Faster loading | MSFS Tutorial

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hello hello you're very welcome back to another video how long does it take for your flight simulator to load from starting the application waiting have a cup of tea cut the grass go for a drive have your dinner and then it's kind of time to start flying I ran a poll on YouTube a couple of weeks back finding out on average what was your waiting time 30% of you guys are waiting more than 5 minutes today's video where we're going to look at three ways that's going to help fix that we're going to try and reduce the loading times in the Sim first up we're going to be checking out some options inside the simulator itself then we're going to move to the freeware add-on called add-ons Linker and then finally we're going to look at a fast launch option so let's get started okay so to kind of start us off we're going to go into our options screen here in the main menu so we'll click options and then General options there's one thing I need you to check we're going to click on data and we're going to scroll down and make sure that our bandwidth usage is set to unlimited always worth checking with your ISP make sure you don't have monthly caps but ideally you want this set to unlimited so next up what about the packages we'll have a look at this this is from zenes right and it's how to improve loading times the Sim scans the official and Community folders every time we hit play or launch the larger the official and Community folders are the longer the loading times are like to be they recommend putting the Sim on an SSD and deleting the package folders of the mods on official aircraft you're not planning to use regularly this is important so okay what don't we use all the time to find these files we're going to click on profile and then it's content manager on this screen we can see everything that's installed not installed or if there's any updates available we also have a search bar we have different view thumbnails so we can look them as a package or individual files and we can do a sort so first up we're going to go for the pois we've had 16 World updates since the Sim has launched and if you're no longer flying in a region or if the pois don't mean a whole lot to you but I will start there so what we're going to do we're going to select on the detailed view we're going to sort these from high to low and in the search bar we're just going to type in POI now we can see all the pois for all the world updates some of these files are massive this one here for oana it's almost 12 gigs and what's frightening here right when you have a number of these selected this could free up 70 to 80 gigs of data that you don't really need just be aware that if you do turn these off there are some thirdparty sceneries airports specifically they require to have some of the pois on because they're using assets from the POI packs so moving on right there's more we're going to type in Bush trips and this is the same story again if there's Bush trips in regions that you just you don't fly or maybe you don't use the bush trips well lift them out of there next up we're going to check out Landing challenges and it's the same story again if you've no interest in doing any of the landing challenges just uninstall them there's quite a bit of space taken up at all this stuff you can also see there's some lessons are training so again we can type in training and that's going to start lifting out all the lessons and if you're not using this stuff there's no need to have them in here even by selecting you know say the first three four or even five there's almost 2 gigs of data just sitting there next up we're going to have a look at the discovery flights and again if you're not using these I'd get them out of there they're nice to fly maybe once or twice but that's about it so what about our aircraft if we wanted to have a look at any particular aircraft we can say right what aircraft are we using or not using the most so make sure you have the installed tab clicked then we can go in here here to see well look what are the biggest files don't touch the core content you need that but anything else like for example if I wasn't using the Raphael that much well here's an option to lift it out same goes for the transol or the strad liner you got to select the aircraft that you know you're going to be using on a day-to-day basis and sure if you want to add in the other aircraft after the fact you can absolutely do that uninstalling and installing it's the same process the same goes for airports I mean there could be some airports you just don't use you'll never fly into that region and with all the world updates there's been a ton of handcrafted airports but again if you're not using them if you're not flying in and out of those regions some of these airports can be quite beefy I mean like there's there's nearly four gigs here with just two airports so when it comes to your flight simulator these are the settings inside the Sim these are the ones to Target and these will have a dramatic effect on your loading times when I did this I saved almost 100 gigs of data that the Sim no longer has to load so our second option is using msfs add-ons Linker this application is excellent and it's very intuitive and we have a whole load of options here if you rumble on over to that's where you can get it and big massive shout outs to the developer of this bad 2000 like just what an incredible job it's regularly updated and it's fairly easy to use I mean once you kind of set it up you're good to go so once you download it you can go ahead and open the application so here's my add-ons Linker running and what I've done if you look I have all different folders set up effectively I create a structure so if I go into let's see here I have them buried in here so the flight Sim files I've just called the folder flight Sim files and in here I've created individual folders for aircraft avatars liveries whatever you like or stream only that's when I'm streaming um or you can create something a new so for example we can put in you know test folder right test folder as soon as we do this I've already linked add-on Linker to my flights in files and we can see that test folder has just appeared straight away it's it's super like it just connects so if we delete that this is going to detect a change we're going to refresh it and it's all tidied up again now inside each of these folders well I've broken them down even further I've Airlines business Choppers GA you name it I've broken it down all the way so once you install your add-ons into these folders effectively what you're doing you're no longer using the main Community folder to have all of these in in my community folder see the way we have all these shortcuts well that's add-ons Linker putting the link in there for you so what we want to do we want to add some stuff so we're going to go to options and inside your options you're going to go to General you can see your add-ons folders this is where you're going to tell the add-ons Linker these are the folders and they could be on any Drive they it could even be cloud-based you're just saying this is where my add-ons live and then you got to just direct it into your main Community folder it's pretty much that simple also have a couple of extra options here you can have this fast start in the Sim if you want you can do all sorts of crazy in here it's really really good you have UI options and so on and so forth the main thing is you pick your destination folder where you're going to put all your add-ons and I've used like it's like a hierarchy so I've just said flight Sim files so it's going to pick the parent folder and if I go into my flight Sim files well it's full of other content in here so when I want to have a look to see what's happening for example if I go to Scenery see that they're broken down by continent if I go into let's go to Europe in Europe then we scroll down we go into Ireland and then these this is all the Irish scenery and if I want these things turned on or off just click on the little tick beside it if they're unchecked it means they're not going to load into the Sim this is a great way of speeding up your loading times if you're doing a flight that's going to be over in the United States you're not going to need anything in Europe or Asia you can turn all that stuff off lastly we have presets this is really handy we can create a preset depending on the type of flying or you know the location of flying we're going to do all you need to do to create a preset you can say right create a new preset containing the add-ons currently checked or just do one from scratch so we're going to say let's call this one I don't know USA right so we're going to say okay this is the preset we're going to call it USA and it's going to say right for this what do you want running for me if I want aircraft or whatever way you've broken this down the main things I'm going to look at we're going to go to our scenery and we don't need anything in Africa or Asia or Europe in the Middle East here's North America we do want this so we're going to select USA so we just tick in the folder and whatever you have installed for the USA that's what you're going to have once you have it done you just hit okay if I want to load a preset I go down to the options on the bottom and I select load in the preset with the USA that's super super handy so the third bit of the puzzle is on me little black screen here we're going to create a fast launch now there's other ways of doing this if you have it on Steam you can do a fast launch through the launch options but if you want to kind of bypass some of the you know the intro movies and all this sort of jazz well all you need to do I'm going to put the code or you know the line of code in the description in the show notes underneath this video so just do a copy and paste H and it should be usually from the app store installed so what we're going to do we're just going to right click and we're going to say new shortcut and in here we're going to click shortcut and it's going to say type the location of the item what we do here we copy the code that's in the description and we just paste it in in this case it's coming up to show it's a start shell for the apps folder Microsoft lights Sim and you see this fast launch we're going to click next we're going to give it a name we'll call it msfs know whatever you like fast and we're going to click finished now once we have on this we have this new kind of a shortcut if you double click this this should fire up the Sim and it's going to bypass any of the initial loading screens it'll probably save you 30 seconds I haven't really measured it but if you combine all of these three things together it's it's going to lead to a massive decrease in time spent waiting for the Sim to load so there we have it three ways to hopefully speed up your loading times when it comes to Microsoft Flight Sim let me know in the comment section below has this helped or maybe there's something else have I missed something I love reading your comments and if you get the chance do be sure to hit the like subscribe and get notified let me know you like this sort of content right guys until the next time you take care
Channel: twotonemurphy
Views: 13,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flightsim, msfs, flight simulator, simpilot, microsoft flight simulator, msfs2020, xbox, avgeek, aviation, reviews, funny, irish, eejit, tutorial, howto, help
Id: pIQXv0k0Zvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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