Mushroom risotto with homemade mushroom stock

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Great video, straigtforward, easy to follow, a little bit of humor but not too much, plus mushrooms which are terribly underrated

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DankeBernanke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cant wait to watch. Can you make longer vids adam?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tcct πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My wife can't have a lot of dairy, so I really appreciated the Vegan Sour Cream suggestion instead of using Parm at the end. I did his brown chicken risotto a few days ago integrating a plant based sour cream and it came out creamy and delicious! Thanks Adam!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/redbirdrising πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why are there razor blades coming out of my mouth

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dailycrazydiamond69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
because my wife hates mushrooms this mushroom risotto has become one of my go-to Lorenz out-of-town meals you absolutely could make it with a store-bought stock chicken mushroom veggie stock or whatever but when I have the time I do like to make my own mushroom stock for this you could use any mushrooms I'm using creamy knees and I do think you want 8 ounces or 1/4 kilo per portion the mushrooms are the main event here and I'm making two big portions of risotto every mushroom comes with apart from which you can make stock the stem you are probably gonna take this out or at least trim it anyway you might as well make stock with it I'm just popping the whole stem out of each of these that may seem like a huge amount of mushrooms for two portions of risotto but you always got to remember that mushrooms shrink a ton when cooked all right now those caps I'll just put back in their containers and forget about for the moment cultivated mushrooms like these have very little dirt on them and it's not even Sandy dirt it's just pasteurized compost but if you want to wash it off you can no matter what anyone says yes mushrooms will absorb water but they're already full of water and we're gonna cook that water out so that we can Brown these all right a little olive oil in a pot and throw in the stems we're gonna cook these for a while until enough water comes out of them that they can Brown real nice at least 10 minutes I'd say during which time you can roughly chop up an onion it really doesn't need to be fine or perfect it's just for stock we're gonna strain it out for that same reason you can just smash and peel a few cloves of garlic no need to chop them and chunk up a little celery and carrot a great use of old veggies that aren't looking so hot anymore in those go with the mushrooms to get a little color on them yes this is really a mushroom and veggie stock it'll taste like onion at least as much as it tastes like mushroom and that's just fine if you want more mushroom flavor you'll need to waste more mushrooms dried ones are especially good for broths but I think this will be perfect for risotto everything is well covered in water now and I'll just throw a couple of bay leaves in out of blind faith that they will actually do something then I'll just simmer that for as much time as I've got here it is after a couple hours strain that off into a jug really pressed on the solids to squeeze out every drop and if you want a lesson in the power of lighting here's that stock lit from above and here it is lit from the side your world is an illusion now until you season this it's couldn't taste like dishwater you could season with good old sodium chloride or maybe with sodium glutamate a good amount of MSG does compensate for the fact that there aren't a ton of mushrooms in this mushroom stock but if you want to do plain old salt that's just fine too I really just used the MSG as an experiment I don't think it did that much or since this is going into a risotto you could just skip this step entirely and season the risotto directly right at the end I'm not making my risotto until tomorrow though I like to do this stock making steps the night before so in the fridge it goes and before I go to bed I've got to scan my grocery receipt with my phone because I'm using fetch rewards the sponsor of this video and the easiest way to save money on groceries and all kinds of things you just download the fetch rewards app sign up and then whenever you go grocery shopping at any store you just scan the receipt with your phone it's incredibly fast if it's a long receipt you just take multiple pictures and it'll stitch them together for you if the shot is too blurry it'll tell you to retake it and then instantly just for doing that you get points what do you do with those points you save money every time you purchase one of fetches thousands of participating products like maybe I don't want to cook maybe I want to go out to eat there's discounts right there you can even give your points to charities you like you can get 3,000 points right now if you download the app sign up and put in the promo code Ragusa when you're scanning your first receipt boom 3,000 points that's a limited time offer for my viewers there's a referral link down in the description thanks to fetch rewards for sponsoring the video okay it's the next day and it's time to slice the mushroom caps no I didn't wash these no big clumps of dirt no need to wash at least not with cultivated mushrooms what you do need to do is cut them way thicker than you actually want them in the end I know that looks like a very big piece but it's going to shrink to maybe a quarter of its original size I don't want tiny little slivers of mushroom in my risotto I want big meaty chunks I also want some shallots a couple of little ones or one of these big banana shallots and I do quite like fresh garlic with sauteed mushrooms that looks like six cloves lots of fresh herbs go great with mushrooms tarragon is one of my favorites though I also like chives I never have chives in the winter time I do have these wild alliums that grow in my lawn in the winter if your lawn smells oniony when you mow it you have these two obviously don't eat them if you douse your lawn in toxic chemicals but I don't I'll just give them a little rinse and then chop them up some people are gonna comment saying OMG you know a dog probably peed on those right well I hate to break it to you champ but all food grows in poop and rotting dead things it's called dirt there's my stock which I warmed up in the microwave a little bit probably doesn't make much of a difference and then there is my Chrissy Teigen pan I like doing a risotto in a wide pan okay I really like to saute mushrooms in a combination of butter and olive oil if you're keeping it vegan just do the oil but either way I think you want a lot of fat mushrooms absorb a ton of fat which is part of why they taste so good the butters spitting that means it's hot in goes the mushrooms and I'm always fascinated to watch mushrooms cook because at first they will Brown a little especially if you didn't wash them then they'll start to release all that water inside them and look at that now they're stewing just keep cooking them evaporate all that water out and then the sound will change it'll start to sound like frying because that's what it is this right here is why it doesn't matter that mushrooms soak up water when you wash them if you plan to cook them down to this extent you cook the water out and then you've browned them and I want these really brown intense browned mushroom flavor for the risotto by the way I could have been cooking my risotto in a second pan this entire time just to make this go faster you can totally do that I like the simplicity of keeping everything in one pan I'm gonna push my mushrooms out to the outside of the pan and then drop in my shallots I'll fry those for a minute and then drop in my garlic I'm always worried about burning the garlic I'll stir everything around let those aromatics cook for a second to let the mushrooms soak up the flavor then make another well in the center and drop in a cup of risotto rice 1/2 a cup or a hundred grams per person I say this is our borio though I prefer a V alone a non o when I can get it I'll just let that toast for a minute mostly on the bottom layer of rice just to get some flavor out of it then I'll mix everything together and this is when traditionally you would deglaze with white wine you could totally do that that'd be delicious but I'm gonna deglaze with cognac because I think the combination of mushrooms and brandy is pretty dynamite speaking of dynamite be careful if you're using a gas stove this could ignite all right so at this point when I'm making risotto I usually just pour in a good amount of stock more than cover the rice and just let it cook for a while by itself I start doing the whole stock a little by little thing toward the end another reason people might cook the mushrooms in a separate pan might be to keep the rice relatively white that is not a thing I care about all right it's looking kind of dry so in goes a little bit of stock and stir looking dry a little bit of stock then stir it should take no more than 20 minutes from the time at which you put in the rice I started with like three cups of stock I think which ended up being not quite enough for this much risotto so I'm just switching the water at the end here it was arbitrary how much water I put into the stock in the first place so I don't see this as being a deal once you've made a few risottos you'll be able to gauge the doneness of the rice by I at least roughly eventually I'll start tasting it and when it tastes almost cooked but still a little crunchy that's when I will turn off the heat and wrap things up because by the time I actually sit down to eat it it'll be perfect in goes a knob of butter as the Brits would say and a big pile of grated pecorino cheese or parmesan but I like pecorino also a bunch of pepper and salt too if you think it needs it but don't taste for salt until after you've mixed him the cheese the cheese is salty if you wanted to keep this vegan a great way to finish risottos is with vegan sour cream that gives you the richness of the butter and the sharpness of the cheese I often find that I want a little more stock /water after I've mixed in the cheese because the cheese tightens up the texture and there we go scoop that out and I will top with my wild yard onions that rice is still a hair al dente which is how I like it I kind of feel like if you want your rice totally soft then there's no point in going through the work of making risotto just make a savory rice pudding or a pilaf or buy risotto from a bad restaurant where they pre cooked the risotto so it's soft anyway now homemade risottos are usually way better and this one is just an umami grenade waiting for you to pull the pin my friend
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 980,469
Rating: 4.9331918 out of 5
Keywords: how to make risotto, mushroom risotto, italian food, risotto recipe, how to, homemade risotto, how to make mushroom risotto, italian recipe, perfect risotto, how to cook risotto, wild mushroom risotto, italian food recipes, risotto recipe vegetarian, risotto recipe easy, risotto recipe mushroom, how to make mushroom risotto easy, how to make mushroom risotto recipe, how to make mushroom risotto video, how to make mushroom risotto vegan, vegan mushroom risotto
Id: rjQ65Lu1voU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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