Muslin Between Top and Batting - Handi Tip

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hello everybody and welcome to the handi quilter studio my name is jaime Wallen and I've got another wonderful tip to share with you so a lot of times what we're finding now is we're starting to get a lot of older and vintage quilts that people are pulling out of closets and attics from relatives who have passed or they're just going through and finding different older quilt tops the other thing is paper piecing English paper piecing has gotten extremely popular and the one thing that you know if you've done any English paper piecing or have taken any English paper piecing quilt tops in is that all the seams are open now I do English paper piecing but I'm also pretty OCD so I know that I'm tight and I'm doing about 17 stitches per inch and everything is good probably even better than machine piecing with that but I have a lot of customers who start some of these major English paper piecing tops and by about the second block they're getting a little tired they're starting to do half inch whip stitch and it's starting to get a little more loose and a little more loose and then when we load them on our machine what will happen is because they're open seams they're gonna start to come apart and so you're going to have batting that's going to migrate up between there so what I do to help stop that is when I load the quilt on I'll load my backing on and of course I will load my batting on the next thing is I will already have a piece of pre-washed muslin now you always want to make sure that it's pre washed because muscle and muslin shrinks a little bit different than any other fabric so if I load my pre-washed muslin on top of the batting and then load the English paper pieced or hand piece vintage top I'm going to have that extra barrier of protection between the quilt top and the batting so that that way through the years if those are starting to be washed a lot as they will it will when it opens up you're not going to have batting migrating up through there it's actually going to have that safety barrier of the muslin the one thing that I would add as well is a with the English paper piecing as much as I love them and they are amazing and they're very stable once you do that I do recommend my clients that bring them to me to get quilted that they want to take a little bit of extra care to wash them because of that and that way they're gonna have a family heirloom that will hopefully last for many generations that's not something we want to keep washing once every two months so obviously I wouldn't give it to my wonderful college child going off to college or to put it in a child's room or even a young adult male who does a lot of sport a little bit more rough and tough that's gonna be hard on that you want to make sure that this is lightly used more of a wonderful vanity quilt that you would take good care of so hopefully that tip will help you out with that and it's gonna make you look like a superstar with your customer because that quilts gonna last so much longer take care of each other and have a wonderful day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Handi Quilter
Views: 22,798
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: Handi Quilter, Longarm, Sewing, Quilting, Quilts, Free-motion Quilting, Finishing Quilts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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