless you're already coming in here then I mean I guess just get the points come on give me them sweet sweet dark ether points baby I mean at least the contract rewards are better in here another vr11 bro I'm I've got three VR 111s on me I got one for everyone in the squad next game yeah I don't need one you can drop my one no you're going to take a vr11 you're going to like it Craig I want a vr11 out of every contract if I don't have an entire inventory of VR 111s by the time the game ends I don't want to play oh come on give me them sweet sweet points what uh yeah so someone was telling me that going into the dark ether bugs out your containment level and that is 100% true we just spent an hour and now have less progress than what we all right I guess we'll run it back quick little contract Farm again I mounted on the vehicle what the that popped the tire hope if I can still okay this is kind of risky last contract for the game boom containment level 138 there we go that's more it this time we didn't go into the dark ether and we were able to keep all of our containment levels we were able to Max it out to max out an operator you just have to get it to containment level 100 so let's see what perks we unlock from now that we're maxed out so before that game we were already at containment level 40 when we got it to containment level 50 we unlocked the perk 50% off the mystery box so now we should be able to go in game and buy the mystery box for half price when we got to containment level 75 we unlock the perk of spawning in with 5,000 Essence that's enough to spawn in and immediately Pack-a-Punch your weapon then for the final perk when we got to containment level 100 we unlocked 20% off the Pack-a-Punch machine and that's for all three tiers so now we can max out our weapon a lot cheaper let's go and game and test these out on bombing with 5,000 points look at that 5,000 Essence right off the get-go oh and there's a pack machine here wait it says the Pack-a-Punch machine cost 5,000 it's supposed to be cheaper is it just not going to take as many points wait a minute I got scammed scam I got scammed H okay I was kind of excited for that perk that cuz that one's one of the more stronger ones I just thought it was a visual bug it said it was going to cost 5K and I'm like oh it surely it's not but no it it scam me I want a refund all right surely it's cheaper here no it says it's 10K maybe I got to go to the tier three Zone okay tier three Pack-a-Punch maybe it's cheaper here no it's still 10K maybe it's only the final upgrade so just to make sure it's not only tier three so we pay the 10K yeah and now wants 15K it's charging me full price okay screw you Pack-a-Punch machine Let's see if our other bonus Works hopefully so mystery boxes should be half priced it's 950 okay let's okay let's see if it's a visual bug we'll drop all of our money until so it's okay we'll pick up we have $11,000 so no it took well it seems like all the late game perks don't work I I don't know if I'm doing something wrong I mean at least we spawned in with 5K we spawned in with 5,000 Essence that was one thing that was supposed to work and that perk was actually after the mystery box so we know it's registering that I am at least up to the perk but perk eight and perk 10 aren't working are my perks still discounted am I yeah my perks are still discounted it's it's just all the other stuff that's not working maybe we xfill and come back and try it again maybe it just takes another game to load in properly Pack-a-Punch machine right in front of us containment level 120 okay so game if I'm containment level 120 then I should have 20% off the Pack-a-Punch machine correct please work oh yeah it works now I guess we just had to play another game but but yeah it's not 5,000 anymore it is 4,000 so now that we're using a maxed out operator we can Pack-a-Punch for 4,000 for Tier 1 so if it's not working I guess just xfill and try again they're a little bit buggy which is kind of the name of the game for Modern Warfare Zombies check out tier 2 pack yeah tier 2 pack is now only $88,000 on this operator and tier three pack only 12,000 so with the 30% discount it means you can fully upgrade a weapon for 24,000 points and that's on top of spawning in with extra money and getting 30% more money from doing contracts the combination of bonus money and cheaper Pack-a-Punch is so powerful you can spawn into a game with no Pack-a-Punch crystals and get a Max Pack-A-Punch gun by doing three tier three contracts three contracts to go from a tier zero to a tier three Pack-a-Punch weapon and then after that you just have to do two more contracts and you can buy all of your perks five contracts to get fully maxed out to put that in perspective without the operator upgrades it takes nine contracts in the tier three Zone to get fully set up so it's almost half it takes about half the amount of time to get set up once you have a fully geared out operator that's a ton of time to save almost forgot about the most important upgrade is the Box half price yeah 475 Essence to buy the mystery box so um for the mystery box enjoyers if if you love spending your money on the mystery box uh you can get it half price although me personally I don't ever buy the mystery box honestly I don't I don't know anyone who touches the mystery boxes in Modern Warfare Zombies everyone just kind of uses the weapon they spawn in with if you want to use it you can do it 50% off save some cash the difference between having a a level zero and a level 100 operator is massive now finally let's go over how to max out an operator in one single game going from containment level zero all the way to containment level 100 our strategy for this is pretty simple since tier three contracts give you the most amount of points we're going to try to do the most amount of tier three contracts possible but we're only going to do the fast ones we're going to do the ht/ big Bounty contracts because if you have a fast killing weapon uh you can go through these super quickly we're also going to do the deliver cargo cuz these are simple and we're also going to do the tier three Spore contracts because if you know what you're doing with these you can pick up the Inhibitors throw them down get them done fairly quickly we're going to be skipping all of the rest we're not going to be doing any of the Outlast contracts any of the safe contracts or any of the escort contracts these just take too long the issue being there's going to be points in time where there's no contracts left in the tier three Zone you're either going to have done them all or canceled them all at this point in time when there's no contracts left you want to go into the tier 2 Zone and just focus on the big Bounty contracts but while you're doing this keep an eye the tier 3 Zone as soon as a new contract spawns there do that and then when you run out again go back into the tier 2 Zone just rinse and repeat as for class it up you want to use whatever is currently the best boss destroyer at the time of making this video the flamethrower is the best weapon and the crossbow with explosive tips also amazing however in the future if these get nerfed you just want to use whatever the current best boss Destroyer is also having a scorcher helps a lot because it allows you to fly around the map and pick up these contracts quicker but using this strategy I'm almost positive we can max out a character in one single game so let's finish this game out and see if we can do it holy oh wolf made it too successful xville 113 containment points not only were we able to get maxed out in one game we got 10 extra doing that method you should probably be able to max out a character in one game probably every time you try it all my characters are sitting pretty right now we've got a 120 159 13 which is what we just did in one game uh 121 and 138 so this new containment system is super powerful worth doing and game changing and on top of all that it's extremely easy to farm and max out so I recommend doing it thank you guys so much for watching if you see more videos like this make peace Lego unlocked he's Lego unlocked it's going to unlock all these C
Channel: LegoUnlocked
Views: 160,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty, cod, call of duty updates, modern warfare, MW3 mastery camos, MW3 best weapons, Modern Warfare Zombies, Call of duty zombies, LegopUnlocked, Golden Ivry, MW3 Aether bike schematic, Containment level farming, MW3 Zombies max containment level, easy containment level farming in MW3 Zombies, Containment level, Containment level MW3 Zombies, how to get containment level in MW3 Zombies, MW3 Zombies containment level, MW3 Zombies Exfil streak
Id: HivuUSk5N_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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