Mushoku Tensei (Jobless Reincarnation) In a Nutshell!! Part 2!

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(dramatic music) - The teleportation incident really threw a wrench into things. I've gotten separated from my family and everyone in the world got shuffled around. Some people even died. It's been crazy, but with the help of my friends, Eris and Ruijerd, I know we can find my family and save the world! Time is of the essence. We must make haste! - Yeah, that's cool and all, but do you wanna goof off for like five months and accomplish nearly nothing? (Rudy gasps) - Do I? (mug thudding) - [Paul] God, I miss my family. I hope Rudy got all my messages and isn't screwing around. (violin playing) Wait, could he be dead? - [Grimmjack] Hail travelers, I am your stalwart companion, Grimmus jackus, and today we are returning to the land of tomes and swords. Picking up where we left off in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation. Or if you don't remember what happened in our last video, you can watch it here or I can input it all in your mind in one second, like this. (sound accelerating) Okay, may-maybe just go watch the video. Previously, Team Dead End were outed and forced to move on from the town of Rikaresu. It's been a whole year since they first landed on the Demon Continent. So maybe there's a chance that the 40-something guy in the adolescent body of Rudeus Greyrat has finally started to settle down, and not be so incredibly gross at all times. Nope. No, no, he's as bad as ever. Rudy's party attends the border ship bound towards home. However, for Ruijerd to join them, it would cost an exorbitant fee. (cash register chiming) It's standard industry inflation. Like when you pay extra for a baby gate, when a doggy gate would work just fine. Or when you go buy a cake and they charge you more to write "Just Married" on it, than, you know, fucking writing like, "Sorry I dented your penis in a freak lawn dart accident." Those things are illegal for a reason. (whirring) - Ah, okay, so it looks like if we wanna get Ruijerd to cross the sea with us, i-it's gonna cost 2000 big ones. - As a big one myself, I will simply have to procure 2000 equally big boys to pay the fair. I'm gonna need five roast hens, a spool full of twine and a lot of rope. - I meant big ones as in money, but it's good to know we have a backup plan. - Does my spear sun count? It has the soul of my son, and he was a rather large boy. - Again, we need money, not people. - Oh, that's all? My father spends four times that much a month on new staff. - Great reminder that you're rich and that you call your slave "staff." But again, unless you have that money on you, it doesn't mean anything. - Well, you shut down a lot of great ideas, Rudy. - Did I? - But I haven't heard you come up with any of your own. - That's because I don't have any. I was hoping for something from you guys. (suspenseful music) (Ruijerd coughing) - Bone in my throat, excuse me. - Which in retrospect was obviously a mistake. - [Grimmjack] Gamertag loser god offers more guidance suggesting that Rudeus should buy food from a street vendor and take a walk through the back alleys. That sounds, that sounds like really good advice. Thanks. By now he sounds more like a TripAdvisor review than a prophet, but Rudy follows his advice anyway. Eventually running afoul of a pungent beggar, desperate for sustenance. I mean, look at her. She's obviously destitute. She could barely buy clothes. Upon feeding the smelly degenerate, she is revealed to be bondage child! This is Kirishirika, Kirishima, Kirishimoto, the Great Emperor of the Demon World! She is also one of the anime characters you must never do a Google image search for unless you wanna end up on a very special watch list. (Kishirika laughing) - Thank you for feeding me, pitiful mortal. In exchange for saving my life, I shall grant you one wish. - I'd like an Xbox. - Man, you're crazy. I can't afford a box, - An Xbox. - That neither. - Well, then I'd like my own personal harem. - Very well. You can start with me and we'll build from there. - Nevermind. I'm changing my answer. - Not very decisive, are you? In that case, you shall receive a demon eye! Now hold still. - Demon eye? W-what's that? Some kind of... (hand squelching) (Rudy yelling) Oh God, the pain! Is this karmic retribution for my actions! - Calm down, you big baby. I'm only ripping your eye out and putting a new one in. Geez. Kids these days. - [Grimmjack] What is up? It's your boy Grim Bop, here with this video sponsor, Stacked. Stacked is a new social video platform that lets you watch and react to content with your friends or random strangers. Whatever you prefer. When you comment on a video, your comment will show up directly on the video. It'll swing on by right there on the screen. Behold your fleeting internet immortality. Rah! It's Beautiful. Stacked is partnered with our channel to help us get our videos to you guys without waiting for YouTube's Copyright shenanigans. Shame on, YouTube. How dare you! How dare you make everyone wait! So expect to see a lot more posts from us on the site. And because Stacked has a ton of focus on anime content, I expect to see a ton of videos from other anime theme creators from the community as well. It's genuinely a really cool site and we're really grateful for our stuff to have a more stable home in addition to YouTube and Patreon, but ad free and also just regular free. Join Stacked now with our code "Grimm." Thanks again to Stacked, thanks to you guys for sticking around and back to the video. Wee. (clanking) Oh God. (screaming) Ah, my legs! Ah, I only have three of those. Ah! In exchange for the meal, she gifts Rudy with the Eye of Foresight, which allows him to see ever so slightly into the future. Now he's like Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles. If Shulk was a perverted child possessed by the soul of a middle-aged Japanese man, maybe it was though, I kind of skipped the cut scenes in that game. With this new found ability, Rudy can now hold his own in combat, finally gaining victory over Eris and very much not victory Over Ruijerd, who upon exerting one additional percent of his power, grounds Rudy, like a flight in bad weather. Seeing into the future doesn't pay the boatman however, and without any other option, they enlist the service of smugglers to stow away on the boat. Enter Gallus Cleaner, which is incidentally what I use to wipe the stains off my bay window. Around the same time, his former teacher, Roxy, is traveling with Talhan, the dwarf, and Elinalise the thirst-trap elf. Two former members of Paul's old adventuring crew. Before you ask, yes, Paul did bone the elf. He like boned every girl. All right, all right? All right, we're good. Talhan and Elinalise are seeking information on Rudy's possible whereabouts, following his disappearance. And occasionally Elinalise having sex with, you know, dozens of men probably all at the same time. Ah, it's each to their own. (fire roaring) (Roxy sighs) - Well, our visit to the Guild was informative to say the least, though I can't say I approve of your method of information-gathering, Elinalise. - Skillful tongues make for loose lips, Roxy. - And while I was watching all of that from the corner, I wrote down a bunch of notes about Dead End. Oh wait, no, I, I drew a bunch of inappropriate doodles. (paper rustling) Well, hopefully you were paying attention to what we learned about Dead End, Roxy? - What do you mean Dead End? We're looking for Paul's family. - Oh no, I guess I have to go back. - [Roxy] Ugh. - [Grimmjack] Through this potent strategy, they learn of the Dead End party. And though Roxy catches a glimpse of Eris and Ruijerd as they are training, she is unable to confirm their identity. Elinalise also has her hands full, fending off a hoard of assailants who are all coming at her at once. Shakespearian swords in hand. Upon their safe arrival on the Millis Continent, Rudy visits the pound to pick up his Ruijerd. In a stunning twist, the smugglers are not actually upstanding gentlemen, who would have guessed? And they have beast children captive who the Superd softie really wants to rescue. They've even killed one already for crying too loud, which is not a recommended method of parenting. He's so damn mad about these murdering bastards, his green hair grows back like a Chia pet. ♪ Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia ♪ - [Grimmjack] He obviously means business. Together, the pair frees the remaining beastlings, but before they could safely flee, Rudy goes back to also save a giant fluffy puppy. Unfortunately, a mob of Beast People arrive on the scene and mistaken Rudy for one of the smugglers, (chuckles) 'cause I would also do the same. Yeah, Rudy looks like a smuggler. Look at him, look at him with his little eye patch and, you know, cigar and go, "Nay, hey, hey, I'm the smuggler, you'll never catch me. Ha ha. Oh wait you did." The Beastie Boys render him immobile with their bad breath technique. Rudy is taken to the Beast People's village among the treetops where he is imprisoned and labeled as a deviant. This means the Beast People got it right, but for the wrong reasons. (chimes playing) - [Rudy] Sup, Mushoku TV. My name is Rudeus Greyrat and this is my crib. What we got here is a studio apartment in the heart of the great forest, and boy, howdy, they call it the great forest for a reason. Look at those views. They don't have anything like this on the Central Continent. Over here's the bathroom, and over here is the breakfast nook where I get three free square meals a day. Speaking of savings, there's no extra charge for my many insect pets. In fact, no charge for rent at all. This place is completely free because I'm in prison. Please send help. I'm going insane. Ah! - [Grimmjack] After a few days of sitting around naked and waiting to be rescued, he meets a new prisoner named Geese. They get to know each other a little, providing massages and whatnot until nightfall, when Brigands invade, setting the village alight and just generally being inconsiderate guests. So rude. Rudy and Geese elect to aid their captors, assisting the beasts and setting forth to free the captive children who were already captured before and have been captured again. Great job, Beast People. You really, you're really sending good, good advice, not advice. What the fuck. Amongst the scoundrels is our old good pal, Gallus who tries to convince Rudeus to switch sides and join their cause. 'Cause stealing children and doing all that is a cause worth joining. No, that is a lie. Don't listen to me. When Rudeus says, no, thank you. Being a creep and a pervert is plenty bad enough as it is. Gallus goes berserker mode, felling several beast folks with his North God-Style swordplay. (child moaning and yelling) - Join me, Rudy, and together we can sell the beastmen, as guy and kid. - I don't see a way I can beat him as things stand. I'll have to use my (drum pounding) secret technique. Fast Forward no Jutsu! (scene popping) - [Gallus] Wait, where'd my kid go? What the fuck! (bomb exploding) (Gallus yelling) - [Grimmjack] So what does our hero do? He nopes out, like hardcore. Saving kids is great and all, but he would much rather live to worship panties for another day. It's prime material for the top 10 anime bitch-ass moments. Until Giant Fluffy Puppy hits the scene. Suddenly Rudy has the courage to step up to the plate, aided by his adorable new pal and Geese, unleashing the old Dale Gribble special. - Pocket sand. - [Grimmjack] Pocket sand. Through their combined efforts, they're able to best the dastardly foe causing Rudy to pass out from exhaustion. When he awakens, he is surrounded by a group of faithful and suggestively sou pine beast people along with Eris and Ruijerd who have cleared up the whole misunderstanding. Now the villagers are in their debt and everyone's got a big smile on their faces, except for me. Where's my smile? It's a super nice moment. Oh, and meanwhile, Eris's grandfather's executed due to political shenanigans. Wait, he's what? No, no, but I, but I liked him. Oh! No! No! It's less of a nice moment, especially because they don't bother to lay down a tarp on the nice tiled floor with the- What are you guys, barbarians? - Sauros Boreas Greyrat, overlord of Fattoa, you stand accused of not responding appropriately to the mana disaster. How do you plead? - I mean, it's a crazy atom thing that shuffles people's locations like a deck of cards. What am I gonna do? Have it arrested? - Fair point. I hadn't considered that. Case dismissed! - [Sauros] That went better than expected. I can't wait to tell my granddaughter the good news. - Onto the more serious charges. You stand accused of 2,134 counts of "being a furry," how do you plead? (Sauros gulping) (birds chirping) (sword slicing) (head thudding) - [Grimmjack] Back at the Doldia Village, we learned that Ghislaine was once a resident herself until she disgraced her people by abandoning her position to protect the Sacred Beast, AKA Giant Fluffy Puppy! Mr. Bad Breath is in fact her older brother, Guyes, and he gets his whiskers all in a knot just at the very mention of her name. His daughter Tona, on the other hand, thinks that this mildly interesting revelation is great news and she wants Eris to train her in the Ghislaine art of ass-kickery. So she does exactly that, for three whole months. Honestly, these people do not appear to be in a hurry to complete their mission to return home. I mean, (chuckles) you know, a little rain's gonna stop me? Oh God, oh God, it's- Oh. Okay, okay, okay. We're staying here for three months. But once the rainy season has passed, they're able to move on. Thank goodness there's nothing pressing or time-sensitive out there like the safety of Rudy's mom or either of Rudy's sisters or his maid/aunt/stepmom. (ambient music) Yeah, I left Paul out for a reason. I'm sure he's fine. Probably boning someone, crying or both. At long last, our party departs the village, leaving the furry convention behind them. Geese hitches a ride too, because, shit, I had forgotten about him, and it's a convenient way to bring him back into the narrative. The episode ends with a discussion about the Seven Great Powers of legend and a scene that is such heavy foreshadowing, it crosses the threshold of becoming downright fiveshadowing. - [Rudy] Oh, hey, what's that rock over there? - Oh, that? It's a monument to the Seven Great Powers. You know, standard isekai stuff. - Isekai? How did you know this was an isekai? - You got your Battle God, your Demon God, the death sword of North Gods. You got your Technique God. And of course, there's the Dragon God Orsted. (Rudy titters) - Wow. Geez, buddy. Ah. How'd you, how'd you get your voice to change like that on the one god? - Voice change? For which one? Battle God, North God? Or was it Dragon God Orsted? (dragon screeching) - Am I in danger? I feel endangered. - [Grimmjack] When they arrive at human civilization, Geese takes his leave while the rest of the party proceeds onward to Millishion. A place of many phallic monuments. (chuckles) Oh boy. Within just one day, Rudy gets himself in over his head, attempting to thwart a kidnapping in one of the most awkward ways possible. He proclaims himself to be Ruijerd, which is like not cool, and he sets him up to dispose his enemies with a pair of panties on his face, which like, Rudy, that's really not cool. I get that you wanna clean up the Superd reputation, but I don't think Ruijerd is quite as big of a fan of Hentai Kamen as you. As it turns out, the leader of these rogues is none other than Rudy's very own father, Paul, who was much more on the side of crying than boning and looks like he's drunk himself into the bottom of a whiskey barrel. (violin playing) - Oh man. Sorry to see you fell on hard times, dad. Me, on the other hand, I've been doing great. I got a three-month vacation in the Beast Territory. I got a tour of the Demon Continent and my eye pegged by this strange little demon thing. Now I've got this magical future-seeing eye! - Well, then you'll see this coming. - See what now? (fist thudding) (Rudy thudding) (crowd gasping) (crowd talking) (Paul hocking and spitting) - [Grimmjack] The family reunion turns out sour when Paul accuses Rudy of being selfish, pointing out that he's never sought out others who have been affected by the disaster or attempt to make contact with his loved ones. When you get a lesson on morality from old loose pants, Pauly himself, you know you've done fucked up. They hash out their differences in a healthy way, only coming to a stop when Rudy's little sister, Norn, arrives. That's when Paul drops the bombshell, informing Rudy that the entire village was caught in the teleportation debacle. His mother, his half-sister, his backup girlfriend, Sylphie, included. That kid Paul's gang was snatching before? A brainwash victim who they were trying to fix. For almost two years now, Paul and Norn have been scouring the planes in a desperate bid to rescue their loved ones. In comparison, Rudy's process of winging it, oogling at some women and wearing panties on his face does sound a little bit frivolous. But then, you gotta think about it like this. Rudy might be a 40-something-year-old-man trapped in a child's body, but he wasn't very developmentally before he got isekai'd. He mostly spent his whole life playing video games and avoiding the world, which leaves his level of maturity and social/emotional intelligence at basically the same level his physical body is in. This is basically what Geese says to Paul in a little pep talk, minus the part about his son being older than him. And Paul decides to go talk things out with Rudy. It leads to a genuine touching moment or two where Paul gets to feel like a dad and form bonds with his only son. Still, it must be a really comfortable day at work for the guy behind the bar. Like they're not ordering anything and he can hear everything. Eventually he gets so fed up with this, he just starts dishing out free booze outta sheer despair. Then they start hugging and crying and they're still not buying anything. Like, this is the worst day ever for this barkeeper. He's, he's gonna go outta business. (Paul crying) - I'm sorry, I got mad and I punched you. It's just been really hard with all of our family missing. I feel like a failure of a father. (scene popping) (Rudy crying) - You're not a failure as a father, I'm sorry I bragged so much when I saw you. I should have done more to look for our missing family. (crying) (both crying) - You know, I named this bar "Tears of the Kingdom," I didn't expect everyone to come in here and cry all the time. I thought it'd be easy to solve all the crying people, but all they ever buy is opaque water. You know, opaque water doesn't, doesn't pay the bills around here! (sobbing) My mother was right, I'm a failure as a bartender. Oh, oh, oh, okay. I'm starting to cry now. (crying) It's time to fill up another opaque water. (crying) (mug thudding) (bartender crying) - [Grimmjack] Meanwhile, Roxy has taken the opportunity to visit her hometown, which we learned that she is somewhat of an outcast amongst the demon community. Apparently she lacks the tribe's inherent gift of telepathy. So whenever her people try to communicate with her, all she hears is the sounds of small rocks being dropped onto a Denny's parking lot. (scene crashing) It's a little bit like when someone speaks to you in a language you don't understand, or when someone drops your rock collection onto a Denny's parking lot, which I'm still mad about, Liam! Which ones are my rocks? And which ones are shards of broken glass from the cars no one picks up? It's a specific rock collection, stop judging me! She talks to her parents, reflecting on how hard it was due to being less telepathic, more telepathetic. While Roxy is no Professor RoXavier, she still realizes how much her parents loved her despite all this. (Roxy's mom sighs) - I have been waiting decades to say this, but welcome home, dear. (sobbing) Oh dear, I promised myself and your dolls that I talk to, I wouldn't cry, but, oh boy, just talking about it is making me cry more! - Hmm? Water in my eyes? But I haven't cast a water spell. Have I finally mastered incantationless casting? (sobs) Mama, I'm not crying. (sobs) I'm just a really talented mage. (crying) - Oh, sweetie, I always knew you'd be successful. Your dolls that I talk to told me so while you were gone! (crying) - Mom, there's so much we have to talk about, (sniffs) but especially we have to talk about you and my dolls 'cause that's weird. (both crying) - Well dip, now I feel left out, better get a cry worked up. Oh, oh, there it is Oh, it's, it's all coming out! You unzipped me! (crying) (all crying) - [Grimmjack] After their touching reunion, Roxy ends up crashing at her parents' place, like your average teenager, doing all the things she wanted to do as a child, and finally learning that Rudeus is doing okay. Other than that, he's traveling with Satan himself, AKA Ruijerd. She decides, hey, screw the kid that wants to screw me and the other kid that wants to screw me and my general responsibilities, I'm gonna focus on some of the other missing family members instead. You go, girl. Rudy and his party continue on their way, catching another ship towards the Central Continent. This time they can even bring their Ruijerd-shaped luggage on board with them. Upon arrival, Rudeus is brought back in the company of Man God, who has been ghosting him for a whole year. By the way, I'm, I'm getting real sick and tired of having to say that stupid name. So from here on, we'll be calling this mysterious deity, uh... Mod. - [Crowd] Hooray! - [Grimmjack] In order to track down his lost half-sister, Aisha, Rudy will have to give out a false alias rather than revealing that they're related. If he follows these instructions, (chimes tinkling) he'll apparently be able to save not only Aisha from the Palace of Shirone, but her mother/Rudymaid, Lilia as well. We call that a twofer. In Canada, it's known as a double-fisting, but we're not gonna get into that. He's also supposed to send a letter to an acquaintance based out of Shirone. So of course, he chooses Roxy. I shudder to think of what content that letter consisted of. He goes for a little stroll and lo and behold, there's Aisha before his very eyes being apprehended by palace soldiers. He saves her with his vaunted mud ability and they evade their pursuers. As per Mod's instructions. Rudy gives a nom de plume, and in this case, he chooses the cringiest option possible. - Thank you for saving me, stranger. What incredible name does my amazing savior call himself? - Okay, Rudy, that strange nudist Man God thing told you to call yourself something different than your real name. Now's a great chance to use your otherworldly knowledge to call yourself something cool, something incredible, something like... My name is Shadow Moon Knight! (upbeat music slowing and fading) Yes! Nailed it. - [Grimmjack] After sorting things out with Disney's lawyers off-screen, Rudy is summoned to the palace, apparently by Roxy herself. When he arrives, however, he discovers it's a trap set by Prince Pax, who intercepts his letter and apprehends him with a pitfall like he's the bastard son of James from Team Rocket. He's always been a creepy little dweeb, but now we learn of the full extent of his perversion, as he attends to use Rudy as bait to force Roxy into a life of servitude. Congratulations, Rudy! You finally found the one person in the world more depraved than yourself. If only you could have had some kind of demon eye that could have predicted when dangerous situations like this are about to happen, right? Oh wait, you do. Rudy's only hope now is Zanoba, Pax's older brother. But the odds of Zanoba being willing to help Rudeus has gotta be low, (chuckles) right? - Please let me be your disciple, master! Teach me the ways of the so-called "Incel Weeb!" I crave these overpriced figures and these things you call "Gacha games." I must devote my life savings to these things at once! - Uh, sure, all you need to do is get your prince brother to get me out of here, and you got yourself a deal. - Done. - Hey, hey, what the heck? It's 1:00 AM and I'm half naked! (grunting) (neck cracking and snapping) (Pax screaming) (body thudding) - What just happened? - I was born a super strong boy. Now teach me how to find a 2D Waifu! (hand slapping) And is it possible to get her likeness on a pillow? - Ah, this is kind of making me cringe, dude. - Cringe is good, right? Look at me, Rudy-Senpai! I am cringe! (fists pounding) - [Grimmjack] The party continues on through a frozen landscape, coated under a bitter layer of snow. And this is just an aside, but does Ruijerd honestly not need a coat here or a scarf or just even a T-shirt that says "shirt" on it? I mean, come to think of it for a guy whose whole purpose on this team is to be "the heavy," (Ruijerd yelling) Ruijerd has a lot of exposed and vulnerable flesh. I can only assume his abs are hard enough to repel the blades of his enemies. On this lovely hike, they run afoul of the Dragon God Orsted. Eris and Ruijerd seem to know this guy is bad news. And even their packed mule says nope, and yeets itself off a cliff. (mule yelling) But old Rudeus decides, hey, I'm gonna ignore these obvious cues and start up a lovely bit of small talk with this scary, scary man. - Uh. Excuse me, Mr. D-Dragon God Orsted? Sir? - Rudy, what are you doing? - I know, I know, you guys said not to talk to him, but he looks harmless, right, Ruijerd? - No, you said it wrong. It's not Dragon God Orsted, it's Dragon God Orsted! - Okay, that. Why does everyone use that voice when saying your name? - Uh, it's a funny story. I was cursed by the Man God. Well, it wasn't that funny, I guess. It is nice to talk to someone for a change though. Usually people just... - Oh! Dragon God Orsted! (Mule's body whistling) - Do that. Why aren't you affected by this, small child? Are you working with the Man God? - Yes. (sword thudding and squishing) (Rudy yelling) - [Grimmjack] Somehow Orsted knows about Rudeus's connection with Mod, and he goes on the offensive, giving Ruijerd the business and rendering poor Eris into a Krillin-level punching bag. To really prove his point, he gives Rudy a brand new speed hole right through the gut. (Rudy coughing) - [Rudy] Huh? Oh, what happened this time? Please tell me I was crushed by Ghislaine and this is Valhalla. - [Mod] No such luck, Rudypoo. You ran afoul of the Dragon God Orsted and met an untimely demise. (giggles) - So what? Now I just sit here in this void with you and wear this weird nudist Grimmjow cosplay for eternity? - [Mod] Not quite. PS, experience all the lore of the Superd in a fraction of a second before you return to life. Okay, nice seeing you again. Bye, Rudy. - Wait, do what now? Ho! (choir singing) - [Grimmjack] Things are looking pretty dicey, until Orsted's traveling partner, Nanahoshi, convinces him to spare the little brat for some reason. Ruijerd doesn't have actual armor, but apparently Rudy has plot armor. All things balance out, I guess. That night, Rudy lets Ruijerd in on all the secrets he's learned from Mod, including the fact that the Superd are hated because of a curse. His powers have been fading since Ruijerd started shaving his head, proving once again that bald is beautiful. How does our beloved demon stalwart reward Rudy for this insight? By peacing out on the earliest opportunity. Damn, that's ice cold, Ruijerd. Superds ain't loyal. Rudy and Eris press on towards a camp that was set up to provide refuge for those who have been impacted by the mana disaster. Almost immediately they bump into Ghislaine and the butler guy whose name escapes me, Uh, we'll go with Dr. Butt until I come up with something better, which I doubt I will. Dr. Butt delivers the bad news that Eris's parents and grandfather are all dead, and that Lord Filemon Notos Greyrat intends to take her as a concubine. Disgusting. That's like her Uncle. Ghislaine supports her former student saying that the future of the kingdom isn't worth sacrificing Eris for. She also ruined my fun by immediately referring to this butler guy as Alphonse, confirming that his name is not, in fact, Dr. Butts. (whip cracking) - Ghislaine! Thank goodness you're safe! What about the rest of my family that I love and cherish so very dearly? - Oh boy. I'm gonna need the world's most dour butler to break this news. (scene whipping) - They're dead. - My mom? - Dead. - My dad? - Dead. - My grandfather? - Dead. - My pet dog, Studabaker? - Dea- Oh, you almost had me on that one. You never had a pet dog, but if you did, he would be dead. - [Grimmjack] The orphan child takes the news pretty courageously, and that night she suggests that her and Rudy should sleep together. That's cute. A little sleep over. Oh wait. No, I, I misunderstood. I don't wanna be here right now. Ah no, get me out. No, no. Get me out. Ah, abort. Abort. Because this scene is so strange, we forced our writer to watch it in six different languages and in every language except German, Eris tries to seduce Rudy by meowing like a catgirl, and she claims she's learned that technique from her mom. I don't know what's more interesting, that Eris was quite possibly conceived while her mom was meowing or that the German translators were just like, "This scene is already weird enough. Let's say nein to the kitty stuff, ja?" I'm just glad that Ruijerd isn't still in the picture. Can you imagine him just like napping in the corner right now? It's not a good vibe. (wind whirring) - Hmm. I have no idea why, but I'm really glad I left the group for some reason. (wind howling) - [Grimmjack] The next morning, Rudy is on cloud nine, but his joy is short-lived as he finds a note from Eris stating that they're not well-matched and she's going away. Alphonse informs him that she is off on a journey with Ghislaine and he was instructed not to tell Rudy where they went. Dick move, Alphonse. I'm busting you back down to Dr. Butts. It's almost enough to make you feel bad for the little jerk. In just one episode, he lost his sexy, seductive sidekick and Eris is gone too. But you'll have to watch the next season to find out what becomes of our magical miscreant. Will he reunite with Sylphie? Or can he and Roxy finally cross paths? The only thing I know for sure is that he'll find a way to make it super depraved and uncomfortable. Looking forward to it. See you guys next time. Grimmjack teleporting out! Oh wait, do I even know where I'm teleporting? (beam whooshing) (Grimmjack yelling) (gentle instrumental music) Again, if you like this episode, give it a like, let us know what you wanna see this season two? I know I wanna talk about season two. Come on, guys. Just like and tell me you like it. Come on. Come on. Do it already! (gentle instrumental music)
Channel: Grimmjack
Views: 49,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abridged, Abridged Series, MENT, TheSchmuckSquad, The Schmuck Squad, Coffinjockey, EoD, PsWeasel, Akame ga Kill!, Shokugeki no Soma Abridged, anime voice over, anime voice over parody, SFM animations, demon slayer abridged, goblin slayer abridged, anime meme, anime funny, jobless reincarnation, jobless reincarnation season 2, mushoku tensei, mushoku tensei season 2, rudy greyrat, eris, team four star, dragon ball z abridged, anitube, In A Nutshell, rudy vs orsted, ruijerd vs orsted
Id: aQZHLeQzs4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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