Magdala, Israel: Hometown & Life of Mary Magdalene, Sea of Galilee! Magadan, Jesus Healed Many!

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well welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of magdala we're shooting this right on the beautiful Sea of Galilee magdala was a small Port Village on the Sea of Galilee was a fishing village community and it had some amazing things here one of which is a synagogue that is well preserved of which Christ would have preached in but there's some special things to see here there used to be a port going out here kind of a docking area they would bring fish in process the fish sell it it was a fish market as well so we're going to be doing a walking tour of this site and showing you everything about it in this special synagogue as well so follow along on this special beautiful day on the Sea of Galilee as we look at magdala foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of magdala it's one of my favorite sites the reason is is because Mary Magdalene was from magdala I have grown to admire and treasure Mary Jesus did a special work in her heart and her life she had seven demons and Christ cast those demons out and Mary became an absolute passionate follower of Christ I think Mary embodies what it means to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength and in this teaching we're going to talk about the location of magdala we're going to be looking at some of the historical background here of magdala we'll be looking at some places of interest here there's some a lot of artifacts and interesting things here we're going to be looking at the things in the Bible that happened right here in magdala and then we're going to end with a faith lesson so it's going to be a rich teaching here magdala also known as migdal is located on the Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee it was located on the Via Morris which was the international Highway linking Africa with Asia and Europe magdala was a fish market it was the largest fish market on the Sea of Galilee it had about one thousand to two thousand people it was the largest city around the Sea of Galilee so it would be like the the main fishing market around the Sea of Galilee so then obviously Mary Magdalene was from here but interestingly this discovery here was discovered in 2009 it had laid buried for around 2 000 years and they believe it was a flash flood that just covered the city because they haven't found any coins or any relics or anything that are dated after 67 A.D so it just went out of existence something really fast happened to it and so they believe it was just covered over just went into Oblivion and they just found it in 2009 so really really quite amazing [Music] okay this whole stone is a mini version of what the temple looked like in Jerusalem what it is was their attempt to have something like the temple here so once again it's this Stone it's the small Stone but it represented the whole Temple it wasn't like a column or a block out of the temple it was a version of the whole Temple that they had carved so that they could have something here so anyway I wanted to show you this and then we're going to look at the synagogue [Music] all right so this area right here was the fish market area once again magdala was kind of the center for fish trade so people who fish the Sea of Galilee if they couldn't sell it on their own or maybe they just had contracts with markets here then they would bring their fish here and then they would just sell it here [Music] this whole area were on top of houses underneath yeah we're walking and that's not uncommon you'll do it all throughout Israel as as we walk down here we'll see some ruins over here we'll see some over there the whole way that we're going to walk down to the boat dock would have been homes and shops and businesses foreign [Music] was the town from which Mary was from so Mary's name in the Bible is Mary Magdalene but that wasn't really her last name it was the Mary from magdala okay so you'd have the Mary the mother of Jesus these different titles this was the the Mary from magdala foreign housing area here okay well let's walk down here now we'll have to be quiet we'll see if we can they'll let us in it's a center that was built here and the name of the center is Duke in altume and it's Latin for put out into the deep so they wanted to honor this site and so they built this Worship Center the best way to put it and at the front of it has this real real special boat [Music] foreign up here you can see this kind of Jesus boat replica the one Jesus would have used obviously I think was quite a bit bigger than this but anyway it's it's uh something that's really kind of special and beautiful welcome to this biblical site of magdala we're in this Center called Duke in altum and it means in Latin put out into the deep so it's really special this has been built here in the recent years beautiful boat you've got the water there in the background of course right behind me was the original Port as we've talked about so magdala is also known as nigdal in scripture it's located on the Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee and it was located on the vmaris as we've talked about so the Via Mars passed right through here and of course the vmrs was the international Highway that linked Africa and Egypt with Asia and Europe and then as we've talked about Capernaum was on the vmrs we have that Roman road marker that we've seen there now as we mentioned outside this magdala is very unique in that it was buried for almost 2 000 years and they believe it was buried by a flash flood because they haven't found any coins any artifacts anything dating later than 67 A.D okay so it was just like it was just wiped off the globe now we know that in 66 A.D we had the Jewish Uprising in rebellion and so the Romans then were coming and conquering it might be that they had a part in this but something happened in that this place there's no record of it in the artifacts in archeology after 67 A.D and most of these places when the Romans came these smaller towns they didn't put up a fight they just said yes sir so anyway they believe the archaeologists believe that once again it was covered by this Mass flash flood which is not uncommon in this area and so that's why it was just discovered in 2009 okay so it was one of the largest fishing cities or towns on the Sea of Galilee in fact it was the largest and as we mentioned a lot of the fishermen from the Sea of Galilee would maybe have contracts with the markets here to sell their fish here it's very likely that Peter and John and their group sold fish here okay we know that the synagogue was in use during the time of Christ it says this in Matthew 4 23 and we know that Jesus preached here it says and he went throughout all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every Affliction among them and on one occasion Jesus came here after feeding the four thousand so we've been on the other side of the Sea of Galilee when he finished feeding the four thousand then he came over here okay it says in Matthew 15 38 those who ate were four thousand men besides women and children and after sending away the crowds he got into the boat and went to the region of Megadon which is magdala okay once again it had a population of about one to two thousand and had a boat harbor and we've just seen all these things we've seen the stone replica of the temple the mini Temple that was here and who would know who the flavius Josephus is is anybody does that ring a bell with anybody he was a Jewish historian who later joined the Roman government he recorded a lot of the Jewish history he has a number of volumes out the wars of the Jews and stuff he is a very very reliable source for history from about 37 A.D up until about 100 A.D well Joseph flavius Josephus lived here in magdala now the story that we're going to be focusing on and this story just melts my heart it's Mary Magdalene okay so Mary Magdalene we've talked as we've walked here the better translation would be the Mary of magdala okay we have the mother of Jesus we have these different titles so we get Mary Magdalene but the better way would to say would be the Mary of magdala okay she was from magdala and what God did in her heart is just so so precious we'll talk about that in a moment and the area around magdala biblically is referred to as migdal okay so when you read in scripture the word McDonald it's this area right here in fact there's a sign right out here as we were coming in that's pointed to migdal the town still exists today so now let's talk about Mary Magdalene from the Bible that's the story I would like to focus on there's many things we could talk about but this story here is so so precious so we know that Jesus preached here regularly right it says he went throughout all Galilee preaching in their synagogue so Jesus was here preaching and Jesus had an encounter with Mary okay it says in Matthew 4 23 and it says and he went throughout all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every Affliction among the people and then we talked about the four thousand that he comes over here and then it says in Luke 8 1 he has this encounter with with Mary the Mary of magdala it says in Luke 8 1 soon afterward he went on through the cities and Villages proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God and the twelve were with him and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities Mary called Magdalene from whom seven demons had gone out and Joanna the wife of chuza herod's household manager and Susanna and many others Who provided them out of their means so Jesus had this encounter with Mary Jesus cast out these seven demons we don't get the details of all of that but then Mary becomes a passionate follower of Christ she was a widow it appears but appears like she had financial means of some way maybe her husband left her money and she would follow Jesus and she was some of the other women who then helped provide financial aid to Christ and the disciples so that they could do their Ministry so then we could make a case that Mary was one of the most devoted followers of Christ she followed him everywhere she supported him financially she was present at the mock trial of Jesus she heard Pontius Pilate pronounce the death sentence Upon Jesus she saw Jesus beaten and humiliated by the crowd she was one of the women who stood near Jesus during the crucifixion to try to comfort him and she was the first woman Christ appeared to after rising from the dead now I would just have to say this in the Jewish culture women were not the leaders okay their role was in the home and the men were The Upfront just think about this for Mary to be the first person that Jesus appeared to whoa why wasn't Jesus's mother the one who Christ appeared to why wasn't Peter the first one that Christ appeared to but Mary was the first one so Mary had a very very special relationship with Jesus as I would say I've said it before I think that Mary would encapsulate the person who loved God with all of her heart soul mind and strength she had been delivered by seven demons and her life was changed forever her life was changed forever we don't know a lot about Mary's background but she lived a tormented life like the demon-possessed man over by Kersey okay and when Christ saved her it just radically changed her life so as we've said here Mary looked from a distance at Christ's crucifixion and then moved closer in during his last suffering hours on the cross it says in Mark 15 40 there were also women looking on from a distance this is about Christ's crucifixion among whom were Mary Magdalene and the mother of James the younger and of Joseph and Salome and then in John 19 25 it says but standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother's sisters marry the wife of clophus or clopus and Mary Magdalene so they were they saw Christ from a distance then they kind of moved in closer but they were right there at Christ crucifixion and then of course Mary Magdalene helped buy expensive spices to anoint the body of Jesus after his crucifixion says in Mark 16 1 when the Sabbath was over Mary Magdalene Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus's body so after he was crucified then she went to go get with these other women to go buy spices to anoint Jesus's body and then Mary was the earliest witness to the resurrection of Jesus and was sent by Jesus to tell the others so it says in Mark 16 9 when Jesus rose early on the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had driven seven spirits it says in John 2011 but Mary stood weeping outside the tomb and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb and she saw two angels in white sitting where the body of Jesus had Lain one at the head and one at the feet they said to her woman why are you weeping she said to them they have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid him having said this she turned around and saw Jesus standing but she did not know that it was Jesus and Jesus said to her woman why are you weeping whom are you seeking supposing him to be the gardener she said to him sir if you have carried him away tell me where you have laid him and I will take him away Jesus said to her Mary she turned and said to him in Aramaic rabboni which means teacher or rabbi Jesus said to her do not cling to me for I have not yet ascended to the father if I go to my brothers and say to them I am ascending to my father and your father to my God and your God Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples I have seen the Lord and that he had said these things to her so what a beautiful encounter she's there early she's probably the first one there she's weeping she's looking for her Lord and Savior and Jesus does a little play with her and then reveals himself Mary and then she just wants to just Embrace him and she is just I mean the emotions that just came over her are just absolutely glorious and so even at the very end Mary never lost her first love for Jesus so it appears that history would tell us record that she was probably there in Acts in the upper room I just have all the confidence that she continued to serve her master she was at Pentecost she was at all these places and she continued to be a real servant for Christ so she didn't lose her first love for Christ and as I mentioned there's no doubt that she served Christ for the rest of her remaining days so what are some Faith lessons that we can learn from the account of Mary here well Christ cast out seven demons from Mary and this changed her life forever and filled her with deep gratitude to Jesus so what about us I know if each one of us could share our testimonies each one of us Christ has done amazing things in our lives so are we grateful for what God has done for us sometimes it's easy for us as the years go by maybe to forget what God has done for us I know you've been asked this question if God hadn't got a hold of your life where would you be today hmm I think I know where I would be I don't even know if I'd be alive I was on I was a pretty rebellious Hellion anyway where would you be and so we we should be grateful for what God has saved us from because he had Christ not come to us and saved us the path that we would be on today would be horrific absolutely horrific now Mary love Christ profoundly and was one of his most devoted followers and I think she is the model of what it means to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength we know that David was a passion of father but we see in Mary no error of any kind of course we don't have all of you know that we have about King David but it says in scripture about King David he was a man after God's Own Heart well I think Mary as well she was a passionate follower of Christ and of course she had the great privilege of being the first one that Christ appeared to that's quite an honor and then Mary of magdala she supported Jesus financially she gave to his ministry so we as well we should be using our finances like Mary for the kingdom of God we should be invested in that area in helping God spread his word so then the last Faith lesson would be that Mary appeared not to ever lose her first love and so the question would be What About Us so I know for me you know the older you get and the more you've walked with Christ I've been a Christian since I was 18 and it's a battle not to lose our first love it's something that we really have to work hard on sometimes life beats us up sometimes we get disappointed with God we live in an evil world we live around evil people and we we live in we have a a body that's weak and so we're just living in this we live in this Fallen World with a decaying body and so sometimes it's easy to blame God for stuff it's easy to question God and a lot of the reasons why people leave the faith and turn away from God is because they think God is a bad or evil God an unjust God uh if God is a god of love why do I have all these problems and of course we have one book in the Bible that God devotes to answering the question of the issue of suffering and difficulty what book is that Book of Job one book devoted and in all of life this is a Bedrock principle I think we really need to try to let soak in I know I need for me is that God doesn't ask us to understand everything in fact the Book of Job we we know what happens all these things happen to job and he loses everything he goes into a big dialogue with his friends he gets frustrated and he wants to have an encounter with God he wants he wants to meet God and get some answers so God comes to him in a whirlwind and what's fascinating about the end of job is that God indirectly answers job's questions by asking job 80 questions where were you job when I formed the foundations of the earth job how is a baby formed in a mother's womb job who feeds all of the creation where do the Reigns come where are the corners of the universe yes mind-blowing questions that basically just say job I am God and there's one thing God asked of us and that's Faith just believe in fact in Ephesians 6 when we see the armor of God what's the chief one faith you'll be able to Shield all the fiery darts of the devil so anyway Mary exemplifies this passionate follower this person who had a deep love for Christ God rewarded her and she followed Christ and so she's an example for us so when life beats us up we need to really focus on faith trusting God and realizing that we're not going to understand everything but we just need to have faith so I really love this story about Mary she just I just can almost picture her I just and I think when I get to heaven she's going to be on the top of my list I want to go hunting down Mary and and learn from her anyway I just just think of the contrast in her life of what she was like before and and makes me think of the one passage to whom Christ has forgiven much they love much so well great well thank you thank you for watching God bless you foreign [Music]
Channel: HolyLandSite
Views: 21,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magdala, Mary Magdalene, Life of Mary Magdalene, Magdalene, Mary Magdalene of the Bible, Sea of Galilee, Israel, Ginasor, Gennesaret, Mount Arbel, Duc In Altum Center, Via Maris, Tiberias
Id: ENF0Ih99FR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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