Mutant Creeper VS The Most Secure Minecraft House

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this house we just built looks awesome yeah so wait what's that over there wait what is that a giant creeper head is there a way inside this I have no idea hmm and wait a minute oh there's doors over here and wait guys do not come inside that is a mutant creeper AGA wait what's that Roxy stop don't touch it don't touch it it could hatch at any second and if it hatches it's gonna blow our house up we have [Applause] to do it quick before the Mutant Creeper spawns quickly close the door let's go fast let's do it and the door we have right now is wood the creeper could just blow it out yeah what is not strong enough but you know it is a scanner door let's use this instead what does a scanner door do basically it scares your face so if we put a scanner over here next to it it's gonna scan my face and it's gonna open up the door awesome so only I could enter how do we open the door super easy all we have to do is break two slots and you each put your own retinal scanners yeah that's really smart so that side is for Roxy and that side is for Lily now any of us can open it up and boom it opens and we're now inside of the Creeper's never going never gonna break through that but he will break through our house oh yeah our house is made out of wood that is not strong at all we have to replace it with the block that can't be blown up oh yeah like Bedrock so let's replace our walls with bedrock I'll race you to the other side yeah yeah Roxy no way Jose I'm already on the second wall and I'm zooming oh yeah you're gonna lose now I'm on the left side you're going down you forgot the roof though oh gosh wait you're right oh no no no but this wall is complete now let me do the roof real quick go go go go go go go go go come on and the roof is now all set with some bedrockers but your floor is not wait what no I forgot about the floor oh go go go go go go go go and my floor is now completely set with bedrock let's go my side is done first huh nice job and our house is looking super duper secure the Creeper's never gonna break into this yeah but this is not enough yeah you're right but I know exactly what we have to do first let's go all the way over here and break two blocks okay now what now I'm gonna break on this side and you're gonna break on that side and we're gonna make a giant Mo and fill it with lava yeah I bet I'm gonna go to the other side first let's go break break break yeah yeah Roxy in your dreams I'm already on the first turn go go go go go go go wait what already no no no slow down wait Roxy slow down now huh I finished yeah you beat me good job that way our MO is a little uneven this is silly wait let's fix this up and boom now let's set Robin Let's Race okay quickly plays down the lava I have to win this one oh gosh you're right there I gotta hurry up and wait no you reached the middle first huh good job Roxy uh I'm nervous what you're getting nervous why are you nervous I think that oh gosh wait let's check up on him please don't hatch Mr creeper are you still in your egg and yeah he's still in the egg but he can spot you're right we have to continue making security measures before he comes quick ly let's go we're gonna make a giant laser wall uh whoa that sounds so deadly dangerous yup it is so grab some laser blocks and we're gonna place it all around all right it and we're gonna race again so I'm gonna start off with the floor ones and I have to place them before you see you later Roxy you're gonna get destroyed no I'm no one well I'm already on the first turn you're losing well I'm at the back turn oh what already oh gosh there's so much ahead of me hey slow down guys uh nope oh oh no no no no you already made it and whoa whoa all right Roxy relax relax you already made it to my side you won you won now yeah but now we have to add the actual lasers so build up four blocks and place the laser block and boom we have a laser and go quickly reached another side all right let's go I'm gonna destroy you and these lasers are super duper powerful the Creeper's gonna stand no chance and I'm done wait whoa you beat me again you're so faster be strong we need some gears yeah you're totally right and that gives me an idea let's make an Armory follow me we're gonna make a second floor in our house oh a double bunk house exactly a double bunk house so let's blaze the First wall up here and instead of building it by hand let's just use our magical wand and set the two positions and set it all with bedrock now we have to hollow it out so let's set that side and then fly all the way down over here and then make the inside all out of air I know right and wait a minute guys there's no way to get up how do we get up grab some breakfast oh yeah and let's use the iron Ladders because they're unbreakable to any explosions and boom we're up here and this is gonna be our Armory Arm Are You Gonna use I'm gonna use Diamond because it's my favorite color blue and I'm gonna use five armor whoa that crazy what about you Lily I'm gonna use golden armor oh great choice and now we have to make the armor dispensary systems but how do we do that super easy all we need is some dispensers a fence and then of course a pressure play watch and learn first let's make the Armory like that out of the dispensers perfect then let's grab a fence put it in the middle and a pressure plate on top so once we stand in it it's gonna activate them all right I'm making the same one me too perfect dude on that side and on that side now all I have to do is fill the dispensers up with my armor and I'm good now let me test it out when I walk in yes I instantly get all my armor and a diamond sword now let's see if your guyses Works Lily walk in yours wow awesome a full set of gold armor now your turn Roxy walk in okay he and oh my gosh you look awesome you have the fire armor yep I'm hell but I'm getting really paranoid do you think the creeper hatched yet I don't know I hope not check hello Mr creeper and few VA stolen ago that means we have more time to make security oh yeah awesome and I have a really good idea first we have to break these laser blocks so we can have an entrance over here and we're gonna make a fireball Cannon shooter whoa how do we do that super easy all we're gonna need is some dispensers and some Redstone and a lever to activate it but how do we build it super super simple all we have to do is make a little staircase up over here and then add some dispensers up like that and then make the staircase go down this way and add some redstone on the top of it like that now we have to fill all the dispensers up with some Fireballs like this and boom they're all completely filled and ready to fight the creeper alrighty let's put down the lever and flick and oh my gosh it's attacking the creeper oh take that this isn't enough I have a really good idea what's your idea we're gonna make Giant Archer Towers to protect ourselves so once he comes we're gonna shoot him down yes let's do come follow me so let's go on this side and we need to make it out of an indestructible block and we already use Bedrock so now let's use something else let's use obsidian yeah it's unbreakable too so first things first we have to build five blocks down this way then five blocks down this way and then build super duper high up okay Roxy okay on it and Lily while we build this one you build one on that side okay all right we'll do awesome this is going to be so good this creeper is gonna stand no chance against us yeah we are super super strong and boom the tower is now complete now we have to make a super big platform on the top so we can have sight of the entire world so we won't get sneak attacked oh yeah and this side's complete now all that's left is that side and let's make one side in the front over here and we're done with the platform but what if we slip oh yeah that would be really bad we would fall in our own traps but to prevent this all we have to do is add some fences so we won't slip off really smart idea and Lily you heard we need fences okay okay we'll do awesome thank you Lily but now let's put the fences all around like this and whoa this is so cool oh yeah I forgot we need to have a bow for an Archer Tower and I know just what to do let's add two dispensers like this and we're gonna make the same machine we did for the armor dispensary now let's place our pressure plate on top and then let's grab a bow and I'm gonna grab the ice bow only because it's blue and I love blue then let's grab some arrows and we're only gonna need one because we're gonna get a book that gives you infinity on your bow wow so that one arrow is Gonna Last Forever exactly now let's place down an anvil and combine it and yes my bow house infinity so I could shoot my one Arrow forever really now let me fill up the dispensers with arrows and a bow so once I step on it yes I get a bow and one Arrow wow we have no way to come up here so we have to jump down break an entrance over here and wait we still don't have a way to get up we need lunch oh yeah you're right and again don't we use normal Ladders because the creeper can blow it up we're gonna use iron ladders oh yeah oh yeah breakable aha so let's build it all the way up to over here like this and we made it to the top and our tower defense is complete and look lilies is almost done too let's help her out all she has to do is place the fences down like this and then all we have to do is add the bow dispensers thank you no problemo boom and boom it's all done I'll give you my bow and a bunch of arrows but while you guys put the finishing touches on the tower I'm gonna add some Minds off oh mine are deadly dangerous exactly solve the creeper steps on any of them he's gonna go Kaboom and get destroyed so let's place a bunch down this is going to be awesome no way he survives this exactly and I'm gonna play so many that if he hits one they're all gonna activate it's gonna be like a chain of distraction he's gonna stand no chance it's gonna be fighting fire with the fire or explosion with explosion thank you and wait Lily can you come over here so I can demonstrate how these mines work oh oh just do it it won't be all that bad oh my gosh that was crazy the Creeper's gonna stand no chance oh hell wait what you have an idea what's your idea let's get security guards yes that is a genius idea let's fly back to our base and make some cards how are we gonna make guards super easy all we're gonna need is some iron blocks and then some pumpkins uh wait are we making what I think we're making yup are making what you think you're making so let's make a little fence area to store them all just like this perfect and we're gonna spot in three personal guards so let's make a t-shape with the iron blocks and put the pumpkin on top and boom we have the first one now let's do the second one over here and boom and finally let's do one right here and we all have our own personal security guards uh how are they gonna get out oh wait I didn't think about that we need a way to make these fences go down and luckily I know exactly how wait what how super easy all we need is some sticky pistons and some Redstone so let's add some sticky pistons all to the bottom then some Redstone repeaters leading into some redstone dust and put a torch above it so they're all activated and wait wait I need to break all these grass blocks that move the fences down over here and now when we power this block boom it pulls them all down oh super cool so if we fill up these blocks just like that they could walk through and protect us from their creepero but don't that is genius yes let's grab some electric fences and put it all around put it outside in between the lava and the lasers okay due to the other side yeah yeah in your dreams I'm the fastest Placer in the world and I'm almost to the middle and whoa you're right there oh gosh I gotta go quicker no way you're not winning this I hit the middle yes I won let's go wait oh good job and now we have three layers of wall defense before the creeper could even get near us we have our lava then we have our electrical fences and then we have our lasers uh but it's now time for us to add our in case of emergency button uh whoa what does that mean we're only gonna hit this button in case the creeper makes it in and we actually have to get out of here it's gonna be right over here and this button is gonna blow everything up Oh Come with Me guys we have to fly up all the way over here and this is a good height and now we're gonna need to place a billion pieces of TNT so help me out guys make our entire base be covered with TNT okay all right on it boom it's now all complete now we have to add a second layer of normal blocks on top of it so help me out guys okay all right doing it and phew that took forever the last thing we have to do now is fill it with some rats down so every piece of TNT will fall in Rain make sure not to layer up right now yeah if we did it right now I would cry we would just blow everything up and the creeper could get to us but guys hurry up place down the Redstone off and boom the Redstone is now completed now what we have to do is connect the panic button all the way up over here how do we do that super easy come follow me down guys we're gonna have to make a redstone torch elevator all the way to the top can I ride it no normal elevator elevator it's our redstone torch elevator how do we build that well obviously we're gonna need some red style torches that some Redstone now let's add a piece of redstone dust this way so when the button is hit it's going to activate this block and boom you see how that torches off Oh yeah and when we hit the button it's now on and when there's a bunch of blocks over it it's gonna turn on and off the top one so it's a really easy way to make a signal reach super duper high up all right let's do it and boom We reached all the way up here Roxy Let's test it out hit that button down there okay yeah okay I'm wow yes it turned off and on now it's gonna activate the TNT yeah connected to the TNT super easy we just need to make a little staircase going up over here like this and then make a connect up to the Redstone just like that so let's place the dust like this and oh gosh Roxy hit the button so we turn it off I do not want it to explode right now oh yeah me neither that would be super duper bad disconnect it and yes it's now off now nobody ever hit that button and so we're ready to explode the entire world now let's add all of our Redstone repeaters so we can make the signal reach everywhere so place a bunch of repeaters randomly everywhere okay guys and boom that should be good there's a bunch of redstone repeaters this is awesome wait a minute how are you gonna get out of here oh I did not think about that if we hit that button the TNT is instantly gonna fall we need a bus and wait I have a really good idea to do that all we have to do is move the panic button over here and connect it to a bunch of repeaters and make sure to put it on maximum DeLay So we have a bunch of time to escape just like this and once it reaches this side let's flip it so it goes down to this way and add even more delay this is going to literally take like a whole 10 seconds and 10 seconds should be enough for us to get out right guys I hope so wait what do you mean you hope so in total he will be don't worry don't make me nervous like that but let's test it out how long does this take let's hit the button and oh yes it's super slow you see that we're gonna have all of this time until it reaches all the way to this redstone repeater right about now where are we gonna escape to escape we're gonna have to teleport out of here and I have a really good idea as to how we're gonna do it we'll try here just follow my lead let's go all the way over here and set up a platform what set up a platform why just follow my lead let's set a little platform over here and let's make a super duper big wall so we can see it and it's gonna be easy to hit what do you mean easy to hit just follow by lead Roxy stop thinking too much and this should be enough room perfect now let's test out my idea if we grab some ender pearls will we be able to throw it and reach it come on can I hit the platform and yes and from here I can watch the TNT shallow I know right we have the perfect spot to watch oh gosh the Sun is setting down do you think the creeper responded oh no I hope not wait let's put on our armor before we check let's go up to our Armory and let me get it all on and boom I have my full set of armor so do I awesome now let's go check out the creepers there this is gonna be crazy Mr creeper are you here I'm really nervous and oh gosh help me out he's here I'm fighting my best oh my God and he's blowing everything up get out get out get out oh gosh guys I'm in a corner help me I'm helping helping me he's spotting in baby creepers run out we have to lead him out of this box to the mines creeper come over here come on take the bait and yes he's going flying but um guys it doesn't seem like it did anything to him go go go God run it back he does so much damage leave me alone are you spawning in baby creepers off I'm trying my best way guys we have to lure him I don't think that mines are doing anything uh okay I'm in and let's use our Fireballs everyone come behind the lines of fire oh he's coming he's coming this is bad oh God she broke the lever Anthem guys he's coming through the truth all right I'm up I'm up quickly guys this is better I'm all righty yeah and I got my bow at infinity heroes and wait where is he ah wait I felt him where did he go help me oh gosh I can't see him Roxy move so I could see Emma he's right over right over Hill above Roxy Roxane I can't see anything oh gosh I'm coming down this is really bad that's bad now they need our help from our security guards anyway they're doing nothing oh gosh we're on our own guys fire D I'm trying my best in the house all right I'm going ow ow I'm burning I'm burning go up quickly we're out of options we have to hit the panic button now okay look panic button all right follow me let's go huh he's right right now I'ma hit it now and then oh gosh well yes the Signal's off so let me grab an ender pearl and throw it come on did I hit it and yes I made it and oh my God TNT is down and everything is destroyed let's see if he survived and oh my gosh yes we did it that was crazy and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on our next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 792,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, Mutant Creeper VS The Most Secure Minecraft House
Id: 54FqMJVpGPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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