Music Mythos: RAMONES

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we play so loud then all the amps couldn't take it but now we got these amps that they think they're really they work you know we can really push them and we could blow this place apart Aparna [Applause] [Music] [Music] how balls on your chin badass of the Ramones you ask let's put it this way let me a Motorhead he rode with Jimi Hendrix he played with Hawkwind he toured in glad-hand with every legendary act from Zeppelin to deep purple the priests maiden Slayer and beyond the only band he ever wrote a song about was the fucking Ramones how do you guys know each other they came to London and I thought well they look like me and they're playing short head music - so really to crossover bands it's been longer I'm come on there's nobody like either of all right hands you know I mean we're both of both of our bands have um gone a distance and maintained the integrity swearing The Ramones of the Black Sabbath of punk rock meaning while you can trace back the heavy-metal mythology to all the blue cheers or alice cooper's you fucking like it wasn't until Sabbath that it all congealed although I've argued with a plum that it was only when Judas Priest paired it with twin guitars and leather Laden imagery that it truly became what we would recognize today is heavy metal by the same token while proto-punk had throbbed beneath the surface in the more pounding passages of Iggy and the Stooges or the mc5 and certainly through the dictators a band that gave the Ramones of focus and Man O'War a guitarist it wasn't until four floppy haired fuck-ups from Queens crushed the crowd at CBGB's and dizzying 15 minutes that's bereft of pauses that punk rock was truly born in America blowme NME him you know what it was in England because the last time anything really important happened in England or came coming than to affect anybody and what's happened in America in 1991 90 is that you finally got your own punk and Robert Plant shouldn't be failing at folk rock with Alison Krauss you know pipes have and hipster fuck driven by the idiosyncratic shuffle of Tommy Ramones percussion and perhaps even more importantly production the spotty based work and infinitely more impressive songwriting of dee dee Ramone a rampage of riffs burning indulgences like guitar solos flowing from the veritable font of fretwork that was Johnny Ramone and the inimitable proto Danzig melodic bell of the golly-gee giant Joey Ramone a more dysfunctional foursome there never was but fuck if they weren't and orange woven into the very DNA of half the shit bein made even fucking today today we take a trek through their finest albums reviewing and expositing on each in sequence as always if you'd like to jump to your album of choice the table of contents in the description is time-stamped click like the dickens so slap on your leathers lace up your chucks and headbang along to the progenitors of punk rock The Ramones we wore what we always wore yeah nobody's missing uniform - I mean with his long when I look a bit when we started the group we were talking about what we were going to wear ah you know when we started thinking about it we just decided to wear what we had all the big rock stars are wearing what we went out like Billy Joel there one there other Jack's and Queen and decide to be the Ramone stuff not all bands put their best foot forward of the first record fuck many bands ingest said fucking Ford I've argued from the outset that an inaugural ass fucking is every bit as commonplace as a sophomore slump but you ain't going to find either with the fucking Ramones preposterous Lee polished incendiary and subversive in equal measure the Ramones invented not only punk rock but their own signature interpretation of it and bath idli enough they did so right from the goddamn beginning The Ramones seamless fusion of fuzz lead and fret craft over hummable radio-friendly pop tunes occasionally disguising a deeper urban or societal message was a formula they would ride the relevance for the next three fucking decades and it bears repeating they did it right from the fucking beginning [Applause] [Music] ta-dah [Music] didn't try to be crazy we try to write things that were offensive or shock value is you think that this is all natural this is we're trying to be normal you're trying to know when we fail one of the reasons I find the term pop punk such a laugh and a goddamn half is because fuck just listen to some of these goons I want to be your boyfriend judy is a punk and is there a single model of automobiles cellular device tennis shoe or soft drink producing the last 20 fuckin years that hasn't had a oh let's go blitzkrieg bop play over the commercial at least fucking once I out [Music] the point being this song doesn't remain in the public consciousness just as some gray ponytail piss in at an advertising firm with a prostate the size of a beach ball wants to pretend he's perma hip that remain commercially viable because pop is hard-coded into the very DNA of punk rock like it or not all Punk has a brutal side for a fact and the Ramones are no exception particularly in the lyrical content such as the effort and agentic 53rd and 3rd written by bassist and sadly died in the DMT drug fiend dee dee Ramone the title itself referring to an infamous cross street in New York City where male prostitutes were known to confer to discuss arts and crafts and so presumably for the purposes of procuring drug dollars was dee dee Ramone but it's during the passages of the song that Dee Dee himself sings the ambiguously autobiographical story takes a gnarly ass turn [Music] for his own part didi stubbornly refused to ever elucidate on the subject what's the true stories of a fifty third is there is lots of rumors I got a bypass streetwise Ron is cohabitating with melodious doo-wop the opening salvo from the ramones militia remains one of the most earnest expressions of punk rock purity ever produced recommended oh fuck yeah but brace for a dawn load of deja vu here because just like the Motorhead mythos I'd be remiss not to open with the barely cognizant cut wads who upon the merest mention of the band in question can't help but tiresomely recite the following horseshit cliche but rather the Ramones just write the same song over and over alright Ramones don't write the same three songs over and over you listen to the same three albums over and over and just says with Motorhead wouldn't you know it it's the first fucking three here's the deal Sargeant sped of course the first three Ramones record sound the same sweet nipple twisting Christ two of them were recorded in the same fucking year once again just like Motorhead are you beginning to process precisely why these two bands got along so well don't dry hump leave home and rock it to Russia and then blame the band the two albums that dropped in the same fuckin year sounds similar the Ramones are abandoned not only pioneered punk rock of the foot tapping three-chord variety they ultimately expanded their horizons to include everything from hard rock [Music] come on [Applause] to hardcore [Music] to outright AOR [Music] - heavy metal [Music] so old-time Ronettes are and fucking be [Music] you know it seems like anymore any band that rather doesn't surf the swells of commerciality right from the outset actually god forbid establishes its own fucking sound first inevitably find themselves accused of a terminal taste of same song this is why downloading his bad kitties because it conditions you to stop paying attention if a song doesn't NAB you by the nads within the first five seconds hence the recent deluge of pirate metal crab core shoegaze in short indescribably gimmicky goat shit and coming soon goat shit metal because how else would you describe damageplan and a fucking rant next I'd seen the Beatles at Shea Stadium in 65 I believe 65 or 66 and they had played a half-hour show so I figured all right if the Beatles played a half hour Shea Stadium demotion I played about 15 minutes [Music] giving I thought when I want to talk to the quick query rageaholics what to do when you already got the formula right the first to fuck you we all know the answer that the same goddamn thing with better production and that's precisely what dive-bomb on the record store shelves in 1977 with a sophomore follow up leave home Dec to fuck dad from color bone to cock and classic upon classic leave home still features heavily in classic rock radio rotation to this day not to mention the band's live set at least for the foreseeable future with particular attention paid to pinhead who's vaguely butchered movie quote of Gabba Gabba hey would prove itself the band's unofficial slogan in a live setting and setting untold legions of slabber and head bangers to cast their fists skyward in unison for the next two decades [Music] my god but for all the increasing prominence of production polish it's in the more aggressive refrains that leave home truly shines like the giant Ramon paramilitary anthem commando [Music] dr. Damon [Music] in a game a hobbit this is just a killer record sadly not unlike the fate that befell Motorhead superb bomber leave homes only abiding error was that it had the misfortune to be sandwiched between two faultless fucking classics and speaking the fuck of which Jesus you know we can uh they pulling out that huge oo seven night gravity night you know and I was between them you know aunt Edie's lunging with this huge night to stab in just of what he's gonna do kill me you gonna kill me [Music] I'm an addict for by the time a tour for Leif Houma concluded the Ramones manager had a wonky ass idea conquer the UK surely you jest mate or hold for what could these tweed Baudette crumpet munching cricket bat wheeled and wanksters want with his funky ass new invention called punk rock amos last words I think Johnny Ramone said his head only went high and we went hey this is a clash it is a bit early we need to get in so they kind of formed a human chain and pull this up through this window and that was the first time we met him and that was just a really great punk-rock moment the remotes out was just like this it's like whoa what the fuck this is Matthew knows Valda goir this is what we're this is the way it was like a blueprint this is the way this is what's going to do it this is where we're going to knock everybody because we were looking for something so desperate you know we were disenfranchised youth on the scrap heap that's what they were telling us and there was a band telling us fuck you fuck then don't listen to him everyone who was in a kind of bad who was going to be in one of the UK punk bands was there at the show I think the muster in about 60 people in the audience which is lies or nobody but everyone formed a band you know they kick-started the whole thing in a big way sadly is the rocket to Russia was launched it was the antics that said UK acts that albeit debated Lee may have caused the band further commercial benefits it's one thing for a bunch of mob topped unassuming Oates dispensing power chords like Colorado dispenses pot and shitty politics it's quite another when the genre you pioneered is now paired with the antics of UK darling Alice Cooper to include bleeding vomiting and spitting at the audience and authorities on stage and when the piss yellow press in the UK gets a hold of the story well you can understand why Johnny and the boys might be a bit on the butthurt side an English rock band which has somehow developed a following by spitting into the audience which frequently responds by throwing bottles at the band has come to this country saying it is here to rip some dollars off the Yanks gone you've got enough time you can take something out really dirty bastards gone again is fuck and what a fucking Rock that's it for tonight far more caustic in the long term in my eyes anyway would be mistaken conception from that point forward the England created bug they recently returned to the United States from a wildly successful concert tour of England the ancestral homeland of punk rock where concerts often ended in violence and riots thus divesting the Ramones of the Creator status that may well have buoyed them to more bounteous commercial benefits my mother called me said punk started in England I'm like Oh mom all the same you know a record is classic when one song alone can spawn entire bands in retrospect listening to songs like I don't care it's like encountering an advanced scout for the sound the overrated ass misfits would build their entire fucking career on [Music] and hey between the first albums Judy is a punk the second suzy is a headbanger and now the classic Sheena is a punk rocker we are resoundingly fuckin established that women do things and whatever the fuck they're doing it sketchier than the clap but Sheena was like the group we love surf music until we write a song and that's Sheen has it all Oh [Music] regardless this record is just fucking savage every time you think you've reached the bottom there's a new fucking basement with yet another Al Capone Ian's treasure trove of yet more classic material The Ramones were firing on all cylinders and they fought for every inch of their newfound success peaking at number 49 they were just a cunt hair away from being top 40 billboard badasses all they needed to do now with surpass a fucking classic good luck be sure of change which I kicked out of high school oh where are you telling to go to miss McGriff Claire oh well I'm happy to see to some students still are interested in their study hey well that's good for the Ramon Ramon [Music] having once extolled the self-evident virtues of the original Ramones trilogy I have to admit of the original classic for album Pantheon universally regarded as the formative basis for basically all punk rock 1978's road to ruin is my personal favorite much of my appreciation I confess is due to riff master general Johnny Ramones almost imperceptible shift into the realm of hard rock and heavy metal and so was born the eternal Ramones conflict Johnny ever the gun toting meat-eating ac/dc aficionado and Joey with his more pop-oriented protest music it was the synthesis between the two preferably while paired with Dee Dee's infectious hooks that made the magic that was the Ramones so I'm a Democrat and Joey was a Democrat Johnny and Dee Dee were staunch added right-wing conservative fanatics maybe which helped the music and the writing but our political views were definitely different but as the guitarist and vocalist ward over the coming decade the result would be musical schizophrenia but for now despite their political differences Joey and Johnny were largely of one mind and with Tommy moving from the kid to a more unifying influence behind the production soundboard the result was punk metal Majesty new drummer and sadly only surviving longtime member marchy Ramone was a considerable step up from Tommy's limited skillset as well and a step up in recording quality allows his snare to punch through the mix like pistol fire it's pot needs Punk with a balls-out bite more traditionally associated with Hard Rock and approach meet immediately manifest on the opening classic I just want to have something to do ah [Music] but the Punk'd is President accounted for the form of bad brain the song that lets so many Ramones tunes inspired a band of the same nomenclature not to mention the iconoclastic anthem I'm against it doll mental and of course perma classic I want to be sedated [Music] want to be sedated the first song he recorded with the Ramone it says that it was written by Joey while he was in the hospital being treated for burns on his face and his throat he got burnt by meta fire right on hella to clear his nostrils and so breathing passages see it exploded even pop tunes like don't come closer solid - superb for those of you who watch these mythos episodes solely to find out you know where to start with a given band the ravenous road to ruin is your fucking answer absolutely excellent next I remember Joey was in G Phil I really want you to produce us because we need a big-name producer for a new album okay Seymour said we need a big main producer he'll help us sell Filson well if you need a big-name producer go find one if you want Phil Spector to produce you then I'll consider it [Music] Vanessa let's go on paper road to ruin had everything going for it and i grabbing pop art album sleeve infectious pop punk tunes music videos at the vag you TV appearances a motherfucking movie tie-in so when the record some the fuck how wound up charting nearly 50 places lower than the slap together rocket to Russia record there's more finger-pointing than movie Bob at Krispy Kreme to slick productions subpar songs record company too busy getting double dong by disco to give it a proper push but one of their most routine complaints was actually directed to the uptick of infamous UK bands and their headline-grabbing antics to crib their fucking style this movie is basically working close it's nothing to do with the re fault middle close we're all right correct in a basically worse and cars from the rules one way they stood up for their working-class audience and got headlines it was by vomiting all over Heathrow Airport in London and there were some four-letter words thrown about in loud voices remember like I had written a song cause she knows a punk rocker and the record was doing really well and then one day on 60 minutes was thinking about the Sex Pistols and the safety pins and everyone gouging each other's eyeballs out and and everybody flipped out and then things change radically why do you feel about the English bands and Jeremy Barry died guys that with the interpersonal tension nearing its zenith Tommy Ramone outride retired not only from the Ramones but momentarily from music in general and the hunt was on for a new producer until Joey remembered they already had an offer that they turned down three years previous from perhaps the most prolific pop producer of all time so Spector so I walk in there with the other three guys and who's sitting next to him talking grandpa Monsta with with cowboy boots on a 10-gallon hat Johnny opposed it or rather he would if you only had in God behind his back to hire him ticking off a power struggle between the two that would continue until they called it a career the result and on the century a curious pastiche of dated pop paired with punk of the classic Ramones variety if that sounds profoundly fucked apparently someone neglected to tell the public because it became the highest charting release of the Bands career which given the budget still a matted is something of a disappointment the square Enix approach if you will and it's a shame because while sentiment within the band afterward was shit even with Phil Spector we couldn't break through a tissue paper hymen to get fuckin radio play it was a big chance and again we didn't join records yeah so at that point I knew I finally accepted that at citrine signing records let's do the best we can do credit people are fantasticly from let them down and don't worry about yeah exactly in actuality I think Phil Spector is the problem here the key to the Ramones is 50s and 60s old time rock and roll power inject and coke into its crank and filtered through an endless fountain of fuzz it's the Beach Boys on bath salts and it's fucking glorious the problem Phil Spector is an actual honest to Murgatroid old time rock and roll producer and he's nearly as adept at that as he is its showing female houseguests a 44 caliber good time but pair that with the already pop-oriented underlying sensibility of the Ramones and you've neutered the band's entire gimmick transmogrifying the Gabba Gabba hey Ganga to the fucking pseudo Supremes which is going to say the album is wholly devoid of aggression or punk eNOS and it should be mentioned that likely owing to Phil Spector's legendary Judaism exclusively the drum and guitar sound on the heavier tracks is positively fucking immense [Music] [Applause] and falling on the floor for the class [Music] the sad what-if scenario here is that Phil Spector originally offered his services to the band during the rocket to Russia recordings and frankly both would have been better served if he'd actually done so the rocket to Russia recordings wouldn't have been overtly disrupted to expect or help them can a hit or two and the lives in leather could have left headlong into the 80s with a head of commercial momentum rather than treading water and increasingly panic for mainstream acceptance instead we got the first definitive punk goes pop record along with blondie that is lending license to any number of late 90s early 2000s cut my hair and cash my check lightweight like Green Day or Phoenix TX in the process despite them though I may the fact is those bands are less a perversion of their chosen genre than an ode to the progenitors of it the Ramones say what you will about the Walmart family portrait album cover or producer Phil Spector's Marksmanship commercially speaking this was the beginning of the end rather than the end itself next time to change and most producers from the mid sixties haven't really grown with the changes that I able to do what producers now can do the new modern sound nathan habit [Music] it's her son test he seemed like a man walking his last mile doing our record you know that grim [Music] how do when I would run [Music] end of the century may have underperformed like a leper on a porn set but as the highest-charting release of the Bands career to that point they were looking to build on its middling success regardless overpaying yet another famed producer this time Graham Goldman of 10cc Fame to craft a steaming pile of pop but with Johnny eager to emerge from the specter of Spectre the result is perhaps the least cohesive offering of the Bands career on a janky production to grab bagg genre hopping to the hey my colorblind five-year-old slept this shit together out of construction paper rubber cement and spunk cover art a few classics notwithstanding something about pleasant dreams just feels profoundly fucking off like a band pulling in three directions and getting nowhere at sublight speeds it's never a rosy portent for sonic harmony when one band member pushes for individual songwriting credit as Joey did unpleasant dreams and predictably he pens the vast majority of a subpar tunes here but the few that land would prove to be live standards for the foreseeable future she's a sensation is the sincerest of supplication two vintage doo-wop while the searing standout the KKK took my baby away would keep pleasant dreams spinning not to mention fans speculating from now until for fucking ever what speculation Hugh asked oh where to start well accounts vary they appear to have settled on the common thread that somewhere before or after the recording of end of the century guitarist Johnny Ramone began dating Joey's ex Linda whether they were still together at the time and whether Johnny bothered to tell Joey time has never truly recorded at least not consistently or objectively what we do know is the Joey and Johnny Ramone for a shoot hardly had five words to say to each other over the next two goddamn decades Joey was seeing this girl in John stole her away from him uh that's life things happen and you move on you know you don't you don't hold a grudge towards the person in you then for eighteen years 17 years after that I think would you look at him in the eye you have not looked at Johnny wants Joey's lomani bag Johnny is it hard for you to look at Joey physically yes I'm asking Johnny no I mean well I don't I don't you guys have not looked at one another what looking at you it's no no you guys have not ever ones look at what can I talk into the mic looking at the host that is some Frank Sinatra caliber grudge fi-in right there what does that have to do with the song in question well listen to those lyrics a little more closely and think of how the politically left-leaning Joey Ramone my view his Reagan supporting gun rights loving lifelong Republican band made Johnny Ramone she never got she never got she never got nothing is my baby you whiz with always present itself the product of conflict pleasant dreams is an appropriately conflicted record not unlistenable of like all Ramones records there's at least a handful of keepers but in my eyes their weakest to that point next it's the transition life you don't subscribe to play a crowd of hundred thousand people I suppose once you get over a certain demand it really doesn't really matter how many people we average it and you you heard it first right he'll [Music] with Joey's pop crooning feeling a light a fuckin fart on fire it was a foregone conclusion the guitarist frontman and all-around fucking slave driver Johnny Ramone would be in full force on the follow-up which is precisely what happened with 1983 subterranean jungle a diverse distinctly urban infinitely more aggressive album owing more at times to heavy metal than the doo-wop Laden punk-rock array the Ramones are known for for that reason perhaps this record is just as likely to elicit an eye-roll as a pair of devil horns for the Ramones faithful but frankly fuck the faithful this is one of if not my absolute favourite Ramones record for precisely that goddamn reason I think the issue most modern listeners have if they were introduced via the compact disc version of the album look opening with not one but two cover songs is rarely a prelude to a peerless classic but when you lack the ability to simply flip the damn record over and get to the killer shit on the other side well fuck it slap it with a bad record stigma and move the fuck on with your lives with gated drums and reverb aplenty it's understandable why classic Ramones fans might be taken aback but the band's renewed focus on urban aggression made this the first truly worthwhile release of the decade for me best track without a doubt the b-side behemoths psychotherapy replete with accompanying music video that was banned by MTV for a horror imagery the same week fuckin thriller debuted [Applause] [Music] oh they're amazed I know oh yeah we were always tempted by MTV we was matter-of-fact approach banned to be censored oh yeah I know I never understood because psychotherapy really was hell was great art I felt but that the same but right around the time that psychotherapy came out gorillas came in and like to me that's offensive and that's violent and that yeah and I mean they wanted it edited which we didn't want to edit it but the record company has edited anyway and gave it back to them and they still said it's still too violent so that's it for that for that video seasons change MTV's blathering fucking idiocy indoors subterranean jungle is often regarded as an item of curio for Ramones fans not merely due to the gated drums and experiments with AOR and reggae but because it was the first record the Ramones catalog to have a song that clocked in at over four minutes somebody save it if you can't sing a song if you're consoling a song in screaming you shouldn't sing it at all is that true yeah because the like music that we grew upon up we love like now Beatles or the who or the kinks or Stooges or whoever okay you know I mean great 3-minute song just as an aside if you look at the album coverage or no drummer marquee place rather awkwardly in the passenger window of the subway car this actually came at Johnny Ramones behest as Marky Ramone was soon to be shitcan proving there's only room for one alcoholic in the Ramones and his name is Joey I was sitting the bottle a little too heavy you know if it is if it starts affecting your relationship with the band it's time to split to get the hell out you know I drank enough 400 people baby mama drama side subterranean jungle will subterranean jungle you in the ass get it next what's in the future for The Ramones I'm just going to keep playing until we drop dead [Music] 1983 began well enough a new record with a more aggressive sound and then that fabled Ramones luck struck again Johnny Ramone returned to his old apartment one evening only to see ex girlfriend Roxy Ramone perched in front of her doorstep with her current beau Seth Macklin of the band Sub Zero after confronting her seth intervened and by any reasonable metric BTW ever live in dogshit at a johnny ramone including numerous kicks directly to the boba deck box no big deal right not so much bitch this ain't a fixed fight like WWE TNA or UFC and johnny ramone was in critical condition afterward requiring tense delicate for our brain surgery to repair his injuries and save him from death in the plus column the harrowing ordeal inspired a hell of a title for the next Ramones record I interactive way [Music] while Johnny convalesce with Marky Ramone doin a swan dive in a drunk tank the hunt was on for a new drummer the Ramones found two speed demon Richie Ramone who first began the tour with a band during the subterranean jungle era even appearing in several music videos to the record in question and in a transparent effort to realign the band with their bygone badassery turning the knobs behind a production desk was none other than original drummer Tommy Ramone marques great but with the addition of Richie the Ramones went from ludicrous speed to full fuckin plaid I never met Johnny Ramone I'm good to me two minutes basta I said what what is then offset two minutes faster than it was last April the result what is widely regarded as the band's finest release of the 80s for my part I personally amend that as I believe there's a strong argument to be made the too tough to die is on par with if not superior to any of the first four records broadening the musical palette to include hard rock heavy metal hardcore and believe it or not fucking chip tunes [Music] if you ever want to obliterate the age-old Ramone to erosions crews assume so long argument hand them a copy of too tough to die and watch your shit-eating smirk turned into a bitter beer face oh it's got the classic Ramones sound the towering title track chasing the night danger zone but it's the musical experimentation we're too tough to die truly shines such as the atmospheric anthem I'm not afraid of life [Music] I'm not Oh Fred but for my money it's the band's most convincing foray into outright motherfucking metal that takes the cake here [Music] I don't know what's more impressive a punk band adopting a foreign John were that convincingly or the fact that the lyrics could be just as applicable if they were written last goddamn week too tough to die may have been ignored in the 80s but no record since the first four sounds fresher today if you need a decent starting point you can't go wrong with too tough to die next [Music] [Applause] [Music] ramones meet jean Beauvoir don't know who the fuck that is well if you love the 80s cologne turbo classic Cobra you goddamn better [Music] former bassist of the plasmatic s-- today he's perhaps best known for a string of minor but rock ballads in the 80s as a solo artist look I dig a living shit out of the dude but producing a Ramones record the end result is every bit the musical muddled fuck you might expect with Richie Ramone now on his second album with a chip Taylor Triad he at last tried his hand at songwriting the some of this effort wound up being one of the most bizarre yet bafflingly addictive experiments with melodic heavy metal The Ramones ever committed to tape witness now rageaholics the birth of Cosby metal [Music] some day my drink [Music] no that's not a guest vocalist that is a presumably shitface joey ramone doing the most batshit let me impersonation I have ever heard in life if animal boy itself also notably concludes with the brightest red throbbing middle finger in my history of music leveled square the direction of the protracted slacked of his circle jerk that was Live Aid I ain't got plans on how you're going to finance your retirement uh with that we mean with the benefit that Mick Jagger is doing for us in Lionel Richie yes they're all the rock stars are getting together and doing the big Ramones benefit so we can retire this is gonna be one of those big stadiums in America they all love playing so much that's the biggest stadium Shea Stadium and I'm Reagan's gonna come out there and the first ball right what is the Mon they've all about it's about people people who care we think the time has come for caring people who care about people stand up to the county promote the canning call for everyone so please reach speaking to your heart you can do your part I don't know about the quality of the actual song but a pissed Rolling Stone write the fuck off and name one time that was ever a bad thing animal boy still has the characteristic speed and aggression of earlier outings but this would wind up being the last full-fledged attempt to broaden a band's repertoire the mixed results going a long way toward explaining precisely why it was the last not a bad record all in all slathered in a jean boo was omnipresent synthesizer or fucking knock next but for co-stars and the other guests might be on this where we get up and with somewhere like an Arizona or New Mexico and we get out of the van and raise it up to Monte are you taking care of these like retarded boys they thought that we will retouch [Music] following up the poorly received synth rock stylings of animal boy with something more aggressive was virtually a goddamn given what no one could have predicted at the time was that the album to follow would be easily the most mental release of The Ramones career [Music] conk as a stylistic musical piece of art has become involved in a lot of other musics like as a metal hard rock et cetera et cetera how do you see that why is that well I think it's the way it's evolving I think it's healthy Richie Ramone wasn't long for the band at this juncture however as his heretofore career-making gig turned out to be not nearly as career-making as he'd helped and you gotta remember there was a lot of money and t-shirts made when it came to t-shirt money I was never mom this is after five years you know I felt I was due I wasn't asking for the world I felt I should get a little that t-shirt money what's the big deal you may scoff now but think about how many premium pop princesses of rock the Ramones shirt and then when press for a favorite track response um that hey ho let's go song that should prints money and I don't necessarily blame a guy who was fast becoming one of the band's principle songwriters for demanding a slice of the cheddar dee dee Ramone meanwhile didn't want a slice of a fucking thing that wasn't named China white a veritable hurricane of heroin addiction the Ramones soon found themselves without a bassist not least of which because of an outright fucking overdose dee dee for his part was promptly hospitalized only to emerge as dee dee King one of the first and undoubtedly the worst progenitors of a niece and genre known as white fuckin rap I got fucking awful fortunately halfway to sanity is not next I couldn't do rap I was trying I don't know how I'm not good enough tonight them know I'm not a negro sup don't know what it is I just can't do it I wanted to [Applause] [Music] the typhoon of tragedy still whirling the fuck about them Ramon still had motherfucking music to make 1989's brain drain in my estimation was the first record to suffer immeasurably from the experience especially a harder-edged album in the vein of halfway to sanity with experimental aspirations more in line with subterranean jungle brain drain lacks the sonic commitment of the former or the naive novelty of the latter it does however have one saving grace and that saving graces name is Pet Sematary [Music] I don't know my life [Music] the CDC featured heavily in Stephen King's film of the same name scoring a soundtrack even for a B horror flick with a vital shot in the arm to offset all of their basest shots to the arm the song itself was written in Stephen King's basement by DD one of his only significant contributions to the record fuck even the bass tracks were performed by John but fuckin booth wah The Ramones had been plucked from the jaws of dissolution by their old pal Marky but as the 90s dawned to complete the rhythm section they needed a bitchin bassist I actually was in jail when I got the word that I was in the band when I auditioned I was still in the Marine Corps so to stick around for all the auditions I became a deserter CJ's marine roots not only ensured Johnny and a sympathetic soul at a socio-political context but ensured the newest addition to the Ramona family was amenable to the rigid regimented touring schedule endemic to the ban in question while CJ wouldn't contribute creatively to brain drain he injected the band with about 4,500 CCS a new fucking blood at a time when they were a good six feet under the grave CJ I knew based I made it it's real exciting time with the CJ in the band and DeeDee leaving having left the band you know actually I feel he did us a real favor by leaving the band so Ramones are to me I just like in the past you know you know and they are act to a lot of people he was like keep the rubber rooms but to me it is history brain drain ain't the best but with a new decade on the horizon and a new bassist boarded the SS Ramones they were ready to take it to the 90s next so you know came back I was sober and things was fine except the tension between Johnny and Joey was still there and I thought Jesus Christ how long are you gonna hold on to the ship you know I mean [Applause] [Applause] [Music] by the dawn of the 90s the Ramones sound was alive and well in printing platinum albums planet fuckin wide the catch none of those albums were actually released by the fucking Ramones we're put together by a producer like to be grunge Backstreet Boys get a couple sorta okay-looking boys and they make dresses and the flannels it's been ten years two statues up and the truth is posed everything associated with grunge became right for mass consumption I remember seeing like some catalog like the grunge look like check this out and same palette like 80 bucks for like a flannel shirt that you get it like chubby and heavy like five bucks so you strip down melodic Tunes with an underlying pop sensibility bleak lyrical worldview with frequent for raves and affectless juvenility and the refuses to dress up onstage opting for street clothes instead ya know I wonder why no I'm part of this before Kurt Cobain you want to shoot yourself go ahead that's all I mean you got everything you know what do you know I can't feel bad to somebody who's had everything they wanted and it's still miserable you know I mean you feel bad someone was walking down the block and get to run over while walking on the sidewalk and you know it's paralyzed or something there you feel there's a victims like that not to somebody who has everything they want and it's still miserable with life and you know and they're wrong he's on he's on drugs and all that ain't going to help the situation so we want to shoot himself go ahead the fact is grunge owed its very essence to the fucking Ramones and in retrospect it is truly baffling that a band this seminal that a prevailing hit makers of the period somehow never managed to board that great big steam-powered money train called grunge by now the band status had lapsed into legendary which is as much a hindrance as a boon on the plus side they were a pop culture institution doing guest shots in movies on radio and even on successful sitcoms there are several fine young men who I'm sure I've done a go far ladies and gentlemen the Ramon hey these minstrels went to 19 reviews I just like to say this gig sucks hey up us Springfield what is a bi-product the public didn't give the faintest of fucks about their new material which is a shame because while 1992's mondo bizarro it elicits mixed appraisals from The Ramones faithful and will cluck even the Ramones themselves I thought of his art I don't think I like it let me take a look so I can tell you larger it's okay [Music] okay mandalas our own you know I don't like it at all functionally and musically speaking it's really not that fucking bad and while I personally believe Howard Stern is a talentless toucan to his everlasting credit during this period he pushed the band as hard if not harder than their own worthless fucking record company did in the negative column however Howard Stern did this the same way he always fucking does by using people's personal problems as rocket fuel for ratings look like it's monkeys that way Joey's upset I'm not going to say thing I mean if he doesn't want to mention that's his business you know I mean you know you know markets like like you told everyone that you were a would you know I mean it's like where's all right is that what you were to win a rap a wig what's a wig I'm not what you're talking about RZA wig you know he's bald oh yeah you're bald yeah I were awake is enough and his New York operation album okay thank you I will and I'll see you in Hell which is a shame because the Ramones had an impressively diverse collection of tunes to traffic this go-around from borderline prescient censor shit that one was of around it's cold such a shit so with all the shit that's going down now with a Timothy just get worse America I mean it's crazy that the rest of Europe doesn't have any sort of censorship whatsoever but pull here and we're supposed to beat these bands pre-katrina a free country deliberating the contrary and so what the fuck's going on [Music] we could be customized you [Music] one [Music] Greenham enough to infectious cover the 70 spider-man theme but the most impressive moment also served as something of a bookend for the band's attempts at commercial acceptability and out of nowhere a o-r tune penned by dee dee Ramones ex-wife poison heart is haunting as it is infectious [Music] is [Music] right a little forget suppose you're not [Music] alas the record companies loathe as they were to pay the hair metal bands what they were actually fucking worth after exhausting their five album record contracts were pedal to the floor on flannel rock and thus the song like most of the Ramones latter day output was almost deliberately fucking ignored even as their disciples printed platinum fuck MTV next please welcome The Ramones thanks hey fellas tell us about your new record ass adidas that's a latest album it's a cover album of songs that were recorded in generally around the 1967-68 period of time and it's just now coming out [Music] when [Music] with one of the most celebrated songs of the previous tatting coming in the form of a cover of the doors take it as it comes the band far too busy born a hole in each other's skulls at a mutual fucking resentment the decision to devote the next album exclusively to covers effectively made itself which is precisely what a goddamn sounds like an album that made itself devoid a production oversight or even the most cursory support for the record company in question a five-alarm afterthought and sadly it also continued the band's not interrupted streak of horrendous choices for a music video single and I mean adhere folks no one no one shows the wrong fucking track to push white like the goddamn Ramones hey we knocked out too tough to die our heaviest catchiest offering in a goddamn decade should we maybe pick one of the stronger to fuck it pick that Shalala bullshit and be sure to put the band in a fucking crate for the entirety of the bad ass video and so one of the shittiest videos in Ramones history sadly one that also features a cameo from the ever-lovin Lemmy Kilmister substitute came kicking and screaming into a world that wanted not a fucking thing to do with it when it came out Lenny's mechanical might be yeah I don't want me many of these lemons he can walk into any damn video he want okay that's probably becoming a rule but I get it apart from the odd songwriting contribution the band lacked the artistic acumen a primary songwriter dee dee Ramone and thus acid eaters serve as something of a holding pattern until the proper yarn could be spun little did we know the only thing that was about to unravel would be the fucking band adios amigo supposedly is the title because you guys are supposedly calling it quits but then there's been talking the internet that maybe you're not I mean this is probably LS area performance this could be a last album studio album and the band is going to like we're going to calling it a retirement [Music] and stayed away all right there's something just profoundly fuckin Ramones about the fact of the band called it a career in the same decade where literally every platinum popular radio rock throwaway tore a page out of their playbook and struck a veritable gold mine of gold fucking records thereby but after buying some time with the asinine acid either seeing the commercial prospects dwindle wither and vanish over the distant horizon it was it last time to bow the fuck out in unison but what an album to bow out on kicking off with a cup punch and cover of the Tom Waits tune I don't want to grow up we're off to the races right from the for fuck even CJ gets in on the action penning two songs and performing lead vocals on four it goes a long way to validating Johnny and Joey's longtime contention that without the newfound bassist the Ramones may well have imploded four albums the fuck earlier adios amigos is by far the best they banged out in the no fun allowed 90s and assuming you can find the fucking thing don't be a pussy procure that shit well the reasons for the demise were somewhat amorphous at the time hand waved away with a simple we want to retire before we start to suck do as long as as far as long as you still feel you're good but uh think rocky Louis would be retired by one hundred fifty four shoe up impressive home progress said in retrospect my guess would be it may have had something to do with Joey Ramone learning he was living with lymphoma the very same year and it was around this time that the Ramone ceased to be a band and became a fucking death factory Joey followed by Dede followed by Johnny in just ten years later Tommy evidently being a Ramone is the rock-and-roll equivalent to being a fucking Kennedy fuck by the end of the decade even Razor Ramon was checking his brakes before he started a goddamn car funny every time he got in the oil life came on and while the Ramones may have started in the 70s it's important to state that these were not elderly men folks Joey didn't make it to 50 Johnny barely goddamn got there indeed he bit the big one as soon as he hit the big one evidently Joey was holding the fucking monkey Paul when he's saying the words I don't want to grow up perhaps the most suffering of all this rash of deaths came right as the pop punk explosion of the late 90s and early 2000s reached full flower as Green Day's American Idiot and MxPx is the ever passing moment perched atop the Billboard charts rather than exploit the newly relevant sub-genre they both created and fucking perfected the Ramones were playing pinochle with the grim fucking Reaper on the subject of untimely death I'll leave it to Joey to shed some levity what was it like to know Sid Vicious in bed fortunately for at least three-quarters of the band Joey's untimely death did spur the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame toward a spasm of common sense they actually goddamn inducted a man while they were still young enough to fucking enjoy it and with the event taking place in 2002 the same year the Oscars became an anti Iraq war wank fest Johnny Ramone took the opportunity to pinch a steam and log on the indoctrinated lis liberal music and film industries god bless President Bush and God bless america I don't even like george w bush but that right there is the single-most punk-rock moment in history in one sentence johnny ramone pissed off more people than Johnny Rotten did his entire goddamn career deal with it bitch but by 2004 both didi and Johnny would fall to the reaper's sight leaving Marky all by his lonesome to represent a band he didn't even really found bottom line if the story had a happy ending it just wouldn't be the fucking Ramones they were the Paul Revere's of punk rock absorbing the slings and arrows with stone-faced professionalism fated to be forever denied the fruits of their own labor so you dig thrash metal Punk grunge speed black metal hardcore name a fucking rock genre you can thank the Ramones for it's very existence until we emerge once more from the midst of the mythos i'm razörfist Godspeed [Music] from Kingston Ontario we feel like reading up the request everybody this is your community your MuchMusic I am in desperate need for your help I just read an article about the making of nko TVs video for the song if you go away if this video is available to you could you please please play on RSVP me and hundreds of other new kids fans would greatly appreciate this thing well Tammy here is this totally shit video
Channel: The Rageaholic
Views: 194,392
Rating: 4.8646994 out of 5
Keywords: Ramones, Punk Rock, Ramones Retrospective, Music Review, Joey Ramone, Johnny Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone, The Clash, Sex Pistols, Music Mythos, Metal Mythos, Blitzkrieg Bop
Id: 7khDGIuzAWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 15sec (3615 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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