Mutant Wither Skeleton VS The Most Secure Minecraft House

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what's up Nico I just got three with a skeleton school so now we can fight the Wither oh my gosh let's go but I'm kind of worried cash because when I killed those wither skeletons they said that they were gonna talk to their boss and get revenge on us wait talk to their boss Nico why don't you let me know sooner they could be here any minute I don't know I was in the Nether and I had to come back quick here take these oh my gosh okay we're gonna have to build some defenses before that Wither Skeleton boss comes over here yeah I'm really scary and he's probably super big oh no it's okay Nico let's just get started on some defenses okay I trust you cash what's first first we're gonna grab some mines and we're gonna make a huge Minefield out here so when he walks out of the portal he's gonna get bombarded by all these explosives oh let's go all right I'm gonna space these out like this and I'm pretty sure the mutant wither skeleton is really big so he won't be able to dodge all of these are you sure these are gonna work cash these just look like little bye ends no Nico they are very dangerous do you want to try stepping on one sure I'll test it out oh gosh yeah as you can see they explode and they also set you on fire put it out Nico that is so dangerous we gotta fill up this hole yeah let's put out the fire first okay there we go now let's fill it up but that just shows you how dangerous these little mines are hopefully this will be enough okay there we go this looks like a pretty good field what do you think yeah this is looking really dangerous but Nico I don't think that's enough to defeat the mutant wither skeleton okay so what are we gonna do next cash okay I don't think we should build our house on the ground level so let's get some stairs from our inventory and let's just start building up like this oh okay all right help me out Nico we're gonna build this up super high got it cash I'll help you here I have an idea I'll build all the ones on top and you build all the ones on the bottom got it Teamwork Makes the DreamWork yes look this is working so fast we're so efficient this system we have going is so easy Nico look at this okay I think this is good enough for this part now let's just get some regular quartz blocks and build a little platform out like this got it here we go I think this should be wide enough and perfect okay Nico next what we're gonna build is a tunnel that leads that way and what are we gonna put in that tunnel cash I'll show you let's just start off by building the sides here and we can actually do this in a really easy way let's grab our one from our inventory like this go all the way out here and select this as our second position now let's just set this to quartz blocks and boom whoa this is a super long tunnel yup but it still has no entrance so we're just gonna go right here and cut all of this out boom there we go whoa this is so cool I know right so once we lead the mutant wither skeleton up here we're gonna try and get it to go through this tunnel but wait this is just a regular tunnel he could just walk through cash well we're gonna rig it with a bunch of lasers so we're gonna make it really hard for him whoa what that sounds so deadly so let's get some laser block Smart inventory and now we can just start placing little lasers all over the place just like that that oh let's go and as you can see it creates lasers everywhere you try and place them just like this and Nico we all know that wither skeletons are three blocks tall so we can walk under this but he shouldn't be able to oh that's so smart okay now let's play some in the middle just like this boom and help me out Nico we're gonna play some more over here got it cash okay this is gonna be really hard for the skeleton this looks so good let's keep building over here just like that okay now we're at the end Nico and I think this looks really good I know right wait are you sure these lasers do damage cash let's test them out try to walk through it Nico okay let's test it out nope it doesn't do damage yet and that's because I didn't modify it yet so let's go in here and we're gonna add the harming module just like that so now it should be added to all of these let's keep placing them in these and there we go okay now it should be placed on all of them so Nico if you try walking through it again okay let's test this out oh gosh as you can see it actually damaged is you now what so this is gonna be really hard for the mutant wither skeleton to walk through but Nico we have to make sure not to touch these either because then we will die so we need to be very careful that would be super bad cash yup but I still don't think this is gonna be enough to defeat that mutant wither skeleton so what are we gonna do next I think we should build another trap let's just make it a little higher so let's keep building some stairs okay there we go keep going up Nico okay guys I'll let you know when to stop let's keep going this needs a lot of height and there we go okay that should be perfect now this next part is gonna be a little tightrope over some lava whoa that sounds so cool yup so first let's build all the way down like this and all the way out but wait a second we can just do this so much easier with commands so let's just select this is our first area and this is our second area and we're gonna set the walls to quartz blocks there we go now let's also fill the bottom ends so we don't have to look at the grass well this is gonna be so cool yup but we didn't even get to the final part yet now we're gonna select this is our first block and this is our second and we're gonna set the whole thing the lava look at that what the heck but cash how are we gonna get across I'll show you so we're gonna build our own little pathway here but we're gonna make it really hard for the Wither Skeleton to walk along oh are we gonna make a zigzag yup we're gonna make it go in a bunch of different directions just like this which is gonna confuse the Wither Skeleton and he's gonna fall into the lava yup I'm just gonna make it keep going back and forth but Nico there's gonna be a small little secret to this what since the mutant wither probably can't jump he's gonna have to go around this whole thing but for us we could just do some Parkour to make it across like this oh my gosh that's so cool I know right okay let's keep making zigzags like this the skeleton will be so confused got it now we're just gonna make it go around in a loop just like this and it's gonna end right over here Boop whoa okay Nico let's have a race you go around the whole thing manually and I'll try to get across with shortcuts okay but can I get a head start yup I'll give you three seconds one two three okay I'm on my way oh gosh we cross paths oh no cash how are you kidding me I already made it look at these this shortcut he's so fast what I have to go all the way around uh I know so even if the Wither Skeleton doesn't slip and fall into the lava we should still have enough time to make it to this side but also I just realized the Wither Skeleton will be able to just walk on the walls like this so let's grab some more quartz blocks and we're gonna build up two all around the whole side you get the other side Nico got it cash I'm going I'll beat you to the other side nope I'm a fashion Builder no you are not I bet you I'll make it there first come on come on I gotta go faster oh my gosh I'm going so fast right now there's no way you're gonna beat me Nico what do you mean I will and looks like I beat you uh Nico look I have more of the wall Bill what oh my gosh I guess you're right okay well at least we have that part done so let's test this out he's gonna go up the stairs like this through the lasers and then up some more stairs over here to finally go across this lava pit okay this looks really good so far but I still think we need to add more okay what's next cash I feel like we're a little weak and since we're gonna have a head start on the Wither I think we should need some time to gear up oh you're right okay how are we gonna do that we're gonna build an Armory so let's build out just like this and we're just gonna create a small room with some dispensers that'll help us Gear Up and these will make us super duper overpowered yup so let's just build a room just like this Nico build up the walls too and hold on I think we're gonna need a stronger block if we're dealing with this Wither Skeleton oh okay what are we gonna use cash I think we should use obsidian whoa that looks so cool but look since we don't want to redo all of this over again I'm just gonna select right here and right here and we're gonna replace all quartz blocks with obsidian boom whoa that's so cool how did you do that it's just with some simple commands and now we don't have to restart the whole thing we can just keep building like this that's so useful I know right all right let's finish off the walls there we go that's looking so good okay it's a little too dark in here so I'm also gonna grab some iron blocks which are very bright and I'm gonna make the floor a bunch of iron this is also a really secure block okay now that the floor is done we can also build the roof just like this let's do a command and boom there we go oh my gosh this place looks so cool but now it's actually time to build the Armory Nico okay cash what are we gonna use to build that okay the first thing we're gonna need is a dispenser then we're gonna get a pressure plate and a fence gotta cash next we're gonna grab any sort of armor set that we choose I'm of course gonna grab netherrite because that's the strongest set in the game and also sister with us from the leather that's gonna be the best to go against him yup and let's also grab a sword and some golden apples okay next we're just gonna go into the wall right here here and place two dispensers like this two dispenses like this and two dispensers like this now we'll Place one at the bottom and we're gonna start filling this with a bunch of armor so this one will be helmets this one will be chest plates this one will be leggings and this one will be boots and then finally for the last two I'm gonna put the Sword and the golden apples and Nico you know we're forgetting what are we forgetting cash a totem of undying whoa and that will give us a second life yup so if we accidentally die It's Gonna Save Us and give us a little bit more time to prepare that's gonna be super good yup so now this Armory is basically complete all we have to do is place a pressure plate and a fence and then I'll build mine on this side cash okay and that should be good all right let me test yours out Nico you better not have forgotten anything okay go here we go oh my gosh it also gave me the golden apple The Sword and the totem let's go this looks so perfect okay now after we gear up let's make an exit right over here for us to get out of and where will this lead to this is gonna lead to our next trap and for this one we're gonna build an arrow dispenser trap whoa that sounds I know right so help me build this hallway right over here Nico and this is gonna spew out a bunch of arrows to get them really low yup okay this should be good enough now let's play some blocks along the sides like this oh yay and now let's grab some dispensers so we'll Place one right here and fill it up with a bunch of arrows and now we're just gonna place a ton of those on every single block like this and I'll do the same on the opposite side cash yup that looks perfect next we're gonna build on the back of each one of these just like this and then we're just gonna grab some Redstone repeaters and some Redstone and are those gonna plug in the back of these dispensers yup so just place them just like this along the back of every single one got it and then once you placed all of those connect it with some Redstone that leads all the way back here okay all of it's connected let's just leave it right here and now we're just gonna place a lever right here boom so now if we're running away from the mutant wither skeleton we could just run all the way down here and then flick this lever when it's coming down and we could just Spam it like that oh my gosh this is crazy but cash Can You Escape over these walls if he jumps oh gosh you're right okay we need to build these walls a little bit higher let me just collect all these arrows and now let's build two up with some iron blocks just like this Nico got it this is definitely Gonna Save Us make sure to get every single block we don't want him getting through anywhere okay that looks pretty good let's also make a roof to this thing boom there we go okay this looks so good I know right but Nico I'm not too sure if this is gonna kill him so what's next we're gonna need some backup and by backup I mean some bodyguards and by bodyguards what do you mean you're probably thinking of some big scary man but I'm thinking of some cute little furry animals are you talking about dogs yup and we're gonna have a dog house right here to try and attack the Wither if it gets all the way over here let's hope that doesn't happen yup so for this we're gonna go to our inventory and we're gonna grab some bricks and now we're gonna build a little doorway like this and then the weather skeleton can't even access it because look it's only two books tall yup and he won't be able to hurt our puppies okay here we go this looks wide enough now let's just build the floor out of iron blocks of course there we go next we're gonna use some stairs to build a round just like this and then we'll build up the walls with some windows of course okay this is looking so good so far the final thing we're gonna do is get some stairs from our inventory hmm I like these ones and we're gonna start building the roof just like this whoa this is looking so cool I know right I didn't know you're such a good Builder cash yup I love building okay so help me build this up Nico this is a really cool design we're making cash I know right but Nico when's the last time we checked on that nether portal oh gosh it was at the very start cache we have to check it okay Nico you keep building the roof and I'll go check on it real quick oh gosh I have to go through this area above the lava down through these lasers and then it should be right here okay it's still hasn't come out yet Nico I wonder what's taking them so long gosh I have no idea but we can never meet you prepared and boom there we go now let's just fill in the sides just like this and boom that's my side done and my side's done okay this looks perfect so now we can just walk in here and have our puppies but wait we don't even have the puppies yet so let's get some wolves and some bones and now we're gonna spawn some dogs whoa these are so cute I know right okay there we go we have our four puppies and Nico do you want to name them yup and I already got the prepared first we have Max over here oh I like the name Max and then we have Luna that's a cool name too and then over here we got Charlie and last we have a rocky these are some really good names Nico I'm surprised you came up with them so fast yeah but these dogs are gonna fight for us so they need to have powerful names yeah these are some pretty powerful names let's make sure nothing gets to them by placing a fence gate right over here perfect and now we're going to continue the path over here for us to escape with but actually it's just going to be the last area Nico so the way we're gonna do this is by building a huge grass area just like this and what are we gonna put your cash we're gonna build some archery Towers to try and fight off this wither skeleton and win once and for all yup okay this looks big enough and now that we have this grass area we need to make some walls so this guy can escape okay how are we gonna do that we're gonna grab some iron bars from our inventory and we'll build around this grass area just like this and finally we're just gonna start building up a ton just like this and hopefully he shouldn't be able to get over this yup this should be good and it looks pretty cool I know right okay I'm done with my side and I'm still working on mine this is taking quite a while you should be done now okay perfect now that we have a trapped area for this guy we're gonna build some archery Towers on the sides of it and we gotta make it so only we can enter so let's build them up like this and like that perfect a two black entrance yep and then we're also just gonna make this platform super small okay and then I'm gonna build mine out of red concrete just like this oh and then I'll make mine on the other side made out of blue yup that's a good idea Nico all right help me build this red one it's gonna go up just like this I know I always get undercovered cash but I still think red is pretty cool yeah I think blue is cool too I just like red a little more okay and now that this part's done we can create a little platform out like this okay fill the whole thing in and we'll make it come out here just a little bit so then we have a place to shoot him yup but this looks a little unsafe so I'm gonna build a little roof on top of this whole thing we'll build out like this and then let's get some slabs from our inventory and place it on the top just like that this looks really good I know right okay this looks perfect finally I'm just gonna play some iron bars around the entire thing so we don't fall off and then we'll finish it off by placing some ladders here perfect this looks so good and then we can shoot him down there but wait Nico what are we gonna shoot him with we don't even have a bow oh yeah you're right we need to get one cash yeah so the way we're gonna do that is by breaking these blocks and placing some dispensers then we're gonna put an arrow in the bottom one and then a bow with infinity in the second one just like that so finally all we need is a pressure plate and a fence there we go so when we walk into this it should give us a bow with infinity that's so okay Nico I'm done with my tower so now you can build yours okay I built mine on the opposite side okay and while you do that I'm gonna go make sure everything else is good our dogs are over here perfect oh this is armed let's turn that off for now maze looks good and all the lasers are armed too okay perfect and cash my archery Tower is done look how cool this looks oh my gosh you built this thing so quickly Nico we have red and blue side by side this is perfect gosh oh my gosh Nico I'm here I'm here don't worry get him just walk on the mines quickly oh it's working it's working oh my gosh Nico look he's sorts at you what oh my gosh wait gosh I just noticed something is she a mutes of fire oh my gosh I think he is because he comes from the nether Nico oh gosh oh God I lead him up this staircase okay Nico lead him up the stairs lead him up the stairs he's coming he's coming okay time to go to the lasers oh my gosh just run through him Nico don't take damage oh gosh Nico he's still getting through okay come on come on how did he survive the lasers and he's going to oh my gosh you got through what oh my gosh Nico do the shortcut like I was telling you I already made it Nico I can't take the shortcut cash I'm the withering effect and I can fall in the lava oh my gosh how is he walking along it so easily what the heck oh gosh Nico he's already here we just have to arm her up ready come on oh my gosh okay I got my stuff let's go and I'm putting my totem in my second hand Nico he's too strong we just need a run come on okay okay I'm coming I'm going through just shoot it just show me cash I don't care okay I shot him a bunch I shot him a bunch I'm gonna make our dog stand up come on go fight him but I'll distract him come on doggies you got this oh gosh cash I'm gonna deal with a lot of damage oh my gosh Nico it's no use we just have to run to our Towers I have to eat my golden apple what is it doing he just jumped what the heck what what oh my gosh I'm walking up mine okay my dogs are safe inside and ready Nico we just have to get our bows and start shooting him let's go okay Infinity oh here we go he's down here cash all right I'm shooting him oh my gosh she's like shooting me with some sort of flames oh my gosh Maybe don't worry I'm being careful I'm trying to shoot him come on Nico hurry up okay I'm shooting him I'm shooting him keep shooting keep shooting I think we almost got him oh my gosh I'm gonna put the tournament dying in this hand there we go nice Nico we just killed him let's go it is remains are all over the place oh my gosh that was so easy look we could pick all this stuff up yup and our planner worked yup and look at me Nico I'm wearing his head oh that's so cool cash let's go let's go if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe 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Channel: Cash
Views: 2,451,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Mutant Wither Skeleton VS the Most secure minecraft house
Id: LvN4h2NrgMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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