Mutant Wither Skeleton VS The Most Secure Minecraft House

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and our house is now complete it looks awesome whoa is that a Wither skeleton's head what is that doing over here this is so weird I hope there's not a giant monster in there what there is totally not a giant monster no guys there's a giant monster in here his name is Baby mutant oh [Music] wait oh no and wait a minute he's already taller than me so that means when he becomes a foam you and he's gonna be ten times bigger than me everyone right now muted wither skeletons are crazy powerful they have a ginormous sword and a wooden house is not gonna protect us let's head lava around our house to protect it well wait Luke the Wither Skeleton is another mob he loves lava we have to add water they hate water all right raise you I'm gonna start on this side and you start on that side let's go no way I'm a way quicker water Placer because it's blue and I'm blue and it's giving me the powers of spoon and I'm already on the corner now time to turn inside I'm gonna be the judge of that oh Luke who's in the lead who's in the lead you're in the lead right now but Roxy's catching up oh no Roxy slow down hey slow down please and I finally made it to the last quarter Roxy it's over I'm gonna reach the middle first no way it's already too late I reached a medal with my water let's go Roxy you turned in too soon oh my gosh Roxy are you serious now we have to adjust it sorry I was going fast ohms we have a problem what a problem what's the problem we have the watermel our house is safe let's go we could just jump over it oh I did not think about that oh gosh you could just jump over it oh no no we need more powerful and totally dangerous weapons we're gonna use and crystals and we're gonna need some obsidian for this everyone follow me we're making end Crystal traps on the front but be very careful because like if you walk into one of these it makes a big explosion yeah we blow up anything baby we just want to blow him up so set up a buncha and Crystal get destroyed baby oh yeah this wither skeleton's got nothing on us that's what I'm saying and whoa oh our front lawn looks um a little bit insane this is crazy booms I kind of want to try it out no don't try it out I think it's about to make like a chain reaction if we hit one of them they're all gonna activate so um stay away please that's it I'm going in survival I want to try it no Logan oh my gosh it worked it out all of them around it guys what did I just say sorry ohms I just needed to try it oh my gosh Luke you are crazy we have to have the trap for the Wither Skeleton and good thing we know it works because it one shot you end there's literally a million of them Roxy you're placing so many yeah I placed at the front so when he walks out he's gonna genius really smart thinking let's play some more here and we should be good on the end crystals here and boom I'm done wow we have a whole Army of crystals booms have you heard of TNT Minecarts oh yeah we should make a TNT Minecart trap and we could even use some of the modded TNTs how about GNT power do we want it needs to be something super powerful well there's two options I'm really thinking of how about the arrow TNT or the lightning TNT Minecart which one should we try can we try them out first all right let's test it out over here so we could see how much damage we're working with let's grab some rails and make a mini roller coaster like this perfect now if we push the minecart it should explode oh my gosh that was insane that was like a billion arrows let me try all right here take the Mind car have a look at it from a bird's eye view activated let me just place it down and push it oh my God oh my gosh whoa that was insane I love that one lightning one all right Luke here take the lightning mine car and push it I didn't see a bird's eye view of this too let's see which one is cooler go this one's gonna be awesome and oh my gosh my ears it hurts so much ah what is happening now ah my ears are ringing me too Luke is a butt face Luke is a butt face oh my gosh do we hear that yeah where is that coming from Luke is a buff face Luke is a buff face up hey you're saying it up top dude yeah you copy tea but which one should we use guys all in favor of using the arrow stand over here and all in favor of using the lightning stand over here all of you guys want the aerobind cards all right let's make a trap with that arrow mine guards um do you know how to make a trap of course I do I'm a professional Also let's go inside and we're gonna make the minecart shooter right over here so let's build a little staircase up like this make it reach to the outside and make it go super duper shmooper high up about here should be a good height so that it's gonna drop and it's gonna fall down right here the arrows aren't gonna go everywhere so let's put the powered rails all down over here like that all the way until we reach inside the house perfect now let's grab a lever and activate them oh yeah let's test it out so let's put the minecart down and give it a push it does it work wow guys I might have broken some of that crystals but the arrows do not use the arrow Shooters until after all the end crystals are destroyed great idea yeah okay so the first one is an arrow one over here at HEPA we add a lightning one next to it so we can have both that's gonna be awesome let's do it so let's go down and let's do it on this side and wait since this is the lightning one let's make it out of gold blocks and let's build up like that go all the way above ground and make it the same height so let's build up to here perfect and let's build over and up and now we have to put the rails down so let's go down all the way back into the house with all of our powered rails perfect then let's power it with the lever and we should be good to go so let's place it down oh my gosh guys guys it's broken oh gosh oh gosh it activated too soon oh my gosh my ears my ears I am so sorry no gosh you just broke more of the crystals I'm sorry I don't know why it activated inside that house oh my gosh I think we need a new design let me extend it going down this way then extend the rails down over here and does it do the same thing nope so now if we push it down it should be good okay it activates a little early but it still works it's defending the outside of our house oh sorry Roxy uh the wow all right I won't do it again booms how about we add some done in my Dynamite Shooters oh great idea and there's a bunch of diet advice to choose from which one should we try which one is the best hmm let's see I mean there's a bunch of options is there anything that could destroy a mutant wither skeleton how about a snow Dynamite to slow them down oh let's test it out snow Dynamite what do you do oh it makes everything turn to snow that makes sense that's trash we need something good what about the freeze dynamite oh yeah does it freeze Lily are you frozen no I can walk oh my gosh this is trash it just makes ice that's dudo homes what about Dynamite let's see what this does and wait what guys oh no I think that was a mistake whoa it spawned in some TNT's and that is awesome should we use this guys I don't know it might blow us up oh yeah I don't want to kill any of you guys no that's dangerous we need something that's not that dangerous what about a withering Dynamite it's perfect for a wither skeleton let's try it out first all right here yeah and oh my gosh it made everything into Soul set and wait a minute so sand makes the ground hard to walk on look at how slow I'm moving uh um and wither skeletons wow we don't want to give him back up kill the skeletons booms what about the ocean dynamite oh yeah cause he's weak so water let's test this thing out if we throw it it makes a whole ocean that is awesome but we have to use that after the lightning Minecart and the Aero Minecart because water is gonna make everything super messy so let's go over here grab some blue concrete blocks and build up three layers like that then grab some dispensers and put through them pointing this way and fill them all up with some ocean dynamite and we're not gonna test this out because I do not want to mess up the end crystals me neither oops Cyrus I know he works really hard on that now let's go down and let's make a staircase so we can connect them to some Redstone and then make it lead all the way inside of the house so we can access it from here now let's connect our Redstone Dust all on top of all the blue blocks and over here on the top let's use some repeaters to connect it to each dispenser and now the water dispenser shooter is ready all we need to do is add a lever and we're not testing it out it's only going to be tested out but we need to use it how about we add some laser security that is a great idea let's go to all the corners and go to the outside and set up some laser security other side Roxy see you later no I don't know no you are not I am you're going down I'm already so far ahead of you see you later yeah yeah that's what they all say I'm going Mega fast right now I'm coming right now you're going down I'm placing so quick oh gosh I'm messing up I'm messing up go go go I gotta go to the middle before you huh I'm catching wait why you're catching up I was shorty here oh no oh no I gotta make it to the middle and wait a minute is it a Time I think so all right fine I'm fine with it being inside but whoa our laser defense system looks super secure he just jump over it doesn't he have super jump oh yeah you're right mutant wither skeletons do have super jump we need something on the inside and I know exactly why we need to get some security guards what kind of security guards sub super powerful ones so first over here let's make a ginormous fence like that and connect it awesome then we have to go on the inside and grab some iron blocks and pumpkins and do you know what I'm doing I think so let me take a guess take your guess what am I doing I think you're thinking that we're making Iron Golem security guards so let's make a tea and place the pumpkin head on top awesome we have the first guard that's gonna be mine that we can make one for Luke Luke what do they become Jerome Jerome okay well mine is Michael Michael Jerome then Roxy what are you gonna do your guy mine is gonna be named super Iron Golem well you just added super in front of his name but okay and Lily what should we name yours okay let's make a princess oh my gosh excuse me super Iron Golem I'm trying to spawn in your sister and whoa we all have them what this one is obviously Jerome that this one is super Iron Golem that this one is Princess Peach oh gosh I already lost track we need to give them names to name them oh great idea let's put it Advil down and grab a name tag and we have to name all the names the first one is super Iron Golem so Roxy Baby your guy super Iron Golem there you go the next one is Jerome and Luke how do you spell Jerome okay it's OMC okay omz i-s-a-b-u-t-t-f-a-c-e wait what um Luke I think you just spelled the word it says ohms is a butt face up no that's how you're supposed to rub here it's like that there you go this is Jerome put it on your guy and then Lily what was yours princess all right Princess P and mine was I forgot his name I'm just gonna name him ohms Jr now let's put the name tags wait what's going on here why is ohms Jr standing on top of this guy and who is this guy oh my gosh they're on a stack on top of each other whoa we have a mega security guard awesome this Wither Skeleton has no chance I know right but guys there's some room over here and I know what we could put What's it gonna be homes we're gonna make a ginormous powerful Arrow Tower shooter because a muted Wither Skeleton uses a sword so if we use arrows we could shoot them down so let's build it out with this shape and now everyone help me build up I'm gonna need all hands on deck because this is going to be a giant build and we're gonna build all the way up to this level and the structure is now complete and wow this is ginormous now let's make a little platform on the inside over here like this perfecta and we need to grab some bars because I don't want any of you guys falling off that would be terrible you would probably break both your feet perfect now we need to grab a chest and put some I was in this bad boy so let's put her right here grab some bows and I'm Gonna Fill This chest up oh with a billion bows so you guys could take one for yourself then next to it I'm gonna add some arrows and whoa there's so many arrows to choose from which one should we use how about slowness arrows oh yeah great ideas Lotus arrow is gonna slow him down a bunch so let's fill up this chest with some slowness arrows back we have no way to get down we have to build some ladders coming up so let's break a hole over here and break an entrance then let's grab some ladders and wait a minute oh gosh we have to make the entrance here so then we could climb up the ladders here perfect now let's go all the way to the top with letters awesome now our Arrow Tower is complete that was super easy and if we want to jump down quick we can just jump into the water and attack it with our weapons thing oh yeah you're right we need to get some armor and weapons everyone follow me and oh gosh there's no room in the house because all of these packs with our blocks but that gives me a great idea let's make an underground bunker so everyone help me out let's make a room in here and boom the room is now complete now we have to add our secret armor homes check this out oh my gosh what the heck is that I already know it's you why'd you do that oh no what is that there's a whole mutant wither skeleton armor set whoa really let me check this out and oh my gosh this set is awesome let me put it on and whoa I look super duper scary oh look his swords even here wait whoa is that the mutant wither skeleton sword awesome and does it have any abilities I think so let me try it out whoa it does that's awesome let me grab it and it does not hole attack damage oh my gosh this is awesome and here yeah whoa it doesn't ability it shoots out lasers let's make an automatic armor dispensary with this I got this quarter over here I got this corner and I got this one so to make an automatic armor you guys already know place the dispensers all around you like that then put all your armor in each dispenser like this perfect that are the one underneath put your weapon then put a fence in the middle and a pressure plate on top so now when you walk into it boom you get the full set instantly wait ohms if the armor is this powerful imagine how powerful the Mew and Wither Skeleton is oh my gosh she's probably way more powerful oh no everyone to the surface but wait there's no way to get out we need to get some ladders and build out of your field for our hour out but what do we do Luke how can we fight something that powerful we self-destruct button wait great idea and what if we made it a custom TNT and I know exactly what to use we're going to use the withering TNT I don't know what it does but we're gonna make a self-destruct butter out of there the first thing we need to do is grab a button and put it right over here now let's grab some Redstone torches and put it behind the button now we have to make a red stone elevator all the way a billion blocks up higher homes don't you think what we're doing is a little dangerous what do you mean it's dangerous it's just a super deadly dangerous TNT that we're gonna spot a billion of well that's gonna blow up our whole house we don't know that right guys is it gonna blow up our whole house Roxy what do you think I agree with Luke well we're already doing it anyways because that elevator is complete now let's test out the button Roxy hit the button down there let's see if it activates this torch okay okay and it works awesome all right turn it off because now it's time to add all the TNT so the first step is to make a layer of normal blocks right here and make it the same size as our house so we can self-destruct if it comes down to it oh no I hope we don't have to blow up our house yeah me too but if we do it's gonna be awesome and this is a good size let's fill it in perfect we have the platform now let's grab some Redstone and make a full layer of our Redstone above it go go go go go go polishing it so fast voila place you get faster yeah I'm the fastest no you're not I am boys let's be for real I'm the fastest play sir oh my gosh but now oh the Redstone is set and all that's left is to put withering TNT oh underneath these look crazy dangerous they don't even look like TNT it just has a widow other skeleton skull on them oh my gosh I'm a little bit nervous but let's go all around and place it and boom we have a full layer now above we have to add some Redstone repeaters because if we doubt the signal is not gonna reach and it's only gonna put like half of the TNT and that should be just enough now we have to hook up the redstone torch elevator to the Redstone up over here so let's place a redstone behind the torch at a repeater and that should be perfect now once we hit that panic button it's gonna activate all the weather TNT but wait we have to protect it at a glass because this is super deadly dangerous so let's grab some red glass and make our entire security area for the button perfect it's now secured homes we haven't checked on the Wither Skeleton oh yeah you're right he might have mutated oh gosh everyone to the Armory we're gonna check on him let's go down to our secret basement and let me put my full set of armor on and wow I look awesome and I'm prepared if we use the emergency TNT how are we gonna Escape oh gosh I did not think about that we need an escape plan we need a way to ride out of here follow me guys let's go up over here and since the button is here we need an Escape Route right next to it here so let's grab a minibus and put it right over here in the back perfect this could fit all of us and we're gonna have to break some lasers over here for us to fit through and add a bridge underneath like that so now we could drive out of here and Escape it oh my gosh this looks so silly there's four wither skeletons and a minivan homes this is super goofy I know right but wait we have to check up on the Wither Skeleton so everyone follow me homes I think he escaped wait a minute oh my gosh I see him everyone shorts oh he looks crazy I'm going for his butt go go go go get the button wait a minute we could use our ability to activate the crystals guys lure him over here I'm gonna use the crystals okay okay I'm doing it come over here you big smelly skeleton head hey oh gosh wait oh I hit the crystal did it do damage he looks super scary not just fine oh my gosh take this take my sword yeah attack with your abilities guys okay go go go oh my gosh careful guys hey lady my friends alone you big bully died whoa guys he has hops he's jumping so high up oh gosh my sword just broke I'm done oh no this is better homes let's go to the arrow tower all right quickly everyone Retreat to the arrow Tower and grab a bow and boom him down let's get a bow and a bunch of slowness Heroes and he's still outside Hey ow gosh I'm missing all my shots move Roxy I gotta get him and oh my gosh who has a flame bow oh of course you have a flame bow you love fire but whoa he's jumping so high wait a minute he just jumped over the Laser's head over the water oh no oh no Holmes look what he's doing to the Golems [Applause] like that was a bad idea oh gosh everyone go down we have to protect him let's go it's too late he killed all of our security and oh my God she's super intimidating okay guys here's the plan Roxy you continue fighting fighting him I'm going to use the Mind cards all right okay first let's use the aerobind car and come on work please please work yeah oh my gosh that did so much damage yes now let's use the lightning one look at this quickly and I'm pushing it oh my gosh it's off and whoa it's working it's doing so much Championship stand side Roxy stay inside it's dangerous out there shooting he's still alive oh gosh close the door what else do we have wait we could use our ocean shooter shoot the ocean all right three two did it work and oh gosh guys it shot behind it ooh Some squid spotted all the damage run inside oh no Luke I think we ran out of options and you just shot me what do we do we gotta hit the emergency button you're right okay okay everyone in the minivan quickly I'm gonna run into the driver's seat after I hit it okay okay all right are you guys ready I'm hitting it in five four three two one oh my gosh it all spawned on this ad is gonna work on some lagging and wait well I think it worked let's go check on him all right and wow it made so many so sad blocks at wither skeletons all around and yes yes and we did it guys we killed the mutant wither skeleton and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on our next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 379,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, Mutant Wither Skeleton VS The Most Secure Minecraft House
Id: OJc7KGxReY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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