MUST WATCH: Crazy Police Chase In California Lasts 3 Hours

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Been watching it for a few minutes. Here's what they've said so far:

  • It started as a failure to yield to police in Culver City.
  • During the chase he hit someone on a scooter. Injuries don't appear critical.
  • The driver has managed to recover from 4 pit maneuvers.
  • It sounds like it's a vet and Police are in contact with his wife but no word if there is a cell phone in the vehicle.


  • Vehicle stopped a couple miles south of the CBP checkpoint near Camp Pendleton
  • Back wind shield is completely opened as a result of the pit maneuvers
  • K9 onsite

The original helicopter ran low on fuel and left.

Here's a new video feed from the side:

Thanks to /u/mickeyknoxnbk here is a video feed from behind:

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/ganlet20 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

OMG! The traffic jam heading south.


Those poor travelers are so screwed.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/DelfinGuy 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

I missed the takedown, is there a video of it up yet since it's still an ongoing livestream?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/just-here-to-say 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

All lanes are stopped on the 5 SB north of Oceanside

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Liamur64 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

My daughter and I got off at Las Pulgas to ride bikes and rode right past it, including the people stuck. We could hear the police doggos barking and the loudspeaker of the negotiator. Meanwhile, Cobras and Hueys were doing the flight maneuvers along the bluffs, push the news choppers up into a high hover.

Here's the scene, our Shadenfruede at the traffic, and the road home.

If the perp had gone 400 yards further, we'd have been stuck with the rest and late for a doctor's appt.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/knumbknuts 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/mickeyknoxnbk 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wow that scooter rider was riding between the first and second lanes? It even looked like that driver purposely ran into him.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/hoasanchez 📅︎︎ Jan 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

How can these guys never hit the traffic jams like we do?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LarryPer123 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
but yes he is on cue and there he goes spinning him out here he had an open area on lot here and not a lot of traffic but he's not going to see he's not going to stop he's going to keep going this guy is running Wow that was a successful pit maneuver but he's continuing on and now he's picking up speeds but for the most part the LAPD and other agencies try to use that 35 mile an hour threshold speeds below 35 miles an hour they try the pit obviously they look at other vehicular traffic to make sure that nobody would be in immediate danger crossing over Manchester southbound on la tierra heading towards the Westchester area and into that very busy lax complex so where they will encounter this pursuit well a tremendous amount of traffic is going to mean you've making a bend here on the right and you know this also well if you take la tierra it's going to merge here with support now right after this little bend and we'll see what the suspect decides to do as you guys indicated this suspect in issue was trying to make his or her way still no confirmation on the gender of the suspect towards LAX to perhaps lose the officers with all that traffic and let's see what he does now he's going through the intersection looks like he's got a green light but he is going to continue now in a westbound direction so he's not making that left turn onto Sepulveda to make his way towards LAX at least not from this point so we'll see what he does here he's coming up on an area again not a whole lot of traffic it looks like there may be another opportunity here for another pit maneuver looking up ahead heading towards Westchester Parkway let's see what happens here he's going he's not he's not let's see if this officer of this lead officer beers a bit to the right and tries to spin him out that pursuit was successful and not terminating the pursuit but it certainly a spun him out but his car wasn't disabled he still wasn't blocked in so he was able to make a 180 and continue on his way and he's continuing now he's going to make that bend now down towards Lincoln it looks like he looks like he's going to try another here he goes again another open area spins them out you can see that badly damaged windshield - almost hitting the curb let's see if this officer tries to ram and they really want to bring this - to an end they know that this guy has already truck and likely injured or badly injured an individual of pedestrian possibly or somebody on one of those scooters yeah I indicate identic ated that that not only the front windshield was badly damaged but also in the back and that could have been from that impact meaning that individual who was struck near or at the intersection of Manchester and Pershing during this pursuit in the Playa del Rey area likely went up and over the vehicle again the condition of that individual unknown at this time that occurred during the pursuit yes now a hit and run felony suspect - in addition to all of the other laws that he's breaking on the road he's going to try it again he's got a wide open area here let's see this is number three it see if it's third time's the charm here he's pulling up on the side here BAM yes and he spins him out okay now let's see this is a very dangerous situation now he just rammed the vehicle very dangerous situation and look at this he's backing up and he's continuing on they had him guns were pulled out bad damage it to the front and back into that vehicle now and he's going to continue on his way Wow third pit I've never seen multiple pits like this and the vehicle to continue on no I believe I've seen to one other time and this is a three now that we've seen three pit maneuvers successful and if they spun him out but unsuccessful on that the vehicle wasn't damaged enough or blocked in that they can continue it here guys now they're going to try on the other side BAM there he goes it gets traffic on the other side wow this guy is just relentless and he is going to continue to go block him in you guest rooms have been struck and this does look like a vehicle that did hit somebody and he's been hit multiple times multiple times by LAPD units and now he's really picking up speed he had no question he's really moving now he's going to be he's going to be making the the right pen this is that that Parkway that you see when you're on the far north side of LAX he's going to be coming up on the in-and-out burger and has the choice to make a right turn here right by the in and out to head to down support but a towards the century' towards the LAX complex and into the tunnel or perhaps on either the arrival or the departure level and he is just flying and officers know that this guy's are really yeah and he's now he's he's he he knows he's in trouble and he always has but now he's much more agitated here and let's see what he does people in a crosswalk here it looks like there's an area oh that's that traffic watch that setup right at the end enter to the airport to guide traffic and he is making his way southbound now on Sepulveda so now he's going to be heading out towards LAX let's see what he does here and that's the that's the area right there where people set up at the park by the in and out and he's making out he's making a 180 again now so let's see what he does here for pit maneuvers unbelievable damage to the front and back and of course his visibilities got to be a diminished as well with that damage to the windshield likely caused by striking either a pedestrian or somebody on one of those scooters here all right so now he's making his way back towards the exact same location we saw that fourth pit maneuver an LAPD helicopter circling low overhead a number of units we believe Culver City still involved they over the lead agency because that's where the pursuit started again I'm confirmed report looks to be a male unclear if there's anybody else inside that older model maroon Honda but we did get confirmation that somebody was struck either on the street near Manchester and Pershing in Playa del Rey that happened during the pursuit the pursuit started in Culver City and we have unconfirmed reports that it started because this individual is an assault with a deadly weapon suspect all right now he's making his way down Lincoln away from the airport towards Westchester down towards LMU and into the Marina del Rey and Playa del Rey areas where this pursuit is already then he's got cross traffic there that was close that was a real close call there so now he's when we first started tracking this Marla and Vanessa he was really obeying the traffic lights he was slowing down it was a relatively slower speed chase compared to some that we cover but now he's ripping through red lights he's picking up speed obviously very agitated he could be armed again an assault with a deadly weapon suspect what that weapon was when that incident took place that's unknown at this time all we know is that he did strike an individual near the intersection of Pershing in Manchester in Playa del Rey at some point during the pursuit after it had started in Culver City over City the lead agency LAPD on it LAPD they were the ones attempting those pit maneuvers all four of them successfully spinning them out but not bringing the pursuit to an end again northbound on Lincoln here heading towards the campus of LMU this is where you make your way down that hill towards the towards the campus of LMU it looks like possibly the back left wheel may be disabled in some way we'll push in it's yeah you may be you may be right there it looks like it is gone now that may have happened because it was compromised already because of that strike that individual who was who was struck and with the force of those pit maneuvers that could have easily jarred it we didn't see any gunfire those officers were raising their weapons they rammed the suspect rammed one of the vehicles I mean hey that's that's the deadly force right there so this guy is very dangerous they're tracking him now down into a silicon beach that area here this this area that's very popular Southern California by the LMU campus on Lincoln northbound on Lincoln here a busy intersection he doesn't have the light let's see if he makes a left turn this is the area this is the area very close to where that individual was struck so he's staying in that same area this does happen a lot when you're familiar with the neighborhood that's exactly right so we'll see if if that's the case but at the same time we were hearing that he wanted to go to LAX to try to evade the police there because of all the traffic he had an opportunity at least one from our vantage point he chose not to so now he's back essentially doing a circle from where he was before I was pursuit go ahead brother I just indicated that yet when he was coming down coming down Sepulveda that his his visibility not only the front but now the back I guess the back now is busted open so he can see out the back there that was a hard impact if indeed that windchill damage was the result of that individual being struck close to this location we're on Jefferson now heading eastbound on Jefferson that would take this individual this assault with a deadly weapon suspect and that's how this pursuit started in the Culver City sim city limits back into comer city units have backed off a bit it looks like let's widen out now there's a few there but they're not as close as they were earlier and I see a wide open Jefferson here so there may be another opportunity a fifth opportunity to try to spin this suspect out they're tracking them on the ground and in the air went through the red light there and again technically these officers can ride up these suspects for every single vehicular violation obviously a suspect a hit-and-run suspect now if those if those reports are confirmed about that individual being struck the way the vehicle looks it looks very much like a car and I've covered a lot of auto versus ped incidents and it looks like a vehicle that did strike an individual with that with that hard front windshield damage and even some damage in the back we believe that the pit maneuver itself one of the pit maneuvers one of the more recent ones of the four actually probably compromised that back windshield so that it just it just came out all together through the intersection has a green light heading eastbound on Jefferson back towards Cobra City the Fox Hills area back towards the 405 freeway as far as we know as far as we know it does not appear that this pursuit has been on any of the freeways yet if it were to enter the 405 freeway the northbound I could see up ahead is just jam look again Marylebone a so you could see that back left a wheel definitely compromised and likely likely by one of those hard hits by the LAPD again a speed of 35 miles an hour or less they can try one of those pit maneuvers you can see the back windshield gone the front windshield damaged as well the tinted windows looks like the driver the suspect has that front window rolled down as well possibly to help with visibility exactly that may be that may definitely be the reason for that from our vantage points of watching this although the windows are tinted we're not hearing of any other suspects inside the vehicle just the driver itself a badly damaged older model maroon Honda here being pursued heading towards Fox Hills and Culver City eastbound on Jefferson now approaching the 405 freeway you can see the back end damage the bumper damage that left wobbly wheel off and on the majority of them he slows there's been a couple that he's ripped through it looks like he's starting to essentially take on that slower posture as he did when this pursuit when we first started covering this - looks like he's going up possibly the 90 freeway if we could pedal right just a little bit just past Slauson and looks like I it looks like he can get on the 90 freeway eastbound here this is that very short this is the shortest freeway in all of Southern California starting in the Fox Hills area ending in Marina del Rey it essentially is the 105 that never became the 105 freeway here so this freeway will come to an end unless he decides to get on the 405 freeway here and that's it looks like that's what he's done here this is that convoluted ramp where the 90 meets the 405 he is now on the 405 freeway from that 90 connector and now heading southbound on the 405 freeway just today as I had mentioned that northbound side if he got on that that's the busy side from the top to the bottom of your monitor there the southbound side much lighter heading out of Fox Hills towards Inglewood and into the lax area so now a different ballgame now the vehicle that's right he could he could be compromised too in terms of his speed because of that damage that has been sustained to the vehicle as a result of those four pit maneuvers obviously the visibility had diminished with that front windshield completely out so now heading south on yeah that's exactly right four units the helicopter circling overhead but what's going to happen now for all of us as this pursuit makes its way south is it's going to head into LAX airspace so even those LAPD helicopters have some limit there look at this he's slowing down so much yeah I would have thought he wanted to stand Sapulpa and maybe lose himself on the the lower arrival level at LAX absolutes busy that's where you can perhaps a ditch of a vehicle and get away into the into the heavy a foot traffic at LAX but that didn't happen so he continued on his way this stretch of the 405 bro I mean it's it's going to be a bit to the west of or East I should say of LAX and it looks like if we widen out let's see if if they're trying to hold some traffic back almost run a little bit of a break not quite it looks like there's still vehicles making their way down look carpooling because if they were able to do that hold that southbound traffic and then all that traffic up ahead was to get way ahead of this then they would have an opportunity to pit him again on the freeway but in most cases it's just way too dangerous way too dangerous for a PIT maneuver to to occur on a busy stretch of the 405 it doesn't look you know right now it looks say it looks a wide open until because I take this stretch home until you get just past the 105 so sometimes it loads up around Rosecrans it's still is a holiday for some there's still a lot of schools out so volume has been like to the last couple of days even though we passed the New Year's holiday so we're gonna see now what we're gonna do with a with the airspace here at LAX as this pursuit continues southbound we're gonna do yeah we're gonna have to do a midfield cross here Elijah to get to get onto the other side there's apartment across essentially what we do is we climb up to 2500 feet in the center of LAX right down support but if you think of the tunnel there and we climb over our four runways to four left and right to five left and right so that all of the incoming and outgoing traffic at LAX we're not impacted by them and they're not impacted by our high altitude right in the middle of the airport here southbound 405 405 freeway southbound very close to the century Boulevard off-ramp the off-ramp you take to get to the airport we're making that that crossover the LAX airspace now so we can get on the south side of the complex it's possible that this this suspect may make his way again not any confirmation if it isn't male but it appeared it it was from our vantage point to the 105 east or west very light traffic a lot of that is because the officers trailing this older model maroon Honda have sort of held traffic back almost almost conducted a bit of a traffic break to help out and this is a situation like I had mentioned at Vanessa and Marla if they get up behind him and he's going at a slow enough rate and there isn't any vehicular traffic ahead of him which we don't see much of right now all that traffic has made its way 65 75 miles an hour Plus southbound past the 105 they may try yet another hit maneuver here it's possible we'll see that cars definitely been compromised it has been moving at a high rate of speed he has a wide open freeway if that vehicle was in good shape if he had good visibility out of that damaged front windshield if that windshield wasn't damaged he could be ripping down this stretch of the 405 75 85 plus miles an hour all right 105 coming up on the 105 here again the speed is paramount so on most pursuits if they have entered a freeway they're usually going over 35 miles an hour unless they're weaving in and out of traffic and if that's the case you can't do one there you can't do what if he's going 75 or 80 miles an hour again LAPD has the 35 mile an hour threshold for pursuits with with pit maneuvers all right now he's coming up yeah just a bit yeah and that's that's and that's what I just speculated I just speculated that the southbound traffic was going to be held so that they could have a clear open shot of this suspect and possibly try another pit maneuver so we'll see what happens he does have an open stretch of the 405 but it looks like this pursuit will probably start to encounter some volume some southbound 405 volume now we're past the 105 heading towards Hawthorne we're gonna be heading down towards the South Bay curve as we call it that stretch of the 405 that makes that big band coming up from the 110 freeway towards the beach cities indefinitely more traffic there still a LAPD unit helicopter that has met up with this pursuit again now having to cross through the LAX airspace as we did we're now on this well on the south side of the airport and this is the southbound side of the 405 coming up on the Rosecrans Avenue off-ramp which would be in towards Beach City the beach honey a Manhattan Beach my apologies just passing a Hawthorne and then if you wanted to continue on I can see the 405 outside of sky pops here all the way down towards the 110 freeway definitely heavier volume that what we're seeing now but but no big delays no big delays on this out for them California Ohio that California Highway Patrol for sure now that it is on on the 405 freeway they've been notified and they will help out in closing ramps that when possible ahead of this to keep traffic off this is a very dangerous individual likely a very dangerous being that it's an assault with a deadly weapon suspect this individual we're hearing has already struck either a pedestrian or somebody on a scooter likely badly injuring them by the looks of the vehicle if that damage to the windshield and the back windshield back glass was the result of that impact several pit maneuvers that were conducted they were they spun this guy out although they weren't successful in ending the pursuit South 405 here now in - were in we're into Manhattan Beach a well south of the 405 Marv lemon as a heading southbound on the 4/5 okay and that and that makes things that you know even more even more trying for officers when you have a situation like that it's unclear if the suspect is armed if that assault with a deadly weapon took place this morning and this pursuit it happened this morning we're now into almost an hour that this pursuit has been going on first starting in culver city culver city being the lead agency and that this pursuit was initiated by the Culver City Police Department because of the suspect being wanted in an assault with a deadly weapon incident where that where that occurred we're not sure but you could see from our vantage point now as he continued south on the 405 officers have pulled way back let's see what agency that's still at LAPD it looks like LAPD still the leader up for safety maybe they are getting some Intel perhaps on those phone calls from relatives they want to keep traffic as southbound traffic back perhaps a you know make this guy less agitated you know if that's the if that's the case we've seen a lot of agitation and in his driving after those pit maneuvers but now you know he's been driving since since he was able to get away from those a little bit more easy if you could say that they're not pulling over obviously like he should but it definitely is slowing down part of that to reduce speed may be the result of the vehicle being so damaged from those pit maneuvers and from possibly striking and entering an individual that occurred back in Playa del Rey when this pursuit just started near the intersection of Manchester and Pershing southbound side of the 405 approaching Inglewood Avenue yeah that's that that's a tough situation and we've we've covered a lot of incidents and not only pursuits but other incidents as well with with vets coming back and and and having those types of issues and and turning into a situation with with law enforcement so that information obviously yeah as I mentioned just a few minutes ago that the CHP was going to probably take over here once he did enter the freeway and if he access to the freeway say in Hermosa Beach down towards Redondo into Torrance he's going to be making his way into that area then the Torrance Police Department would pick up as well sometimes during pursuits you see those lead agencies track him all the way he or she in these pursuits well across city boundaries into other communities as well we had one down in the South Bay recently where the pursuit was initiated in Redondo Beach and it went well outside the city but it was the Redondo Beach Police Department that actually brought that that pursuit to an end you can see there that vehicles are pulling off to the right this is a good time to remind everybody if you encounter something like this down the freeway all of a sudden in your rear view mirror you see a bunch of officers lights and sirens tracking somebody never ever try to be a hero pull over to the right give these officers plenty of space you just don't know what you're dealing with and these officers the CHP the LAPD they all are aware of that information that we're passing on to the public that we're hearing about possibly the mental state of this driver all of that comes into play and how they will handle it and and every situation is different you just don't know with a condition of this individual being pursued for an assault with a deadly weapon a serious crime having struck an already possibly badly injuring somebody on a scooter or perhaps on foot at Pershing in Manchester in Playa del Rey after this pursuit started you just don't know what you're going to deal with and this guy has been running you know ramped it especially those pit maneuvers being able to evade officers almost a torrent now on the southbound side of the 405 here coming down towards the 110 we'll check the off-ramp sir coming up on Crenshaw which would which would make it Torrance and then the harbor gateway area if he continued south on the 405 he could make his way under the 110 I don't north or southbound side on the 110 Harbor Freeway past the Goodyear plant if he decided to stay on the south 405 I see wide open traffic definitely lighter than a typical Thursday afternoon that's right I fit unfortunately one individual already and you think of the kids who are out of school so they could be you know vulnerable and that they're out rolling around on their bikes their skateboards we don't have any information on the individual on the scooter we're hearing it was a scooter possibly a foot pedestrian that was struck and possibly injured and it does seem like we're learning more about the suspect as we're hearing unconfirmed reports the Papa we possibly family members are contacting law enforcement to let them know that they know this individual and when you possibly is suffering from coming back from a war-torn area after serving our country all that has not been confirmed yet all we know is that this is a very badly damaged older model Honda being pursued by the Los Angeles Police Department by Cobra City Police Department the agency that initiated the pursuit and soon if not already by the California Highway Patrol on the South 405 now approaching still in Torrance now approaching the 110 freeway and then it will enter that harbor gateway area that narrow stretch of the city of Los Angeles that comes out of South LA and makes its way all the way down into the San Pedro area let's see what he does here he could make his way north or south on the 110 freeway but it looks like he's staying off of that transition road and he's going to stay the course southbound on the 405 which would take him down towards the Carson and Wilmington areas and then down towards Long Beach next major freeway would be the 710 freeway off to his left on the north side of the 405 you have a good year blimp plant off to the right you have the Porsche experience location there and they're coming in to frame an LAPD helicopter still circling watching this all from overhead that's right and again as I just mentioned a short time ago another a reminder if you do ever encounter there's a CHP unit getting on a ramp there there we go and it looks like another there's another unit so CHP has definitely joined the party here on the southbound side off the 405 for you I hear but a bit more traffic up ahead that's still very light so the volume is incredibly light coming southbound away from the 110 Harbor Freeway down towards Wilmington and at the 7/10 as we why now there is that Porsche experience there you see the vehicles down below off on the left side of your monitor is the blimp up look at your blimp huh facility just to familiarize you all with the location we're traveling south on the 405 freeway down towards Wilmington now and the 710 freeway so this pursuit Vanessa and Marla has been going on a better part of an hour perhaps more so you start to think about how much gasoline this vehicle had when the pursuit was started for that a full tank it's good to go for a while if it's getting a bit low then fuel could become an issue damage to the car definitely an issue we've seen at least the back left wheel wobbling a bit that could be compromised in such a way that eventually it could it could disable the vehicle altogether yeah you can see the CHP unit getting a little closer here the SUV tracking in one of the middle lanes here on the southbound side of the 405 approaching the Avalon Boulevard off-ramp putting it in Carson next to community would be Wilmington and then towards Long Beach and the 710 freeway [Music] [Music] [Music] failure to yield and that's how a lot of them start that's exactly right and they did track the license plate as you guys indicated and found you know the vehicles registration is current a couple of outstanding parking violations and that's it but is the driver is this suspect actually connected to this vehicle that we don't know at this time it may not be registered in that suspects name so that information will still try to ascertain now units have pulled back a little bit they're slowing traffic as they have down this entire stretch of the 405 to CHP units they're tracking this pan let's whine out and pan the cameras just a left a little bit I'll show you how units a trailing here are holding the traffic back just to help out with officers to give them a little bit more space there's a CHP motor officer meandering around I'll go back to the pursuit here this will give officers a little more leverage perhaps a little cushion of space keeping people out of harm's way maybe if there's a chance as you can see now we have a wide open southbound 405 freeway yet another pit maneuver just a couple vehicles ahead to the north and southbound sides obviously is separated by that K wall that concrete barrier the northbound side is aside coming towards us here southbound side going away there's the Wilmington Avenue off-ramp approaching the 710 freeway in the community of Wilmington having just left Carson heading now down towards Long Beach so we'll see if they actually try that again Hey and now that lead vehicle there is communicating with the captain's his his upper brass to see how they want to handle this they are getting as much information on the suspect as possible they know what happened already along this pursuit that's lasted over an hour that unconfirmed reports that an individual near the or at the intersection of Manchester and Pershing in the Playa del Rey area was struck and by the looks of the vehicle if that damage to the front windshield and the back was caused by that impact that individual is likely badly injured again we're still trying to get information on that pursuit starting in Culver City that incident involving the person who was struck occurred in Playa del Rey this pursuit made its way primarily on surface streets at Culver City Playa del Rey Inglewood towards that the Westchester area north of LAX and then he decided finally to hop on the South 405 passing LAX going through the beach cities down towards the 110 freeway Marsten Wilmington now approaching the 710 freeway on the South 405 approaching Long Beach and Long Beach Airport a wide open freeway partially because those units behind what you're seeing here have been able to hold traffic to slow traffic but now we're getting into a little busier area and this is where we're going to see a lot of big rig traffic that north and southbound 710 always loaded with tractor trailers that bringing goods to and from the Long Beach and LA harbors and there you go on cue into frame you can see some of those big rigs there so we'll see what happens here [Music] and how that and if this individual is dealing with with mental illness these officers know that they're going to have to handle this in such a way first and foremost they don't want any innocent bystanders to be injured or tragically killed which we have seen here in Southern California that is their first their first goal their second goal is to bring this pursuit to an end without any officers or the suspect being injured taking a key we believe it's a it's a male being pursued here into custody on the southbound side of the 405 having just crossed over to the LA River passing the 710 he's staying the course on the south 405 now into the community of Long Beach approaching Long Beach bar very slow speed he's down possibly down to 35 mile an hour threshold they have plenty of cushion up ahead you can see the nearest vehicle to the south of this pursuit maybe a quarter of a mile away not quite that so now they do have to have those options to try to spin spin them out here on the southbound side of the 405 freeway here [Music] that's exactly right they do not want anybody else being injured that there those opportunities were they on wide open surface streets and they successfully did if there's multiple fit maneuvers but it wasn't successful in terminating the pursuit unfortunately they just you know these vehicles when they spin out you just don't know which way they're going to be facing and if there's another officer blocking the suspects vehicle and and that just wasn't the case here and this suspect was able to get to to get away from all four of those pit maneuvers something I've never seen in all the pursuits that I've covered from up here in sky fox stop outside on the 405 approaching cherry Avenue down towards the Long Beach Airport in Long Beach to this pursuit continues well over an hour now going on about an hour and 15 minutes we believe having first started in Culver City [Music] we've seen it happen in the past that the suspects vehicle just all of a sudden comes to a slow stop and we hear afterwards that they just ran out of gas if you start off with a you know low tank level then this pursuit tow won't go that long but if he has a full tank it's it's gonna go and go for several hours in some cases and we've seen that as well and what we're seeing up here is the southbound side of the 405 traffic being held back a bit but not the ramps the on and off ramps here are still open so vehicular traffic and still enter the South four or five but still very light conditions as this pursuit makes its way southbound down now towards Long Beach Airport again having started in Culver City mostly on surface streets through the Playa del Rey area Inglewood over towards Westchester north of LAX and then finally the suspect in this older model maroon Honda decided to get on that 90 405 interchange and he made his way south on the 405 freeway passing LAX passing the 105 freeway through the beach cities the South Baker because saw an individual up on the overpass they're filming this as this pursuit went southbound underneath that overpass and will be coming up now on Lakewood Boulevard [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] we're on the 405 freeway southbound still in Long Beach just having passed the Long Beach Airport passing a Lakewood Boulevard now heading a bit further south down towards the campus of Cal State Long Beach the next freeway 605 north would be an option for this suspect that like volume all the way to the south I can see down towards Orange County yes if this pursuit makes its way a couple miles farther south we're going to be talking about it having a cross through two different counties and it's really just starting out in a couple of communities that doing circles but once this pursuit entered the 405 it was on and southbound side of the 405 the entire stretch from the Fox tells area down at this point in Long Beach heading towards Los Alamitos then into Seal Beach unless the suspect decides to make that transition onto the 605 we'll see what happens there a badly damaged vehicle but it looks like he's able to pick up a little bit of speed probably going about 55 miles an hour now you can see passing some other traffic but that traffic is slowing because it sees what's coming up from behind them and that the CHP sent a really great job at holding a majority of that traffic there's three units there LAPD helicopter still circling three different agencies we understand at Culver City a police department being the lead then the LAPD now the California Highway Patrol involved in this pursuit again still trying to get information Susan's on the scene to see exactly how badly damaged an individual on the scooter was injured as a result of this pursuit being struck and again they they want to end this say in a safe way so that nobody else is injured all right I have not I've seen a couple two and I believe that's that's only been once so that definitely you yeah it was it was the luck of the draw in those situations when you spin out a vehicle if you never know depending upon the speed and exactly where that suspects vehicle was struck how it's going to end up facing how other officers are positioned and it just went the way of the suspect that he was able to to do 180s to pull away to get away each and every time despite the pit maneuvers himself being being successful and that he was spun out disabled briefly but not enough that he wasn't able to continue on his way and he is on his way southbound on the 405 now approaching the 605 freeway still it's still in Long Beach but coming up towards Los Alamitos she's going to be entering the community of Los Alamitos any moment now once you get with a merge of the 605 minutes coming up right now if you now if he continued south and he is he's not making this transition there's the Flyway transition from the southbound side of the 405 to the north 6:05 he's continuing southbound now we'll enter Orange County Seal Beach then down towards Huntington Beach if he chooses to stay on the southbound side of the 405 freeway here right now it looks like he's going pretty much the speed limit maybe even a little below you can see the other traffic emerging in and they're likely going 65 70 miles an hour he's going a little bit below that he's picked up a little bit of speed here perhaps you know 50 55 miles an hour maybe a 60s continuing southbound that was the traffic overflow from the 605 freeway that's what we saw a handful of vehicles that get on the freeway but as you can see the CHP officers are doing their best to hold as much traffic back as possible to keep everybody else safe yeah that's right you know when those failures healed occur and a lot of times that people don't yield for a reason you know there may be situation perhaps this individual we're hearing possibly suffering from some sort of mental illness that could factor in as to why he did not pull over when officers lit him up in Culver City and continued on his way a lot more CHP officers getting into the mix now that we're entering Orange County and what they're doing is they're really holding back traffic now look at them we are how many you count five there now five SUV CHP SUVs trailing holding traffic on the southbound side of the 405 back we are now in Seal Beach approaching the merge with the 22 freeway coming out of Los Alamitos he does have an option to get on the 22 freeway in an eastbound direction now heading towards the Garden Grove we'll see if that happens but he stayed the course thus far just staying on the 405 he's had a lot of options he's had the 105 freeway and then the 110 freeway the 710 now just passing the 605 now approaching the 22 on the southbound side of the 405 all we can see trailing the older model maroon Honda being pursued here our CHP units at this time with a lot of traffic being held back but now looks like he could be picking up a little bit of speed here there you can see the signs with the transition roads offering different opportunities for this suspect here again a failure to yield suspect in Culver City and hearing that once this pursuit started after having left Culver City making its way of apply Adel ray area near or at the intersection of Manchester and Pershing that an individual on a scooter was struck and injured the extent of the injuries unknown at this time but southbound side of the 405 let's see what happens here he stays the course that looks like looks like he's going to he's going to stay on the 405 which would take him then next down into Huntington Beach you can see the sign there down towards a vine you can connect with a 5 freeway and make your way all the way down toward San Diego if that is if that's the choice have this husband all right [Music] [Music] yeah that's that's what we were hearing that it was close to or at the intersection of Manchester and Pershing but we got confirmation there so a lot of this information that we got initially is coming to truth and that when we first started covering this we heard that day it was an individual on a scooter that was that was struck and those scooters are getting Hey Wow wow that's that's something else so a perhaps all that damage we saw may have been caused more by the scooter and not by the individual we've seen you know horrible auto versus pedestrian incidents that where pedestrians are struck and killed and we see damage to vehicles like we're seeing it to this this vehicle that's being pursued so perhaps it was just a Lansing blow and the the individual was able to exit the scooter before taking the full brunt but the scooter itself getting the majority of the damage and causing the majority of the damage to that vehicle being pursued you can see all those officers setting up shop at the on ramps here to the South Floral pods are trying to limit vehicular traffic they're giving this this guy space here they know what they're dealing with now because it does sound like some of the family members of this individual being pursued pursuit just for failing to yield meaning that he was lit up perhaps just for some minor traffic incident perhaps rolling through a stop sign or speeding and just chose not to pull over the pursuit was on and that's when that incident occurred shortly thereafter having accident over city into that area Playa del Rey and that's where the LAFD that is LAFD at jurisdiction so that's why paramedics from the Los Angeles Fire Department responded to that person down and that is good news Marlon Vanessa and that and that we're hearing non-life-threatening injuries okay and the situation is and as this information comes in so quickly as these pursuits evolve it may be a situation that the pursuit was happening vehicles were trying to move out of the way get out of the way and one of those vehicles that was trying to get out of the way may have struck these scooter and then it turns into the scooter itself being struck by the suspect bottom line that suspects vehicle is badly damaged so something hit it and caused that damage early on in the pursuit so all that will be sorted out we just hope for the best of for that victim that was hit that was riding a scooter in the Playa del Rey areas outside of the 405 now heading towards Beach Boulevard into Huntington Beach down towards Costa Mesa if the pursuit continues that far still very light volume and a lot of that is the result of the California Highway Patrol holding traffic behind the pursuit keeping all those vehicles back keeping a safe distance this pursuit being tracked by the California Highway Patrol on the ground an LAPD helicopter was circling overhead for a time as well and seen him lately we'll see if there is some air support here if you had a break for fuel I'm sure there will be another helicopter that will join in to watch this from above and a lot of times what they do is they do let these pursuits to sort of run their course as long as at least at this stage it's not dangerous they back off a little bit they keep the driver from getting too agitated they can always track other pursuit from the air it does appear that they know a bit about this suspect they know about the vehicle who it's registered to so all that information that comes into play but the bottom line is if there's ever a situation that this pursuit is going to endanger somebody innocent again then they're going to be as aggressive as possible to bring it to an end we've seen that before we've you know spike strips or possibilities they could try to you know slow traffic enough that they have that wide open cushion but again this is a large there's a wide stretch of the 405 freeway there with a car pulling of multiple lanes and tossing a spike strip across all lanes and the suspect not seeing that strip and actually riding over it you know that's that's a bit of a crapshoot but it has worked in the past and that is an opportunity an opportunity for a PIT maneuver still is there once that there is enough that cushion so that nobody else would be badly injured in the event that it went awry and other vehicles were close by and we're not seeing that right now you can see the distance between that that suspect and the lead CHP unit it's it's it's a good cushion there so they are tracking it on the ground is there another zero is there a police ship up right now Elijah I'm talking to the pilot to see if we we stopped a police a police ship up right now okay there's still is there so now it's a CHP helicopter that is joined in CHP helicopter tracking this as well we saw an LAPD helicopter for a while and then I believe he pulled off so now a CHP helicopter so they are tracking it in the air CHP and they all continue to do so and they can back off if if they choose to but they want to end this they want to bring this this individual into custody without anybody else being injured southbound 405 through Huntington Beach [Music] it's gonna be Costa Mesa [Applause] 45 miles down the 405 to Costa Mesa from Culver City this pursuit to southbound side of the 405 approaching the South Coast Plaza down towards the 55 that's really good news from Susana again we could have a badly injured young man but in no way would they break down a scene like that if they thought even if they suspect it it could turn into a fatality that would keep that investigation going and I'm getting a lot of tweets I can't see the scooter myself and I'm aware of these scooters the swag Tron electric scooter that's the type of scooter that that young man was on when he was struck near the intersection of Manchester and Pershing implied oh yeah exactly this is one you can yeah this is one you can pick up at at your local Walmart stop outside of the 405 we've seen no other incident since or heard of any scenarios in Siddhant since that one that occurred during the start of this pursuit shortly after it was initiated this pursuits been going on now likely an hour and a half or if not longer again 45 plus miles now southbound on the 405 CHP units trailing 55 freeway coming up John Wayne Airport coming up that will be on the right side of the 405 as we make our way into Orange County it looks like the interchange of the 55 he's going to avoid that as well and just continue on his way south this would take him down into Irvine down towards the Y in El Toro where the 5 and the 405 meet that's where he could continue south on the five and make his way all the way through South Orange County down through Mission Viejo San Clemente and possibly points south of that location he is staying on that southbound side of the 405 here is the interchange with a 55 so yet another freeway he had the opportunity to change course and he's chosen not to continuing south he certainly is [Applause] that's it that's that's exactly right you know those miles in addition to the probably closely closer to 50 miles that this uh pursuit has made its way just down the 405 we're transitioning now through the airspace at John Wayne Airport crossing over to avoid all the commercial air traffic and this suspect is continuing southbound in the middle lane he's been staying in the middle lane for miles now keeping a a moderate speed will add or below the speed limit and not driving recklessly the only time we saw him we visually saw him driving really erratically and recklessly was initially after those hit maneuvers that is when that driver really was getting agitated we'll push it into the vehicle here we can see a definitely a male driver there you can see that left back wheel is is compromised the back windshield is completely out the front glass severely damaged by that scooter that incident that occurred just after the pursuit was initiated and it was initiated by the Culver City Police Department if you're just joining us just because of a simple failure to yield they lifted this individual up or some incident to some traffic related violation he chose not to pull over and the pursuit was on and it's on here in Orange County okay and that's in all of that powerful very helpful to law enforcement because they know what they're dealing with and we've seen sort of the the way that this pursuit has been handled over the last I would say 45 minutes or so half an hour change a bit LAPD was on it they were rapidly trying to bring it to an end with those aggressive pit maneuvers but now we see a lot of space being given to the suspect here nothing too erratic just tracking that's right and tracking from overhead with a CHP helicopter as well and we're southbound on the 405 now into into Irvine 55 60 miles an hour next opportunity for a freeway change would be the five he's going to run out of the 405 so easy either gonna continue south and connect with the South five heading down toward South Orange County and perhaps down toward San Diego or make a northbound Trek on the 405 and come back towards LA County middle lane you can see very little traffic absolutely as long as they're on the freeways they will continue on and it doesn't look like he's exiting anytime soon he's had multiple opportunities not only to exit onto a surface streets but also to to other freeways he's left that comfort zone at least what we believe is the comfort zone of where this pursuit started perhaps the neighborhood he was familiar with perhaps he may even reside in the Culver City the Westchester the Inglewood the Playa del Rey area because that's so where the pursuit stayed on surface streets for some time but finally after those multiple pit maneuvers that he decided to get onto the 90 freeway near Slauson and to make his way into the South 405 and continue southbound at to this point now coming up on over 50 miles yeah and it looks like he has rolled up that front window to the front door window there so he doesn't have the option of looking outside at least turning his head on the freeway it's a bit more challenging but you're right he has a little bit of visibility good glass on the front left side as he faces out but the entire center of that windshield just badly damaged Pratt you see the Honda emblem there on this older model maroon Honda being pursued by the California higher pursuit Patrol first being pursued by local / City Police Department that's where the failure do begin back up by LAPD then by the CHP and we're just tracking LAPD units southbound I'm sorry CHP unit southbound at this point I'm not even seeing any LAPD units in fact the LAPD helicopter broke off a time ago and it's even the LAPD that's tracking it or the CHP helicopter that's tracking from above I mean they've been a possibility already but there it takes it takes a lot to really to get that into play they have to essentially set up well ahead of where the pursuit is an officer's got to pull off the side of the freeway make sure there's enough traffic that has been moved well out of the pursuit realm if you so to speak and you can see that's what they've been trying to do but then you just have this vehicular traffic getting on the freeways on and off ramps and that that vans doing exactly what you should do in a situation like this pulling slowly to the right giving officers from the California Highway Patrol plenty of space never try to be a hero here you just don't know what you're dealing with this could be a very armed and dangerous unstable individual with a high pursuit so anybody who's running from police you know definitely somebody you have to you have to worry about so again slow down give the officers plenty of space and that's what - we've seen from up here in sky Fox let's write down a little bit more and we'll show you that traffic being held coming behind the pursuit and up ahead as well and you can almost count the vehicles there's units back here holding traffic the best they can we'll come back down towards the pursuit here but back to the question about the spike strip they have to have enough real estate between the vehicle being pursued and the officer that's positioning up ahead so that that officer can safely run out and deploy that spike strip across the lanes but the stretch of the 405 having been widened over recent years the carpool lanes being added from LA County south into Orange County it's a big wide stretch of roadway here and it would be a bit challenging and the officers would have to get a little bit of luck involved in order for that spike strip to be laid across all lanes with multiple spike strips and to disable the vehicle yeah that's down in San Diego County that's a ways to the South but the South five coming up ahead I will say that it is heavier than the traffic's much heavier on the southbound side of the five and as long as these officers do what they're doing from the California Highway Patrol they're now the lead on this they're holding traffic back enough just to give this guy plenty of space he's not driving erratically he's been staying in the middle lane of traffic a rope Calma seen from up here at least for now that the attack tips that they're using are working keeping everybody safe keeping everybody at a safe distance yeah yeah that's the exactly right I mean I there's a lot that they could do but I think the time is on their side at this point and that he's not driving too erratically they've been able to get a little bit of information we're hearing even from from his wife this male suspect being pursued all that's coming into play making sure everybody is a safe distance away and then when I say you know let it run its course perhaps let it run out of gas perhaps he'll just you know eventually give up perhaps their community there's some communication going on we don't know if the suspect has a cell phone and perhaps even talking it to to his wife as well and she may be trying to convince him to pull over there's a lot that could be going on there and all of that could be coming into play in how these officers are handling it because they're not being ultra aggressive with it they're giving out that space cushion they're watching from above and on the ground here with with these CHP SUV southbound on the 405 we're going to be approaching of the Y here shortly [Music] it doesn't it doesn't and he just passed the five freeway the merge with the five so now he is on the southbound side of the five just passed the why we call the El Toro Y where the 405 and five meet down here in Orange County we have another intersection of the five and 405 up in the far end of a Lee County up in Sylmar and this is the southbound merge and he is heading southbound continuing southbound on the five which would take him into South Orange County South County perhaps even farther south down towards Oceanside into San Diego County that's still miles away but this pursuit to having a having covered a lot of real estate initially covering just a very short area that was covered but now heading south on this entire stretch to the 405 and now on the five freeway [Music] now down to its Laguna Hills on the southbound side of the five freeway here this will take eventually down toward San Clemente Mission Viejo if he continues on all the way into San Diego County again you all on in this vehicle that's being pursued that's unclear how much gas he had when this pursuit started but with every you know 10-minute 15-minute period you start to think about how much fuel he had because this pursuit likely started shortly after eleven o'clock so we're going on an hour and 45 minutes or so that this pursuit has been occurring here five South heading towards the Laguna Hills down towards then San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente 56 57 miles now this pursuit has made its way on freeways down before or five and then on the father doesn't include the meandering around the surface Street areas but quite the real estate here again starting if you're just tuning in as an assault and I'm sorry I'm gonna correct that that's what we initially heard that was an assault with a deadly weapon suspect then we got confirmation that it was just a failure to yield that this suspect this male suspect was lit up somewhere in Culver City for some sort of traffic violation he did not pull over and then the pursuit was on and it primarily stayed on surface streets through Westchester over towards Playa del Rey the Westchester areas and then finally he decided after those mr. Dale certainly have now heading downwards into South Orange County and this is the stretch of the five that will eventually wind its way towards the 73 toll road and then toward San Juan Capistrano and then towards Capistrano Beach paralleling the Pacific Ocean and looking up ahead to the south on the five freeway seeing a similar topic matter and really light you know a lot of people still off for the holiday week having the holiday of pollen on a Tuesday still a lot of schools that are out too so the vehicular traffic has been down the last couple of days even after the New Year's holiday and we're seeing that on the five freeway stop outside of the five freeway here coming through Mission Hills now down towards the San Juan Capistrano area moving at about 55 between 55 and 65 miles an hour staying in that one middle lane CHP units giving a nice space cushion just just a situation that we haven't seen change all that much in some time now [Music] there's no question at all but essentially they're not doing anything dramatically at this point to bring it to an end they're cornering as much information as they can about the suspect and that's what we're hearing that even his wife perhaps has been in touch with law enforcement it's unclear if he has a cell phone on him and we do know it's a male suspect it doesn't appear that anybody else is inside that vehicle if he's communicating with anybody perhaps a loved one perhaps his wife that could be coming into play and essentially they're just letting this play out based upon all that information they hear and what they're seeing right now now if this changes and he starts getting more aggressive it gets off the freeway people start you know getting into a dangerous situation innocent people then as we've seen in the past we will likely see a more dramatic a more aggressive approach by the California Highway Patrol who is the lead agency now here as we make our way south on the five freeway in Orange County though and we would see them try to bring it to an end but at this point they're just holding back watching from above keeping that space cushion from below keeping as much vehicular traffic away as possible on the southbound side of the 5 now through Mission Viejo now 65 miles down the 405 and five freeways into South Orange County we've still got a little under an hour I would say so we still got we still got plenty and we're hoping they'll be able to track this all the way to its conclusion and hopefully a safe conclusion unfortunately the one young man in the 20s in his 20s was hit on that scooter if he gets out of that okay and it sounds like from what we're hearing with non-life-threatening injuries he's got a story to tell based upon what Susan reported that he was for a time hanging on to the vehicle and tried to you know just he'd do whatever he could and that eventually came off oh yeah absolutely and he's got the gas to do it as well and he stopped outside of the five freeway just past the 73 toll road by Saddleback College heading now down towards San Clemente and those hitmen who were so dramatic they were and again a pit maneuver it's a it's an acronym for pursuit intervention technique and it's a situation that was developed by officers to try to disable vehicles by tapping them on down either the back left or back right side of the vehicle speeding those vehicles out disabling them and essentially getting those as suspects to give up at that point and we saw four of them exactly I've seen a few situations where there's a partial one and then another officer comes upon upon the situation right after that and he does the final sack so to speak a a partial pit and then a full pan I've seen a couple where there happened to full that needed to be done I've seen that once I believe and then besides that that's it never before four separate pit maneuvers like that and and it was just the luck of it that they were able to this suspect was able to get away the way that the car ended up in the way that the officers were positioned that the fourth and final one that we saw the officers that were out of their vehicles guns drawn we're hoping that that suspect was going to give up and he's actually forward grande the vehicle and then in doing so his vehicle sort of backed away from the one CHP unit which was making contact with the suspects vehicle he had enough space to make a 180 and had head on his way and that's what we saw enough there you go you see the units the CHP units there and they're doing a good job at making sure the traffic is held back as we pan the camera to the right let's see there's more there's a couple more units so they are they're just doing a a slow break here they're not completely prohibiting southbound traffic from going through they will though there's enough space there so something major happens up ahead at the pursuit they can hold traffic and keep everybody back then at this time the way it's going you know they don't want to inconvenience anybody you know more than they have to already so they're letting traffic flow perhaps in about 40 45 miles an hour down the five freeway through Mission Viejo now San Clemente and then down towards San Onofre and into San Diego County and we've seen motors really do a good job at holding back pulling over to the right slowing down giving officers plenty of space please again it I've mentioned that a number of times already go ahead I did not see that did that just occur okay okay well we'll take a quick tight look here at the tires here and it's continuing on its way now and are you guys getting confirmation that it was a successful throw the strip and the vehicle did make contact okay okay [Music] hey you never know I mean that could be that could be an option heading south on the five I mean you just don't know what's going in at the head of these suspects I know they all we know is that they want to get away from law enforcement they want to stay out of custody and again we're hearing that this individual may have some some mental issues back to his service for our country at this time all that information these officers know and they're taking that into consideration and how they play this out on the southbound side of the five now we are hearing that there was an attempt we're hearing from up here there was an attempt to tossing one of the spike strips across the roadway here that as I had indicated when I brought that point up that it's such a wide stretch of the five and four or five freeway here down in South Orange County that it's a challenge for officers to get it to all the way across or multiple spike strips across so that the vehicle would have to encounter that strip well the vehicle did not the vehicle saw what was happening the suspect and was able to evade that strip and did not making impact with at least that's what we're hearing from up here in skyboxes we make our way south into the Dana Point and San Clemente areas and this is where the five comes up right along the coast as you start to make your way down toward San Diego we're on the five freeway coming up towards the Dana Point area through San Juan Capistrano heading that South next community would be San Clemente again that traffic being [Music] gosh we're probably a good probably a good 10 to 15 miles still north of that location perhaps even more I'm looking at where that where that is on my map too we have to get through San Clemente the San Onofre area as well you know definitely if you get the traffic to slow a little bit I mean all those options are open and again when I say they're just sort of letting this run it run its course or a run through the process on the freeway because he's not doing anything erratic at this point they have options they know a little bit more about the suspect as long as he's not endangering anybody they're keeping people far enough away from this they're just gonna kind of wait and see how this goes and and given an opportunity to bring it to an end safely they will at this point but they tried the spike strip that was unsuccessful at this point pit maneuver possibly you know if they have enough real estate between the vehicle being pursued and and up ahead there's no other vehicles up ahead behind we know that the traffic's being held that the problem is to is all these ramps these on ramps at the southbound side of the five they haven't been shut down entirely some of them we've seen units but they have to keep pre pre position units at those ramps to prevent any more traffic from entering the freeway and then he's got to produce the speeds a bit I give that 35 mile an hour speed threshold in terms of conducting a hit maneuver that's not to say they can't try one what he is going fifty or fifty-five miles an hour given the conditions given a wide open freeway no other foot or vehicular traffic around and the only people that would be endangered in addition the suspect would be the officer conducting that pit maneuver again the UH pursuit intervention technique that we've seen play out also many times in these high-speed and slow speed and moderate speed pursuits like this one from up here in skyfox but never before at least I've never seen four separate pit maneuvers attempted in the suspect was still able to evade police five freeway southbound past Dana Point now into San Clemente and see San Clemente pier up ahead San Onofre trestles and up towards the San Onofre power plant and Camp Pendleton another spike strip another spike strip right there there's another spike strip but still it's still down and show really quickly there's the officer there and again see the size of the strip and they position themselves they throw it out but there just isn't enough to cover whole freeway and it wasn't successful he was in heat and he saw the first time that was attempted you may have seen that time as well so to spike strips and they'll continue to try because you never know if he's off and out to the right yeah perhaps we'll get an officer on the right if they could get officers on both sides of the freeway here on the left and right side and simultaneously throw a couple of cross and not really give him much room to obey both of them then looks like he's putting on his brakes at this point looks like a from our vantage point we saw a little brake light action so we'll see what happens now it could be the Sun reflecting off stop outside of the five again passing a point through Capistrano Beach into San Clemente now quite the real estate this this pursuit has covered now heading down toward San Diego County Camp Pendleton San Onofre nuclear power plant yeah and the felony the felony hit-and-run the one of the most significant of course the initially the failure to yield all the traffic violations could be a totaled up as well but since it's a vehicle the suspect this male suspect got on the freeway in the corporate city Fox Hills area 70 miles now from where we are now it's been much like what you're seeing driving the safe speeds in the middle lanes 55 60 miles an hour the CHP has done a really good job at keeping traffic well away from the suspect keeping everybody else safe and again now that this pursuit has been going on for the better part of two hours that they do have to start considering more about how much how much gas how much fuel this vehicle had when this pursuit started on surface streets in Culver City as a failure to yield and then meandered in the neighborhood Playa del Rey where the incident occurred with the scooter and again that young man is going to have a harrowing story to tell we hope the best for him but it does sound some good so far and then through the Fox Hills area up through Inglewood and then finally getting on the 405 south down in Orange County connecting with a five and now we're heading down toward San Diego County the San Clemente pier yes he has passed they just passed the pier we're coming up down towards towards the very popular surf spots Trussell san onofre by the San Onofre power plant and that's where he's going to be crossing the county line by Camp Pendleton into into San Diego County Oceanside Vista yeah that's exactly right and as you can tell that's stretch of the freeway is much too wide for one strip to cover across all lanes of traffic and it did appear because the suspect did move over to the right that he saw what was happening up ahead so he even moved out of the middle lane there more to the right to avoid that second spike strip there that's exactly right it's a good assessment there another officer holding traffic from that on-ramp they're continuing south and we're going to make our way now past the San Onofre power plant here the nuclear power plant past trestles and San Onofre the popular surf spots into San Diego County and who knows where this suspect wants to end up all we know is he doesn't want to end up in jail at this time and he's tried it for White House officials to acknowledge the new leadership on Capitol Hill it could certainly be a personnel announcement which wouldn't surprise anyone in this room because as you know after the first couple of years you tend to have a great deal of turnover but without over speculating I think it's safest and smartest quite frankly just simply wait this out we will find out together in a couple of minutes I should add this given the government shutdown and given the ongoing negotiations between leaders here at the White House and those on Capitol Hill it would not surprise me to hear Sarah Sanders if she steps here to the podium shortly to address that as well but again your guess is as good at MA as mine is right now Neal yes he does yeah they certainly have I got to tell you I asked the president a couple questions about that yesterday and in fact as we were leaving the cabinet meeting yesterday I said we're gonna do about those markets and he said emphatically that he felt like they would be simply fine he said listen we're working on a number of trade deals Neil as you and I've discussed on a number of occasions and so the feeling here is once those deals get over the finish line the market will respond that said given what's happening with the trade let's call it a dust-up with China I don't want to call it a trade war necessarily but given the ongoing trade dispute with China we've seen what's happened to Apple today I don't think there's any doubt that that's something he's keeping a very close eye on maybe they talked about that although it's still anyone's guess Neal you're more than welcome beating driving recklessly the officers over doing whatever they can to try to bring it to an end because that's how the situation was now it's not like that so now the officers are giving the space cushion ever since this suspect got on the 405 freeway up in Culver City some 75 80 miles away now he's been driving a durable of the speed limit in the middle lanes they're giving him plenty of space and just to giving this time hopefully to end safely looking up ahead I can see the northbound 5 checkpoint southbound 5 checkpoint I'm not seeing - not seeing that up off the helicopter uh there's the S there's a southbound checkpoint over the northbound check part I should say coming up out of San Diego County toward San Onofre chop it really not to delay there okay let's see what's going on here officers just threw out to a spike strip there as well are they crossing all lanes there or is it just just just the two left lanes just the two left lanes and let's see what happens here maybe the officers will trial up he's standing that left lane let's see what happens he sees it oh no they through they another one across they they are they pulled it what they did was they pulled it they had in the far left lanes then as he was starting to make his way to the right because he saw and he said I know I got you guys they pulled that spike strip that vehicle definitely made impact with that spike strip that third spike strip it appeared from our vantage point it did I mean it or may have just try mean it looked like it hit the vehicle in some capacity because what the yeah I mean I don't know there's no question have you pets sometimes you know sometimes spike strips you know may only a disabled one vehicle and you see it continue on for you know for a long time and the vehicles go down to the to the to the wheels so on I mean again maybe we can maybe we can we can reroute that and see what happened to play that as we've been playing as okay okay okay and if you didn't yeah it didn't what happened if you didn't see it I don't know what you guys saw or didn't see but the spike surf was laid out in the left two lanes as we've seen with the previous that was the third of the previous two that was the third attempt they were they laid them out and there was no traffic cops are actually walked across the freeway and laid it out in the front left two lanes then that Officer with another officer went to the right shoulder area and as the vehicle seeing the suspect seeing the spike strip in the left two lanes made his way over to the right two lanes and as that was occurring and he was heading south towards that strip the officers yanked the strip across the freeway so that it would cover those two right lanes and it appeared that some sort of contact was made whether or not the O wheels the tires were damaged that's unclear but it does appear that it hit the vehicle in some capacity but as of right now as it continues on if there was some sort of impact the impact wasn't significant enough to to any of the tires yet to disable the vehicle these from what we're seeing now sometimes it takes a little bit of time to see the damage being done and we start to see all the sudden a wheel that the tire that goes completely out but we're not seeing that continuing southbound on the southbound side of the five now into San Diego County this is the area that's not developed south of Camp Pendleton as you make your way into northern San Diego County so we're well south of San Clemente south of the border of San Diego County and LA County in the next quarter we're talking about the Mexican border with the u.s. down towards him there's no way he would get beyond that point with the security and and all that's down there having a cross through that area a number of times on surf trips as many of you at home may have well the next mate Oceanside so under the South of this location you wide open freeway unclear how much gas he has out this time oh you do they're back on our picture alright it looks like he's pulling over to the right look he's slowing down to the right he's pulling over guys yes hey I spawned off to the side the freeway or stop outside of the five let's see what happens here it's unclear you know you could sometimes again they just decide to pull over and give up that if that happens it could be running out of gas that's a possibility we haven't seen any and it's difficult with the ax son hang on the shadows if there was any damage to any of the four tires as a result of that spike strip that was pulled across lanes on the southbound side of the five we're still well north of Oceanside in this real rural area here of northern San Diego County traffic now we'll be held all southbound traffic on the five freeway it will be a full break and as you can see officers are setting up here and again this doesn't mean this situation is over it could it could it still could be perceived as a very dangerous situation it's unclear if this suspect is armed at this point they do have information on him at least that's what we're hearing from the suspects wife guns drawn southbound side of the five freeway here well north of ocean side this is a good probably five to seven miles north of Oceanside Harbor and as you can see our weapons drawn non-lethal as well as lethal and as we go back to the vehicle let's see what's happening here if he's deciding to give up or he's he may just stay you know stay inside we've seen situations like this where then it turns into a barricade situation barricaded inside the vehicle and fast some of these can last for hours South outside of the five I'll tell you that though traffic is stopped here I'm trying to get a good ramp for you here where this is occurring but we're well into well into into San Diego County now north of Oceanside the southbound that's exactly right he's just staying inside the vehicle now officers are instructing him and if they haven't already will instruct him to exit the vehicle hands up first showing his hands and arms outside of the driver's side door but - we just haven't seen that yet by now I'm sure he's been giving those very strict instructions so oh they hunt okay there's a hand up right there let's put it let's uh we'll push in a little okay so uh so they did have is his arms out out for a time and now let's see what he's doing is he opening up the other door there no looks like he rolled the window back up so we're Jason to the south and the far south end of the Camp Pendleton base here the Camp Pendleton Marine base here and this is the stretch of the five freeway there really is no development on either side of the father this is a really nice stretch of the five coming out of Orange County as you make your way down towards Oceanside and it's the southbound side that's being impacted all southbound traffic is blocked right now on the San Diego freeway this portion of the five Frio being called the San Diego freeway and officers both with lethal and non-lethal weapons drawn they still don't know what they're dealing with again we have an individual unfortunately we're hearing reports possibly suffering from some sort of mental illness possibly having served our country at one time and now initially it did appear that he was going to try to give up but now he's staying inside the vehicle no no that was that was that was there already yeah that's right now now we'll show you the traffic now on the five freeway for folks coming south out of San Clemente San Onofre towards San Diego this stretch of five can always be busy and now again a full traffic break meaning traffic has been stopped obviously for the safety of these motorists as this unfolds down below we'll go back to that vehicle that has stopped now off to the right unclear why the suspect decided to pull over was the vehicle disabled some somewhat by the multiple pit maneuvers by possibly making impact with that that spike strip that's unclear at this time running out of gas or just saying hey I'm done and pulling over and now even though he's pulled over not not choosing to to abide by the officers by the California Highway Patrol who now is the lead agency initially it was Culver City and having that's where that's where the pursuit started a couple of hours ago plus now off of a camp Pendelton that's exactly right and they have to expect the worst in a situation like this yes they have intel on him we believe from from his wife who called law enforcement having seen this probably on one of the media reports and gave all that information to officers they they have that in situations like this though it could just be a waiting game it looks like he's moving around a little bit looking inside a bag of some sort inside the front of the vehicle and situations like this to EB it's been this has been a long pursuit hungry you know maybe you asked to use the restroom there's a lot of things that come into play when these pursuits play out this long and and this has been a long one running a well over two hours now a good two hours and 20 minutes or so from when that call came in about the young man on the scooter being hit and injured we've seen that happen and then we've seen the opposite it just depends on the situation and on the agencies there are some agencies and I've seen this where they're very aggressive as soon as it comes to an end and you don't give up and they have a k9 they will rush that vehicle and pull that suspect out immediately but other times they played a little safer they're more cautious and we're seeing that now we'll see what happens here if they have access to a k-9 unit that helps out and that they could they could use that dog which is an officer those dogs are our highly trained officers too it looks like the front door is opening now so let's see what happens the door no now he should now he shuts it again so he's playing a little bit of a cat-and-mouse here it's done this a couple of times yeah it looks like he's you know he it looks like he's gonna surrender then he doesn't he puts his hands shuts the door door opens again so this is the last Pole this road on an off-ramp here we're almost immediately over this stretch of the five freeway and this is training this is a training area for the Camp Pendleton Base both off the shore and in the hills here and a large area this base covers a large area of real estate the stretch of the five freeway because of that isn't developed it's just a military installation the southbound side of the five is backing up quickly as all that southbound traffic is held before lost Pulgas Road before you get into Oceanside here again the suspect having been pursued for well over two hours finally pulling over whether or not it was because he started to run low on gas his vehicle was disabled or as he or he if he just got too tired and decided to break off to the right and now this is just a sit and wait situation I shut it yeah closing I open and shut and you can see the non-lethal and lethal weapons as we talk and the the colored the colored weapons there perhaps rubber rubber B bat beanbags or some sort of rubber bullets of some sort and then we for weaponry as well they have to protect themselves there's nobody in in harm's way at this point with the exception of those of those officers that tracked this suspect a good 85 90 miles south down the 405 and five freeway to this point just north of Oceanside in northern San Diego County at the Camp Pendleton at Camp Pendleton base here all southbound traffic of the five freeway on the southbound side only the southbound side northbound traffic is still moving let's widen out and confirm that at las Pulgas road is blocked yeah there's northbound traffic you can see people hitting the brakes a little looky-loos slowing here to see what's happening on the other side of the freeway but if you are expecting someone coming north from the San Diego area up into Orange County in LA County traffic at this point is open at this time again just kind of a wait and see situation here on the five freeway that's true yeah that back window we believe was first damaged by striking that scooter and then the hard impacts of those four separate pit maneuvers likely just released that glass in the back so it is completely open not much visibility on the front side that either here and and these if these if these have gone on and shut down freeways for hours in the past we've seen suspects just sit there and wait it out they're not in custody and you know as long as they can delay that process that's what they do again this suspect may be dealing with some mental health issues possibly as serving our country and came back with those issues because of his service to our to our nation and we do know though he was driving erratically very recklessly on surface streets through the Playa del Rey area through Englewood Westchester when it was on surface streets that's when the up hit maneuvers were attempted LAPD being very aggressive trying to bring the pursuit to an end after having struck that young man on a scooter but once you hopped on the 405 the 90 right through the Fox Hills area he traveled at or below speed limits he did not make any erratic dangerous lane changes and they just waited it out they tried to a stop it when they got the opportunities the CHP did with a couple of spike strips we believe the second attempt that spike strip made some sort of impact with the vehicle that doesn't mean it damaged the vehicle enough to bring it to a stop at the pursuit did pull over and they the suspect did pull over and now it's just a waiting game waving his hand there yeah he's waving something in the in the vehicle you know it looks a little okay looks like now perhaps maybe door up nope yeah and then he shuts it back we've seen that occur quite a bit I haven't seen one again that would be very helpful in a situation like this you ask you know do agencies rush vehicles once they pull over some agencies do right away and a lot agencies if they do have a k-9 unit it makes it an easier process because that that that that dog you know as it's a you know moving towards a vehicle and getting into the face of a suspect is a deterrent and it will cause or at least expedite that process of a suspect giving up we haven't seen that yet if we just don't know and we are possibly dealing with somebody who has some mental health issues which makes it an even more cumbersome situation and handling something like this we've seen all too often in recent years as mental health becomes such a problem across our country where there are incidents with officers dealing with individuals who are suffering and really are not in the right frame of mind and doing things they wouldn't do otherwise and having to handle that and knowing what the right move is at the right time to bring this to an end and the suspect in custody is challenging that's one of the the the most significant challenge these officers have as mental illness that issue continues to grow in our country not only here in Southern California let's count them there's one two three fours we tilt up looks like an unmarked vehicle five another vehicle looks like there's that's the CHP vehicle I believe in the center divider that's setting up on the northbound side or some sort of law enforcement oh no that's not it looks like it's a media friend of ours from San Diego yes from San Diego coming north on the 5 freeway here because this now is in San Diego County here near Camp Pendleton north of Oceanside it is it is growing rapidly yeah I can see it on my real-time traffic system up here the red lights and then there it is a live picture South outside of the five coming away from San Onofre just jammed all the way to this point it lost polkas Road here I can't Pendleton the base here as of right now they they are and it's all you know dependent upon the officers what they think is safe and at this point they're not too concerned with northbound traffic still moving through again unclear if the suspect is armed at this point but that definitely has to be a brought into consideration for the officers down below there are a number of units on scene here from the CHP in northern San Diego County and this is a waiting game you can see the officers and they say you know some of them is just starting to take more of a relaxed pose there's officers that are still trailing weaponry on the suspect and his vehicle there but but they've seen this all too often as well where this just continues on it can't continue on depending upon the individual you're dealing with for hours we've seen freeways shut down for hours because of standoffs like this yeah that's that's right because it was Culver City and the Culver City stayed with it for some time but once it go on the freeway that's CHP handle they called for the backup from the CHP we saw that handoff from first Culver City then Culver City gaining assistance from the Los Angeles Police Department and then the California Highway Patrol joining in and now it's just the CHP that se handled this on that Trek southbound on the 405 from the Fox Hills Culver City area past LAX down to Long Beach Seal Beach into Orange County past John Wayne Airport he had many opportunities to transition onto other roadways in addition to just exiting the freeway onto surface streets but he chose to stay the course southbound on the 405 ending up at the Y connecting with the five this portion of Interstate five the San Diego freeway south out of Orange County into northern San Diego County where north of Oceanside here at Camp Pendleton near las Pulgas road where the standoff continues yeah that that's amazing and again he's gonna have quite the harrowing story because based upon witnesses reporting the incident that he was perhaps on top of the windshield or on the roof being drugged possibly being run over trying to get out of that situation safely but but now I believe you you had reported that he was actually riding that scooter in the middle of traffic it wasn't like he was yeah yeah and the pursuit it started just prior to that it was very early on in the pursuit where that when that incident occurred in the Playa del Del Rey area so again a situation like this no areas need to be evacuated well widen out let me show you this is an area used for training from our brave Marines here in Southern California serving our nation and and this areas is used for all sorts of training exercises not only on the land portion but at the coast as well some aquatic type of training as well so you can see that that facility down below all part of Camp Pendleton no businesses no structures no residential areas an undeveloped area on the five freeway and this is the southbound side of the five where traffic continues to back up as you approach a las Pulgas Road as you make your way down towards Oceanside out of northern San Diego County because of this that's now standoff and that's that's right and we'll show you that back up now let me show you the back up on the five traffic just stopped southbound so if you know somebody who's planning to or you're planning to travel I don't Warren County southbound towards San Diego on this Thursday afternoon this is what it looks like right now and there really is no good alternate you know a Pacific Coast Highway here you got to go well inland to make your way south so as of right now traffic not moving on the southbound side of the five as this standoff continues now what's happening down below they're essentially looking at their options they know you know some information about this suspect and given that they're gonna wait for a command from from a lead officer from a higher up in the CHP a command and see how they want to how they want to work this out if they're just gonna play it out and just give it time which you see with barricaded suspects inside facilities a lot of times they'll just say hey eventually that individuals gonna want to give up if if not then they throw in some tear gas they bring in they bring in some dogs at this point I'm not seeing any canine units down below at this time those those officers as dogs that act so bravely we are just seeing officers a lot of them just sort of standing at ease others of the lead vehicle there where the weapons still drawn just in case because again we don't know if this if this individual is armed or not and that information may have been given by the spouse of this suspect to officers are there is a dog there's a dog right there okay there we go okay there we go so a dog has arrived on scene here so we'll see it looks like the dog is speaking to the trainer there and and these dogs are assigned an officer and these dogs go home and are part of the family of that officer and it's that canine officer or the human officer that is the one that really gives the command to the actual canine in terms of what what he wants what he wants done and and we may see that play out here it's unclear if that will be utilized at this time but you know we've seen situations where where canines have actually been shot and killed in the line of duty and standoff barricaded situations like this and and obviously they want to keep this this k9 safe just like they would any other a human officer mean that they are officers and and this is this is a way that they can try to bring these to an end as of right now it just appears that the handle of the dog handlers holding the dog will go back to that k-9 unit as we look really not seeing much in the way of movement inside the vehicle we haven't seen the door open at some time there you go a better look at the pooch down below there a pooch it will not be friendly if told if told to be aggressive a trained to do such the California high patrol you see the two units you still see weapons drawn in the lead vehicles there a lot officers standing back behind and there's going to come a point where they're gonna want to try something and they are moving that dog around a little bit more so let's see if they are getting ready to to release to release the dog and at time said you know the officers wall will roll up the deal is that pack windshields open and that dog is is is agile yeah that that back if that back windshield is open and I believe that there is enough room for that for that dog to make its way through the back and they're trained to do that they can hop up on on hoods on trunks and and do whatever to it to gain access so it looks like how many minutes yeah what let's show the UM keep going tilt up right the are we Xin traffic now and that and again and again the windchill just for everybody who not status quo status quo we haven't seen much movement from the suspect inside the vehicle for a time we were seeing a lot of movement the windows opening and closing the doors as well the k-9 unit still down below their guns still drawn southbound side of the five traffic at lost pulses road still was open now he's he's unrolled the window and again if you are just joining the windshield damage that you're seeing that's not I do that too gunfire it's due to the fact that this suspect during the early stages of the pursuit which started in Culver City actually struck a man in his 20s on a scooter and that's how that front windshield was damaged the back glass had some minor damage he's compared to the front at first but then as a result of four really hard collisions it maneuvers by the Los Angeles Police Department when they over take the lead on the pursuit that essentially shattered the back window so that back window is open it is an option for that k-9 unit to make its way in as of right now again just a wait-and-see game here they're gonna let this let this play out as long as they can time is on their sides they don't feel that anybody is in immediate danger people up ahead looking over back to the backup which continues to grow it's miles and miles that's the back of it that Gino is trying to make his way through as we push in you can see all the people that have come out of their vehicles as well to check out to see what's going on and obviously frustrated people walking up to the front there the news media positioning themselves as well let me show you the back up this is your ride on the southbound side of the 5e San Diego freeway coming away from San Onofre down towards Oceanside this location is north of Oceanside near the Camp Pendleton base look at that back up and it just continues to grow and there is no alternate this is not an area where Pacific Coast Highway nicely parallels the shoreline here in Southern California you either have the five freeway here or you have to go well inland well inland away from Camp Pendleton Camp Pendleton occupies a tremendous amount of real estate here in coastal San Diego County that's typical with the standoff that is definitely typical with a standoff and they have those vehicles they have those those heavily armored vehicles that they can ride right up against an individual that's barricaded and essentially a box he or she in that vehicle in and with that hard armor are protected and they can look in and see what's going on they can also use drones we haven't seen a drone yet but we are seeing drones being deployed much more frequently as well whereas drone can come up right up on the windshield or any part of the vehicle there get a good look inside or at least a look that may be able to provide some more information is he holding a some sort of weapon myslef is there something else in there that we're not aware of those drones are becoming important tools in law enforcement and they may deploy one here as well unfortunately we've been deployed because we are running very low on fuel here - so our picture is going to start to pull out here as we're all down in northern San Diego County [Applause] no no I'm seeing as I'm putting out a possible aircraft that if I pee there are yeah
Channel: NewsNOW from FOX
Views: 1,392,399
Rating: 4.0055795 out of 5
Keywords: FOX 10 News Now, Phoenix, livestream, Police Chase, Police Chase California, kttv, fox 11 los angeles, veteran, hit and run suspect, suspects runs over scooter, hours long police chase, police pursuit, fox la, socal, southern california, freeway shutdown
Id: Osf05EhkB-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 30sec (8190 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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