Muskegon Hare Scramble 2020 - D14 AMA

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[Music] [Music] welcome back we are at muskegon motorcycle club dan raymond park and we are standing in front of our bikes for a shotgun start unique start to our hair scramble series this is the only place that i know of that does it like this dead engine start stand in front of your bike shotgun goes run around start the bike and you're off makes it a little easier in my opinion with push button start got my finger on the button ready to go rough so um this is a 35 plus c class we've got a nine mile loop here at muskegon motorcycle club today um got some rain here in the morning as you can see um things are pretty wet for the first lap or two anyway um real off camber of the woods with a little bit of moto here and then a lot of single track into the woods some grass track really really awesome property a lot of uh a lot of different things different terrains to ride and a lot of fun i i struggled a bit on some of that slippery off-camber stuff the first couple laps it was just so slimy with the roots sticking out of those steep uh steep hills when you're riding there on the side of them it was a bit treacherous for many of us see riders i saw so not my my best ride but i finished up ninth on the day felt like i could have done better but just got myself into trouble on the first couple laps there on some of that stuff and wore myself out early but it is what it is you can't win them all my case can't win any of them so we got steve brassard here in front of us and uh gonna want to keep an eye on him because he takes a pretty nasty spill up here in a minute or two and uh i reached out to him this morning after i watched this video back and uh made sure he was okay uh when i when i went by you can kind of see see it happen and i'll point out when we get to that point but uh he just looks like he just kind of hit this little lip a little funny and it kind of threw him off sideways off the track and looks like he rung his belt pretty good he was he was out cold when i went by it looked like so but i reached out to him this morning and he's uh a little foggy a little dizzy but he's doing doing well and he expects specks to be back here in a few weeks hopefully so thoughts thoughts appraiser with steve hoping he recovers quickly so right here i'm pointing out steve keep an eye on that bike [Music] and you can see he hits hard and just kind of kind of rolls afterward he hit that lip right there and when i went by i thought man he looks like he's out cold and um i saw the results after the race and saw that he didn't didn't complete any laps so um again like i said reached out to him this morning and doing as well as he can after after getting a bell run like that so hopefully we see him back soon and also if any of y'all found a a camera at the last race it was steve's hasn't hasn't been able to get that back so it may be lost in the woods somewhere but if anybody happened to come across one please reach out to steve he'd like to like to have his camera back so uh [Music] uh [Music] the trail today was real real flowing for the most part you know we didn't really have a bottleneck um like we did last week at fred neck you know it was the trail was established and wide enough where if somebody got in trouble you could pick your way through and find an alternative line for the most part um there are a couple little areas here and there where we sat for a few seconds but overall um really really great layout here [Music] [Music] so so we're already getting into some lap not lap traffic but the road in front of us right in front of me is in the uh 20 25 to 34 c class and the 12th row and uh typically then i don't know a couple minutes we're usually usually up on them so kind of working our way through the traffic here [Music] so so this is one of the little bottlenecks here this little pine tree there we had to go way out and around there and then it would smack me in the face every lap that kind of caused some problems as you can see there lap one and a lot of people cutting that there which they roped off later in the race uh [Music] oh [Music] uh i had one of the buddy riders that starts in row 14 behind me there and i could hear him behind me saying i'm not in your class so pulled over let him buy be on his way they normally stay a little bit fresher than what we do is they alternate every other lap with another rider so um usually usually a little bit quicker later in the race because of that too so [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] got deck in front of me here and uh hats off to man you got got a great ride and got the lead a little bit of this race i saw you up there off the start there uh looks like you were out in front nobody in front of you for a while i've never experienced that so that's been a cool moment [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so on the first lap uh they had the enduro section and the demon drop blocked off everybody was about to use the bypasses on these so off to the right there you just saw that was our enduro cross section so all this for the next probably 90 seconds i'm guessing was the bypass for the enduro cross so you lost a lot of time if you uh you decided to bypass that section which consists of some logs and some big culverts to go over some big tractor tires etc so um if you happen to skip that this is the section that you wrote and uh you can see how long it is here [Music] so a couple of buddy buddy class riders going by us here again from row 14. [Music] [Music] foreign so right there is where we actually joined back then with where the enduro cross finish so that was considerable amount of time it took us to get through that section on the bypass there [Music] there we just passed the other bypass off the left there was a demon drop real steep downhill section that they blocked off for lap one and then it was open for everybody to take uh the remaining laps here so this is the bypass for that [Music] [Music] this bottom section down here this is where the demon drop came out so didn't lose as much time there if you skip that section but this bottom section here which is real slimy uh looked like there was maybe some clay in here real slick stuff but um i had to kind of take it easy through here the first couple laps because you just slide like crazy so [Music] so [Music] now the first major bottleneck of the day um there's a creek crossing here with a little bridge and then it goes directly into kind of an off hammer off camber a little uh hill climb here to get us up on the side of the hill that we take around the edge here um everybody's just backed up here trying to find a way through typically i don't think this would have been very difficult but just the sliminess of it from the rain that we got made it made it a lot more difficult than it typically would have been especially with the the tree roots that were that were being exposed as the day went on to made it even uh even trickier to navigate [Music] when you get up there on the left nowhere to go there i was fortunate to crawl up here and get enough grip to crawl through there really can't tell how off-camera this is with the camera but uh but the bikes had a hard time sticking to it [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so these bridges here later in the race were just a slimy mess and you had to be real careful not to spin your spin your tires on there you get yourself in trouble in a hurry you saw a couple riders that were off off there they had probably done that so you don't want to drop off the left side here it's a long way down steep long way down so [Music] [Music] this track really just got better and better as the day went on and it dried out a little bit i think actually my my fastest lap was my last lap of the race so just kind of kind of improved just as as the day went on hmm so so i'm feeling pretty good about the first lap right now um no major incidents um nothing that really tired me out and that's that's about to change here in the next minute or so uh i wasn't sure i see the arrows going this way this guy was pointing me down i wasn't sure where to go this was probably the preferred line straight across here but they were kind of diverting people down there and i screwed up there's where we should have gone so we've got deck here i tried to climb up here no grip just slime i don't know sorry about that looks like my bike knocked you down there and now we're trying to figure out well we know we're not going to make it up here so let's slide down this hill and this is where i really begin to wear myself out here on lap one and then lap two it was similar lap three and four i was making it through by no problem i started to dry out a little bit but got the hang of it so we ride this little bottom section and kind of cut back through the trails right on the edge of that that hill over there you can see a couple riders over there so we're going to make our way back up to the trail here i uh saw a couple bikes buried pretty here late pretty good later in the race as well in this little section so we're up going up this little uphill here it's just steep and slimy not a lot of not a lot of grip here so so this [Music] they had some metal mats down on this climb or i'm not sure a lot of bikes would have made it up there i saw a lot of people off there even later in the race uh i haven't having trouble with that little section there even with the mats being down i saw somebody down the left side of this hill a little bit later in the race too with the track track worker trying to get his bike up out of there that's another place you didn't want to slide down so [Music] so i typically just make videos for the you know the pm session of the harry scrambles but um you know my my daughter's riding the the 50 auto session the morning that my son rides in the mini uh session for an hour in the morning so they had some pretty good videos this week and uh real proud of the way they've been riding recently so i told them uh i put together a video for them as well this week so look for those coming out um alexis got a got a new bike i finally upgraded her 2007 uh ktm 50sx to a 2021 50 husqvarna tc50 and uh man she was fast on that thing it was uh she was scaring me out there a little bit right right pretty aggressive and uh probably a little overhead at times but uh she really likes the new bike and it's giving her a new level of confidence for sure it just just handles so much better and doesn't have the vibration that the older bike had and um she really really is taken to us so she's only ridden in about an hour so far but uh really likes it so far and then uh my other daughter reagan is on a little 50 honda and uh she had a great race and she's in the four to six year old class at the 50 autos and so she she took a fourth and alexis took a second and uh braden took third and the super minis um so everybody rode rode real well and uh it was a fun weekend here in muskegon [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so i'm recording this video the morning after the race and the kids are outside doing the dirty work you don't get to see you get to see the fun stuff out here on the track but there's a lot of time and effort that goes into the preparation just getting ready to go to these races and then uh to clean up afterwards and maintenance afterwards so they're out doing the dirty work now power washing their bikes to cleaning out the trailer kind of taking inventories or parts we need to buy for this week and things break anything so a lot of behind the scenes stuff that goes into this as well so so [Music] despite my lack of performance this race um probably i'd say this is my favorite harry scramble track of the year so far just because of the you know the different different trains it had to offer different aspects of the track and uh you know it flowed really well um except for a couple of bottlenecks there and some of the thai stuff but um i'd say this is probably you know fred neck was up there too also a lot of fun but i think the dust and just the conditions that we had there nothing they could do about it they just need a little bit of rain moisture in the track but probably took a little bit of the fun out of it for me so we actually rode this was the start section of lap one here so that section that we just came through in this little section here we've been through once already but we didn't go through scoring on lap one so we're getting ready to come up here a couple more turns and then we're going to go through the first scoring loop here for the initial lap so thanks for watching the video hope you guys enjoyed it that was one lap around the dan raymond park hair scramble course put on by muskegon motorcycle club hope see you guys at the next one [Music]
Channel: kyle hardley
Views: 5,178
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: hare scramble, braap, ktm, offroad, off road racing, single track, district 14, d14, shotgun start
Id: bEg5FNmf1xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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