MUSICIANS ARE SCR*WED - I tested the ChatGPT for Music, Suno AI Music Generator

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as a music artist myself I say it with a heavy heart that we may be getting closer and closer to being replaced by robots because I took a sneak at this thingo Ai and it's as impressive as I am scared I'm being a little over dramatic but I do have a vested interest in this because music I make it so we're going to take a look into it you know dig around see what his capabilities are I'm just going to play around with it and we'll discuss what the implications may be with tools like this and what it may bear in the future for someone like me and music artists all around the world all right let's get into it huh so this is sunno AI more likeo have my nuts in your mouth when you log in this is what your faced with you could see here you got the explore page this is all stuff that people have made previously and I guess there's a little like feature there's also the create tab so right here is where you type in your prompt and then it'll generate music for you this is the library I already messed around with it I think I asked it to write like a Indie pop dreamy sad song about losing your parrot so I mean honestly it's it's pretty straightforward platform you know so essentially you type in a prompt suo AI takes a bunch of different influences or whatever based on the prompt that you type in and then creates a full instrumentation of the song and also lyrics displayed right here on the right here as you can see this song is about Cy bars and well impressively they it's it's only the word cavy bar let's listen to it shall [Music] we [Music] so yeah that's that was a banger it's honestly really impressive it's not a good sign for me or independent music artists but I got to say this is really impressive all right let's see there's a lot of Russian stuff huh heavy metal ooh that sounds interesting [Music] talk [Music] like hell yeah brother so I guess it could do different languages that's that's really impressive there's a K-Pop song right here let's let's check this one [Music] out as you can see it's very versatile let's see what this AI musician is Anime rap chip Tunes alternate Rock new metal Electro swings sounds interesting every single [Music] iary thoughts and electric mind your Beating Heart yet something stirs the Rhythm Rising the song unheard wa the I awareness laugh and hard drive [Music] C very very met dude yeah this [ __ ] is crazy man who's making all these caby bar songs is this the same Creator let's see let's check out this one cuz I do like cabi baras you know based on my previous video that video did not do well this one's 70 Slow Love Song kaby bar [Music] [Music] lovea I know it's an ironic song but this is this is good you get the gist of it dude this is this thing's crazy but to dig a Little Deeper let's see let's let's give it some prompts shall we a pirates Melody with um hip hop drums and vocals that are chanting lyrics about how to apply neop sport the Bounty of healing upbeat hip-hop okay so this is the first one let's let's hear [Music] this see but even PIR R let me healing so gather around I'll share [Music] I mean it's a horrible song I was just hoping it would make like a chanting Pirate song you know like what Pirates would sing on on a boat like in Pirates of the Caribbean all right let's see the second one oh so it's the same lyrics but different instrumentation it's not my favorite in my previous song we talked about losing parot may maybe we could do something with that um a melod dramatic Indie pop song with trumpets sitars Caribbean steel drums and a harmonica with lyrics about reuniting with a long lost parrot that you thought had died when you were 6 years old all right that's mad specific let's see let's see how it does with this boom let it cook baby so far it's very obvious it's not a real person you know there's a very digital aspect to the vocals it sounds like it's just over quantized or like pitch corrected immensely you know so it's pretty easy to tell but honestly we'll see we'll see how it goes you know all right so our song is called feathers of Destiny this is a Whimsical melodramatic Indie pop song Oh I world search near and far looking for myess friend my guarding star when I was just a child only 6 years old you flew away I thought you'd never be found in this [Music] world the Fate has a funny way of bringing us home to the trumpet sparing the sitar gently strong down the steel DRS melodic tone with the okay I guess it well have misunderstood what I wanted it to do um rather than making the song with trumpet sitars Caribbean steel drums and a harmonica they just decided to mention it in in the lyrics which is fine cuz it's a beautiful song you got yeah I mean honestly oh wait there's still a second song let's check this one out oh World searching near and far looking for my long lost friend my I don't like this one as much but it does make me miss my parrot I never had one let's see if it could do anything in like Japanese cuz you know look at these eyes a Japanese let's try out a jazz hop beat with Japanese lyrics about Kira toyama's career as a manga artist rest in peace toram let's see okay there we go manga Mastermind Jazz hop laidback smooth let's try this one oh there we go [Music] so far it's it's good makes [Music] sense that makes sense M Grand with a stroke of his SP worlds come alive oh let's do another prompt but that that was that was cool a base heavy hip-hop song um rapping in Japanese with lyrics that are a bunch vulgar words and profanities in Japanese cuz uh you know I have some notoriety in that [Music] field it's called Lost in Translation aggressive hip-hop base heavy I I really hope this works if AI could at least make me laugh I'd feel a little better about it potentially stealing a lot of people's jobs oh [ __ ] let's get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] had some basic bad words likeu and Baka kasu um Bak you know that's another one that verse two is sick it's it's it sounded legit you know obviously it sounds still sounds AI but dude very impressive I got to say I think this will do for now so what does this mean for music artists you know we're still in a time where AI is so fresh and so new that we don't really know what the future holds for it and for the sake of this video I'm specifically talking about creatives but I know AI is taking the jobs from many different Industries and areas and also you know there's the whole world going to end AI takeover thing going on but you know that's spooky I don't want to talk about that unfortunately there has been some push back from various creative communities I may be speaking out of my own biases but I'm pretty sure the General Public probably knows that AI is essentially stealing from actual artists it's scouring the internet grabbing art that's already made by actual artist and pretty much melding it into whatever prompt you give it and obviously that's a huge problem but we've seen the art community speak out against this especially right when mid Journey came out and there's multiple lawsuits going on with artists fighting these companies we've also seen push back on social media with the general public rattling Behind These artists and of course in 2023 we saw the wga strikes where over 11,000 screenwriters disputed the residuals from streaming services but they also focused on fighting against the use of AI to replace writers and while this particular strike involved a bunch of issues that had to be addressed in that industry it's clear that there is a fight to be fought in regards to AI so writers illustrators painters Etc they're putting up a good fight but what's going on in the music industry well the American Federation for musicians have sat down with entertainment Studios and it seems they've settled on some ground rules in regards to AI but the AF M only covers a percentage of all the musicians in this world there are millions upon millions of independent music artists out there making amazing music who are essentially unprotected by these regulations and honestly I think with AI generated music it's the independent artist who will be affected the most as an independent artist or like a smalltime music artist the odds really feel like they're stacked against you mostly because of how the industry is set up who The Gatekeepers are and how the vast amount of money that's being made in the music indry is distributed for example money from streaming services is dismal you get a percentage of a percentage of a cent per stream and a positive return is only possible if you have a large audience which you know is obvious but you know easier said than done and how Spotify specifically works is there's a pool of money set aside that's distributed among all artists that are on the app making music and this pool of money is distributed based on how many streams you're bringing in so there's people like Beyonce receiving money from that pool and then there's like the kid making music in his basement off his laptop who also receives that money as long as if he's within the requirements to receive royalties from Spotify just an FYI this is an oversimplification I'm sure the process is a lot more complex and there's a lot more calculations that go into it like how they pay out major labels and stuff just letting you know um okay back to the video but here's where it kind of gets dangerous or iffy with AI let's say someone uploads a full album and it's completely made out of AI generated music and then this album gets picked up by the Spotify algorithm it gains millions of streams that money that the AI music is gaining is money that's being taken away from actual real artists knowing the streaming platforms they'll probably set up some you know guard rails and remove AI music But as time goes on these tools are only going to get better I can only hope that you know not too many of these will slip through the cracks because money is hard to come by you know as a music artist in streaming and my fellow Independent Artists could use every little scent that they can to make a living but let's step away from streaming okay some Independent Artists make a living by taking on gigs and freelance jobs but these AI music generators could take away you know potential jobs from these artists for example a company's marketing team is tasked to make an ad if it's done through legal means each piece of content is utilized with credits and payments being given to the original artists that contribute to the full campaign now these companies can just have their in-house guy make a song using AI music and then there goes the music artist dinner for the week that they would have hired from a business standpoint I get it it's safe you money and look I've used AI art myself as well you know i' I've got some guilt in the game we used an AI image for a collaboration that we released and right around the release time AI generators were just popping up everywhere at the time but we didn't know the implications but had we known we would have made the artwork ourselves like we have done for all of our other releases and I certainly won't be using these tools for any of my music now you know knowing the context of what these tools are doing pausing this one more time because uh one can make the argument that I've used copyright Ed content in my previous videos on YouTube and that's fair okay I acknowledge I'm a hypocrite but listen I'm not making money off of it okay at least not yet and I'm figuring it out how to navigate this whole YouTube thing anyway uh back to the video thanks but back to the topic I understand why businesses would want to use AI especially in our capitalist Society save money more profits less overhead I don't know the mumbo jumbo but it's affecting all artists you know musicians illustrators writers and Beyond and I see push back on AI which is great but I don't hear as much discourse uh about Ai and its effect on music and music artists uh than the other creative Industries and uh that definitely worries me but it's not all doom and gloom okay it was a lot of fun messing around with sunno if someone wants to make a song for their friend you know on their birthday or something or like you know a joke this is a great tool I'd also say this is a great tool for music artists as well looking for inspiration in like instrumentation or maybe lyrics so I think you know there's there's some positives to look at it dude you saw me I was having a really good time messing around with it obviously it's fun and generally especially with the vocals I can tell that it's AI generated music but you know technology is only going to get better from here like this right now is the worst that it's going to be do I think music will be replaced by Ai No our unique experiences are what shapes our Sound and Music no matter how well an AI tool can imitate a sound it can never generate its own experiences to create something truly original but those are my thoughts let me know in the comments what you think about the future of these AI tools is it a threat for us creatives or do you think it'll help in the long run let me know in the comments if you want to support real music artists check out my music links down below but if not all good I'll see you in the next one thanks love you peace hey trying to reach a man can we chat last time we spoke I wasn't too sure where your head was at but I know life is ways of throwing this and that to knock us off of course and when the odds are stacked against us we made choices that were poor but just checking in on you it's been
Channel: Konvos with Kubota
Views: 19,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sunoai, suno ai, chatgpt, chat gpt, ai music, ai generated music
Id: Ji9oyHsqjsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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