Mushroom Popcorn tek

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foreign [Music] the dry pop uh the popcorn Tech trick we're going to uh sterilize steam sterilize these suckers so you need 32 ounces of yellow popcorn a bunch of mason jars cleaned mason jars I just ran uh dish of water through them and cleaned them out real good and I made sure to let them dry overnight so that there's no fluids in them and then what I'm going to do here in a second is I'm is I got my water set to boil uh I just got to measure out all of the grains so hold on and we'll get right there I'm measuring these guys [Music] foreign well all right well it's great we're just gonna add the whole bag I think I got enough jars to do it so I'm not too worried about it so we had the whole bag 32 ounce bag of popcorn it'll do two and a half court jars uh um [Music] all right let's go okay okay a little bit more water never have just enough water okay what about two inches above it because we do want the the popcorn to absorb the water so then what you're gonna do is you're gonna put this on the stove put it on simmer and let it simmer and then once it starts to simmer put it there for an hour I'll just stick it here occasionally Stir It I need a good size trainer so you can uh dump the popcorn into and then mix it around so it it can dry off before you stick it into your jars so right as it starts to Bubble uh the other thing is you're going to want to constantly not constantly but you're going to want to check on this and stir it because you don't want to burn the uh popcorn on the bottom of this uh saucepan or whatever you want to call it and once it starts to boil you kick it on for an hour we're just about there we finally got it to start to simmer so this is when I wanted to get a little bit more of a simmer but Stir It Up make sure we don't burn any of this stuff throw the lid on way down very simmer grab a lid on and start your timer see you in an hour so I forgot something so if you're going to be doing this and you plan on doing a grained grain transfer that's going to be a little bit different um but I plan on doing some of these with uh four syringes or solution or uh MSS so they say a couple teaspoons of coffee grounds will help out so we're gonna add one tablespoon coffee grounds now I've watched three four videos on this and nobody says a damn worried about used coffee grounds new coffee grounds they didn't say coffee grounds so ground coffee so that's what we're adding [Music] turn this up so I ran my one hour timer and what I did is you get a piece of corn like that and you're supposed to bite it I can't really bud it because there's a certain reason so what I did is I just pushed down on it make sure that it'll squish a little bit and then split it open and see in there see how it's still pretty much dry see how it's still dry in there I want it to be a little bit more moist so because you want that to be able to squeeze and it ain't squeezing so I put it on for another 10 minutes and we're gonna go from there so the 10 minute timer had gone off so here we go now when you do this please make sure that uh you have the cold on uh pipes don't really like skull being hot or water going down them so dumped it in [Music] all right go this let it sit for 45 minutes at the time that I'm going off of now I got this I the recipe and all this from 92nd mycology so big shout out to him because I like doing on a budget and the corn is by far the cheapest way to do grain to spawn um so it's only cost me five bucks to do one six quart shoe box where if I do the Uncle Ben's rice that's costing me about 10 to anywhere between 10 to 15. after you take all of you know when you inoculate the bags that's that costs something [Music] so yeah so anyways I'm just gonna go through and [Laughter] pick it up every now and then you're looking for a very consistent dry so and I'll show you how that here in about uh 10 15. [Music] so while you're waiting for this corn to do its thing you can start to get set on your steam pot and getting it all set to go so that you can steam sterilized corn so [Music] [Laughter] right to the bottom of them [Music] and right there I mean it's right at the bottom so it's right there so once it starts to evaporate it won't run out of water it shouldn't cause any problems you got to get home at work Woody High much love [Music] get that all set we are good to go on that end so the steam pot is a 21.5 quart steam pot [Music] uh I got it at Walmart it was like 25 26 bucks so on this after it dries go lay down guys [Music] no because they want to see what's up so anyways yeah we're just uh waiting for the corn to uh get a nice dry basis should take about half hour check in when that's done so the 45 minute Mark has gone off so what we're going to do is we're gonna do a little test here it up you got a couple pieces of corn [Music] wait half a minute maybe if there's any fluid on the paper towel or the tissue then uh you need to let it dry out more so count to ten okay and we are dry still nothing on that feel a little bit of wetness on it but it's not showing through so we'll give it an extra couple minutes so it has been a few minutes actually 10 actually we're going to Stir It Up one more time corn drop them on there try to do this a little bit easier but wait a couple seconds just gonna clean a little bit the next one to go in so we're going to clean him up real quick make sure he's off with the gun sterile so when you do this I'm just precautions this is all I'm doing this is just a precaution uh these are clean they've been in a good environment so what we're gonna do now is We're Gonna Fill him okay 10 seconds good to go 300 milliliters that is just about one and a half cups when you put the lid on finger tight so how you know that is when you turn the lid so it goes once it catches and starts to turn that's finger tight I always come a little bit back he goes into there actually he does not go into there he gets this that's not going to cover foreign because you do not want these blowing up if you're a little unsure about finger tight go finger tight add about a third of a turn back and you should have no problems I'm gonna go ahead and clean this off screen I'm gonna clean them all day 10. okay all the jars have been cleaned now now we just have to add grain and so what this is is a bit like a little dust cover trying to make them into little dust covers didn't seem to work out too well these are just gonna be for mainly drain spawn transfers these little ones that's what I think I'm going to do with them and just do grain transfers so yeah this is just trying to get everything set so when you do this you know have a have some time set because it's uh takes a little bit of time a lot of time make sure you have at least a good 45 hours but not a big one I thought uh used almost this rice by now they're the grain by now and filling up all the other little things but one degrees unplanned that is very uh thought I'd be good I thought I thought I thought I guess that's what you get for thinking right sometimes you know pretty funny so I should be getting that picture here soon I am stoked to finally get some images through the channel I am stoked and break too see what I'm saying man I got the shittiest luck from at least it's sterile are about to be sterile however you want to look at it so yeah clean clean clean clean clean clean I will admit man mushrooms are I did not think when people are saying oh you got to be clean okay there's clean and then there's absolutely OCD clean and uh mushrooms are pretty much OCD clean like you cannot half-ass it if you can only half-ass it you know waste a ton of money okay so I don't recommend it if you're only a half-assed kind of person I would not recommend mushrooms unless you've got an ass ton of money to where you just want to waste then how about it waste of money I can't do anything we're gonna do just put the difference here between these two big drawers nothing close foreign [Music] never tried to get all these to fit no back up with I tried to cut them out make them all look cute and professional workout just my luck then after you do this you make sure they're finger tight if not you're gonna blow these up in your steamer so you want to bring it to a boil at this time you bring it to a boil you let it boil for two about and bring it to a boil and then you put it onto a simmer so after this you got them all in there and all the lids are only finger tight or a little less then what you're going to want to do is bring this up to a boil and then once it starts to boil real good you turn it down to a a good simmer and you do that simmer for two hours and and we'll do an update video here in about once it starts to boil I'll start to fit and turn it down and all that stuff tell that so we got about 10 minutes left into the the steam so and then it's just going to sit on the stove top till tomorrow morning and then I will conclude this video up this video is going to be a kind of a long one but it needs to be so hope you all enjoy all I got to do is turn this off I'm not going to uncover it I ain't doing anything I'm just going to push it over and uh deal with it in the morning so I'll see you guys in the morning so we've made it to the point of good morning how's everyone doing we're gonna see how this is doing [Music] there shake them up pretty good so after pull them out of there they go into this and they're going to sit there for half a day continue to try to dry off bam done oh I forgot one [Music] so that is free that is it for the rice and then here in about a day after they absorb all the water that's in the jars then they'll be good to uh uh inoculate with grain to grain transfers or LC or MSS so hope you all enjoyed the video hope you all have a great day and please do not forget to hit that like And subscribe button I really do need a lot more subscribers so please do not forget to hit that thank you again until the next vid
Channel: Jays Mycology
Views: 10,140
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Id: tu_Gzf25S2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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