Metal Mythos: BATHORY

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doesn't have more motivation some bands on the beaches the Asilomar elaborate little dude on lraleigh that they have black metal wouldn't be what it is without badly [Laughter] [Music] I'm asked on many the occasion just who is razörfist favorite band as bitch TV buffoons beyond counting speculate I'm quote that hair metal guy L to the O to the fuckin L my friends my favorite band is and always has been battery full fuckin stop look did they create black metal as I've established on many of the occasion fucked to the no they didn't from guttural vocals to tremolo guitar picking to blast beats venom touched all those goddamn bases before Bathory were a but fuckin thought both musically and in terms of nomenclature I'm afraid venom lay claim to that particular honor and that's a matter of public fucking record but I'll tell you what they did do Bathory took black metal from an amorphous catch-all used to describe any number of wildly divergent styles unified only in subject matter and turn it into a bonafide movement one that largely adheres to the tenets established in the first four bathrooms to this day and which rarely if ever attains the Titanic peerless quality of any of the above to Quora thawne's everlasting credit possibly Bathory's most enduring contribution apart from the obvious musical ones is the thickest fuck fog surrounding any and all details of the band or its members I mean think about it thanks to vh1 YouTube podcasts and social media jamming has set the scope up our collective assholes we know what brand of black tar bullshit serum Dave Mustaine was slamming into his ginger jackass veins when he wrote peace cells yeah quorthon has been dead since 2004 and we still don't know the beginnings of a goddamn thing about himself or his band fuck we don't even know why he passed up a heart attack in 2004 or what the mysterious allusions to previous heart trouble allude to in actuality fuck he didn't even have firm fucking confirmation that boss was in fact Quora Thon's father until after they both bit the big one Barons of black metal the five counts of Viking metal why there's even a little shitty thrash thrown in there come one come all and pay homage to the greatest black metal monstrosity ever erected the greatest band ever formed battery we do two tracks four companies it's gonna protect one now that was in January 1984 with his first bundle from that we receive so much fun it was me and two other guys we got together in March and I drew the tree and the reason why the whole thing kept on going up at all was because they had a husband place for free and a lot of equipment and which is discriminating in with let's activate wait boss a typhoon records and people who would have been for him the gate penguin one in keeping our own [Music] then you have a record like the first album that album must be known for 20 years so of course that record has amassed an enormous sales fever but not because it's the world's best album not because it's the longest albums only 26 minutes but it's the bath review album remember but it's sort of like meets tout because it's batteries debuted and for historical reasons people are still continued to buy that record and we spelled something between 2000 and 4000 every month anything what Sabbath was to creating metal Judas Priest was to perfecting it and so after an onslaught of ass-kicking classics like welcome to hell in the groundbreaking black metal but Godfather's of the format venom didn't have to wait but a fucking year for the proverbial priest to their Sabbath on an appropriately titled obscure Swedish compilation known as the Scandinavian metal attack the battery beast was unfuckin leashed [Music] [Music] commodifying the gutter Punk bellowing of Cronos and adding that twist of ringwraith shriek the newfound Scandinavian Sound laid siege the floundering new wave of British heavy metal establishing a thunderous new paradigm for unbridled brutality that in many ways is without peer even today and while black mark a label coincidentally run by a man who would later be revealed to be Quora thawne's father likely believed the stand ads would be more commercially inclined fare like the deep purple infused fuck bags from Oz or scorpions want to be trash the feedback was as profound as it was fucking overwhelming right from the start who in Lucifer's chromium-plated cock were these Bathory dudes formed in 83 from the ashes of Stockholm hobby bands the power trio of guitarist vocalist Thomas forsberg aka quorthon bassist Fredrik aka Hanoi and drummer and soon to be world renowned music video and film director Jonas åkerlund then known by the unceremonious pseudonym of Vaughn's mcburger combined an affection for Motorhead Sabbath 70's punk and with I'm sure zero influence from a certain English band that had not only invented but titled fuckin black metal one year previous so three other co-founders Adriatic swimming t seen before have a team dip for the teen years like some Deana of the portals for sale Orion ever walk the pumpkin and the look for spruce after your little thumb gets we've had their typical noise PLO no such snub let have our young just gonna be stacked up advanced research ops Malik what we started it released Osama Nara okay so quick contact me a stir the result was heavy metal methamphetamine unbridled aggression and energy that war it's transparently occult inclinations on its sleeve its literal fucking sleeve emblazoned with a but fucking goat's head funny can't imagine where they got that idea the intent was clear at the outset to craft the musical embodiment of a satanic siege but there was far more than motherfucking velocity under the hood here as in my opinion the strongest refrain can be found in the more down pace affairs such as the Sabbath II strains have raised the dead and the headbangin proto thrash of necromancy [Music] you're welcome park [Music] [Music] the first Bathory album was a nuclear fucking warhead wasting man woman and child alike at a hellish holocaust wrought-iron pentagrams and blood kid crosses with a musicality to match what is it I always say bitches not all freshmen first live up to the top billing Bathory ain't fucking among them if you love black metal fuck if you don't love black metal if you're a reformed fucking punk or lusting for additional aggression Bathory is the balm to soothe your scorched asshole my friend punk meets Motorhead with a generous slathering of Sabbath and Satanism fuck it's a good goddamn thing absolutely no unlike from England for example deign to fucking think of this before one year previously what age you actually decided to make music and what were your inspirations at this time when amour I didn't over you know well as I started to write material oh sweet Jesus fucking rant war thon love you bud but you're more full of shit than a Ganges swim team do I believe you were singing serenades to Sabbath sure do I believe you were inspired by Motorhead why the fuck not your nicknames ace for Christ's sake do I buy for a fraction of a fucking second that you knew not one thing about venom when you fashion fucking Bathory hail the fuck nah and I'm not alone as Jonas åkerlund today a world famous director but at that time your own goddamn ridiculously named drummer hastened to fuckin confirm ya time do all gasp capiche well so the known sex with who no more whiskey Leora we had the Ergun up to where no no hello damn bitch that the reactor twin is not cannot risk a hot bond we took that path through what you have drawn on which it today we are drawn on the Yamaha latina no ruler to Snowden electron countess Bathory Dora from Adams foster Plata snow day on the last Lord tit way dad for me we Victor why did you pick the name battery at first we had a lot of different names I already talked about you know Vlad Tepes the original Trek one Gilda raised and everybody you know and Elizabeth báthory was in that book and I thought it was I was just fascinated by her life story there's some bullshit oh but why would quorthon why I don't know you nebulous internet asshats why did he lie to the press for two fucking decades when asked it boss with his fucking father assembly had the door said he don't put it on CNN out tongue show buddy ain't no cleaveth in the sea read that fucking rant on his website sometime it's a real hoot for a doodle position himself as an atavistic auteur he sure as shit seemed inordinately preoccupied with his fucking image and there's not even the beginnings of a scintilla of an angstrom of an ass fucking thing wrong with that for the record provided unlike warith on you aren't taking the piss out of other bands for behaving in identical fucking fashion black metal ate nirvana nut wipes you have to do more than waddle your diabeetus ravaged dick Hall onstage spew blood breathe fire but fuck a skank for all I care but don't bash black metal for actually possessing a sense of spectacle beats the fuck end of the Bo brigade at the average death metal show circle bangin and camo clad Glee to the same feckless fret vomit for 50 billions but fucking times while their feets spot-weld of the fucking floor chief if all I wanted out of my concert going experience was growling blast beats and butthole stench I could get two thirds of that shit in the restroom of an Indian food restaurant all three after a good curry point being image matters and baths repossessed a canny grasp of it for the entirety of their existence it's just a cry and a shame quorthon had to lie his nuts off to foist a false narrative about baths reinventing black metal in a motherfucking vacuum but say it loud cuz Christ knows after three goddamn decades the fallacious bertha recreated at all and venom just made up the name nonsense it's half past time we just mantle this motherfucking idiocy venom did it first deal the fuck with it next have you ever met laughs no we call me a dickhead and after that I wasn't too sure whether he was he didn't follow up it was when I was trying out different stage clothes I took their little charters and I cook them so they were shorts yeah so I show up at the travelers on the the bullet belt in response and then pour thought did exactly the same [Music] I can't decide what's more impressive about 1985's follow-up the return that it set the standard for modern black metal or that it's yet to be surpassed by any of the bath reef eighth full fucking sense everything after this ass-kicking album was a case study in steadily softening the sound not necessarily a bad thing given the band's broadening influences not to mention the superb fucking albums to come but there's a reason everyone from Euronymous to fender is to a bath asserts that not blood fire death not under the sign not even the self-titled but the return represents the zenith for both Bathory and black metal and will the belly ache in belugas pitch a pissant fit about the production as I pointed out in the past the return is in fact the only bath rial b'm to be recorded in an honest-to-god am studio meaning the low 5 fuckery two foot here is eminently intentional after a minute of malevolent industrial feedback fuzz the guitars roar to life like a rusty chainsaw and you're throttled by the merciless strains of the athlete titled total destruction [Music] yes [Music] the drums here don't so much pound as they fucking pulsate beneath the mix boom and out the black metal like a battleship boiler and there ain't enough superlatives in the English language to convey the kick-ass arre of quarth ons croak affiant in my opinion of vocal performance he never fuckin equalled and while I love vinyl and own the entire discography on it in retrospect I think it was a boon that my first exposure to this record came on compact disc instead because after throwing it on my car stereo and enduring a minute and a half of ambient atmospheric bullshit my patience was at last exhausted and I hit the skip button only we'd be bowled the fuck over by this beast [Music] and in the armchair aspies that alleged that not only is venom quote not musically black metal but go one step further and saying Bathory's the return is quote the first black metal album ever may venom is not black metal this is factually the first black metal album gonna have a try and ass time hand-waving this one away tea cup [Music] [Music] metal archives that's gotta sting well the title track was written as early as Scandinavian metal attack the song like the genre belongs to wasn't perfected until the release of this ass-fucking album right here and it's precisely while being Herald by the aforementioned nefarious fuckin croak that you may find it interesting to note that prior to the first recordings the band rightly reasoning that to have a hope of scoring a record deal or getting the goddamn gig would require a slightly softer sound actually tried to replace quorthon as the sole vocalist Jewish quorthon knowingly acceded whereupon II hand had said nameless nod the lyrics JA lead him into a recording chamber festoon with fucking pentagrams and puddles of pig's blood no shit and said all right slick go wait and try and record this one woeful performance later which quorthon later described as quote Ronnie James Dio with a sex change the prick jimmied his ass at the back door without so much as a bone swab buy or leave or blow me but it's a good thing they didn't as with the preceding album there ain't a bad song in the bunch with everything from the groove thrash of born for burning to the epic doom craft to the right of Darkness priests aging the black metal mastery to come if it lacks just one thing it was that extra coat of production polish albeit an intentional one and when the calendar revolved the new that's precisely what we goddamn got with the return was like it was much you know I took too much responsibility on my shoulders you know it was like um I was influenced by different things and it was probably the reasonable why they LD turn out a little bit different in wake it was because we were told it drank during the recording and we were totally into the dark side of life and third album shows us it shows new side of us where we try new things like keyboards and I sing a little bit different and I even do leads in every song I think [Music] [Music] unholy flying fuck balls what a black metal monolith from a sonic mortar barrage of massacre to the s rending of doom under the sign of the black March sets up shop in your lower intestine and it ain't coming up for air til the needle snaps off but what characterizes the cacophony in question is less the whiplash black battle of say Chariots of Fire but the next logical progression from the epic return track Rite of darkness thunderous satanic screams like call from the grave and the ageless epic enter the eternal fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] fuck even the immortal equi man thorn covered exceptionally some years later by dark funeral might I add makes its deepest cuts once it plunges into that infectious groove metal midsection [Music] while the album that followed and even a fair few long after that would boast the occasional allusion to Bathory's black metal antecedents for all intents and purposes this was the last pure black metal release of the Bands career rounding out and untouchable trilogy even Quora thought himself was hard-pressed to equal many argue fuck incredibly might I add that he never goddamn did for the longest time I outright avoided the fucker II to follow and while I've since come to appreciate the latter day output I'd be lying if I said they come within miles of this masterful triumvirate well I sincerely believe the quality of this release in particular is massively overestimated largely by reformed fuckwads from the other fuckin genres who pissed their striper underoos at the thought of the returns harder-edged production under the sign is still savage regardless boil a baby alive if you have to but fucking get it yet if the old guard fell yet another era began witnessed the birth of what would come to be known as Viking metal [Music] [Music] are you a bearded Viking Viking swilling meet in an upturned fucking longboat who despises a living shit out of pure black metal listen to blood fire death are you an elitist black metal bobsledder living in the mountains of blue shark jacking off with fuckin Wampus pit fuck it listen to blood fire death if hammer heart is the album that divides the bathroo fanbase blood fire death is the one that unites it the sonic rainbow bridge to black metal Valhalla decimating the dmz betwixt satanic shrieks and bellowing bearded Norseman this album is Bathory's british steel their ace of spades in short if you've yet to imbibe in the bath or brew this is the record to start with melodic aggression lathered in lyricism depicting ancient Nordic battles cohabitating with straight-ahead Thrasher's might I add an all-of-the-above tinged with the malevolence shrieks of unbridled black metal [Music] [Music] what strikes me about this album and many more to come however is what a profoundly under fucking rated guitarist Cora Thawne actually is while you're constantly about what a master of melody he was how he managed to imbue the aggression of the extreme underground with the likes of fucking folk rock and all these are two is immortal credit might I add Christ knows Varg should be paying him fucking royalties his career followed an identical goddamn trajectory I wonder if that's a coincidence but when the climactic chords of perma classic a fine day to die rang out and he launches into a euphony of soaring shred craft it's utterly impossible not to be struck by how unjustifiably ignored his actual guitar playing was [Music] ouais were a million and and yet he only tourists I mean here we are they are LaHood we are all this P element on samosa dirty semana so the very first was better or but like many a masterpiece it was the product of internal upheaval with åkerlund jolly enough to smack his bitch up with prodigy actually I think he left before the first album in fact core thought wound up putting feelers the fuck forth and inquired if a young Danish drummer Carsten Nielsen would be interested in brandishing the Bathory banner no he replied I reckon my current ban will be 50 times the fucking size of yours the name of that band artillery but the New Avengers did eventually assemble necessitating a pair of new names returning no pun intended to the same list of demons that gave him a zone quorthon eponym in 84 it was thus that the two hired guns who literally didn't want to play a stream medal of any description by the way and who in classic Bathory fashion have yet to be named - god damn date might I add became 4th and Cooper you tell me the dark side of life not necessarily always the evil side of us we picked the names promo there was a capturing what was called the Bible whatever court on is one of Satan's seven or thoughts and the court has the one just to find the spirit of the nursery on the day of judgment we decided that maybe we should you know pick some names you know to put up posters and stuff yeah because sweet people would not be able to pronounce the names you know yes we have the th sound to court and phonetically it was very close to bat 3 as well it's just a joke more or less because everybody have stage names with a stable lineup at last not to mention a fevered groundswell for his wildly innovative music worldwide the pressure began to boil when would Bathory tour Oh mind you there were reputedly someone off dates in the early going backyard barbecues birthdays and bullshit but always local only in the nascent stages of the band and most shockingly of all no photos or video of any description to confirm their fucking existence your lack of stories is a personal choice from you it is comfortable on a live stage I would most puzzlingly of all core Thon's seem to proffer a different response for every time he was asked from logistics to economics to lack of a lineup but allow me to feel further speculation here because between core Thon's untimely death before he hit 40 years old from a rare heart defect he was later acknowledged to have suffered from in the past to his inconsistent answers on the subject my read on this subject has always been the court on didn't tour because quorthon was probably physically unable to tour take it for what it is admitted speculation all being informed by circumstantial evidence and by all means if anyone watching this has countervailing evidence of any kind do please share but I've long suspected there was more to the story and I'd be surprised if I've overshot the mark here contributing to the upheaval were clashing creative directions within the band while blood fire death itself was being born quorthon was already contemplating a more melodic purely conceptual affair the earliest recordings of which actually date back to this era in actuality the follow-up was originally envisioned as a rare double album affair but one the idea of believing becomes available otherwise we cost with the idea why don't we put out a double album you know bittersweet at the time we were sitting over 25 tracks 30 tracks or something it was a pretty big risk you know for that like battery we've come to devil I'm his fan I mean he could have turn out to be here build rapport to you one side a bloody barbarian epic later released is blood on ice and the other half a black metal massacre more in line with the return entitled requiem not of course to be confused with a later record that would bear the very same eponym that half sadly remains unreleased although a couple killer tracks from those sessions did materialize on the Jubilees em releases in the form of crawler cross and the bitching burden leather [Music] but more on that beast later blunt fire death is a true Trailblazer of the metal form a profound fucking statement that broaden the borders of black metal there after giving license to thousands of bands to forsake the arcane climes of mere Satanism for long boats battle axes and fucking folklore an unqualified recommendation next were the two new guys it feels like this is the guys I've been looking for all the time you know in Sweden is a little bit difficult but it's getting better you know I have even metal or whatever Kevin others getting in the big coverage but the other guys in the band were fed up with Saxon and and are amazing and I had a quite difficult time persuading them to to actually go faster and to actually sing about this satanic thing and we did that for three records and then I realized that are in my lair because I was more or less critical to this whole religious stuff than I thought I was and I realised Sweden had a very interesting ethology in itself the Viking [Music] emboldened by his fleeting foray into the realm of Nordic symbology and Viking longboats and faced with fuck bags of bathra imitators quorthon being Quora thought immediately began to fumble for further ways to remain perpetually ahead of the cool curve I mean let's call a spade a spade here quorthon bit of a black metal hipster it seems every ass fucking time he yielded anything that achieved even an angstrom of public acceptance he's zig-zag right the fuck out of relevance he'll this is a dude who once went on a promotional tour of the United States and instructed his travelin partners at the outset to tell absolutely no-one who he was I went there with a couple of people and I told him don't tell anybody I'm here because I won't be able to walk around and just the anybody and especially as people shouldn't be able to recognize me you know we perceive from pictures that were released before waited to feed the purpose of a promotional tour if hammerheart seems disjointed here and sorry folks I firmly believe it fucking is it's because it was a last-minute haphazard affair fired the fuck out when the preceding effort a full blown Viking metal fantasy record failed to materialize horath on was moving fast but this was the first time he felt he'd moved too fast and so the material was locked away in the same closet Jolin Turner's been hiding in the last 40 fucking years and a concerted effort was made to simplify the self-same approach but it's a decidedly mixed bag look people love this record so I won't be changing any minds here but to me hammer heart suffers immeasurably from Quora thumbs compulsory self-sabotage following up a ponderous ten-minute track with a twin ten-minute titty-fucking track this ain't an album it's a fucking life choice and that's just the opening folks for the lyrical pretense to the Freddy's solos that were welcomed on blood fire death but by hammer heart were coming perilously close to world-class wine fest to the shameless enter the eternal fire shuffle drum dogshit he beats the fuck in the ground the fucking the ground the fuckin the fuckin the fuckin the ground hammer heart and the veritable ocean of unctuous imitators it's fog is progressive metal in the worst possible sense like if 70s Genesis wrote the music and eighties Genesis wrote the lyrics were still as a saw true Santa Claus is undying adoration this album clearly demonstrates it ah sure din an interminable era ponderous skull splitting lis boring 90s ask Norway worship records that only recently thankfully fuckin ceased can you imagine if any other culture on earth was is obsessed with its antecedents as Scandinavia goddamn is poor but working with og is so metal just look at all the blood in the bones yeah you know Spain has a history a conquest war and technological advancement to you tent you don't see Mexico making mariachi metal of course if I had to live in a country that in the present is basically that shitty plastic village they put in the goddamn snow globes every year I suppose I'd have my eyes firmly fucking affixed to the rearview mirror myself hammer hearts not a complete loss folks not only was it arguably the commercial peak spawning the lone music video of the Bands career but like any battery release it features more than a few badass asides and in retrospect many the thrash ear refrains free sage the thrash metal experimentation to come [Music] look this may be my least favorite bath rear Eckerd but by god it's still Bathory meaning even in this most listless language down paced decades-long intro track laden moments it's still full-on fucking listenable as in the epic ode to aces Swedish motherland [Music] [Music] stay tuned for the 2018 update land of twice raped look I hated this record and all who emulated it when I was younger as an adult yeah fuck you it still blows bison dick but it's a both I'm BJ I've grown incrementally more fond of with a passage of time we are trying to come up with a personal musical identity and get away from everything where people thought of us before because tend to have these preconceived notions about you when you for seven years has been playing Rather's speed oriented metal and once you change it's not a change overnight it's a change there's been going on for two years [Music] having all but invented the Viking metal genre all by his lonesome one might think oh fuck warith on keep rollin em bones maybe Alexa dentally invent to EDM dubstep or a convenient method of hanging yourself for inventing all of the above point being where most hipster half-wits would continue trailblazing leaving the Frankensteinian abomination if n furry fucking self quorthon was no dr. Frankenstein having invented Viking metal it was now time to nurture it to ensure it doesn't vitiated its own potential hemmed in by hammer hearts meets willing sucka tude and so came the album I hold the fuck aloft proof positive that quorthon was no flash-in-the-pan preemie more enthralled by the act of creation than exploring the merits of said creation once spawned whereas hammer heart has admittedly never worked for me twilight of the Gods once I shed my initial aversion to the Viking sub-genre it spawned from his twilight of the godlike whether it's the Titanic triumvirate of a title track through blood by thunder or blood and iron this album's titles are bloodier than Jill Janice's sloppy fake nasty tits but the real standout for yours truly is the arcane anthem under the runes [Applause] [Music] [Music] and here again the venom comparisons leap to the fore as Bathory like the Newcastle black metal maestro's in question opted to make a 30 minute epic encompassing one entire side of the vinyl release of the album but whereas Venom's at war with Satan is really just three or four kick-ass metal tunes spot welded together asked to elbow the Twilight opening triad is a savage Symphony one track twisting effortlessly into the next remaining musically and thematically sick sync throughout if I have one gripe it's the doom-laden lethargy a bond of blood a transparent salute to Sabbath my diet really doesn't work as well as in nomina Satanas which was presumably cut from the blood fire death sessions for being wooly deficient in hipster beards and honey Mead [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] moreover it exposes the blinding Bathory hypocrisy outright namely that while in later years quorthon would falsely allege that he transitioned from black metal to Viking because it was quote too derivative of Li labeling his first four albums the era where I was Satan's bitch yet evidently the songs from that era weren't too derivative to clone whole fucking cloth and altered lyrically until it's about bearded fat asses fucking whoops but sheer the Credo joke cool cock shit away and when you line up with here is experimentation every bit as profound as it was pioneering a bold attempt to broaden the boundaries of a nascent niche he just one album ago carved out for himself twilight of the gods is more a grower than a show or at least for fans of batteries black metal quadrilogy like myself but if you worked a wank shaft and cup the balls prepare for a raging heavy metal hard-on penis next was a very yeah [Music] going from 12 of the Gods to where you would either have to take it one step further and then perhaps people wouldn't be able to understand it and judging by the reviews online in print and elsewhere understand it we resoundingly fucking didn't having burrowed about as deep as any human being conceivably needs to endure the mead stain depths in Norse mythology quorthon in his persistent quest to remain perpetually one step ahead of the curve and Bathory been fast raw and unabashedly satanic in the early going before gradually transitioning to a thundering epic quality that characterized the entirety of their ladder day output but where was the technical precision in either from Bathory's very inception the band had been sonically defined by the lo5 fuck-off stylings and what could best be described as proto crust punk but by the 90s a new sub-genre of course it reared its Bermuda shorts bedecked bitch-tits in its name was thrash metal genre ironically which owed its very existence to bands like Bathory and venom taking one hard withering glance at his German thrash metal brethren and Sodom who several years previously had successfully traversed the tight rope from the clangorous climbs a first way black metal to tech thrash demigods and said bitch I'm quorthon I can do that shit too [Music] Taylor guitar tone not half-bad songs but to comprehend the about-face you first have to slap on your khaki cargo pants and journey back to the year 1994 with me shouldn't be too hard for you since our culture's yet to progress one fucking iota ever since after twilight of the Gods Quora thon began to withdraw from the metal scene at large as hired gun ban long since dissolved reduced to a studio concern he gradually became more and more concerned with the reaction his band had elicited from the public bitches banging their brains out on burial mounds with crucifixes Jam and there's slashed raps mailing him the dirt they did it on convicted killers claiming the lyrics to the return inspired their rash of serial murders it may not seem like much today what with the coastal rap feuds in the 90s Tupac and Biggie not to mention Norwegian black metal in its entirety but really place yourself back in that time period this was pre Burzum pre may have in fact I mean pre church burnings pre Faust night fucking I do too wanted to slip in the Lillehammer salami look there's no precedent for this shit as my point the only available analog was venom and they were already in free fall by this fucking point quorthon already an introvert had no emotional compass to process this fucking insanity and so he withdrew demanding his record label give him a year off their counteroffer was simple take a powder instead and pinch out a solo record and while it wasn't bad it also wasn't Bathory fortunately purity of essence also padded a few dozen cc's of give a fuck into Quora Thon's veins and he was off to the races with brand new Bathory material the core thought was nothing if not a restless soul and after the pseudo epic a fact ations of slumber heart and twilight of the nods it was time to reconnect with his kick-ass fucking roots if by roots you mean sloppy Tex Street thrash [Music] [Applause] two aces trended however he did it in his own inimitable Bathory style and as you'll soon become cognizant of where Bathory is concerned there's no shortage of underrated fucking records pissed off fuck the haters Requiem rules bitch we so many years going into this video using sixteen tracks only for backing harmony vocals you get very bored stomach you know just how great fun you know just blast off going down fart and then get out of that [Music] the early 90s was a period of extended musical drought for the q-man but you'd hardly but fucking know it from how productive he was at the outset cut in a matter of weeks before Requiem was pinched out to the public it wasn't but six weeks before octagon was on earth which given the Dec human disparity in production quality is a tough pill to swallow but hey that's what Cora thon says in quorthon as we all know is a veritable font of factual information just like when he said he wasn't inspired by venom boss wasn't his father in its name isn't Thomas forsberg in fact it's a complete aside quorthon would disperse disparate nomenclature just to fuck with fawning journalists over the years in one interview we'd say his name was Peter Forsberg in another Mott Sundin fuck on a particularly hilarious occasion he alleged his Christian name was Luca snow gorilla a name which if Google Translate is any more reliable than lyin ask worth on roughly translates to jerk-offs not bird and the asshats reported it as wrote even in Sweden often without confirming with court on first in fact the fucking black metal Bible Lords of chaos the movie version of which is slated to be directed by former bath remember yonas åkerlund by the by once printed cor Thon's god-given name as poo or Olga felt a gut-busting goddamn assertion as pure raga felt is a locally famous folk singer the Dan fucking Fogelberg of Scandinavia and co-writer Diedrich Sutherland despite being Norwegian and presumably aware of this fuck in fact printed that shit anyway everything around this fucking band was fake news at this point I don't believe the name chiseled on his fucking tombstone show me a death certificate god damn it and speaking of dying a death there may not be a debtor sound ever achieved on a record and the fucking nonsense featured on octagon the songs themselves a fun fast-paced whiplash thrash with tongue firmly affixed to cheek and vocally offed ignored humour of latter-day Bathory with balls of fuckin titanium it's just a shame no one shared any balls with the fucking recording equipment fuzzy feckless and oh so fucking forgettable while the tunes are far from trash it's like listening to a halfway decent album through the shittiest stereo in the Western Hemisphere if you ever wondered where Lars Ulrich scored the searing brilliant idea to record his st. anger drums at a fucking junkyard wonder no fucking longer folks [Music] is the record resounding success fuck with a side a hell no it ain't but neither is it a fuckin a front it's just a crying a shame Quora thon recruited Oscar the Grouch for the goddamn drum solos and recorded it on an underwater answering machine before any bleary-eyed ass canyons fire back with how can you complain about both re-recording quality why have you heard the first four records sure I have sugar tits but we've shifted genres since then and recording speed thrash with a busted ass Walkman is like asked a knob on a cut gimme gimme gimme on a goddamn Victrola octagon fast furious fuckin unlistenable next if the recta GaN era boasted one beneficial by-product it recharged quorthon depleted creative batteries in lieu of ambling epics went the fuck out with wall-to-wall mandolins and meets will and motherfucker II he learned he could have just as much fun plug in the fuck in and rock in the fuck out and while the results were about 50/50 ultimately Bathory was back bitch and the fans couldn't be happier so an ace let fly a fleeting mention of the fabled lost Bathory concept record cut between blood fire death and hammer hard fans were on his ass like spacey on the Vienna Boys Choir by the sound this was originally a presumes gonna be released between gunfire and Kandahar yeah right so I come that never came what would become to balboni and so with renewed energy in focus he fished the modeled metal record in question out of the shit bin lean back and assess what was salvageable and to his surprise it held up surprisingly goddamn well remember this is the album he believed would be infinitely too jarring for his newfound fanbase by the time blood fire death was released the return remember was only just beginning to be hailed as a band standout album the quote most evil shit ever recorded as of course famously opined he wasn't sure the black metal murder cult in question would appreciate the more symphonic climbs what was basically a Conan concept album whoa Conan's writer anyway inspired both by Norse mythology and one of the more obscure Robert E Howard yarns the gray God passes blood on ice is the most shameless of concept albums knowing precisely what it was and more importantly knowing I wasn't fucking interested I avoided blood on ice for years but you know what I was wrong this album sort of kind of rips whereas I've you hammer heart and Twilight as pretentious Ponce Ori blood on ice actually has the skill to fulfill its more epic ambitions with many of the songs lacking lead vocals of any kind much of the performance was redubbed in the 90s by a noticeably more competent melodic court on the result a kind of Viking metal answer to Blind Guardian I mean really just listen to this shit [Music] [Applause] [Music] but sorry q-tip despite your many assertions to the contrary I do not buy the you weren't inspired by Man O War I there [Music] no boys talk nasty no evangels night blood on ice is far from my preferred bath real istening and it's not likely to be near the top of the pile for prospective Bathory binges either but as a soundtrack for goddamn D&D just try and beat this shit but despite a momentary foray into thrash it seemed latter-day bathra and become predominantly identified with the Viking metal sub-genre a metal mode that by this point even quorthon himself was beginning to regard as and I quote pretentious the calls were coming in from all corners returned to the righteous black metal roots and for the first time in years korfin actually answered where so no matter what your album sounds like you might have as you have disappointed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the long-suffering disciples of the black-metal Bathory era the darksome destroyer of worlds was a breath of fresh air particularly after enduring the unenthusiastically received Viking metal epic to proceed in it followed by one of the first examples of a band assembling its best of releases via fan vote during the three-part Jubal am project while far from pure pastiche the first proper release of entirely new material since 1995 was still a transparent attempt to reconnect with a latent aggression and evil of their former repute I mean just look at that cover art albeit while steering well the fuck clear of invoking Lucifer by fucking name musically it's a bit of a mishmash from galloping epochs that evoke the musicality if not the message from the Viking epoch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to octagon s turbo thrash albeit with production you don't need a Navajo code breaker to fucking decipher [Music] with its slower pace bellowing bottom-end and unfettered modern metal crunch the result is sonically not at all this similar from what venom did just four years earlier with the comeback that was is underrated as it was ill-timed cast in stone [Music] destroyer of worlds may not be pure black metal but it's a fuck of a lot closer than anything in the preceding decade and a half a hellish hail Satan after 14 years of Thor fuckin bar no fucking way my favorite of the latter day output and an album that as I recall stirred uncharacteristic buzz for bathra at the time of release but it goes without saying given the band's sonic progression at that point that the follow-up would be a long awaited Viking assault when you're picking something like that up from your history instead of start to write about spaceships or a mother Thatcher or unemployment or for Spock we salute our own history and our own dies all the time whenever we make an album and if people don't like that if they were one full bathroom a hippie militant of vegetarian lesbians planning okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] straight the fuck up I did not dig this record or it's fucking follow up upon its initial release never one for the Nordic metal nonsense of the late 80s excepting the masterpiece that is blood fire death of course needless to say when word drop of the band's forthcoming output involving multiple motherfucking installments of such I was beyond flaccid I was limber as dulciman asana freebase and muscle relaxers motherfucker and so I avoided it in as the weeks wore on and the weeks became months is the biggest fan of this but fucking planet I simply could not reconcile there being brand new Bathory on store shelves and not being in my fucking collection and so like Vince McMahon convincing himself 2.0 ratings or a recipe for future relevance I worked myself into buying the goddamn thing outright oh sure you're getting it razor but it's just for completionists sake you don't actually have to listen to the fight and almost before I can finish the fucking sentence I naturally fed the fucking thing into my car stereo one brief Prelude later quorthon tore into one titanic track after another beginning with the eternal epic nordland itself [Music] [Applause] [Music] how do you make a nine-minute track that tuberculosis fucking catchy core thought bitch that's how I'm a an nourished a healthy hesitation initially but everyday fucking since nordland one has been in my regular rotation in spite of my admitted aversion to horn hats and hipster beards and yes I'm aware they didn't wear horn hats get ass fucked by a nice giant therapy ORN much like the blood on ice era that preceded it to extract maximum enjoyment from this monolithic but somewhat meandering conceptual colossus rocks some morrowind head on over to sole steam and crank it the fucking 50 you're welcome bitch Viking metal mastery next I had one American guy who would've been a better fan for 18 years almost the entire lifespan of battery and he bought a Nordland after having not been listening to battery forever a long time and he said he I'm 15 again and then you realize that there so there's an atmosphere and appealing in whatever battery is producing irregardless of this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] originally envisioned is a multiple album set as with all things bathra the disinformation train set up from fuckbag junction right from the outset alleging that it was to be a four album fair a fact repeated ad astra by every limber nick longboat aficionado in the metal archives contrariwise however Quora thought himself was interviewed in late 2003 and stated quote he considered the saga essentially finished his untimely demise of course made all the more tragic for fans of his older work by the fact that in 2004 he was already teasing a return to the black metal roots of vintage Bathory with the three you can do practically anything we couldn't make a black metal album next week and it would still be battery but it would be different kind of black metal than black metal in the early ages when we used to do that but the second part of the saga we'd receive in the interim was no fucking slouch with deeper valleys than its predecessor it nevertheless ascends to infinitely higher Peaks [Music] [Applause] [Music] whereas destroyer of worlds was a model conglomeration of disparate metal a unified solely and Sonic theme and Nordland the first took a somewhat apprehensive approach couching shorter catchier tunes in the heraldry of Nordic heroism without sauntering too far off the fucking cliff Nord land - he is all the fuck in parting wide it's yawning depths and beckoning the willing listener to park their pulsating prick inside will slide on in sailor because if you hang with the lengthy of compositions and fountains of flowing honey me the rewards are positively ubiquitous this is the ultimate tabletop RPG soundtrack a fact as a devout fucking nerd himself I believe Quora thon would have heartily fuckin approved of unless of course venom did it first then he pretend to fucking hate that shit why it even includes bath race first lyrical allusions to America ever immortalized in song [Music] [Music] Bathory like the Motorhead bandmate idolized his adolescents were the eternal if influential underdogs of black metal and he would have studied the First World War knows it's the frontlines that take all the flak and Bathory were way the fuck out in front too early to usher in the Scandinavian black metal behemoth to come but too progressive and experimental to reap the rewards by the time a goddamn did with a record company that was ill-equipped to capitalize regardless and then just as it began its commercial ascent in the early to mid-2000s with the disciples of quarth on tearing up the Eurotrash charts like a bolt from the black he was suddenly gone dead of an apparent heart attack at just 38 years of age yolks red attractive timing and or then the torque acid or kar time telex of his quarterly time for a player that are gay and somehow never bathroom what that historian Hall Porter's units no no honey bar deletes ammonia piano you see a no-talent ear there Lewis a time first oh sorry yeah just give me over here I'm a cyclist this channel army who will tell me on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll never truly know how cognizant quorthon was of his own impending mortality in the years prior to his passing but one thing's for fucking sure if he knew he was biting the big one soon he sure as shit never let on to the press and in a profoundly fucking Bathory twist even his death was ultimately overshadowed by a 2004 tsunami that claimed the life of Nasim's frontman whose name I'm not even gonna begin trying to say and of course the demise of Dimebag Darrell but good luck naming a loss in all of metal more singularly excruciating than that of quorthon made ever more heartbreaking by the irrefutable fact that he had shit loads more music to make and just never got to and thus this his final work functions as a kind of musical epitaph but Christ in a fuck sling what a send-off as in the appropriately titled the death and resurrection of a northern son [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with the passing of a man who was later quietly confirmed to be his father known to us all as boss in one of the most underreported stories of all last year it seems the battery legacy is last stilled stilled but never stagnant Tomas falls by do Treaty of Tanya a horribly awkward space en France Papa oh say O'Hara now attained he loved so nuns back $5,000 [Applause] tomato Peleg en el otoño top city or shall study about declawed for general authority no Livadia so our managerial liberalism now intercom wer roared out so the chefs are models and I do for Karpov are you queer no sure are really clear do some diligence or even the rulers at Ace was also a mystical Bathory's is a legacy that looms eternal the greatest goddamn black metal band to ever roam this fucking earth and once more for posterity my favorite band full stop until we emerge once more for the myths of the metal mythos rageaholics i'm razörfist god fucking speed [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Rageaholic
Views: 236,418
Rating: 4.8531446 out of 5
Keywords: Bathory, Quorthon, Black Metal, Bathory Retrospective, Album Review, Music Review, Börje Forsberg, Tomas Forsberg, The Rageaholic, RazörFist, Bathory Album Review, Under The Sign of The Black Mark, The Return, Nordland, Viking Metal, Hammerheart
Id: TF50yMyw7FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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